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JulianD 11-23-2002 10:56 AM

No, the script will only import known data from the database. If you have another tables/fields in the database, the script will be unable to see those fields or tables..

Mr L 11-23-2002 11:49 AM

Apoligies! I read this as will it work on the import if you had hacked a database and were using a non "out of the box" version of vBulletin.

hypedave 11-23-2002 01:47 PM

any update on the Polls bug?

JulianD 11-23-2002 03:38 PM


Originally posted by hypedave
any update on the Polls bug?
I think I got it....

Test the new version you found in the first post and tell me your comments.

hypedave 11-23-2002 04:05 PM

You wouldnt by any chance have a seperate fix for the polls bug would you??

JulianD 11-23-2002 04:45 PM

You mean, a script to fix a merged database with the poll bug?

No, that´s not possible, i´m afraid.

You should remerge the databases. Sorry for the disadvantage.

freeshares1 11-25-2002 12:56 AM

i am getting the following any thoughts??? I have changed the file to 2.28 as well.

Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.2.6:

Invalid SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM 231102.sql.user
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near '231102.sql.user' at line 1

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Sunday 24th of November 2002 10:06:31 PM
Script: http://www.jokersrewards.com/forum/f...import_vb2.php
Referer: http://www.jokersrewards.com/forum/i...import_vb2.php

JulianD 11-25-2002 01:17 AM

You must have the vb database as a real database, not as a dump file. Load the dump to mysql and use the database name instead.

Omar_2002 11-25-2002 07:39 AM

Does this script allow us to merge only the users from the second database?


- Omar

JulianD 11-25-2002 05:26 PM

Users, forums, threads, posts, polls and attachments.

Omar_2002 11-25-2002 05:39 PM

Sorry if I didn't understand your reply correctly.

Does that mean that the script allows you to select which of those things (Users, forums, threads, posts, polls and attachments) to import, or do we "have-to" merge all of them?

Basically what our forum users want is *only* to merge members from the second forum.

Please could you tell me if the script supports that.

Thanks again :)

- Omar

JulianD 11-25-2002 05:46 PM

Yeah.... Basically, the script will merge everything, but it won't let you choose what to merge...

PM me and I will made a custom version for you, that only merge users (with PMs, right?).

It's something really easy to do... you just have to comment the rest of the merge process, like forums, threads, posts and attachments, and finally, do the DB clean process.

hypedave 11-25-2002 10:26 PM


Originally posted by JulianD
PM me and I will made a custom version for you, that only merge users (with PMs, right?).
could you possiblt throw that in your next release by anychance?

JulianD 11-25-2002 10:57 PM

Well... You want it too? Let me see what can I do :)

hypedave 11-25-2002 11:52 PM

sure would be nice, also hey what about like when merging an old forum to a new forum, specifying a forum location for the old forum to be merge. Like I noticed on the hack, it puts the merge forums on the forum, but it makes everything all out of order then you have to like rearrange your forums back in order, hope can kinda understand what im trying to say, lol ... got to many things going at one time at the moment

JulianD 11-26-2002 12:27 AM


Originally posted by hypedave
sure would be nice, also hey what about like when merging an old forum to a new forum, specifying a forum location for the old forum to be merge. Like I noticed on the hack, it puts the merge forums on the forum, but it makes everything all out of order then you have to like rearrange your forums back in order, hope can kinda understand what im trying to say, lol ... got to many things going at one time at the moment

Hi, I just added a piece of code to skip the forum merging... That means, you can now use the merger, only for the users, and not the forums, threads, posts and attachments.
Check the first post.

About your second request, well... It is possible, but it would require some modifications to the script, and I don't have enough time right now to do it... sorry :( ... anyway, it's not too difficult to re arrange the forums and re apply some permissions :)

hypedave 11-26-2002 12:48 AM

did you update the zip file in the first post? If so I havent received my hack update email yet.


Originally posted by JulianD
it's not too difficult to re arrange the forums and re apply some permissions :)

Yeah it aint difficult at all, but when you have database A has bout oh lets say 100 forums and needs to be merged with database b that has about 120, that can get very time consuming moving 100 forums around if you get the point, lol anyways it was jus a suggestion, you've done good so far, keep up the good work

JulianD 11-26-2002 12:56 AM

Oh, yes... I updated the ZIP in the 1st post, but I didn't send an update to the hack. :)

Raptor 11-27-2002 06:14 AM

do BOTH have to be 2.2.x or just the forum you are running the script from (importing to)

JulianD 11-27-2002 03:16 PM

Yeah, only the forum where you're running the script. As long as the original database structure is fine, the script should run without any problem.

Let me know if you have any problem.

Neo 11-27-2002 09:09 PM

It would be nice if you could transfer from one server to another.

JulianD 11-27-2002 10:28 PM

Yeah, i've been thinking about it... Maybe I can do it for the next weekend.

Neo 11-27-2002 11:13 PM

Guess im screwed.. I need it tonight >__<

Anyways do you know a good way to tranfer one db to another that arnt on the same server?

freeshares1 12-01-2002 08:16 AM

I cant make both usernames the same. using the plesk control panel.

Is ideas?

JulianD 12-01-2002 03:57 PM


Originally posted by freeshares1
I cant make both usernames the same. using the plesk control panel.

Is ideas?

I guess you're asking if you can merge two users into one with the hack.... Yes, you can :) See this post.

freeshares1 12-01-2002 04:30 PM


Originally posted by JulianD

I guess you're asking if you can merge two users into one with the hack.... Yes, you can :) See this post.


What i have is 2 database

1/ the new one jokersnetwork
2/ the old one i want to merge into the above called old

The problem i have is that according my my host says that both databases cannot have the same username. So database 1 has username "jokers" which is what is in the config.php file and database no.2 has a username in phpadmin of "joker"

My question is how can i make this migration work? because my host says that using pleask (control panel) i cannot have the same database username for 2 different databases.

Below is the error i get

Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.2.7:

Invalid SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM old.user
mysql error: Access denied for user: 'jokers@localhost' to database 'old'

mysql error number: 1044

Date: Sunday 01st of December 2002 01:47:32 PM
Script: http://www.jokersrewards.com/forum/f...import_vb2.php
Referer: http://www.jokersrewards.com/forum/i...import_vb2.php

Any idea's or suggestions?

Raptor 12-01-2002 08:49 PM

could you make a mass user merge for those names that have the [imported] tag

im asking cus I have 3500 members that have [imported] and i'll be sitting here for weeks doing it manually :)


JulianD 12-02-2002 01:13 AM


Originally posted by Raptor
could you make a mass user merge for those names that have the [imported] tag

im asking cus I have 3500 members that have [imported] and i'll be sitting here for weeks doing it manually :)


Well... That's why you have to associate usernames before starting the users merge. It's a complicated process, but it's required...

Another option is to modify the script to automatically merge two users when they have identical usernames... It's possible, but it's not recommended because it could merge two different users into one.... tell me if this solution could work for you.

JulianD 12-02-2002 01:15 AM


Originally posted by freeshares1


What i have is 2 database

1/ the new one jokersnetwork
2/ the old one i want to merge into the above called old

The problem i have is that according my my host says that both databases cannot have the same username. So database 1 has username "jokers" which is what is in the config.php file and database no.2 has a username in phpadmin of "joker"

My question is how can i make this migration work? because my host says that using pleask (control panel) i cannot have the same database username for 2 different databases.

Below is the error i get

Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.2.7:

Invalid SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM old.user
mysql error: Access denied for user: 'jokers@localhost' to database 'old'

mysql error number: 1044

Date: Sunday 01st of December 2002 01:47:32 PM
Script: http://www.jokersrewards.com/forum/f...import_vb2.php
Referer: http://www.jokersrewards.com/forum/i...import_vb2.php

Any idea's or suggestions?

Ohhh sorry.... Now I understand you...

Unfortunately at this time it's not possible to merge two database without the same user and password. I'll try to release a new version with this ability for you guys.

Raptor 12-02-2002 08:13 PM


Originally posted by JulianD

Well... That's why you have to associate usernames before starting the users merge. It's a complicated process, but it's required...

Another option is to modify the script to automatically merge two users when they have identical usernames... It's possible, but it's not recommended because it could merge two different users into one.... tell me if this solution could work for you.

i've already imported and have just over 3000 *[imported] users

could you right a script so merge all these automatically AFTER all the importing and merging has been done

the *[imported] needs to be source and * needs to be destination

-=dm=- 12-03-2002 11:02 PM

hey Thanx man :):):)

Now I got a clean install of 2.2.9 and imported everything from 2.2.4 in no time :)

this is one of the best hack!!!!!

drives fast 12-17-2002 07:15 PM

yea....I am looking at the same situation....I have over 35,000 members and I want to merge another database that has say 26,000 and I know there are duplicates. I cannot do 355 pages of setting user ID's....can you make this auto associate by username and case matters?

I have no need for posts, threads and stuff like that.....just members.

also...what happens if there are members in special usergroups? on the two forums there are the same usergroups but they are different usergroup ID's

I know....can it import and auto associate by usergroup alone? because I really only need the people from one specific usergroup to merge into the other database.

JulianD 12-17-2002 11:12 PM

OK I have some free time today... I'll do the modification right now to the script, to allow you to merge users with the same username.

Now, if there are users in special usergroups, they will be set to the Registered usergroup. But it's easy to modify the script to add special usergroups :) I'll teach you how, if you wish.

drives fast 12-18-2002 02:34 AM

you are most kind...I would appreciate you teaching me how.

94supratt 01-22-2003 08:15 PM


Originally posted by JulianD

Ohhh sorry.... Now I understand you...

Unfortunately at this time it's not possible to merge two database without the same user and password. I'll try to release a new version with this ability for you guys.

I have 2 databases. One for my forum and one from a forum I am importing. I know the user names match for some users but I DO NOT know if the passwords do. Will this be a problem?

JulianD 01-22-2003 09:25 PM

If the passwords for both databases are different, yes... there will be a problem... Sorry, I don't have time right now to enhance this script :( i've been very busy with my site right now.

94supratt 01-22-2003 09:28 PM


Originally posted by JulianD
If the passwords for both databases are different, yes... there will be a problem... Sorry, I don't have time right now to enhance this script :( i've been very busy with my site right now.
When you say problem what exactly will happen if I try to merge and have users with different passwords?

JulianD 01-22-2003 09:40 PM

The problem is that the script will be unable to connect to your second database.... and will display an error screen. :(

94supratt 01-23-2003 07:05 AM


Originally posted by JulianD
The problem is that the script will be unable to connect to your second database.... and will display an error screen. :(
I think you may have misunderstood my question. The DATABASE PASSWORDS and USER are the SAME. Its my individual FORUM users that MAY have different passwords. Would that be an issue? Sorry for not being clear. If user passwords are not an issue then I am ready to merge :D

JulianD 01-23-2003 01:26 PM

Oh.. .Well.. for example if you have two users with the same username, and you associate them before merging, then the posts and PMs will be merged to the user in the actual forum.

If you don't associate the users, then for every duplicated user the script will rename the merged users to something like: username[imported].

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