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-   -   vBulletin [2.2.8] and Post Nuke [.7.2.1] Integration (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=45371)

Nomb 01-21-2003 04:16 PM

I have our site integrated. Brew did some great work here but I had to change A LOT of things to make this work correctly.

Things I'd still like to do when I have time:

1) Pull avatars over from vB. The php included in this hack was pretty sloppy. I didn't even look into it cause I mainly wanted to get the two integrated so I could open our pN site and allow new registrations.

2) Integrate PM system.

3) Integrate the vB calendar and the pN module ? PostCalendar.

4) Tighten up the banning integration, that code was somewhat sloppy as well. It was made for moderators, but wasn?t setup for admins to simply move a vB user into the banned group.

5) Tighten up User Group integration. If I get this straight banning will be all set as well.

6) Create frames so that vB forms appear in pN. I think there is a module out there called PostWrap ? dunno haven?t looked into this?

Just FYI, this hack creates a channel between vB and pN. Meaning, after it is implemented you will still have 2 mysql databases. Furthermore, user administration, registration, and all other features are done using the vB forms. After one of these vB forms are submitted there are small sql queries that update the pN database to reflect any changes. I don?t know about you but I like it this way. As I do more work and tighten up some of the features I mentioned above I?ll post a full release hack, unless someone else finishes one first.

You can check it out at http://www.otllive.com

( :

bharvey42 01-21-2003 05:55 PM

Well I have a bridge on my site so until I get another vB for my other site I won't have much time to work on a non-bridged integration.

However I am in the process of working on the pm system and the profile system.

I have both using the same database.

Yes you can use PostWrap to display vB within PostNuke there are other ways to accomplish this as well. My soultion is not using postwrap.

You will all be able to see it when the site is finished, unless somebody would like to donate an extra license for me to use :)

Until then stay tuned.

C.Birch 01-21-2003 07:55 PM


Originally posted by Nomb
I have our site integrated. Brew did some great work here but I had to change A LOT of things to make this work correctly.

Things I'd still like to do when I have time:

1) Pull avatars over from vB. The php included in this hack was pretty sloppy. I didn't even look into it cause I mainly wanted to get the two integrated so I could open our pN site and allow new registrations.

2) Integrate PM system.

3) Integrate the vB calendar and the pN module ? PostCalendar.

4) Tighten up the banning integration, that code was somewhat sloppy as well. It was made for moderators, but wasn?t setup for admins to simply move a vB user into the banned group.

5) Tighten up User Group integration. If I get this straight banning will be all set as well.

6) Create frames so that vB forms appear in pN. I think there is a module out there called PostWrap ? dunno haven?t looked into this?

Just FYI, this hack creates a channel between vB and pN. Meaning, after it is implemented you will still have 2 mysql databases. Furthermore, user administration, registration, and all other features are done using the vB forms. After one of these vB forms are submitted there are small sql queries that update the pN database to reflect any changes. I don?t know about you but I like it this way. As I do more work and tighten up some of the features I mentioned above I?ll post a full release hack, unless someone else finishes one first.

You can check it out at http://www.otllive.com

( :

sounds great.

yeah theres a mod called postwrap for pn but it opens things in a i fream so for forums you have two scroll bars you have to move the pn sites and then the i freams.

dkny 01-22-2003 06:17 AM


Originally posted by Nomb
I have our site integrated. Brew did some great work here but I had to change A LOT of things to make this work correctly.

Things I'd still like to do when I have time:

1) Pull avatars over from vB. The php included in this hack was pretty sloppy. I didn't even look into it cause I mainly wanted to get the two integrated so I could open our pN site and allow new registrations.

2) Integrate PM system.

3) Integrate the vB calendar and the pN module ? PostCalendar.

4) Tighten up the banning integration, that code was somewhat sloppy as well. It was made for moderators, but wasn?t setup for admins to simply move a vB user into the banned group.

5) Tighten up User Group integration. If I get this straight banning will be all set as well.

6) Create frames so that vB forms appear in pN. I think there is a module out there called PostWrap ? dunno haven?t looked into this?

Just FYI, this hack creates a channel between vB and pN. Meaning, after it is implemented you will still have 2 mysql databases. Furthermore, user administration, registration, and all other features are done using the vB forms. After one of these vB forms are submitted there are small sql queries that update the pN database to reflect any changes. I don?t know about you but I like it this way. As I do more work and tighten up some of the features I mentioned above I?ll post a full release hack, unless someone else finishes one first.

You can check it out at http://www.otllive.com

( :

Looks good on your site, great work. if you accept donations, I'll be willing to donate when you done. Alot of heads are waiting for this. Btw on your site the "Affiliates" block, was that something you made?

C.Birch 01-22-2003 09:51 AM

I think the Affiliates Block is just a html block :) but i might be wrong.

But im looking farward to this hack being fully done has i now use postnuke for my main site.

my forum has the following stats:

Most users ever online was 130 on 08-12-2002 at 00:29
Members: 1,986

so adding postnuke to my vb database will be a big hit.

UnForums2k 01-25-2003 05:39 AM

iv been waiting on this for along time... this is a must install... but i cant find my modules/NS-Your_Account/user/modules/user.php it doesnt exist.... :) thanx

bharvey42 01-25-2003 05:41 AM

anybody have an extra vB they want to donate to developing the hack further?

Rezin 01-27-2003 02:32 AM

I'm willing to make a donation to get this moving too.

I'd really like to get this hack going, I have a pretty decently trafficked site (and it's only 4 months old!) and we have some beautiful hacks done (compared to comepeting sites) and this would be the icing on the cake.......

I am also interested in skins and the like. If we have talented peeps here, who could design a smooth skin/theme that would match my site, I am willing to pay for that as well. (emial rezin@cycleforums.com if interested)

Thanks for taking it this far, MANY of us anxiously await the outcome!


bharvey42 01-27-2003 03:19 AM

Once I get an extra vB I will start working on some better integration for it. Rezin if your looking for some help on some integration shoot me an e-mail.

UnForums2k 01-27-2003 03:24 PM

ok im tryin to install this hack but i am lost on the first step of modifing the vb.... iv hacked alot of vbs but i dont know wether to replace the whole thing or what? can anyone clear this up???

and hint for future updates... update your instructions to be more easily read... *just suggestion* thanx


And change everything after the above line up to $action="modify"; (but don't change this line)

UnForums2k 01-27-2003 04:34 PM

also found this on the last step of editing forums/member.php


Near line 919 find the following:

//` put password into PN user table
if ($pnuser=1) {$pnuser=2; }
$DB_site->query("UPDATE nuke_users SET pn_pass='".addslashes(md5($newpassword))."' WHERE pn_uid='$pnuser'");
that is obviosly nowere in member.php so were do i add it?

msimplay 02-15-2003 03:12 PM


Originally posted by Nomb
I have our site integrated. Brew did some great work here but I had to change A LOT of things to make this work correctly.

Things I'd still like to do when I have time:

1) Pull avatars over from vB. The php included in this hack was pretty sloppy. I didn't even look into it cause I mainly wanted to get the two integrated so I could open our pN site and allow new registrations.

2) Integrate PM system.

3) Integrate the vB calendar and the pN module ? PostCalendar.

4) Tighten up the banning integration, that code was somewhat sloppy as well. It was made for moderators, but wasn?t setup for admins to simply move a vB user into the banned group.

5) Tighten up User Group integration. If I get this straight banning will be all set as well.

6) Create frames so that vB forms appear in pN. I think there is a module out there called PostWrap ? dunno haven?t looked into this?

Just FYI, this hack creates a channel between vB and pN. Meaning, after it is implemented you will still have 2 mysql databases. Furthermore, user administration, registration, and all other features are done using the vB forms. After one of these vB forms are submitted there are small sql queries that update the pN database to reflect any changes. I don?t know about you but I like it this way. As I do more work and tighten up some of the features I mentioned above I?ll post a full release hack, unless someone else finishes one first.

You can check it out at http://www.otllive.com

( :

Hmm with this intergration i see many problems i was considering doing it myself afterall an intergrated site feels the best
but after seeing this site and its Login problems the hack leaves much to be desired

bharvey42 02-15-2003 07:15 PM

Like I said still willing to help out.

Nomb 02-20-2003 02:21 AM


Originally posted by msimplay

Hmm with this intergration i see many problems i was considering doing it myself afterall an intergrated site feels the best
but after seeing this site and its Login problems the hack leaves much to be desired

What do you mean login problems?

msimplay 02-20-2003 10:36 AM

it seems to be out of synch
i login and i get messages ur not logged in when i try to do something
doesn't matter now i suppose Vbportal does the job altho less support its not too bad

Nomb 02-21-2003 11:27 AM

msimplay, you never email verified. You're not going to be able to do anything until you do that. Both at the forums and the main site.

dkny 03-05-2003 06:54 AM

anyone still trying to get this to work?

Hurricane 03-21-2003 06:08 PM

I have not had the time, but I am going to get back to making this work. It is very important to me. I almost had it, but had to undo it temporarily.

I will keep my findings posted here.

[EDIT - I have spent the majority of the night working on this. I almost have it. It will take me a little time to write it up though. --GS]

Hurricane 03-22-2003 12:08 PM

I got it! I think I have tested everything. I will do a write up asap! Let me be the first to say, this is so sweet!

I want to thank Brew for starting this. He gave me enough info to head in the right direction, and enough errors to make it a challenge! :p

Hurricane 03-24-2003 12:58 AM

I am in the process of writing it all up! I should have it ready sometime tomorrow night.

jwpexe2 03-24-2003 03:36 PM

Hi Hurricane,

I just wanted to know what version of vb and postnuke you are using. I am trying this on
vBulletin Version 2.3.0 and

I have run into a few bumps in the member.php file at the end, looking forward for you write up..

Hurricane 03-24-2003 05:25 PM

That is the same versions that I used this weekend. I have the write up about 75% done and I should have it posted tonight. There were quite a few bumps along the way but I think I have most of it worked out.

jwpexe2 03-24-2003 06:24 PM


I have studied the code most of the weekend.
I have been trying to get the user conversion from pn to vb today.
Running into some problems with duplication. I am not a php master, but am willing to help get this project done.

Hurricane 03-24-2003 08:01 PM

Once I have all of my stuff together, it will be very easy!

Hurricane 03-24-2003 11:30 PM

OK, here is my write up and files. PLEASE follow the instructions to a T. Also notice that this is still technically a BETA. Also remember that neither I, nor Brew are responsible for your data! Backup BEFORE you begin.

Also it is very important to go through the entire install file BEFORE you run the supporting scripts as there are things you must do first!

My version of this hack was written to use 2 separate databases. It does not integrate the 2 DBs. This way it is easier to undo.

I think that is all. Please let me know how it goes. Please contact me here for support. Do not email me for support!

The file attached is a new file! There was only one download since it was posted, but who ever it was, you need this one. The import script is broken in the old one!!!!

jwpexe2 03-25-2003 01:28 AM

Thanks for the update, I have been trying to figure out what went wrong

Thanks for your Help on this hack!

Hurricane 03-25-2003 03:17 AM

It is my pleasure. I am glad I finally had time to finish it. There is still some issues with the Avatars being displayed in PN. I will try to have the fix posted by tomorrow. It is not a fatal error!

jwpexe2 03-25-2003 03:29 AM

Thanks Hurricane, and Brew sorry to forget about ya

I got it installed on the site.

Good Work!!

Hurricane 03-25-2003 03:34 AM

Well, just remember that it was not all me! Brew had a lot to do with it! ;)

jwpexe2 03-25-2003 03:58 AM

I did notice one thing when I went to Retrieve lost password link I got an error
Parse error: parse error in /NS-LostPassword/user.php on line 141
Untill I took out two }}

include 'footer.php'; // <- This is approx line 138
*/ // <- This is what you are adding!

} /////// delete these
} //////// delete these


Hurricane 03-25-2003 04:25 AM

OK, I will check that out. There is another issue! In the member.php (vBull file) it should be this:


Near line 632 [585] find these lines:

  if ($showbirthdays)
  // insert custom user fields
  $DB_site->query("UPDATE userfield SET userid=$bbuserinfo[userid]$userfields WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid]");

After the above lines add the following:

///////// PN Integration Hack Start: ///////////////
//`Update PN user database for Bio, Location, Interests and Occupation
  $DB_site->query("UPDATE pndb.nuke_users SET pn_bio='$userbio',pn_user_from='$userloc',pn_user_intrest='$userintrest',pn_user_occ='$userocc' WHERE pn_uid='$userid'");
///////// PN Integration Hack End: ///////////////

The only difference is the end where it says pn_uid='$userid' Was not enclosed in ticks ( ' ' ). It causes issues when updating your profile.

Zip file updated with both the above changes.

jwpexe2 03-25-2003 06:52 PM

I did the fix above, but have got a few emials today that say

Database error in vBulletin 2.3.0:

Invalid SQL: UPDATE pndb.nuke_users SET pn_pass='61c33ac309d60c87faea52ba65c15bd' WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid] mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near '[userid]' at line 1

mysql error number: 1064

Hurricane 03-26-2003 01:36 AM

What were you attempting to do when the error occured?

I can not seem to recreate your error.

Hurricane 03-26-2003 02:02 AM

Another error! In the member.php


Near line 632 [585] find these lines:

  if ($showbirthdays)
  // insert custom user fields
  $DB_site->query("UPDATE userfield SET userid=$bbuserinfo[userid]$userfields WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid]");

After the above lines add the following:

///////// PN Integration Hack Start: ///////////////
//`Update PN user database for Bio, Location, Interests and Occupation
  $DB_site->query("UPDATE pndb.nuke_users SET pn_bio='$userbio',pn_user_from='$userloc',pn_user_intrest='$userintrest',pn_user_occ='$userocc' WHERE pn_uid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'");
///////// PN Integration Hack End: ///////////////

The change is the last line. WHERE pn_uid='$userid' is to be WHERE pn_uid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'

Updating the ZIP file!

dkny 03-26-2003 04:09 AM

Hurricane, You the man!
I'll try this hack over the weekend, will keep you updated. Now I have VB 2.9.0 will it be a problem?
Also I dont have a clean VB user database, I have 4k members, will that be a problem?

Hurricane 03-27-2003 08:02 PM


Yesterday at 01:09 AM dkny said this in Post #75
Hurricane, You the man!
I'll try this hack over the weekend, will keep you updated. Now I have VB 2.9.0 will it be a problem?
Also I dont have a clean VB user database, I have 4k members, will that be a problem?

No, no problems with either of them. The import utility that I "made" will not only pull your VB users into Nuke, but it also sets everyones user level to normal users. Just make sure to follow the instructions to a T! ;)

jwpexe2 03-27-2003 09:26 PM

I getting this error in my email box and it is caused when the user tries to update their password from the retrive Retrieve lost password.

Invalid SQL: UPDATE pndb.nuke_users SET pn_pass='56302cb1891d8f4629952f11a8564f30' WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid] mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near '[userid]' at line 1

mysql error number: 1064

I have tried to some to change this part of the code and get new errors so I gess its in here in the members.php file.

///////// PN Integration Hack Start: ///////////////
//`Update PN users password
// if ($pnuser=1) {$pnuser=2; } //Uncomment this line if you did not remove the anon account and move the pn admin to uid 1
$DB_site->query("UPDATE pndb.nuke_users SET pn_pass='".addslashes(md5($newpassword))."' WHERE userid=$pnuser");
///////// PN Integration Hack End: ///////////////

slinky 03-31-2003 03:46 PM

Unfortunately PostNuke is currently dead technology, IMHO, as development seems permanently in park.

Probably the best current solution is phpportals.com, which is free although the $20 donation goes to great use and allows you to get beta code. It uses existing vb information, posts news as threads so that comments will go into a ratable vb database area and isn't all messed up as it is in Nuke, and much more.

Right now the successor to Postnuke is xaraya but the product is not out yet and it will take time to see what kind of forum integration will be possible.

Hurricane 04-02-2003 12:33 PM


03-27-03 at 06:26 PM jwpexe2 said this in Post #77
I getting this error in my email box and it is caused when the user tries to update their password from the retrive Retrieve lost password.

Invalid SQL: UPDATE pndb.nuke_users SET pn_pass='56302cb1891d8f4629952f11a8564f30' WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid] mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near '[userid]' at line 1

mysql error number: 1064

I have tried to some to change this part of the code and get new errors so I gess its in here in the members.php file.

///////// PN Integration Hack Start: ///////////////
//`Update PN users password
// if ($pnuser=1) {$pnuser=2; } //Uncomment this line if you did not remove the anon account and move the pn admin to uid 1
$DB_site->query("UPDATE pndb.nuke_users SET pn_pass='".addslashes(md5($newpassword))."' WHERE userid=$pnuser");
///////// PN Integration Hack End: ///////////////

Try changing the last part to:

See if that will help.

bharvey42 04-05-2003 06:05 AM


03-31-03 at 12:46 PM slinky said this in Post #78
Unfortunately PostNuke is currently dead technology, IMHO, as development seems permanently in park.

Probably the best current solution is phpportals.com, which is free although the $20 donation goes to great use and allows you to get beta code. It uses existing vb information, posts news as threads so that comments will go into a ratable vb database area and isn't all messed up as it is in Nuke, and much more.

Right now the successor to Postnuke is xaraya but the product is not out yet and it will take time to see what kind of forum integration will be possible.

I assure you PN is not a dead product. Nor is the development in park.

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