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mADmAX` 11-05-2002 11:01 PM

NP, just glad I can finally return some help...

PennylessZ28 11-05-2002 11:56 PM

Hurm, I have everything setup, and installed, I can upload sigs, and all, no errors.

Only thing not happening is that there is no image appearing in my sig, its simplay blank.

However in usercp and all that it shows the sig image I uploaded, but in a post, no banner


mADmAX` 11-06-2002 12:45 AM

Do you have any text in your signature?

I believe when it checks to see if you have anything in your signature and says no...your image wont appear.

Add something to your normal signature and see...

PennylessZ28 11-06-2002 01:29 AM

no, at first i had no text, so I added some, still notta

Chris M 11-06-2002 12:37 PM

@Vile - You cannot run them as one query...

Each line is a Seperate Query...

Also - There is one of the queries, that looks like it is a single query, then it has a line or two beneath it...

That MUST be included in the query as One Entire Query



Xenon 11-06-2002 12:49 PM

Chris, please change your Sig, yo are way beyond the limitations.

Look into the announcement forum to see the exact limitations or follow the link in my sig ;)

PennylessZ28 11-06-2002 06:49 PM

Still no takers on why the signature image doesn't display, yet i have no errors, and can upload signatures just fine.

Just not showing up in the postbit's

Vile 11-07-2002 05:12 AM


Originally posted by hellsatan
@Vile - You cannot run them as one query...

Each line is a Seperate Query...

Also - There is one of the queries, that looks like it is a single query, then it has a line or two beneath it...

That MUST be included in the query as One Entire Query



Doh! Stupid me. Thanks for that.

One more Q Hellsatan..

I installed the hack, and uploaded a sig and "allowed" admins to use the sig, but when I try to select one in admin cp, it says "The administrator has disabled the use of signature images."
Is there another place i need to enable it?

btw, both

Can use the Signature Image System?


Can have a Custom Signature Image?

are set to Yes.


Chris M 11-08-2002 08:27 AM

You need to make sure that Signatures are enabled via the Admin Cp;)


Chris M 11-08-2002 08:34 AM

@HR3rdGen - I have no idea why this is happening:(

I believe (though unconfirmed) that this hack conflicts with one of the following hacks:

Avatar Categories
Attachments as Files

Why I have no idea, but someone I know tried to install it after installing PPN's Attachments as Files hack...

The only thing I can suggest, is that you revert back to your backed up files, and start again...Perhaps you missed a step out somewhere?


Vile 11-08-2002 01:52 PM


Originally posted by hellsatan
You need to make sure that Signatures are enabled via the Admin Cp;)


:D That's already enabled.

When I manually changed the sig via Admin CP, it said it was successful, and all was fine, but it doesn't show up. It's the same problem HR3rdGen is having.

Thanks for your help.

Chris M 11-08-2002 04:13 PM


My guess is that you may have missed out a step...

Until I investigate this further (installing on a heavily hacked board), all i can say is try re-installing it;)


sauron2002 11-09-2002 04:31 PM

hmm, the readme:


"3.0B - Show Signatures.txt"
"3.0 - Usergroup override - permissions.txt"

Then upload the admin/signature.php to the admin folder, and signature.php to the vB root folder


Well i did that, i put the files you listed in the main vb directory since you dont specify where to upload them and well nothing happens :(

sauron2002 11-09-2002 04:32 PM

oh i see u have to do loads of other stuf, bah

CRego3D 11-10-2002 03:36 PM

this hack is not easy to install ;) .. got a ton of steps to go thru :p

Chris M 11-10-2002 04:03 PM

Indeed...It isnt easy...

But it is easier than the BETA;)


shaith 11-13-2002 03:31 AM

So do we have an update for what changes need to be made to usercp.php (and where to put them) ?

Herman 11-13-2002 12:11 PM

Seems very interesting I may use that and test everything for my upcoming surprise..hehhe

CRego3D 11-13-2002 10:55 PM


Originally posted by hellsatan
Do you mean as in not enable signatures?


Just remove the following from the "post_signature" template:


and add it to the postbit template, where you want it to appear;)

Then edit the postbit_signatureimg template, and remove the :


at the beginning...:)


is there a way we can make the

work from the postbit_signature template if you dont' have a sig ? I have a graphical seperator, and if I use the technique you describe here, it wont' show .. if I put it on the postbit (the seperator) then it will show for those who have no sig .. can we do somethign about it ?

Chris M 11-15-2002 05:42 PM


Im not sure I understand...


CRego3D 11-15-2002 08:18 PM


you guys made it so it wont work if there is no signature text

how do I revert it so it does .. I do not wish to use the code straight on the postbit since it would mess the rest of my sig components

Chris M 11-15-2002 08:31 PM

And I posted how to revert it...

I suppose you could make the "$postbit[signature]" part of the admin/functions.php file to a value of"$postbit[signatureimg]" when they dont put in a signature, but I designed it so that it was either Posbit or in the Signature itself...


CRego3D 11-16-2002 01:01 AM


Originally posted by hellsatan
Do you mean as in not enable signatures?


Just remove the following from the "post_signature" template:


and add it to the postbit template, where you want it to appear;)

Then edit the postbit_signatureimg template, and remove the :


at the beginning...:)


Hell Satan

you posted the above .. and I understand it .. my problem is, i have other things in my "postbit_signature" if I put "$post[signatureimg]" on the postbit directly, when I have an image, it will sure display it .. but not the rest I have on "postbit_signature"

what I need is a way to keep "$post[signatureimg]" IN postbit_signature" and have the image work if there is no text in the signature box

please let me knwo if I am still confusing you here

you say

I suppose you could make the "$postbit[signature]" part of the admin/functions.php file to a value of"$postbit[signatureimg]" when they dont put in a signature
woudl this do it ?, and if so .. can you teach me how ?

Chris M 11-16-2002 11:27 AM

I am not sure whether it would do it, but here goes...

Remember to backup your file first;)

Open admin/functions.php
PHP Code:

            } else {
$post[signature] = $sigcache["$post[userid]"];
        } else {
$post[signature] = ""

replace with:
PHP Code:

            } else {
$post[signature] = $sigcache["$post[userid]"];
        } else {
$post[signature] = "$post[signatureimg]"

That may work, that may not...I havent tested it...


CRego3D 11-16-2002 12:50 PM

ok, we are 99% there :D

it will display the $post[signatureimg] indeed .. but it will not display the full content of ""postbit_signature"" (becuase it is not what is lookign for I guess)

so in essence it works the same as if I had put the $post[signatureimg] in the postibit

I truly appreciate you trying to help :)

Chris M 11-16-2002 06:29 PM


I shall have a think...

Perhaps I can enlist the help of some friends;)


Chris M 11-16-2002 06:37 PM


Try this!
Open admin/functions.php
PHP Code:

} else {
$post[signature] = $sigcache["$post[userid]"];
        } else {
$post[signature] = ""

Replace with:
PHP Code:

} else {
$post[signature] = $sigcache["$post[userid]"];
        } else {
$post[signature] = "$post[signatureimg]";
"\$post[signature] = \"".gettemplate("postbit_signature")."\";"); 


CRego3D 11-17-2002 02:48 AM

I guess it is not ment to be :)

the code as you gave me it woudl give 2 signature pics ..

like this would show fine

PHP Code:

} else {
$post[signature] = $sigcache["$post[userid]"];
        } else {
$post[signature] = "";
"\$post[signature] = \"".gettemplate("postbit_signature")."\";"); 

BUT .. this also means that EVERY post would include the "postbit_signature" (therefore, a post of a user with no signature, will show the extra stuff I have on it wich is suposed to be used with a signature)

If it cant' be done it's fine I'll revert to somethign else :p .. I just wish I knew on your code what did n9ne change to make the pic not show if you dont' have sig text

Chris M 11-17-2002 08:34 AM

I will investigate...

I am sure there is a logical way around it...:)


LangTuDaTinh 11-19-2002 09:40 AM

working great on 2.2.8 with avatar cat. hack added before.

darkmaninc 11-21-2002 09:47 PM

well i followed everything to a T on my site and it's not working...
I'm running vbportal 3.0 Beta 2 and vbulletin 2.2.8
Well i did manage to go back and do a uninstall then reinstalled everything and it's all working now except the image is not showing up in the signature image in the user cp postbit.
I don't have any other hacks installed on this board either...

darkmaninc 11-22-2002 06:25 AM

Well ?????????? come on i know ya can figure this one out...

LangTuDaTinh 11-22-2002 08:13 PM

for image not show in your user cp postbit, try one of the suggestion
try this one

then it should work. also if u don't have add an image to your sig, it will not display.

darkmaninc 11-23-2002 10:54 AM


Originally posted by LangTuDaTinh
for image not show in your user cp postbit, try one of the suggestion
try this one

then it should work. also if u don't have add an image to your sig, it will not display.

Thanks bro that is what was missing... it all works now :) ehehe

Chris M 11-23-2002 11:29 AM

Yes...I forgot to update the Zip File...

Glad it works for you;):)


Chris M 11-23-2002 11:48 AM

v3+ comes out!
v3+ is really just the following:

Converting of all install files to .php format (to prevent code parsing)
Creation of an extra folder (root) to house the root/signature.php file (so you dont get confused with the install .php files)
The root/usercp.php modifcation I forgot to include



N9ne 11-23-2002 12:56 PM

Umm ok so this v3+ thing, the userCP thing already worked for me...converting of all install files, doesn't affect me lol, I already installed it, creation of an extra folder to house the root/signature.php ??? Could you explain this? Thanks :D

!!! 11-23-2002 01:02 PM

Does anyone mind helping me fill this code in?

$referers = array ('www.yoursite.com','yoursite.com','your.sites.ip. address');

My website is http://caz.psyker.net, or http://www.psyker.net/caz

Thanks. These instructions are very vague, and they also, in more places than one, don't support already updated areas of the php files--instead, support replacing huge fields with the provided one. Also, one area of the instructions placed an extra "}" where it should not have been.

Chris M 11-23-2002 01:19 PM

Where was the extra instruction error?:)

The areas I am asking you to replace were done on an unhacked vBulletin board...As a hacker, I cannot possibly know what hacks you have installed that may affect that area of code, so I provide something that should be there by default...Perhaps the area of code you are having trouble with is modified somehow - How about posting the code you are meant to find, and the code you have?

The referrers array (code you wanted) :

PHP Code:

$referers = array ('www.psyker.net','psyker.net',''); 

I used MSDOS to ping your site for the IP address incase you are wondering how I got it;)

@N9ne - The usercp.php thing I recommend installing anyway...
The file convertions will affect new installs...
The new folder is purely for ease - All the install files used to be in the .txt format, and signature.php was among them - Now, they are all .php format - Some people may get confused, and think either:

A) signature.php is another modification to a non-specified file, and ask in the thread wasting their time and mine
B) signature.php and all the other .php files are files to be uploaded, and wonder why the hack wont work

I simply made a "root" folder, which I put signature.php in, so that the .php files in the main folder are seen as Instructions, not .php files to be uploaded...


!!! 11-23-2002 01:30 PM


Originally posted by hellsatan
Where was the extra instruction error?:)

The areas I am asking you to replace were done on an unhacked vBulletin board...As a hacker, I cannot possibly know what hacks you have installed that may affect that area of code, so I provide something that should be there by default...Perhaps the area of code you are having trouble with is modified somehow - How about posting the code you are meant to find, and the code you have?

The referrers array (code you wanted) :

PHP Code:

$referers = array ('www.psyker.net','psyker.net',''); 

I used MSDOS to ping your site for the IP address incase you are wondering how I got it;)

@N9ne - The usercp.php thing I recommend installing anyway...
The file convertions will affect new installs...
The new folder is purely for ease - All the install files used to be in the .txt format, and signature.php was among them - Now, they are all .php format - Some people may get confused, and think either:

A) signature.php is another modification to a non-specified file, and ask in the thread wasting their time and mine
B) signature.php and all the other .php files are files to be uploaded, and wonder why the hack wont work

I simply made a "root" folder, which I put signature.php in, so that the .php files in the main folder are seen as Instructions, not .php files to be uploaded...


Thanks :) I pinged the IP address too, but I got a 66.* address.

One error is here:

PHP Code:


  if (
$modifyavatar!="") {
  } else {

replace with:

  if (
$modifyavatar!="") {
  } elseif(
$modifysignature!="") {



The "find" you have does not include the ending "}" character, while the replace, in fact, does. Things like this could cause major errors if people aren't paying complete attention like I am.

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