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zajako 11-07-2002 07:44 AM

ok i got some good news and bad news, for those anxious to see the shops and villages system, you gotta wait... thats the bad, the good news is i axidentaly got cought up on the battle system when working on the village system :p

and its looking good :p

zajako 11-07-2002 10:01 AM

1 Attachment(s)
here is a screenshot fo the battle system, but it is not functional yet, it just runs the template, and i filled in some falseified variables instead of grabbing from the db so i can show you how its supposed to look, i will be working on making it grab the info from the db next. But this is the look of the arena battles, and how it will operate is fully explained by this picture. I hope you guys liek the way it looks and appears to run..

Also i credit FFX for the bg image that i slightly modified.

zajako 11-07-2002 10:06 AM

also i want to add in yes i know the characters are a bit small for the page, thats why i am making it so you can add character images. I plan to find some larger sprites or something better.

If you have some full body characters that are about 200 px tall and have them for at least both elven and human and one for each class in the class editor screenshot then let me know and i will credit you and put them in the first install :p

Ninth Dimension 11-07-2002 10:38 AM

OMG!!!! I did not realise you was going this far with the hack, i though it was going to be a simple and basic battle hack - not a whole RPG!!!

*I bow down to your mightyness*

do, this whole village and (i'm guessing) world map thing, will that include things like random encounters, etc..? and will you still be able to battle other members on the forum?

zajako 11-07-2002 11:08 AM

random encounters will not be on the first release :/ im aiming at version 2 for that.
you will be able to fight other people most definately.

As for a world map, what i plan to do is make it so you can travel from city to city, but it never really shows a real world map, unless maybe i make an itme you can buy called world map, which shows a map of the world, however right now what will it will do is let you map it out yourself cause in each village you can go north to another location south to another location east and west to different locations. Arenas are locations themselves and usualy would be one of the 4 directions. This current arena you see in the screen shot i forgot to fill in the variable for arenat name, but its default arena for teh city called Default city :p And its north of default city. There will be loctions that you can battle at other than arenas, and they are usualy between villages. Most of the villages i have so far image wise are from ff games but these too will be custimizable from teh admin panel.

9th when i said this is my rpg hack i meant rpg not rpg battle :p

thats why its going to take so long, and why it appears i will need a new admin panel. But don't worry it will be just liek the vb admin panel and linked from it. I also plan to make a seerate header template for it to show the rpg commands for the users so that when they are in the rpg sections it grabs the header for them and when they are in the forums sections its shows the forums header. The forums header will have a link to the rpg section as well as the rpg section will have a header link to the forums. It should work out very well. If all else fails i will make a side bar for the rpg sections and just make it a portal type thing,, but im aiming at just a hack not a portal. who knows though...

Ninth Dimension 11-07-2002 11:45 AM

due to the scale of this are you planning on have any information displayed in the postbit? maybe like the image of the primary char. with some stats, etc...

you are living my dream, i've always wanted to make an RPG :) if you need any help with inspration, gimme a shout :)

Brad 11-07-2002 11:53 AM

Zajako, i really like the work thus far. I wish you luck with this one :).

geniuscrew 11-07-2002 12:38 PM

Zak, you have gone where possibly no other hacker on vB has gone before, by making this great rpg system.

I wish you good luck with it :)

Although I don't have a credit card I will try and donate some money ;)

zajako 11-07-2002 05:12 PM

*smiles very largely seeing people happy with his work thus far and now knows it is worth it all :]*

God i love this feeling, people telling me im doing good, im sorry but this is the first time i have gotten it from vb.org to this scale,a nd i have been doubting myself. Thanks guys :]

as for post bits, i plan to have no mandatory postbit displays, but i might consider putitng something showing stats of the first character created by that user or something i don know, ill be sure to but some sort of stat there optionaly. definately a wins/losses type thing :]

kmfdm_kid2000 11-07-2002 05:26 PM

Plain and simple, this hack will own your soul...Zaj has been working on it nearly as long as I know him, if not longer I believe. Almost a year if I'm not mistaken...

zajako 11-07-2002 06:28 PM

heh yeah , but i have kept being unsatisfied with my work and scrapping it. Now i finaly have came apon a system i like which will use all the things i have learned from my mistakes and previous hacks, i will make this one the best, and i am doing so at a deadly pace :P

going to need some good beta testers :p

i already have a few, but don't come asking yet, i will post something about that when the time is ready :p

LOD-squa 11-07-2002 06:41 PM

nice nice dude good work ;)

Ninth Dimension 11-07-2002 10:29 PM

[high]* Ninth Dimension sits by keyboard, never taking his eyes off the screen, waiting for the sentance "I need some beta testers" to be spoken so he can pounce and get chosen.

knowing my luck i'll be offline when you need them and someone else be be the lucky party :)

Link14716 11-08-2002 02:39 AM

[high]* Link14716 waits too. :D

One suggestion. You have potions, but curative items should have a new shop, like armor, weapons, and accessories. It would still be limited, but I am lost without my Ethers and X-Potions :P

zajako 11-08-2002 03:21 AM

heh, Link you can totaly custimize your items, so you can set them to however you want them :p
also shops will be custimizable too :] you can say i want this shop to sell these items and another one to sell these ones ;p

you can make new shops also as well as new locations :]
then you can attach your shops to your locations, each location will have optiosn such as "Allow battles" and things like that :]

Arena's you would obviously want to allow battles, while other places you may or may not. I will be providing at least 8 locations each with their own background for fighting. the backgrounds will be called in depending the location :]

geniuscrew 11-08-2002 11:27 AM

This is getting better and better - he's on a mission guys!

Will we be able to define spells, or is that what elements are?


Ninth Dimension 11-08-2002 11:45 AM

I'm looking at this image (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/attachmen...&postid=318577) and i've noticed that it's possable to set the item to armour, weapon and item. Now while i realise that most ppl should be intellegent enough to choose only one of the options available, what would happen should someone choose all three? (if you know what I mean).

zajako 11-08-2002 12:47 PM

I actualy have been too lazy to test that currently however, i know for sure it will not cause an error, Technically what it should do is act as all three and where ever you equip it you get the stats for it. SO maybe like a magical dagger that you can equip on your belt and get +5 atk for it and then if you equip it as a weapon instead you get +10 to atk. But yes i did do that on purpose but im not planning on testing it till i finish the equipment system for the users.

also i forgot to mention...
the battlesystem pulls all info from the database now and thus far here is the stats for loading it.

Page generated in 0.28310704 seconds (67.53% PHP - 32.47% MySQL) with 15 queries.

I plan to add 2 more queries to make the magic list and items list generated.

as for magics list, for release 1 magics will be named this:

$element $magiclevel

ex. Fire 4, earth1 earch3.... etc etc

elements you can add, edit and remove just like the rest of the admin panel options.

i plan to make release 2 have a named spell thing going on, with descriptions and such.
Also im working on the items functions soon, wich will make it so that items like poison bomb will do poision status. That will do dame every turn. And there will be toehr status effects too.

Ninth Dimension 11-08-2002 12:50 PM

ok, another quick question, are you going to be writing in support for items that only last for a cirtin ammout of time, or number of uses, such as potions, etc... - or say a flashlight that will run out after a while??

just some suggestions, like i said, you are living my dream :)

zajako 11-08-2002 12:58 PM

well something like that i might do. Its very easy to do wih how im going to be arrangeing functiosn for it. But with potions, each character can carry up to 10, and when you use on ein battle it will fill up an amount of life and then take one away from your number, and the way the functions will be working is similar to that of how the vb deals with functons. There will be an admin/rpgfunctions.php file it will house all the modifyers which is how items actualy do things. with that file people can add on new item commands and such and make them do things. Im even contemplateing on makeing a guide to makeing new items and fucntions. But im not sure that may be something with release 2. This hack is going to be so big i should try to keep the first release moderately simple.

Link14716 11-08-2002 08:54 PM

Moderaly Simple? :p I can tell from the screen shots that this isn't moderately simple. ;) Good job on it, zajako. Kepp up the good work!

[high]* Link14716 starts filling out a beta testing application and waits patiently to be able to hand it to zajako quick enough to be accepted. :)[/high]

zajako 11-08-2002 11:18 PM

lol, oh ok, it snot too moderately simple but parts of it i am making simple just for the simple fact that if i did everything i wanted for it it would be released anotehr year from now, so compared to what i plan for it in the updates its moderately simple :p

Link14716 11-08-2002 11:49 PM

lol, ok then, you got me there. :)

BTW, what happened to the page in your sig? It returns a "Server not found" error.... :(

[high]* Link14716 still waits :)[/high]

zajako 11-09-2002 11:01 AM

1 Attachment(s)
my server is currently down :/ should be back up tomorrow, however i have not upadated that page in quite some time... damn laziness,and obsession with this hack. My gf is starting to feel left out because of me for spending too much time on it :/

any how, i have good news :]
i got the attle somewhat functional. you can do normal attacks with the formula of atk *2 - def. Defend enables you to do nothing for a turn. Magic works with the forumula of magic offence * magic level - magic defence. battles end when one person hits hp and does not go into the negatives. mp does not deduct yet... items don't work yet.... i need to add use potion to the list of attacks... then make it work... but other than that the battles themselves are fuctional and will switch turns taking away the attack bar if its not your turn.

previous attacks are stored in a history table which will be used to display history of a battle on the history page which is not made yet. here is the page displaying the defeated enemy.

zajako 11-09-2002 11:15 AM

1 Attachment(s)
lol, this is why Not to test a mid level sword on a newbie character :P

(this is 1 hit from at full life)

Link14716 11-09-2002 01:36 PM

Wow... flash looks there! And yes, that'll teach those newbies not to mess with ME! :D

zajako 11-09-2002 03:49 PM

heh, well i just talked with my gf, im sorry guys but she is more important and monday im taking the day off from hacking and i will be spending my time with her :]

I hate to take a break when im on such a role, but you can count on me working my butt off till then :p

also the mp deduction is working and so is the rest of the battle system the only issuse is makign the items work wich i have to start working n modifyers for that to work. I will do that shortly. But me and my gf have tested it to extents and its a working fighting system :p and btw she beat me when i did not cheat :P

*whispers** I let her win**:P *shhhhh*

Ninth Dimension 11-09-2002 04:12 PM


Originally posted by zajako
*whispers** I let her win**:P *shhhhh*

listen, if you want i'll look after your GF on monday so you can keep on with your work :) (please don't hit me :))

Emuman 11-09-2002 06:50 PM

hehe, funny but dumb in the same time.

Hey Zajako good luck

Ninth Dimension 11-09-2002 11:57 PM

I've been able to stir up some excitement about this hack for when it's released asking for feedback from members about what they want to see:


OK, its only 6 posts, but it's more than I normally get

Emuman 11-10-2002 06:30 AM

hmm very interesting, i have my own ideas too

zajako 11-10-2002 07:02 AM

Watch out 9th you just asked for a kicking from my gf , not me. and also i tested the battle system with a friend Storm, he will post his opinions on the system.

zajako 11-10-2002 07:09 AM

9th my gf has this to say


~kicks butt to the moon~

ahh you keep me ? I don't babysit but thanks really ^_^ and beside Zaj needs a break, did really great to far and made a ton of work into it. One day isn't asking that much , he a work junkie XD

Storm 11-10-2002 07:12 AM

I'd say this is one of the coolest things I've seen so far, for what he had functional for the battle, everything such as attacking worked well, although the battle went a little slow because of somewhat low attack power :D I could not use my magic spell because he absorbed it :D If items would have been on Zaj would've beat me, but he ran out of MP so I beat him in the battle, his gf was a little upset.. so I better watch out, hehe..

This will be a great addition to my forum when it's completed, keep up the good work, Zaj!

Here's a link to some more screenshots, if you want to check them out:

zajako 11-10-2002 02:50 PM

I want to point out he was a warrior, and i was a wizard :p

I also evened our hp and mp stats when in actuality i would have had more mp and such :P. Also it took long due to being low level stats and the fact i ran outta mp and had to wait it out, with defend till i got bored and whiped out axes :P

Goldknight 11-10-2002 03:52 PM


Very very nice hack :) Iwonder does it including customize class/race/sex? Also different alignments and str, def, wis etc..? If not, is it possible to add?

Actually I have several good ideas that seem not includin your hack yet but maybe I m wrong..

About donate, I d love to make some donate but I will have a long vacation at NYC for thanksgiving so I m not sure.. if I still have enough money right after thanksgiving and if your hack is not done yet then I ll make a donate maybe $50 to $150.. you deserve it and heck it is free for public.. something that many hackers are whine about release it to public so you re most decent in my book. Keep it up. :thumbsup:

Edit: It ll be nice if you add numbers of hp/mp/ etc.. in battle above the status bar, is it possible? Also Limit status feature?? Hope so!

zajako 11-10-2002 04:06 PM

it does allow custimization of class race sex and instead of str, def, wis, and things like that i have atk, def, moffence, mdefence and mlevel

its a pretty simple system but version 2 will be much more advanced, which will be within the a few months of version one.

and as for you donateing any amount will be appriciated, and that amount would be more than appriciated :P

thanks for your feed back :]


the alt tag for the bars tell the numbers but i was thinking of displaying the current numbers as well. I just have to get around to it.

Goldknight 11-10-2002 04:22 PM

Advanced? heheh, will it be free? or what? Also is it updateable from verison 1 or ?

I recent discuss with my girlfriend since we will go to NYC together for thanksgiving and she approve me to give off some $$ yay =D Even if you already release it before thanksgiving, I ll make a donate anyway =P

If you need more beta-testers, pls let me know. Where I hang around have tons of rpg fans, they would love to play and beta testers for us.

I PM you about one thing. Thanks

Goldknight 11-10-2002 04:44 PM


I wonder are you open to suggestions?

zajako 11-10-2002 04:53 PM

i got your pm, and yes im open to suggestions, however keep in mind release 1 is a smiplified version of what i plan to make in the long run. versions 2 and up may be free releases or i may make it so that those who donate will get the releases 1 month before public release. i am not sure. But till then i knwo release 1 will be publicaly released around mid december, and the beta should be finished around thanksgiving (crosses fingers) to a select few, to test ti to extremes. so if interested in beta testing then keep visiting this thread and keep up to date with the updates and then when i make the annoucement hop on the opputunity :p

i have not decided the limit of beta testing boards yet, but i will make sure to have some sort of laywer made page makeing sure it is not leaked :p

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