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Tim Wheatley 08-18-2002 09:42 PM

Does this work with multiple styles? Because I just installed it, didn't see anything, installed again, checked again and I'm not seeing any forms to fill in on edit post page or reply... :(

Sho 08-18-2002 10:05 PM

@Tim Wheatley: Check for updates in the first post.

Anyway, I just checked all files again, everything is according to the hack file. Still the same problem Jashugan has. We need help, fast.

g-force2k2 08-18-2002 10:24 PM

alright im curreltly looking into it...

sorry for the trouble x_X


g-force2k2 08-18-2002 10:37 PM


Originally posted by Tim Wheatley
Does this work with multiple styles? Because I just installed it, didn't see anything, installed again, checked again and I'm not seeing any forms to fill in on edit post page or reply... :(
Did you config the usergroups yet? because i believe that they all come in as no for being able to add and view... so you have to adjust those options in admin cp first ;)


Tim Wheatley 08-18-2002 10:39 PM

All I have in the admin cp that I didn't have before is the char limit - 500? I don't have an option to set usergroups. Yes I did run all the queries. I just tried to run them again to be sure and they told me I already has them (duplicates).

Sho 08-18-2002 10:39 PM

Btw, when I use usergroups.php to allow a usergroup to add private texts it does work, but when I visit the page again, it still shows "No".

The most important problem is that everyone can see those private texts, though. ;)

g-force2k2 08-18-2002 10:46 PM

well in the usergroup options did you make sure that you disabled them to see all private text messages? and also for the problem with the usergroup.php the fix is in the new zip and on the first post... you have to replace cannaddprivtxt to canaddprivtxt (i think) hope that helps somewhat?


g-force2k2 08-18-2002 10:47 PM


Originally posted by Tim Wheatley
All I have in the admin cp that I didn't have before is the char limit - 500? I don't have an option to set usergroups. Yes I did run all the queries. I just tried to run them again to be sure and they told me I already has them (duplicates).
Tim the usergroup configs can only be done in the usergroup.php

edit the usergroups and you'll find the options there... hope that helps :)


Sho 08-18-2002 10:49 PM


Originally posted by g-force2k2
well in the usergroup options did you make sure that you disabled them to see all private text messages? and also for the problem with the usergroup.php the fix is in the new zip and on the first post... you have to replace cannaddprivtxt to canaddprivtxt (i think) hope that helps somewhat?
It does indeed. Unfortunately, in the first posting of this thread you order us to replace can with cann, not cann with can. ;)

g-force2k2 08-18-2002 10:52 PM


Originally posted by Sho

It does indeed. Unfortunately, in the first posting of this thread you order us to replace can with cann, not cann with can. ;)

err... maybe it was just worded wrong ;\ because its correct on the first page ;)


Sho 08-18-2002 10:55 PM

Well, I give up. Doesn't work either way.

Gonna uninstall this hack now & wait for a cleaned up and *working* version.

g-force2k2 08-18-2002 10:58 PM

umm... its working O_o

the screenshots show its working... my forum shows its working...

i can only give so much support... but it might have something to do with other hacks you have installed...

what others do you have?


Sho 08-18-2002 11:00 PM

Nope, it's not. I log out, I can see all private messages. "Can view all private text messages" for usergroup "Unregistered / Not Logged In" is set to no. According to my database, "canaddprivtxt" is set to 1 for all usergroups I'm interested in, yet usergroup.php shows no. "canviewprivtxt" is set to 0 for all usergroups but 6 ("Administrators"), yet a guest can see all private texts. I just rechecked all file changes again. I'm going crazy. ;)

Sho 08-18-2002 11:06 PM

I have installed Post Counter & Direct Link (change to showthread.php - probably significant?), NewStatistikHack 1.2.1e (change to newreply.php, among others). There are others, but none of them touches any of the files or tables I had to modify for your hack.

g-force2k2 08-18-2002 11:47 PM

okay Sho im really really sorry ;\ i just overlook such easy things... last fix i promise... just make these two edits...

open showthread.php


PHP Code:

// +++++++ Private Text Hack [ g-force2k2 ] +++++++
if(!$getperms['canviewprivtxt']) {
// +++++++ Private Text Hack [ g-force2k2 ] +++++++ 

and replace that with:

PHP Code:

// +++++++ Private Text Hack [ g-force2k2 ] +++++++
if($getperms['canviewprivtxt']) {
// +++++++ Private Text Hack [ g-force2k2 ] +++++++ 

it appears twice... and i swear... no joking it'll work :)


Sho 08-18-2002 11:50 PM

Gonna try it, hold on

Sho 08-18-2002 11:54 PM

I'm sorry g-force2k2, but still ... log in as A, attach a private text to B to a reply, log out, visit the thread as a guest ... and there is the private text to B. Doesn't work. :(

g-force2k2 08-18-2002 11:56 PM

Sho email me your showthread.php and i will debug if for you and send it back aight?


Sho 08-18-2002 11:58 PM

No, this time it was my fault! Forgot to delete those "!" in front of "$getperms", just looked at the 0/1 difference. I guess we both overlook the easy things. ;)

Seems to work now!

g-force2k2 08-19-2002 12:06 AM

:D thats great to hear Sho ^^ sorry for all the trouble... but if its working then thats the best thing i could ask for :)


Sho 08-19-2002 12:07 AM

Tested it with a few members and across all usergroups, works great now. Thanks!

Jashugan 08-19-2002 12:40 AM

Thanks G-force for hard work and fix it up :)

[high]* Jashugan install![/high]

Tim Wheatley 08-19-2002 12:44 AM

Doesn't work here.

Firstly, whenever I change permissions I do so, go back to check and they've gone back to the original (off) setting.

Even when I do click on then don't go back in, I (admin) can view all of them (as I should), so can the person I send it to (as he should), but unfortunately when each of us logs out of the board we can still read it... :(

g-force2k2 08-19-2002 12:49 AM

Tim there's two changes that you need to make...


open admin/usergroup.php


PHP Code:


it should be:

PHP Code:



open showthread.php


PHP Code:

// +++++++ Private Text Hack [ g-force2k2 ] +++++++
if($getperms['canviewprivtxt']) {
// +++++++ Private Text Hack [ g-force2k2 ] +++++++ 

should find it twice and replace them both with:

PHP Code:

// +++++++ Private Text Hack [ g-force2k2 ] +++++++
if($getperms['canviewprivtxt']) {
// +++++++ Private Text Hack [ g-force2k2 ] +++++++ 

I await to hear good news from you too Tim :)


Sho 08-19-2002 12:49 AM

@Tim Wheatley:

First open your modified usergroup.php.


PHP Code:

makeyesnocode("Can add private text messages","canaddprivtxt",$usergroup[cannaddprivtxt]); 


PHP Code:

makeyesnocode("Can add private text messages","canaddprivtxt",$usergroup[canaddprivtxt]); 


Now, open your modified showthread.php. When you first modified it, you inserted the following two times:

PHP Code:

// +++++++ Private Text Hack [ g-force2k2 ] +++++++
if(!$getperms['canviewprivtxt']) {
// +++++++ Private Text Hack [ g-force2k2 ] +++++++ 

Replace both with:

PHP Code:

// +++++++ Private Text Hack [ g-force2k2 ] +++++++
if($getperms['canviewprivtxt']) {
// +++++++ Private Text Hack [ g-force2k2 ] +++++++ 

Now everything should work.

Sho 08-19-2002 01:00 AM

@Boofo: See step 3 and step 6 for showthread.php in your install_privatetext.php.

Boofo 08-19-2002 01:04 AM

Thanks. I just found that about 2 seconds after I posted the message that I just deleted. :)


Originally posted by Sho
@Boofo: See step 3 and step 6 for showthread.php in your install_privatetext.php.

g-force2k2 08-19-2002 01:08 AM

my posts though the quick reply keep timing out x_X then i saw that Boofo's post disappeared so i guess it doesn't matter now xD


Sho 08-19-2002 01:08 AM


Thanks. I just found that about 2 seconds after I posted the message that I just deleted. :)
Happens. ;)

Boofo 08-19-2002 01:16 AM

Sorry about that. I erased it after I found the second instance of code. It was formatted different in my showthread.php so I had to search for a single line. I felt kind-of stupid and thought I could erase it before anyone caught it. :)

My ISP has been down since about 1/3 into this hack. I had just uploaded the newreply (before the added change which I have to do when I can get the site back online) and just got done with the showthread.php and was uploading it when the site went down. Now, I have made the changes to it and am just waiting for the site to come back up so I can finish the hack. I'm in a holding pattern, I guess you could say. :)

g-force2k2, I may need your assistance when I finish this in case I got something wrong in the middle of all of this. Having a site go down in the middle of a hack can be quite frustrating, especially when there are changes made during that time. :)


Originally posted by g-force2k2
my posts though the quick reply keep timing out x_X then i saw that Boofo's post disappeared so i guess it doesn't matter now xD


Schorsch 08-19-2002 07:21 AM

it's really confusing, please update your install file with all the fixes :)

and Thanks for your great work !!


g-force2k2 08-19-2002 01:29 PM

yes Schorsch the file has been updated... only changes are there for the hackers who downloaded it beforehand...


Attrox 08-19-2002 01:34 PM

Great hack g-force2k2, I think I might use it...it could be very useful.

Schorsch 08-19-2002 01:45 PM


Originally posted by g-force2k2
yes Schorsch the file has been updated... only changes are there for the hackers who downloaded it beforehand...


your file (I downloaded it 2 mins ago) is not completely bug free, for example in your install file it is still:

// +++++++ Private Text Hack [ g-force2k2 ] +++++++
if($permssions[canaddprivtxt]) {

instead of permissions


g-force2k2 08-19-2002 02:45 PM

oh okay schorsch thanks for telling me i will update... but im pretty sure the rest is good then... my bad my bad ;)


g-force2k2 08-19-2002 02:55 PM

thats wierd >_O i changed it like five times and it doesn't change i even deleted it and reattached it O_<...

well i will reattach here...


Neo 08-19-2002 04:03 PM

it would be cool if you had a user validation part to it.

g-force2k2 08-19-2002 04:18 PM


Originally posted by Neo
it would be cool if you had a user validation part to it.
User Validation?

you mean like check to see if the user exists ;) because it does have that feature :p


Schorsch 08-19-2002 08:01 PM

ok, what about this:

me as admin can edit my private message text, but all my registered useres and mods can't edit their priv. message text. they simply don't see the priv. message box under the post when they wanna edit the post.

also if they edit their post, the priv. message text is gone after that.

what's wrong ?


ExAvIoUr 08-19-2002 10:35 PM

Another spelling error is on Line 33 of Showthread.php :


// +++++++ Private Text Hack [ g-force2k2 ] +++++++
$templatesused.= "posbit_privtxt";
// +++++++ Private Text Hack [ g-force2k2 ] +++++++

Replace with


// +++++++ Private Text Hack [ g-force2k2 ] +++++++
$templatesused.= "postbit_privtxt";
// +++++++ Private Text Hack [ g-force2k2 ] +++++++

I'm currently trying to get the Private Text box to work...
Newreply.php (Line 3):


// +++++++ Private Text Hack [ g-force2k2 ] +++++++
$templatesused.= "privtext_error_missingfields,privtext_error_usernoexist,privtext_error_userself,privtext_error_toolong,privtext_redirect_thanks,newreply_privtxt";
// +++++++ Private Text Hack [ g-force2k2 ] +++++++

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