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-   -   Quick Reply Box (with Close/Open thread switch) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=40380)

TECK 09-22-2002 04:57 PM

ya, you are right... i added this to the file.
in showthread.php, find:

replace it with:

  if ($bbuserinfo['emailnotification']) {
    $emailchecked = 'yes';
  } else {
    $emailchecked = '';

in template showthread_replybox, find:

<input type="hidden" name="email" value="">
replace it with:

<input type="hidden" name="email" value="$emailchecked">
now it will look in your default preferences, all done in the background, so there is no need for an ugly extra checkbox. if you have it set to automatically recieve email notifications, that change will allow you to do it from now on. :)
for those who installed the hack already, just change the code listed above.

yzztik 09-22-2002 05:28 PM

OMG! You are a god! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! :D

*runs to edit*

EDITED: just made the changes. Works like a charm! Thanks a million!

Dave-ahfb 09-24-2002 04:09 PM

I am getting reports of a JS error in IE5

PHP Code:


Object expected 

my line 864 is
PHP Code:

<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="newreply.php" name="vbform" method="post" onSubmit="return validate(this)"

Wish I knew javascript :(


TECK 09-24-2002 04:12 PM

hello dave. try this:
onSubmit="return validate(this);"

notice the ; an the end. let me know if it fix it.
it could also be because you have some javascript that you added in the header, that is not part of vBulletin.
in this case i cannot help you.


Dave-ahfb 09-24-2002 04:18 PM

Ill give it a shot

thanks :)


K_2 09-26-2002 06:43 PM

Hey TECH, I love this hack and would love to implment it into my Forum also. I am really new to this and I followed your directions to the T and I get this error..

Parse error: parse error, unexpected $ in /home/xxx/public_html/Forum/showthread.php on line 508

I am running 2.2.8.

Is there anything else that I can do?? Please?? hehe

MultiSync 09-26-2002 08:56 PM

I have installed the hack to my new site, but it didn't show up on the forum. It is weird. And I have check over for 4 times already. Any clue? Thanks!

Btw I am using v2.2.8

TECK 09-26-2002 09:12 PM

check your code. is nothing wrong with the hack.

K_2 09-26-2002 10:41 PM


Originally posted by TECK
check your code. is nothing wrong with the hack.
OK, checked it 4 times, replaced the phpfile, them redid it again, even had my 3 year old take a look at it also, still errors.. :(

Oh well thanks anyways..

TECK 09-26-2002 10:43 PM

hello K2

Parse error: parse error, unexpected $ in /home/xxx/public_html/Forum/showthread.php on line 508
that a code typo... you probably typed something by accident there...

K_2 09-27-2002 12:25 AM


Originally posted by TECK
hello K2

Parse error: parse error, unexpected $ in /home/xxx/public_html/Forum/showthread.php on line 508
that a code typo... you probably typed something by accident there...

I understand whatyou are sayin, but I triple checked my code. I used my backup showthread.php file 3 times too.. I dont think I could do the same typo 4 times.

It does say line 508, is there any editor that takes me to line 508? I am just using WordPad to edit..


K_2 09-27-2002 12:51 AM

Nevermind, went and found UltraEdit. Line 508 has this in it..


thats it. SO I deleted it, and still said the same thing.. Now, get this, I cant getmy forum back to where it was before, lmao! When I try to click on reply to a thread, it errors.. Thank God I have only 43 members.


MultiSync 09-27-2002 03:52 AM

I dunno why there is problem on my side too? I got no error msgs, but the reply box didn't show up on the forum :cry:

Is there anyway that u can take a look @ my files? or something that u can check?

TECK 09-27-2002 04:13 AM

Guys, you dont understand one thing. A hack cannot be installed just like that... "Ahh well it doesn't matter if I dont read every single info or explanation included on install readme file"...

I see all the time people who complain that the hack is no good or there are problems and come asking here why it's not working...
Let me give you one advice:

Then you will see how easy it is to install a hack, even a HUGE one.
DO NOT RUSH IT. One little bracket missed can screw everything.
Take your time. Read carefully and make sure you understand perfectly everything BEFORE you proceed with any modifications in the file. Then if something is unclear, you ask here your question and I will answer, so you can go to the next step.

Comming up with questions like "it doesnt show up??" or "is not working??" makes me turn my back and never answer.
Study the hack, ask pertinent questions and I guarantee you, you will be a happy hacker.
You will understand better how the code works and you will not make any mistakes.

An example of pertinent question should be like this:
point 2 in functions.php modification
[high]I dont understand why the iif() function include only a value.
Also, where is located $post[icon] variable in the template?[/high]

So one more time, please ask pertinent questions.
Thank you and all the best.

[shad0w] 09-29-2002 07:00 PM

Error on 507. 507: ?>

N9ne 09-29-2002 07:10 PM

I followed the exact instructions and it works flawlessly on 2.2.8, so no one should have ANY problems ;)

TECK 09-29-2002 07:12 PM

thank you Tha_Rock. the hack works. i simply hate it when people are in a rush installing it fast.
that's how you make mistakes. especially on a large one like this.

LOD-squa 09-29-2002 07:13 PM

can this be done with Fire Fly's quick reply? if yes what code do I need to change or add?

TECK 09-29-2002 07:26 PM

did you read the first few posts?

winston 09-29-2002 07:53 PM

i installed the hack which is great but the reply box is bright green>
Why is that and how can i change it?
thnx :(

I cantr find it anywhere and boy is it ever loud. lol I also am seeing 2 of the reply boxes one on top and another on bottom.

Please give a guy some help here.
much thnx

N9ne 09-29-2002 08:21 PM

in showthread template, you didn't add the reply box variable twice did you?

Also, in the instructions, it says to change all variables which are like this: { catbgcolor} to {catbgcolor} so there's no space infront of the letters.

winston 09-29-2002 08:36 PM

yes i just figured it out and came to let you guys know that i goofed up. although i may kinda like it on top and bottom.

I am learning though. Playing with the colors now. thank you for the prompt response

TECK 09-29-2002 08:37 PM

np winston. let us know if you need any extra help.

jwoodall 09-29-2002 11:36 PM

Alright... I'm totally clueless to this stuff. This is my first effort, so bear with me.

I don't appear to have any templates (nor a directory called such). I have experience modifying html and cut & pasting java/vbscript, but programming is way out there for me (I'm a hardware guy).

I don't know where to add this, or how to create a template. I would like the reply box to look like the one in this forum. I know there's a couple versions of this thing going around, but still have no clue.

Could someone point me to the code I need -- and some tips on how to do this? (yeah, I read the How to Install, but I wasn't real sure what I was reading)


TECK 09-29-2002 11:42 PM

i would recommend you to start with a smaller hack. this is a huge one. :)
once you get comfortable with vb hacking than try this one...
my friendly advice.

try for now, firefly's hack wich is a simplified version of what you see here. the link is on the first post. cheers.

jwoodall 09-30-2002 12:07 AM

I looked at that file (firefly_template) but have no clue what to do with it.

jwoodall 09-30-2002 12:11 AM

As for starting small, I'm not aware of any other hacks I'd like to use.

Lightbringer, if you read this thread any more -- what's up!?

TECK 09-30-2002 12:45 AM

jwoodall, ask in "general hacking discussions" forum for some guidelines, i will post an answer there. :)

Cyrex56 10-01-2002 06:59 PM

Not sure if this is already posted or not (I could have missed it) but in VB 2.2.8 doing exactly as in the txt file for the hack will give an error when u click the "go" button.. you need to change it to this:
| FILE: FORUM/showthread.php (2 changes) |
| 1. Find this code:
$templatesused = 'showthread_ratingdisplay,postbit_search,postbit_b uddy,postbit_useremail,icq,aim ,yahoo,postbit_homepage,postbit_profile,postbit_ip _show,postbit_ip_hidden,postbi t,postbit_sendpm,postbit_avatar,postbit_offline,po stbit_online,postbit_editedby, postbit_signature,postbit_attachment,postbit_attac hmentimage,showthread_adminopt ions,showthread_threadrate,showthread_pollresults_ voted,showthread_pollresults_c losed,showthread_firstunread,showthread_nextnewest thread,showthread_nextoldestth read,forumrules,showthread';
| Replace it with:
$templatesused = 'showthread_ratingdisplay,postbit_search,postbit_b uddy,postbit_ignore,postbit_us eremail,icq,aim,yahoo,postbit_homepage,postbit_pro file,postbit_ip_show,postbit_i p_hidden,postbit,postbit_sendpm,postbit_avatar,pos tbit_offline,postbit_online,po stbit_editedby,postbit_signature,postbit_attachmen t,postbit_attachmentimage,show thread_adminoptions,showthread_threadrate,showthre ad_pollresults_voted,showthrea d_pollresults_closed,showthread_firstunread,showth read_nextnewestthread,showthre ad_nextoldestthread,forumrules,showthread,showthre ad_replybox,newthread_closeope n';

for the very first change in the showthread.php

this is for VB 2.2.8

DarkRider 10-10-2002 11:17 PM

Hey. The hack is sweet, but, the color is black. I can't find where to change it. Please let me know. Thanks.

Ember 12-13-2002 04:56 PM

This might have been said, but I have installed this on 2.2.9, it works fine.

Ember 12-13-2002 04:56 PM

darkrider, did you remove the spaces before the colour variables?

flup 12-13-2002 05:24 PM

Probably not, it's working here (also @ 2.2.9) with my very own colours

BlackDeath 12-22-2002 09:52 AM


Originally posted by Cyrex56
Not sure if this is already posted or not (I could have missed it) but in VB 2.2.8 doing exactly as in the txt file for the hack will give an error when u click the "go" button.. you need to change it to this:
| FILE: FORUM/showthread.php (2 changes) |
| 1. Find this code:
$templatesused = 'showthread_ratingdisplay,postbit_search,postbit_b uddy,postbit_useremail,icq,aim,yahoo,postbit_homep age,postbit_profile,postbit_ip_show,postbit_ip_hid den,postbit,postbit_sendpm,postbit_avatar,postbit_ offline,postbit_online,postbit_editedby,postbit_si gnature,postbit_attachment,postbit_attachmentimage ,showthread_adminoptions,showthread_threadrate,sho wthread_pollresults_voted,showthread_pollresults_c losed,showthread_firstunread,showthread_nextnewest thread,showthread_nextoldestthread,forumrules,show thread';
| Replace it with:
$templatesused = 'showthread_ratingdisplay,postbit_search,postbit_b uddy,postbit_ignore,postbit_useremail,icq,aim,yaho o,postbit_homepage,postbit_profile,postbit_ip_show ,postbit_ip_hidden,postbit,postbit_sendpm,postbit_ avatar,postbit_offline,postbit_online,postbit_edit edby,postbit_signature,postbit_attachment,postbit_ attachmentimage,showthread_adminoptions,showthread _threadrate,showthread_pollresults_voted,showthrea d_pollresults_closed,showthread_firstunread,showth read_nextnewestthread,showthread_nextoldestthread, forumrules,showthread,showthread_replybox,newthrea d_closeopen';

for the very first change in the showthread.php

this is for VB 2.2.8


ok, it's working for me after i did what the above person i quoted stated but now the quick reply is showing at the top of my form instead of the top.

how do i get it to show on the bottom?

TECK 12-22-2002 09:56 AM

You placed the code in the wrong place, in your showthread template. :p

BlackDeath 12-22-2002 10:02 AM

ok i fixed it. for those who don't know coding like me the following code should be reworded to make it idiot proof:

| TEMPLATE: showthread |
| 1. Find this code, at the bottom:
<!-- first unread and next/prev -->

<!-- /spacer -->
| Replace it with:
<!-- first unread and next/prev -->
<!-- /spacer -->

i was able to figure this out on my own cause i have a programming background. in the showthread template there are two instances of the above code. these instructions say find the one on the bottom but it should say find the 2nd instance. it was confusing until i went back and checked it again. thought that'd help. thanks.

BlackDeath 12-22-2002 10:03 AM


Originally posted by TECK
You placed the code in the wrong place, in your showthread template. :p
yeah. i figured that out. the instructions are a little hazy. also, i have another fix for the proxy hack that i installed. i'll post that there if i can find it. it has to do w/ in one of the php docs it says "proxys" instead of "proxy" and that caused an error. i'll try and find it.

SemperFidelis 01-07-2003 12:36 PM


Originally posted by TECK
hello dave. try this:
onSubmit="return validate(this);"

notice the ; an the end. let me know if it fix it.
it could also be because you have some javascript that you added in the header, that is not part of vBulletin.
in this case i cannot help you.


Im experiencing the exact same problem Teck

I was also experiencing a similar js error when just dragging the mouse over the 'vb Code' section on new reply.
I then applied your suggestion above, and the issue with newreply has dissapeared.

But I am still getting the javascript error when hiting the go button on quick reply.
Any suggestions ?

KuraFire 01-07-2003 10:39 PM

funny, I wrote this hack for my own board just a week or two ago, but I added the quick-select options for mods to also (un)Stickify threads at the same time :)

And for users there's the option to show their signature (sigs are turned off by default on my board, (cluttersome crap)--) and to set E-mail notification on with their quick replies :)

This all is funny, cos 199 people installed this hack here... *grins* :)


dotagious 01-09-2003 08:56 PM

Anyway to add check boxes for the following features below the quick reply message field?

[ ]Email Notification [ ]Show Signature [ ]Go back to Forum

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