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eiSecure 06-26-2002 12:23 AM

What does that mean?;)

DestyNova 06-26-2002 02:04 AM

Good job! I test it on local and host, it works perfect! I test it most of this and it work well.



cant wait to add these vbcodes and smiles! :D

Superman53142 06-26-2002 02:20 AM


Originally posted by DestyNova
Good job! I test it on local and host, it works perfect! I test it most of this and it work well.



cant wait to add these vbcodes and smiles! :D

Cool, good thing it works for you :)

Keyser S?ze 06-26-2002 02:43 AM


Originally posted by eiSecure
Yeah, there's an explanation for it...

This was made to function exactly like MS Word. To make it a single line break, just hold Shift and press Enter, just like in MS Word!:)

It's not a bug..it's a feature...;)

thats not really true, in word unless u tell it to double space the default is to single space

now in front page, the default is to double space, u have to hold down the shift key and hit enter to get it to single space

i think thats what u meant eh?

well now that the html thing is fixed ill be installing this hack once again very soon, great job!

Vivi Ornitier 06-26-2002 03:05 AM

hmmm . . this hack i sreally nice, but what about inserting images, php and stuff like that? lol, hopefully that'll come?

Paul 06-26-2002 03:14 AM

Excellent to see this up and going!

A few slight problems that I've noticed so far:

In the install.txt, it tells you to create a directory under images called "toolbars" ... this should be "toolbar"

Smilies appear to be not working. I thought someone said this was fixed? Perhaps it's not in the zip yet?

Pressing "Bold" etc. will not remain "clicked" to let you know that bold is currently selected. From viewing dhtmleditor this appears to be possible. Would it be possible in this version as well? (remain highlighted in blue if it's selected).

Many thanks for such great work! :D


Superman53142 06-26-2002 03:23 AM

Smilies should be fixed in the download link in the original post. If you're getting an error on line 1 or whatever, then add <script langauge="Javascript" src="vbcode2.js"> into your body somewhere. About the pressing bold thing, I agree it could be done. I will look into that tomorrow; I'm pretty tired tonight and can't concentrate.

EDIT: The download isn't updated, LOL. I'll spit us out a brand-spanking-new version that should fix that :cool: :)

Superman53142 06-26-2002 03:35 AM

Here are the three templates that you'll need:

EDIT: If all is well on your forum, then you don't need these :)

Paul 06-26-2002 03:51 AM

I tried with the new templates.zip and am getting an "Object expected" error.

Perhaps vbcode2.js isn't updated?

Edit: I compared my vbcode2.js with the one on your forums and they are the same. Perhaps it's an error with the templates then? I'll try reinserting them.

DestyNova 06-26-2002 03:53 AM


Originally posted by LoveShack
Excellent to see this up and going!

A few slight problems that I've noticed so far:

In the install.txt, it tells you to create a directory under images called "toolbars" ... this should be "toolbar"

Smilies appear to be not working. I thought someone said this was fixed? Perhaps it's not in the zip yet?

Many thanks for such great work! :D


Yeah I plan to add when I m done with test this hack..

That s one "toolbar" not toolbars

And eiSecure seem forget to add this to his install.txt, it didnt say anything about vbcode2.js All you need to do is put it in forum directory (where you put selcolor.html) click smiles will be work.

Yeah I agree with LoveShack about highlight or something cuz it does throw me off too, I m not sure it is error until I type :D

btw it is excellent hack

Paul 06-26-2002 03:58 AM

I reapplyed the new templates.zip and still am having the line 0 object expected error. Can anyone else confirm this?

Superman53142 06-26-2002 04:13 AM


Originally posted by LoveShack
I reapplyed the new templates.zip and still am having the line 0 object expected error. Can anyone else confirm this?
What's your forum address? I'll take a quick look.

Erwin 06-26-2002 04:16 AM

Great! I've installed it, and my members love it.

I agree about keeping the buttons depressed when clicked - let me know when someone has worked that out. Now I need to figure out how to integrate all my custom vBCode buttons into this new format (things like glow, shadow etc). :p I will also try to integrate this into PM and my sig editor too.

Thanks for a great hack!

Erwin 06-26-2002 04:34 AM

Btw, superman, do I know you from somewhere? ;) How did you find out about my forums?

Superman53142 06-26-2002 04:36 AM


Originally posted by Erwin
Btw, superman, do I know you from somewhere? ;) How did you find out about my forums?
I think it was Yahoo when I was doing a search. My forum deals with Hardcore Computing, and I figured it would be cool to get involved in a forum that deals with my major "interest," for lack of a better word :p

EDIT: See your thread in Announcements. You should be able to add at least the default vbCode buttons in without a problem.

Velocd 06-26-2002 04:44 AM

I agree, having buttons pressed down when you click on them like Microsoft Word would be probably the last excellent feature this hack needs to be complete. How about it eiSecure :p


I will also try to integrate this into PM and my sig editor too.
When you do Erwin could you post the templates for them? It would be of great help ;)


Originally posted by Vivi Ornitier
hmmm . . this hack i sreally nice, but what about inserting images, php and stuff like that? lol, hopefully that'll come?
All Vbcode tags are functionable in this editor, but there are no buttons for most of them. You have to type them in manually, such as for PHP use [*php][/php] (wo/asterik ofcourse), and upon submit everything will work out fine.


Originally posted by LoveShack
Excellent to see this up and going!

A few slight problems that I've noticed so far:

In the install.txt, it tells you to create a directory under images called "toolbars" ... this should be "toolbar"

Smilies appear to be not working. I thought someone said this was fixed? Perhaps it's not in the zip yet?

Pressing "Bold" etc. will not remain "clicked" to let you know that bold is currently selected. From viewing dhtmleditor this appears to be possible. Would it be possible in this version as well? (remain highlighted in blue if it's selected).

Many thanks for such great work! :D


If you install everything from the zip provided in post #1 then all should work fine. Try clearing your cache then redownloading the zip. Things to make sure is that no modifications are made to functions.php, and that you have uploaded vbcode2.js to your forums root folder, insuring that vbcode.js is still there.

Erwin 06-26-2002 04:47 AM

Heheh... saw your post.

I think I WILL add the vbcodes back... I was thinking of integrating them ie. making them WYSIWYG - eg. with glow. Shouldn't be too hard.

Also, another thing:

Can you make it so that the new vbcode is compatible with the vbcode hack where smilies are placed where the cursor is rather than at the end of the message?

The hack is this one:


I am already running it, and switching back to the old one where smilies are placed at the end of the message is irritating.

Superman53142 06-26-2002 04:49 AM

Just for the record, if you add the vbCode buttons back into the wysiwyg templates, they will work; the vbcode2.js file supports it. However, you will have to move the line in vbcode_buttons that says:


<script language="Javascript" src="vbcode.js">
to all the non-wysiwig templates and delete it from that template.

Superman53142 06-26-2002 04:51 AM


Originally posted by Erwin
Heheh... saw your post.

I think I WILL add the vbcodes back... I was thinking of integrating them ie. making them WYSIWYG - eg. with glow. Shouldn't be too hard.

Also, another thing:

Can you make it so that the new vbcode is compatible with the vbcode hack where smilies are placed where the cursor is rather than at the end of the message?

The hack is this one:


I am already running it, and switching back to the old one where smilies are placed at the end of the message is irritating.

I'll give it a shot. I've got nothing else to do :)

Erwin, it doesn't look like it's possible using the old technique. I tihnk it can be done if I can capture the position of the cursor in the iframe. If anyone knows how to do this, then it can be done. I'm not sure that we can capture the position of the cursor in an iframe.

Velocd 06-26-2002 05:04 AM

Hey Superman, any idea of how I can get the default font to be Verdana instead of Times New Roman? Since that is what most of my members are used to. Also, have you noticed or not if the default size is the normal size? If not, it would be great to preset that to the normal vbulletin size.

Superman53142 06-26-2002 05:07 AM


Originally posted by Velocd
Hey Superman, any idea of how I can get the default font to be Verdana instead of Times New Roman? Since that is what most of my members are used to. Also, have you noticed or not if the default size is the normal size? If not, it would be great to preset that to the normal vbulletin size.
I think it can be done. The default font is correct for Times New Roman, and when submitted, if you don't select a size, it will print out no size, hence Verdana will be the default size, even though it is a bigger font than Times New Roman. If I were to make Verdana the default, it would be Verdana, size 2 (which should be about 10px or so).

EDIT: OK, I have this done. I will release it tomorrow along with the other requests. I know it would be a MAJOR pain in the butt to upgrade everytime a new request was furfilled, so I prefer to do lump upgrades. Does anyone else think Alex (eiSecure) is going to be very surprized at the number of changes that will be done by the time he wakes up tomorrow :p

Superman53142 06-26-2002 05:18 AM

OK, if you really must have this change now, right below the <iframe> there is a <script> tag. Insert this right below the <script....> tag:

idContent.document.write("<style>body { font-family:Verdana; font-size: 12px }</style>");

Admin 06-26-2002 05:33 AM

You can just replace this:

$threadengine = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT enablewysiwyg FROM user WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'");

  if($threadengine[enablewysiwyg]){ eval("dooutput(\"".gettemplate("newthread_wysiwyg")."\");");

  } else { eval("dooutput(\"".gettemplate("newthread")."\");"); }


  if($bbuserinfo['enablewysiwyg']) {
  } else {

No query needed.

Superman53142 06-26-2002 05:34 AM

So $bbuserinfo works like one of the super-duper-global PHP variables like $HTTP_POST_VARS?

Superman53142 06-26-2002 05:36 AM

I'm outta here. I'll be back in the morning; it's pretty late here.

Admin 06-26-2002 05:37 AM

In the install file it says:

11. Extract all the images included in this zip to a new folder called 'toolbars' under your forum's images folder.
They need to be in the 'toolbar' folder, actually.

Admin 06-26-2002 05:39 AM


Originally posted by Superman53142
So $bbuserinfo works like one of the super-duper-global PHP variables like $HTTP_POST_VARS?
No, but $bbuserinfo is an array that contains all information from the user and userfield tables for the browsing user.

Anyway, just finished installing this on my local machine. What can I say... touche. :)

Superman53142 06-26-2002 05:42 AM


Originally posted by FireFly

No, but $bbuserinfo is an array that contains all information from the user and userfield tables for the browsing user.

Anyway, just finished installing this on my local machine. What can I say... touche. :)

Make the default text Verdana, it looks too sweet!!! Thanks to VeloCD for the idea. I posted like a few posts up on how I did it; just idContent.document.write("<STYLE>BODY { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px }</STYLE>");

Admin 06-26-2002 05:44 AM

Shouldn't it translate the vB Code back to visual when you edit a post? I can see the [b] and all that.

Admin 06-26-2002 05:45 AM


Originally posted by Superman53142
Make the default text Verdana, it looks too sweet!!! Thanks to VeloCD for the idea. I posted like a few posts up on how I did it; just idContent.document.write("<STYLE>BODY { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px }</STYLE>");
Yes I already did that, and it does look very very good. Great job like I said.

Superman53142 06-26-2002 05:46 AM


Originally posted by FireFly
[B]Shouldn't it translate the vB Code back to visual when you edit a post? I can see the and all that.
Hehe, that would require more work :p

I'll put it on my list of "Things to do today" for tomorrow :)

I just hope OpenSSH doesn't release their patch tomorrow; otherwise I have a lot to do :(

Virix 06-26-2002 05:49 AM

3.3 is already out... Don't expect 3.3p1 till about friday.. Vendors are still sending patchs...

Superman53142 06-26-2002 05:52 AM


Originally posted by Virix
3.3 is already out... Don't expect 3.3p1 till about friday.. Vendors are still sending patchs...
I'm waiting for 3.4 or the eqivilant with the vuln completely fixed without a dumb workaround.

They are on 3.3p1 right now. I hate upgrading SSH since that's how I connect to the server, LOL, and if I screw that up...

Virix 06-26-2002 05:55 AM

Ahh they've already released 3.3p1.. Hmm.. When 3.3 was released they said they were going to release 3.3p1 to fix the problems 3.3 had with some vendors...

BTW: its not really a work around, its just a feature you enable in the sshd conf...

You get used to installing stuff like ssh and kernels after you do it to 20 machines :D

And if your scared it might mess up, install it on another port first and see if it works, and move it over, or enable telnet as a backup :D

Superman53142 06-26-2002 05:59 AM


Originally posted by Virix
or enable telnet as a backup :D
Yeah, that's what one of the other admins at my forum recommended. That'll be what I end up doing. I just don't wanna have to do it twice, LOL.

I'm really off to bed this time; it's almost 2am here :eek:

Floris 06-26-2002 06:49 AM

You can view a demo of the hack in action here: http://forums.eisecure.com
.. no I can't :)

Birdie501 06-26-2002 07:16 AM


Originally posted by xiphoid
You can view a demo of the hack in action here: http://forums.eisecure.com
.. no I can't :)

Did you turn it on in your profile? :)

BigJohnson 06-26-2002 07:54 AM

I am sorta lost in the difference between this hack and the other one. Can someone please help me out here and explain. Thanks.

Birdie501 06-26-2002 09:17 AM

hi, just installed, works fine, but the smilies don't work!??
Will this be fixed?

Smoothie 06-26-2002 09:35 AM


Originally posted by Birdie501

Did you turn it on in your profile? :)

I think he means you have to register there first.

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