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Boofo 06-24-2002 11:47 AM

Yes, it is another hack (although I'm not sure which one :)). Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Originally posted by Sinecure
Well judging by looking at that it seems you either have a hack installed, or maybe an older version of vBulletin, I'm leaning more towards a hack installed.

Maybe Xenon would know how to intergrate that code you have there, with the code neccesary to run this hack.

Sinecure 06-24-2002 12:10 PM


Originally posted by FireFly

Look at head_newpm template. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure it out. :)

What are you implying Chen? That I'm not a rocket Scientist?

JohnWoo 06-24-2002 12:27 PM

Oh... can someone add a little action for this hack.

When i click in Admin Options -> Edit thread, i can edit Reason for closing thread

10x a lot... sorry for my english ;)

Sinecure 06-24-2002 01:04 PM


Originally posted by JohnWoo
Oh... can someone add a little action for this hack.

When i click in Admin Options -> Edit thread, i can edit Reason for closing thread

10x a lot... sorry for my english ;)

I'm not 100% sure what you are asking. Are you asking to have a place to edit the reason for closing? If you want to edit it, you coudl simply just open the thread, and then close it again :)

Boofo 06-24-2002 01:14 PM

I think he's asking for an option in the amin cp. :)


Originally posted by Sinecure

I'm not 100% sure what you are asking. Are you asking to have a place to edit the reason for closing? If you want to edit it, you coudl simply just open the thread, and then close it again :)

JohnWoo 06-24-2002 01:46 PM

>I'm not 100% sure what you are asking. Are you asking to have a place to edit the reason for closing? If you want to edit it, you coudl simply just open the thread, and then close it again

Yes, u right, but it`s not good idea that mods open and then close thread again with new reason. Maybe u try to do this

>I think he's asking for an option in the amin cp.

Nope. Not in admin cp. Mods dosen`t have permission to login into admin CP.

Lesane 06-24-2002 02:12 PM

A Suggestion:

You say this in the instructions:

PHP Code:

Step 6Modifying the SHOWTHREAD Template 

End content area table (CREATED IN HEADER!!) -->    

After thatADD

If there is no reason then you have 2 <br>, means 2 new empty lines. It's better to put those 2 <br> in the showthread_closereason template.

And here is a little addon wich also displays the user that closed that thread:

Execute this query:

PHP Code:


Open root/postings.php and find:

PHP Code:

$closereason=" closereason='".addslashes($reason)."', "

Change it to:

PHP Code:

$closereason=" closereason='".addslashes($reason)."',who='".addslashes($bbuserinfo[username])."', "

Then open the template: showthread_closereason

PHP Code:


Add after it:
PHP Code:


Done. :)

Xenon 06-24-2002 03:17 PM

@Lesane: Thank you, so i don't have to write it ;)
but i would change it to that:

[sql]ALTER TABLE thread ADD `whoclosed` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL;[/sql]
PHP Code:

$closereason=" closereason='".addslashes($reason)."',whoclosed='".addslashes($bbuserinfo[username])."', "

then use By: $thread[whoclosed]

@Sinecure: you can update the install file *gg*
It grows faster and faster as i thought of ;)


Originally posted by Boofo

if ($thread[open]) {
  $replyclose="{ replyimage}";
} else {
  $replyclose="{ closedthreadimage}";
  eval("\$closereason = \"".gettemplate("showthread_closereason")."\";");

in what I already have here (and can it be done)?


if ($thread[open]) {
  eval("\$replyopenclosed = \"".gettemplate("showthread_replyopen")."\";");
} else {
  if (ismoderator($thread[forumid],'canopenclose')) {
    eval("\$replyopenclosed = \"".gettemplate("showthread_replyclosedmod")."\";");
  } else {
        eval("\$replyopenclosed = \"".gettemplate("showthread_replyclosed")."\";");

use this:
PHP Code:

if ($thread[open]) {
"\$replyopenclosed = \"".gettemplate("showthread_replyopen")."\";");
} else {
"\$closereason = \"".gettemplate("showthread_closereason")."\";");
  if (
ismoderator($thread[forumid],'canopenclose')) {
"\$replyopenclosed = \"".gettemplate("showthread_replyclosedmod")."\";");
  } else {
"\$replyopenclosed = \"".gettemplate("showthread_replyclosed")."\";");

Xenon 06-24-2002 04:40 PM


Originally posted by JohnWoo
Oh... can someone add a little action for this hack.

When i click in Admin Options -> Edit thread, i can edit Reason for closing thread

10x a lot... sorry for my english ;)

Well let's see what we can do :)

optional add to the hack:

edit template threads_editthread

        <td bgcolor="{firstaltcolor}" width="73%"><normalfont><b>Moderator Notes / Thread Summary:</b></normalfont></td>
        <td bgcolor="{firstaltcolor}" width="27%"><normalfont><input type="text" class="bginput" name="notes" value="$threadinfo[notes]" size="50" maxlength="250"></normalfont></td>

add this code:

        <td bgcolor="{firstaltcolor}" width="73%"><normalfont><b>Close Reason:</b></normalfont></td>
        <td bgcolor="{firstaltcolor}" width="27%"><normalfont><input type="text" class="bginput" name="closereason" value="$threadinfo[closereason]" size="50" maxlength="255"></normalfont></td>

then open postings.php
find this line in editthread section:
PHP Code:

$DB_site->query("UPDATE thread SET visible='$visible',open='$open',title='".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($title))."',iconid='".addslashes($iconid)."',notes='".addslashes($notes)."' WHERE threadid='$threadid'"); 

replace it with:
PHP Code:

$DB_site->query("UPDATE thread SET visible='$visible',open='$open',title='".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($title))."',iconid='".addslashes($iconid)."',notes='".addslashes($notes)."',closereason='".addslashes($closereason)."' WHERE threadid='$threadid'"); 

i haven't tested it, but it should do what ya want :)

JohnWoo 06-24-2002 06:38 PM

Ohh... greate thanks... i go to test this addon....

JohnWoo 06-24-2002 06:46 PM

Wow.... it`s work
Greate thanks Xenon

Boofo 06-24-2002 06:54 PM


Thanks for the fix. Works great! So does the editing addon. :)


Thanks for the Closed By: addon. I made a slight modification, but it works great!

Reason for Thread being Closed by (Boofo): testing the thread closed reason box

Excellent work guys! You, too, Sinecure!

Xenon 06-24-2002 08:31 PM

np :)

ahh, very good, i like it when my code works ;)

JohnWoo 06-25-2002 12:51 PM

Can someone help me... I look into my cod, and see that i have install other hack that can`t work with this hack :(

It is Remove the Reply link when the thread is closed (by nakkid).

PHP Code:

01. Open showthread.php and find the code:
if (
$thread[open]) {
} else {

Replace it with:
if (
$thread[open]) {
"\$replyopenclosed = \"".gettemplate("showthread_replyopen")."\";");
} else {
  if (
ismoderator($thread[forumid],'canopenclose')) {
"\$replyopenclosed = \"".gettemplate("showthread_replyclosedmod")."\";");
  } else {
"\$replyopenclosed = \"".gettemplate("showthread_replyclosed")."\";");

and this hack have:

PHP Code:

Step 2Edit Showthread.php   (1 Modification)
if (
$thread[open]) {
} else {

Replace with:
if (
$thread[open]) {
} else {
  if (
trim($thread[closereason])) {
"\$closereason = \"".gettemplate("showthread_closereason")."\";");
  } else {
$closereason "";

What I should make that both worked hacks

PS. now i have this part of cod in showthread.php

PHP Code:

// Remove the Reply link when the thread is closed
if ($thread[open]) {
"\$replyopenclosed = \"".gettemplate("showthread_replyopen")."\";");
  } else {
  if (
ismoderator($thread[forumid],'canopenclose')) {
"\$replyopenclosed = \"".gettemplate("showthread_replyclosedmod")."\";");
  } else {
"\$replyopenclosed = \"".gettemplate("showthread_replyclosed")."\";");
//  Remove the Reply link when the thread is closed 

JohnWoo 06-25-2002 12:51 PM

Can someone help me... I look into my cod, and see that i have install other hack that can`t work with this hack :(

It is Remove the Reply link when the thread is closed (by nakkid).

PHP Code:

01. Open showthread.php and find the code:
if (
$thread[open]) {
} else {

Replace it with:
if (
$thread[open]) {
"\$replyopenclosed = \"".gettemplate("showthread_replyopen")."\";");
} else {
  if (
ismoderator($thread[forumid],'canopenclose')) {
"\$replyopenclosed = \"".gettemplate("showthread_replyclosedmod")."\";");
  } else {
"\$replyopenclosed = \"".gettemplate("showthread_replyclosed")."\";");

and this hack have:

PHP Code:

Step 2Edit Showthread.php   (1 Modification)
if (
$thread[open]) {
} else {

Replace with:
if (
$thread[open]) {
} else {
  if (
trim($thread[closereason])) {
"\$closereason = \"".gettemplate("showthread_closereason")."\";");
  } else {
$closereason "";

What I should make that both worked hacks

PS. now i have this part of cod in showthread.php

PHP Code:

// Remove the Reply link when the thread is closed
if ($thread[open]) {
"\$replyopenclosed = \"".gettemplate("showthread_replyopen")."\";");
  } else {
  if (
ismoderator($thread[forumid],'canopenclose')) {
"\$replyopenclosed = \"".gettemplate("showthread_replyclosedmod")."\";");
  } else {
"\$replyopenclosed = \"".gettemplate("showthread_replyclosed")."\";");
//  Remove the Reply link when the thread is closed 

Xenon 06-25-2002 01:26 PM

double post ;)

read the thread again, i have told boofo what to do, he has installed the same

Smoothie 06-25-2002 05:27 PM

I noticed in the new templates you need to create that colors are specified, what would need to be changed so that it followed the site colors?

Schorsch 07-15-2002 02:49 AM

thanks for the hack :)

Boofo 07-15-2002 03:06 AM

Did someone just delete a cross-posted message in here concerning vbmicrostats or am I seeing things? :)

Schorsch 07-15-2002 03:14 AM

the colors are hardcodet, could u change this ?


Schorsch 07-15-2002 03:17 AM


Originally posted by Boofo
Did someone just delete a cross-posted message in here concerning vbmicrostats or am I seeing things? :)
you are right that was me, sorry about that :laugh: :banana:

Boofo 07-15-2002 03:32 AM

Thank you. I was afraid I was going to have to start taking the medication again. :)


Originally posted by Schorsch

you are right that was me, sorry about that :laugh: :banana:

Xenon 07-15-2002 03:07 PM

have uploaded a new version in my first post (4th post in thread)

file is now zipped, so the replacements should be correct :)

Boofo 07-15-2002 03:30 PM

It still shows the following and the date of the text file is 07-06-2002. And I DID clean my cache first. :) (I am using the diable tags so you will see what it actually is). BTW: What did you change that we need to re-do?

Step 2: Edit Showthread.php (1 Modification)
if ($thread[open]) {
} else {

Replace with:
if ($thread[open]) {
} else {
eval("\$thread[closereason] = \"".gettemplate("showthread_closereason")."\";" );


Originally posted by Xenon
have uploaded a new version in my first post (4th post in thread)

file is now zipped, so the replacements should be correct :)

Xenon 07-15-2002 03:49 PM

lool, yes you're right

i have just corrected the templatesection, not the php-code section ;)

thanx for pointing out, now it should be ok ;)

Boofo 07-15-2002 03:52 PM

But what did you change that we need to re-do? Is there a simple upgrade we can make instead of doing it all again? :)


Originally posted by Xenon
lool, yes you're right

i have just corrected the templatesection, not the php-code section ;)

thanx for pointing out, now it should be ok ;)

Xenon 07-15-2002 03:59 PM

nothing really changed, it's just because some of the replacementvars became parsed in the old code, so i have uploaded the correct installfile in the zip.

there were no codechanges or something like that, so if you have corrected the colors yourself, you don't need to upgrade anything ;)

i have just done so, because schorsch and smothie said so ;)

habedere schorsch, kimst aus bayern? ;)

TaP 07-15-2002 11:53 PM

i was wondering if there was any way to have pre set messages?

also can you use date time and user names in this?

Schorsch 07-16-2002 01:56 AM

can somebody help me ???

on my board it looks completley different than in the screenshot of the first post.

how can I change that so it looks like in the screenshot of sinecure ????


@Xenon: ja bin aus Bayern (naehe Nuernberg), zur zeit wohne ich aber in USA (New Jersey) :bunny:

TaP 07-16-2002 02:09 AM

Schorsch... can you help me with my above post?

TaP 07-16-2002 03:21 AM

how i would make

PHP Code:

  $closereason=" closereason='".addslashes($reason)."',who='".addslashes($bbuserinfo[username]).', "; 

display the time and date when i do $thread[date] or $thread[time] ???

thanks for your time

Xenon 07-16-2002 10:28 AM

@schorsch: hmm, seems i have made a small version incompatibility:
PHP Code:

eval("\$closereason = \"".gettemplate("showthread_closereason")."\";"); 
  } else { 
$closereason ""

and replace it with
PHP Code:

eval("\$thread[closereason] = \"".gettemplate("showthread_closereason")."\";"); 
  } else { 
$thread[closereason] = ""

that should do the trick.

oh, ein bayer in amiland :)
i bin aus der n?he vo regensburg

@tap: in your enterreason template you find this line:
<textarea name="reason" rows="6" cols="45" wrap="virtual" tabindex="2">$threadinfo[closereason]</textarea>
replace the $threadinfo[closereason] with whatever you want as a standart reason...

yes you can also do the other parst, but you have to add extra fields to your thread-table called whoclosed (or something like that) and for example when closed

Boofo 07-16-2002 10:58 AM

Exactly how would we go about doing this, kind sir? :)


Originally posted by Xenon
yes you can also do the other parst, but you have to add extra fields to your thread-table called whoclosed (or something like that) and for example when closed

Xenon 07-16-2002 11:07 AM

hmm, very much to explain ;)

i think i'll include into next version ok?

Boofo 07-16-2002 11:21 AM

Sounds good. When will that be? :)

Xenon 07-16-2002 11:28 AM

i don't exactly know, have to talk to sinecure before, and i have a lot of work here this days, but i think till next week is possible :)

Boofo 07-16-2002 11:42 AM

Great! I wasn't trying to pressure you, I was just curious. :)

BTW: What does *gg* mean?

Schorsch 07-16-2002 02:47 PM


Originally posted by Xenon
@schorsch: hmm, seems i have made a small version incompatibility:
PHP Code:

eval("\$closereason = \"".gettemplate("showthread_closereason")."\";"); 
  } else { 
$closereason ""

and replace it with
PHP Code:

eval("\$thread[closereason] = \"".gettemplate("showthread_closereason")."\";"); 
  } else { 
$thread[closereason] = ""

that should do the trick.

I can't find the above code ??!! where can I find it ?


Xenon 07-16-2002 05:15 PM

it was in the old installation file i posted

if you download the newest one and do every step correct it'll also work ;)

boofo: *gg* = nice doublegrin ^^

Schorsch 07-16-2002 05:32 PM

I made the changes after your new file ( THIS one )!

what else could be the error ??


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