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Zajako, don't listen to any of the stupid fools that are complaining and are going against it. Your doing the right thing, anyways, they will be the first ppl to d/l the hack, if you finish the hack early thats a plus, but keep up the good work!!!!!
This time I promise I will release a rpg hack. And I am sure you will all love it. I have over come my asshole ness about the hole rpg hack and realize that one day someone will release one and why not release that from a hacker you can trust (Neo for office :D)
Once I get neer the end of the coding and such I will give a explanation of it and its usage :) |
Nevar! Not before I a release it. ;) I'm seriously thinking about releasing mine though. If I decide to it'll be ready in a few weeks.
lol I'm just being an ass about it because I have to use a stupid manual battle system when there is a hack for it x_x. Afterlab, you could also just make a better version of the hack for your forum and then release a basic version of it for the people, that way people like me don't try and piss on you XD
Whoever posted Final Fantasy was the first thign that had this idea. *WRONG*
Several games already had been created like it, and of course there was always pen and paper rpgs |
Pls do research hard... |
I would love to collaborate.
DestyNova: Thanks the means alot :) |
Ok my opinion here is probably going to make absolutely no sense what-so-ever but anyway.
Afterlab and the others who already have their own battle systems and won't release them. The way you just come over and convey yourselves here as self-centered brats has really wound me up. Your all like, oh no someone's releasing a battle hack it's gonna mean the end of my community. And the whole, people shouldn't rely on others to make hacks for them attitude. Well I'm sorry if I don't follow your, "I'm God and you should do what I say regeme." but if you care to remember there are people out there who DON'T understand PHP, who DON'T know vB inside it. These people crave to have something like a battle system, it's something they dream of.. but they don't know how to do it. You guys being so protective over your frickin' things just makes matters worse, it's like your treating them as animals. So sorry to tear you out of your own little bubbles but the people like zajako should be praised. They actually make an effort to make the common folk happy. And for all you over-protective tech junkies... shame on you. Zajako I think what your doing is brilliant and you have certainly earned my respect for it. And Afterlab sorry for using you as a direct example but your the only admin I can think of who had a successful battle system (please your name is so easy to remember ;) ). Hopefully this all made sense and didn't come accross as some ofensive slang ball........ knowing me I probably misread the thread.. Also zajako I have something that you may want to add to your hack. If your interested e-mail me or contact me or something. This hack is gonna be good. *thumbs up* |
There are actually tons of people working on this, but they don't post a thread in here to advertise their hack.
word^ sounds like me... except mines probably not taking so much attraction away from the actual board...........
g-force2k2 |
Well I'd say there are at least 5 out there that are complete. Afterlab, I have one (it's differnet though, support multiple user battles, items use turns and a few more things, based on diablo and final fantasy), there are two more that i've seen on other boards and i'm presuming there's at least 1 more out there. I think the reason why people don't want to release it is because they put in countless days, weeks, some months making this and just posting it to the public so that most other sites are identical to their own is probably not what they want. I know one may argue it's the community that counts but if that were true we'd all be on linux, not windows.
Each battle system that I've seen is different in it's own way so even if afterlab does release it, it would not affect me for example nor the other sites I've seen because they're all unique. It would only make further requests such as lesane's store hack. Great hack, i don't personally use it but almost every 10th thread has, can you make it work with the store hack. All in all, a battle system is great however I still don't think that it is fair for users to just go around browse at different board. say "i want this and i want this and i want this" post it here and then after 4 months of asking, requesting some hacker decides to go for it for recognition. It was a unique idea, that took a LOT of time to think up off and code. There are reasons why most aren't releasing it. |
*nods* To be honest, I think should a RPG hack be released, give it a standard fight, exp, and stuff. leave the more advanced things to the unique sites, like FFrepublic. if the users that want it free want to have more, then they will have to do the grunt work themselves. this in turn leaves the more advanced sites with something unique, and dare I say it, better. But I see this turning more from people saying they were going to do it and not, to others demanding that it be made... I think it's a bad turn... |
Mrlister and heretic
well, I dont know about others but I never request anything from AfterLab or Neo, I aint care if they do release or not, last thing I want to do is complain or bother them about release it.. But I do care about zajako and his hack cuz he decide to get up from chair and do something for us, people who needs that complex RPG for our forum. Is it bad idea? I would say no cuz zajako is here to provide to meet our needs for our forum nothing more than that. Afterlab and Neo themselves made that decision then it is ok with me. If Afterlab or Neo change their mind and decide to not release it, again it s fine with me, I respect whatever they think better but since this thread is about zajako's hack after all so I aint mind. AND zajako himself decide to make the hack so why we have to stop him? And I d like to have that hack from zajako, he never ask anything like recognition... |
Heretec: I agree completly! This is much better then going out and duplicating the features of those that spent months comping up with them just so they can be copied and released to thousands of users.
I'm not bugging anybody about releasing it it's just that some people spent months thinking up of this and put a lot of time into it. then a user just wanders in, says i want that and gets it. basically the users here, want to have the best features and all they have to do is post it and then spend 5 minutes installing it and poof they have the same feature as the next websit that spent months making it. I'm not saying stop zajako or stop anybody. I"m just saying that it's not fair to make a hack based on a different website who spent months making it. If you want a rpg hack you should do a request and explain in detail w/ unique ideas. not just go to ffrepublic.com for example and say "i want that" and then somebody goes off and duplicates it w/o the permission of the original programmer. Good ideas take a long time to think off. Imagine how long it took to think of a RPG Battle system.... Why should everybody have access to identical features w/o the permission of the original programmer. I don't see any other windows programs that have identical features to microsoft windows and just look a bit different. i'm not saying rpg battle system is copyright but at least respect the time the initial programmer took to think up of it. Also you mentioned meeting needs. What about the needs of the programmer who made it in the first place. The one that spent months making it? If somebody duplicated his best feature and releases it to a few thousand websites... Does that fullfil his needs. Also this is vBulletin, which is a forum. The only needs should be upgrades to it. Why are people expecting and asking for entire battle systems (complete game) and so forth. Why do you make it your need to get a entire game, website and forum out of something that's just a forum? |
True, I do agree with you but if zajako decide to not release it cuz of "original" then I can do nothing about it. But MrLister, I m sure that zajako have several features at his OWN board that he WILL not provide or add to his hack for us to keep his board "original" as possible as Afterlab plans to do. So that will be always different and original no matter what we get these hacks from them then why concern about it? Also this vb.org is for share the hacks or whatever provide anyone's request or needs, if they dont want to share any kind of "original" hack then why did they advertise about it at here? As what Firefly said, he have some more hacks that he made but didnt advertise about it at here, that which I respect him even more. |
DestyNova: Exactly, but my main concern is not on just this one hack. If this is released and it features everything from other battle systems do you really think that initial programmer will continue to think of great ideas and program them.
Do you think that any programmer will spend weeks and months thinking of new ideas or will most of them sit back and wait for somebody to release it so they can copy it. Just as Firefly I don't publish my website here because if I was there would be another bunch of requests that would get fulfilled and then i would have a few thousand sites looking a bit different with identical features. Afterlab for example. In my oppinion he made a mistake publishing ffrepublic.com . He gained maybe one or two honest members but 99% of the visitors that come from here are just interested in seeing if they can get somebody to reproduce identical features so their site could also be "cool" and "full of features." Basically he announced his site on vB forums and all he got was a lot of posts in the request forum to duplicate some features. I'm not speaking for him but i'm just saying what i think may be. |
Ok, ok, ok I agree with ya entirely but I aint mind to have a hack from zajako anyway that if he still tweak it :D
this would be a good idea, if you are going to overwrite the Levels hack by knoman, with the new code, post uninstall instructions for the original level hack, in the hack, then everyones happy
When that thing will be available ?
Sound awesone to me !!!! |
I'm only 15, but I know a child who's only 11 and is running his own vB. He dreams day in and day out of having a battle system... but no-one ever releases one. Can you imagine the smile on his face when he finds out about this hack? Great idea's are made to share. The lightbulb, TV etc. The people who invented them didn't keep them to themselves, they sold the idea and made lives happier and in some cases easier. Like I said before, it may come as a shock to you, but not everyone is a PHP junkie. So just quit it with the self-centered "I've got a stick up my ass and I'm going to moan because someone's builiding on an original idea" attitude. The whole new array of new battle systems being made and being released is a good thing. The building on the idea's can then be combined with other idea's to produce even better systems. So just for 5 seconds stop thinking about yourself, think about the vB public.. what they want....... I know this probably sounds really offensive but the jerkness of all you PHP junkies lately has been ticking me off. |
If that kind of hack will not be overprice, people will buy them, but 300$...
I mean vBulletin is the absolute best damn board in the web, the amount of work to achieve that kind of result must be awesome but the price is not exaggerated, it's reasonable and people buy it. But 300$ for a hack, vBulletin is even not that expensive. Just my 2? :) And for the people who to it 4 free, they all have my reconnaissance ! |
Hollenthon: Heh if vB was even $400 I'd still buy all the licenses i have. :) It's the best "board" out there, not a portal or a site. :)
Idea sare made to share but how is it sharing if the original coder never allowed it? He's the originator. It's not called sharing if you go to the site and duplicate it. Guess how much $ those great ideas you mentioned went to the originator. Do you think he would have shared it and spent all that time so he can have somebody else give out TVs for free? In regards to the child, I understand what you are saying, and i agree with you but at least get the concensus of the original programmer before duplicating his hack. Imagine the frown on his face when one thousand other websites have the same features he worked so extremly hard for. When I was that I age I would have been happy just owning a vB or running any kind of website, so he should as is have a huge smile on his face. Or he could ask the programmer politely for a copy. |
I work in the pharmaceutical business and it's the same problem. Can we allow small company to copy medication who take several years and million to develop ? But in the other hand can we tolerate the outrageous overprice of the new medication ? Great idea must be share at a reasonable price ! It's all about balance ! |
Hehe you're right. I just wanted to at least get others to appriciate the work the initial creator made. :)
Just to add little more of my 2? :)
I will take the same analogy that I use before with the pharmaceutical business. Usually, when a new discover is made, the company have the intellectual property for a certain amount of time, after that amount of time anybody can use the gizmo. I mean, take a site like Final Fantasy Republic. The have a very strong (I mean very strong) fan base and expertise with their RPG an even if they release their hack for free tomorrow, nobody will be able to achieve what they achieve because they always will be consider like the pioneers. As long I'm concern, since I run a French base site, I'm not making any competition to anyone :) Now, I'm anxiously waiting some news of zajako and his great work ! |
i think i could release a small version of my hack that i think is pretty good... :)...... but i dunno if i will
EDIT all these talks of money,,, thay have me boggled to ask the question why? We all knw the vb, is worth what we pai i ts t about that, its about making hack for it. I donot charge for my hacks, however, if anyone is interested, i do take donations. I don't expect any, nor do i really care about them, i just thought id say it :P |
as usual I :thumb up: your comment :D Quote:
This is to Vivi, Afterlab and guys like that:
if u really have the hack, and u can prove that it works i'm willing to buy it for my forums, just because i'm trying to satisfy my members.... plz contact me or my friend on aim: RespectiveUnl |
what now? should i release every hack i create for my forums in fear that someone is is gonna run around copying it without even asking and releasing it herE? |
Vincent]Okay well let me ask a few more questions for zajako since no one else it lmao
How does strength go by, do you only get EXP for battles? Do you get it for posting? Maybe both? Is there classes? If so is there level ups for each class? Is there certain standards for each class? Do we set our own classes? Which shop hack will you be using? Will you be making your own? Will the elements be in the shop? Will you just select an element when you register/in user cp? Can certain elements learn certain magics? Will it just be to where certain magics are stronger for certain elements? Will there be a thing for someone to make a custom weapon? Will you supply us with plenty of item pictures to use(if you need some I have a zip of alot of them)? Do you have to buy magics? Do you learn magics? Is there a stats system(like Attack, Defense, Speed, M.Attack, M.Defense, Evade and stuff like that)? After you answer those I'll come up with some more :p |
Eh? Vivi do whatever the hell you want, if you really want to you can
Yep, people can say what they want but this hack that zajako is cooking look awesone. Can wait ! Give us some uptade on your project I think that there's many persone who are interested !
I have nothing but respect for people like zajako who still did it for pleasure. |
ya this looks like it will be really cool and will be the first rpg hack i install......... keep up the good work man :)
You do not get strenght by posting however I might make it an optional thing to allow it.. I do plan to use a class system, and i prolly will let te classes level up. YOu als o set your clas when you first make your character. There are perks to each class as well, like different attacks. I plan to make a enirely new shop hack, because none to date will work for this kinda thing. Elements must be picked at the beining of char registration just like the class, and can't be bought in the shop. YOu have to be certien elements to get certein ma attacks, as well as some classes can have certien elements and some may not have an element. Also certien classes are stroner with certien elements as well. Custom weaposn will be able to be made. And item image libray is a must, if you would like to share that zip of them i would appriciate it. Some MA attacks you must learn from a mentor, ,or others you may learn from combat. There is a level up system for MA. here is the stat base: Atk base This is the root of your attack also know as your attack without any weapons or modifiers. It is found out by this simple formula: Level x 2 = AtkBase Def base This is the root of your defence. Also known as your defence without any armour or modifiers. It is found out by this simple formula: Level / 2 = DefBase (round down) MA Offence This is the amount of Offence you can do with your Mystic Aura. It is found out by this simple formula: Level / 3 = MAO (round down) MA Defence This is the amount of Defence you can block with your Mystic Aura. It is found out by this simple formula: Level / 4 = MAD (round down) MA Level This is the level of MA obtained. This tells what level of MA you can use. It is found out by this simple formula: Speed The rate which you may attack. |
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