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TECK 06-16-2002 04:30 AM


Originally posted by Velocd
I've got 2 questions to ask ;)

Question: How do you backup/restore a database using an SSH Client like Putty if the database is on your PC? I've tried entering in the hostname field of putty "localhost" and also my IP address but no go, it says cannot make connection. Would I be able to just use phpmyadmin for this, since its on my computer maybe it will be more reliable than using it on the web?

Question 2: I've noticed a small problem trying to register a new user (using phptriad installation method) and thats that you get a apache error. Registering members on a local vbulletin is sorta pointless anyway, but I just wanted to know if this is an error or normal.

1. wrong thread. check the backup tutorial.

2. i dont recommend anyone to use phptriad. it removes you the ability to configure the way you want all the server options.
the old school way is always the best way... and it works perfectly. why? because with phptriad, if there is a new php, mysql or apache release, you must uninstall everything and lose all your settings and data.
in my humble oppinion, phptriad is for lazy people who dont like to take the time to configure their server the right way. if you use phptriad, you will never learn anything about any config file and settings related to apache, php and mysql.

[high]remember, if is not working is because you missed a step.[/high] just an example, 99% of the people forget to restart Apache after they set all their options. this tutorial worked perfectly on every single pc i install it, so it must work also in yours.

Admin 06-16-2002 05:24 AM


Originally posted by nakkid
if you use phptriad, you will never learn anything about any config file and settings related to apache, php and mysql.
You also don't learn anything from just following someone else's tutorial and following instructions.

TECK 06-16-2002 05:30 AM

true. it took me a while to get it the right way the installation. you remember the DirectoryIndex tip you gave me long time ago?

Admin 06-16-2002 05:32 AM


Velocd 06-16-2002 09:43 AM


Originally posted by nakkid
1. wrong thread. check the backup tutorial.

2. i dont recommend anyone to use phptriad. it removes you the ability to configure the way you want all the server options.
the old school way is always the best way... and it works perfectly. why? because with phptriad, if there is a new php, mysql or apache release, you must uninstall everything and lose all your settings and data.
in my humble oppinion, phptriad is for lazy people who dont like to take the time to configure their server the right way. if you use phptriad, you will never learn anything about any config file and settings related to apache, php and mysql.

[high]remember, if is not working is because you missed a step.[/high] just an example, 99% of the people forget to restart Apache after they set all their options. this tutorial worked perfectly on every single pc i install it, so it must work also in yours.

1. *dies* That is the same point Firefly brought up. You see, you cannot use an SSH client like Putty to backup your forums installed on a localhost, like my pc. It wont connect for purposes that are probably logical--one being it is my pc and making a connection through putty to the very computer you type on seems silly. Still, I need a way to make a reliable backup so that when I finish with my forums on my computer I can transfer the backup to my webserver.

2. If I had a real server I would more than likely go your way Nakkid with doing by hand, ofcourse It's just my crappy Compaq Laptop and the only real purpose of it right now is for testing hacks on my vbulletin. Same reason I would never use a wysiwyg over regular text editors for any programming/authoring.

FWC 06-16-2002 07:10 PM


Originally posted by Velocd

1. *dies* That is the same point Firefly brought up. You see, you cannot use an SSH client like Putty to backup your forums installed on a localhost, like my pc. It wont connect for purposes that are probably logical--one being it is my pc and making a connection through putty to the very computer you type on seems silly. Still, I need a way to make a reliable backup so that when I finish with my forums on my computer I can transfer the backup to my webserver.

If you want to backup or restore databases on your home pc you can enter the same commands you would in an SSH client from the DOS command line. Navigate to your mysql directory and you can run them from there.

Velocd 06-16-2002 08:29 PM

Thanks for the help, that worked perfectly ;)

FWC 06-16-2002 10:46 PM


Originally posted by Velocd
Thanks for the help, that worked perfectly ;)
Glad it worked for you. :)

Velocd 06-18-2002 08:35 PM

Quick Tutorial - How to backup/restore on a localhost

I thought I would make this because I fought alittle trying to get this working using the MSDOS shell, and found some things to be alittle different than from what backing up is usually like.
Once again, thanks to FWC for the tip, and also Logican from another post providing me some info

(note: done using Windows XP, should work on older OS also)


1. Copy and paste the following into your address bar, then hit enter: %SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe

2. Now depending on how you installed MySQL on your system, either with or without PHPTriad, you need to browse to that directory bin folder.

For example, if you did use PHPTriad, type cd c:\apache\mysql\bin.


Type mysqldump -u username --opt database_name > backupfile.sql, filling in username and database_name with the correct values.

This method worked perfectly for me using the PHPTriad installation, should do the same with the other. If it asks you for a password, enter the password.


Type -u root -ppassword database_name < backupfile.sql in the command prompt.

You might get an error saying a table already exists, if so you need to clear your current database. Go into phpmyadmin and drop it that way. Be sure not to drop the whole database eliminating it, but just dropping the tables. Before doing this check your database backup you just created to make sure it actually created its and is not corrupt.

Thats it!

TECK 06-19-2002 03:31 AM

good tutorial.. :)
i will add it in the first post, if you dont mind. :D

TECK 06-19-2002 01:37 PM

apache 2.0.39 released. i updated the link.

Velocd 06-19-2002 10:24 PM


Originally posted by nakkid
good tutorial.. :)
i will add it in the first post, if you dont mind. :D

np ^_^


Originally posted by nakkid
apache 2.0.39 released. i updated the link.
Hmm..what changes can we expect in this apache from its previous versions Nakkid? ;)

TECK 06-20-2002 01:32 AM

they fixed a security bug in the routines which deal with invalid requests and also fixed some syntax code errors, like the korean language for example... and some extra misspells (araxis merge compariason). nothing that would affect us locally. the security bug was always present until 2.0.36. aparently they fix it in 2.0.39, but created another one related to php apache SAPI module.

i updated some useful info related to the current conflict between php and apache, here.

TECK 06-20-2002 04:35 PM

i got it working guys with php421 and apache 2.0.39.
the fix is on the first post. :)

DestyNova 06-21-2002 08:43 PM

Great, many thanks for this excellent tutorial =)

I been use Kevin Yank's book instruction to set up these apache and PHP but yours are much more detail and clear (also up to date instruction). Again many thanks! I m going to set it up right away ;)

DestyNova 06-22-2002 07:57 PM


Can I have your permission to copy/paste these at my forum when it is ready and up? I dont know if non-license can post here if they want to comment or add etc.. Of course I ll credit you and non-modifity instructions. Thanks =) It is most simply and clear instruction on installing these server, I feel that it is more benefit for my members and friends than other instructions hover around thur internet.

-edit- forget to add, installion processing is perfect and error-free. Thanks!

TECK 06-22-2002 08:25 PM

non licensed people can post here... tell them to buy vB. :)
i would prefer to place a link here.

btw, what's the url for your forums?

DestyNova 06-22-2002 08:49 PM

Ok, I ll link to this forum then add thread so that they can comment or Q&A at my forum, thanks.

Certainly, I PM you about that but it is closed off due to editing and add, this vbulletin.org has tons of nice features, so it will take some while to edit and add etc.. =)

DestyNova 06-22-2002 09:23 PM


Originally posted by Nakkid
This is useful if you want to import onto your localhost the live forum database.

01. Right-click on the [high]C:\Network\MySQL\bin[/high] folder and select 'Open Command Window Here'.

02. At the prompt, type:
mysql -u[high]USERNAME[/high] -p[high]PASSWORD[/high] [high]DATABASENAME[/high] < c:/sqlback/bk060502.sql

NOTE: Change the highlighted values with your own. When done, you will see the command prompt.

I m curious about that... I m not sure if it is work or not, so if mysql spit out these results with different commands and is it work or what? I need to know before I can do that to my real forum at www

thanks I maybe not be clear about that..

Also when it spit out the .sql to backsql folder and I edit it with Ultraedit and find out it is empty but only Enter password: and 16 bytes is it normal? As ya aware, I m just start on PHP and MySQL when I bought a book off from sitepoints.com so excuse my noobie QQ =\

-edit- I forget to add that I m Win2k user and I dont need that XP tool, PowerToy but use old fashion way but still not unsure about that werid 16 bytes and Enter password: I figured out on command prompt. it come out alright and I undy what you mean by that but that bytes and Enter Password:? thanks

TECK 06-22-2002 11:50 PM

you dont edit nothing on the .sql file.
for a backup related to your live forums, see the other tut i made:
"how to make a reliable backup"
posted in this forum also.

Velocd 06-23-2002 03:19 AM


01. Right-click on the C:\Network\MySQL\bin folder and select 'Open Command Window Here'.
I've never noticed that before, and for good reason to because it's not showing up. Are you sure its just a regular right click, or maybe also with some key strokes?

TECK 06-23-2002 04:14 AM

ya... but you need to install the powertoy. i placed a download link...

eiSecure 06-23-2002 01:41 PM


Originally posted by Velocd

I've never noticed that before, and for good reason to because it's not showing up. Are you sure its just a regular right click, or maybe also with some key strokes?

If it doesn't work, just do this:

1. Click on Start Menu --> Run
2. Type in 'cmd' and press enter.
3. type in 'C:' and press enter.
4. Type in 'cd Network' and press enter.
5. Type in 'cd MySQL' and press enter.
6. Type in 'cd bin' and press enter.

The old-school DOS way.:D

TECK 06-23-2002 04:10 PM


Originally posted by eiSecure
The old-school DOS way.:D
that's the best way always. :)
I will add your instructions on the first post, eiSecure.

Actually I had it mentioned this method as a note. :)
But I updated the rest of the information you listed above...

eiSecure 06-23-2002 04:13 PM

Oh, I forgot... if you type in 'cmd' and press enter, if only works if you're on a NT platform.

For all other users, go to start menu, and select MS-DOS Prompt.:)

TECK 06-23-2002 04:17 PM

this tutorial is the NT platforms only... :)
in win98 you need to download an extra file and it doesnt work well anyway.

btw, "Start > Run > type [high]command[/high]" for windoze98 :p

N9ne 06-25-2002 07:51 PM

Thanks for this Nakkid! this has made my life easier :)

N9ne 06-25-2002 07:52 PM

Erm does this work with winXP?

DestyNova 06-25-2002 09:23 PM


Originally posted by Tha Rock
Erm does this work with winXP?
Yes, Nakkid is XPuser (I think)

Nakkid, I think this two links should add to your tutorial but heck it is your thread so up to you if you want to add or not..

First one... "how to use PHP with .NET"

Using PHP with .NET

I make fake account so anyone can use and check this article out.

phptemp@hotmail.com - account name (fake email to avoid spams)
password - phpbuzz

It is very excellent article/tutorial by Andrew Stopford (who wrote the book, "PHP Programming for Windows")

Second... for who plan or want to use flash with/in Vbulletin....

Installing Apache 2.0 web server, PHP 4.2.0, MySQL 3.23, and PHPMyAdmin on windows for use with Flash

A excellent tutorial to set up PHP server to work with Flash so that you can add Vbulletin with Flash effects etc.. Wrote by Jeffrey F. Hill His website

I feel that it is somewhat benefit for any vb users to ulitize these tools.

Nakkid, Up to you if you want to add or delete my post, I just merely spree the information around for Vbulletin or PHP server users.

Have fun

N9ne 06-26-2002 04:53 PM

Everytime I go to http://localhost it takes me to localhost.com...starts telling me I have DNS problems...what am I doing wrong?!

eiSecure 06-26-2002 04:57 PM

Do you have a web server set up?

N9ne 06-26-2002 05:00 PM

a web server?

(sorry I'm a total n00b at this :()

eiSecure 06-26-2002 05:02 PM

Yeah, you need to follow the instructions on the first page to set up a web server.:)

N9ne 06-26-2002 05:04 PM

Well I did *everything* from the instructions in the first post...

eiSecure 06-26-2002 05:06 PM

Did you install apache, configure it correctly, and then start it up?

N9ne 06-26-2002 05:08 PM

I installed apache, started it up, what do you mean by configuring it correctly? Is that done via the php.ini file like in the instructions in the first post?

eiSecure 06-26-2002 05:13 PM

It should be configuring your apache configuration files.

I'm not too familiar with this, so I think Nakkid can probably help you better than I can.:):bunny:

N9ne 06-26-2002 05:31 PM

Ok I just tried it in Opera, and it works...however it does not work in IE6.

What setting in IE6 could be causing this? It takes me to localhost.com in IE6.

N9ne 06-26-2002 06:37 PM

Ok ignore my above post...

I have another problem!

After I register an user, when it shows it has sent an e-mail to the specified e-mail address...I get this at the top of the page...

Warning: Failed to Receive in c:\apache\htdocs\forum\register.php on line 517

what does this mean? how can it be fixed?

TECK 06-27-2002 08:38 PM

you dont have am email server installed in your pc. with the the settings mentioned in the tutorial, you can only send, not receive.

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