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Sketch 04-30-2002 04:21 AM

Forgive me if I double post, I sent an email to reply and I don't know that I did it right because I am not seeing it appear, so I am doing a direct post

Hey, and one other thing...

Some of the BBcode doesn't translate over to VBcode. Not sure if you can even fix that as it would, in essence, be a find/replace in the db. The trick code is, in bbcode:





                                        Originally Posted by Helen

yada yada yada



and in vbcode, it should just be [quote]yada yada yada[/ quote]... [/code] You know how that could be fixed?....a nicely written preg regx :)

Good luck.

Koneko 05-07-2002 04:02 AM

Ok, i'm having some problems with this.

Here's my error:

Attempting to log onto phpBB Server ... SUCCEEDED
Attempting to load phpBB Database ... SUCCEEDED
Attempting to load phpBB Data ... FAILED

Sorry, but I am unable to load some phpBB2 data, although I was able to connect and select the database. Please click back, and make sure you set the right table prefix.

I think it's because of the phpBB2's mySQL Table Prefix? How do I find out this information?

setroxhq 05-07-2002 08:22 AM

Koneko i have same problems too..

how is correct it?

please help :)

Attempting to log onto phpBB Server ... SUCCEEDED
Attempting to load phpBB Database ... SUCCEEDED
Attempting to load phpBB Data ... FAILED

Sorry, but I am unable to load some phpBB2 data, although I was able to connect and select the database. Please click back, and make sure you set the right table prefix.

Nebula 05-07-2002 10:15 AM

I didn't think [quote] tags worked like that in phpBB2. ::makes sticky note and puts on compie::

I'm redoing the BBcode thingy, because it's really crapping up some DBs that don't use BBcode perfectly (forgetting to close tags, etc...

Anyways, blabla, expect a new release this weekend, or today, or whenever I have free time...school is getting hard this last month :dead:

EDIT: You find out your table prefix in the phpBB2 config.php file or whatever.

bensonfactor 05-12-2002 05:54 PM

It worked for me expect the passwords got screwed up. I had to put the databases in the same database name and then had to proceed with the import.

Although it was a lot easier than doing it myself like I did from Ikonboard to Phpbb2,

Thanks for this importer.

maxchang 05-13-2002 09:33 AM


It also works on Chinese language!!

But my user lost their password. How can I do??

Byron 05-27-2002 05:49 AM


I want import a phpBB into our latest vb.

1) Will this importer work on the latest version of phpBB?

2) Will there be any broken images for the avatars or smiles?

3) Any problem with the BBcode?

4) Are all your members able to log in after your import?

(I read that some of you are having problem with your users passwords.)

5) Are there any other problems?

Thank you.

Nebula 05-27-2002 09:47 AM

Sorry I haven't been around much (life is hectic as I'm closing up school). Byron, here are some answers:
  1. Will this importer work on the latest version of phpBB? Yes
  2. Will there be any broken images for the avatars or smiles? Avatars? No. Smilies? Only if you don't move them into your smilies directory.
  3. Any problem with the BBcode? I've got a brand new BBCode convertor in the next release, works much better ;)
  4. (I read that some of you are having problem with your users passwords.) I have fixed that in the upcoming release. Sorry about that!!
  5. Are all your members able to log in after your import? Yes, of course!
  6. Are there any other problems? If there are, people haven't told me ;)

Also, other problems that I have fixed are typos across the script, and the problem with vBulletin trying to read phpBB databases from the vBulletin database, or vice versa. New release soon if I can get enough time.

jimmy mac 06-03-2002 08:08 PM

ok i've encountered a problem. hopefully it has an easy fix.

i'm on i think the second step of the import. where it's trying to import my users. i get this erroron the first person it tries to import:

Importing User jimmy mac ... Fatal error: Only variables can be passed by reference in /home/www/angryfinger/vbulletin/admin/bbimport.php on line 622

jimmy mac 06-03-2002 08:39 PM

i am using vB v2.2.6 that may have something to do with the problem.

Nebula 06-04-2002 07:04 PM

Sorry, but I guess I have no choice but to not completely support this anymore, seeing as vBulletin has completely wasted all my time and effort I put into this. :hurt: ARGH!!!! Poop on you vBulletin.

I guess if you're still having problems with this, go try vBulletin's "official" importer.

This would have been done a long time ago, but I got real busy with school, and obviously vBulletin took the chance, and ran with it.

::screams:: :dead:

Oh well, can't win them all. Just so you know vBulletin, I hope you feel good about your importer. :disappointed: :mad:

CodeDawg 06-05-2002 06:39 AM

Don't give up the support yet!!!! I have had much more success with your importer than the official one from vB.

I am getting one error, but I think it may be my database or something:

Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.2.6:

Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO pollvote (pollid,userid,votedate) VALUES (1,,985364649)
mysql error:

mysql error number: 0

No clue what is wrong with this particular post, but it is causing the conversion to stop. I know from the ohomyadmin I just ran it doesn't like the datestring.

Any help?????

Nebula 06-05-2002 10:27 AM

well, it's nice to know SOMEONE appreciates what I do.

I will be able to work on it tonight, since I will have plenty of time (my last final was yesterday). No more homework for 3 months!! ;)

CodeDawg: I'll look into this tonight.

CodeDawg 06-05-2002 03:18 PM

Well I kinda got around that issue by setting all the polls to "inactive"

THen it hung up on me last night, then the web server died...so I will give it another go tonight and see what happens...will keep you posted.

Just so you know, the official version doesn't convert nearly as much as your script....but the vB guys did fix an error I found in theirs at 2:30 am.

CodeDawg 06-05-2002 09:51 PM


I got the script to work, didn't convert the polls. Had a bunch of post come through as sticky, but fixed that fairly quickly by doing an update on the threads table and turning off all sticky post....then simply went in and made the 10 or so post that needed to be sticky.

One idea that maybe you and someone over at vBulletin.com might want to look at is merging the two scripts. I tried to use both and found that yours was far more detailed in what it converted, but was missing some key things that the official one had.

I have been up for about 22 hours trying to get things converted and running so I will post some detailed ideas for you once I get some sleep and a clear head.

I do have to say THANKS!!!!! to you for creating this script...even with the glitches I ran into it did a MUCH better job than the official one from vB. :nervous:

NeRilkA 06-08-2002 03:23 PM

hi :)

i just want to thank Nebula for this wonderful script !! which works great !! and helped me a lot

the official team of vbulletin should replace their script by yours !!!

thanks again !!!

Nebula 06-10-2002 03:34 PM

Hey! Version 0.9.4 is out (finally :P). Sorry it took me so long for an update, I was really swamped with homework at the end of the year.

Anyways, here is a list of updates:
  • Script now only works if the vBulletin database and the phpBB database are on the same server (caused too much trouble and bugs)
  • Fixed bug with database switching (script would try to read phpBB data from the vBulletin database or vice-versa)
  • Fixed poll import bug (Thanks CodeDawg)
  • Fixed thread sticky bug
  • Improved BBdecode routine
  • Many other things I've forgotten about :D

I also tried the official vBulletin importer, and I must say, I don't like it ;) Mine's a lot more user friendly, and it importes much, much more ;);)

Sorry about the sticky bug...I feel really stupid, here's what was wrong (for you PHP Guru's):

PHP Code:

// What it was
if ($threadData[topic_type] == 1) {
$thread[sticky] = 1;

// What it should be (and is now)
if ($threadData[topic_type] == 1) {
$thread[sticky] = 1;
} else {
$thread[sticky] = 0;

Basicially, if one thread was sticky, every other thread was made sticky after that until a new page loaded. I think I was asleep when I coded that ^^;;;;

Anyways, enjoy. I ran this a lot this morning, and believe it to be bug free with every DB I've ran it on so far. Hehe. If you have a problem with your DB, send it to me, and I'll fix it up in a jiffy ;)

EDIT #1: I renamed the actual importer filename, so that you could store both the official and unofficial script in the same directory (the vBulletin one is stupid, and doens't like being renamed, yet mine doesn't care if it's renamed. Another reason mine is better ;)).

EDIT #2: I moved the attachment to the first post. I forgot that's where I put them, lol

CodeDawg 06-10-2002 04:14 PM


Thanks for the updated script. I will download it tonight and give it a try.

dieKetzer 06-11-2002 01:38 AM

I used your importer quite a while ago and had great success with it. I'm sure that there are many others that are happy and thankful to you for releasing this hack. For many, waiting many months for vb to release an 'official' importer was not an option :o)

Brad 06-12-2002 08:00 PM

Nebula, ran with great results on my local system with a phpbb2 to vB 2.2.6 import.

Nebula 06-12-2002 09:04 PM

Also, for those of you who may be wondering, I have checked the upgrade for vBulletin 2.2.6, and there are no schema changes or data handling changes, so this script is fully compatible with 2.2.6. As for phpBB 2.0.1, I think it should be fine. However, I'd appreciate any testing you guys could do. Thanks!

Also, if nobody submits any bug reports, this will be the version I'll submit to JelSoft. Maybe they can combine mine and theirs? I dunno if they'll even use it. I hope I'll get something for my efforts, lol.

I am also in the process of rewriting all the messages users see. Hopefully, it'll be easier for people to understand. We'll just see ;)

Nebula 06-12-2002 09:21 PM

oops...I guess my script isn't as cool as I thought. You will have to rename it to bbimport_phpbb2.php...

I'll repack it in a few minutes...silly me ;)

Nebula 06-12-2002 10:07 PM

there, file repacked, go download! ;)

I also added in a filename checker that checks if it's named correctly.

CodeDawg 06-14-2002 02:28 AM

Worked great Nebula....only one thing I noticed and may be only me: I have a few custom/private user groups....the script did not import the users of those groups into the groups in vB.

Is this something you can fix (thinking that if you imported the usergroups BEFORE the users it could be done)?

I don;t know php well enough to even attempt this on my own so am hoping that you can come up with something that may work for me.

Thanks a ton for all the hard work you have put into this...it really kicks the "official" converters arse!!!!!!

Nebula 06-17-2002 05:59 PM

hmm...user groups? I know what they are, but never thought of importing them...

CodeDawg 06-18-2002 03:34 AM

Yeah, basically as an example: On my site I have a group for folks from Colorado. They have access to a private forum. The convertor creates the user group, but it doesn't import the users of that group. I believe this is beacause the user groups are added AFTER the users are imported.

It's not a huge deal, but if you think you can work something out by Friday when I plan to do the official conversion for my forum that would be awesome. If not then I have already alerted my users that they will have limited access to that area until I can add them back into the group.

If you would like a copy of my DB to use just let me know.

Again....THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!! Your convertor kicks butt!!!!!!!

Nebula 06-18-2002 11:45 AM

Yes, I've heard people saying user groups aren't importing. I'm not surprised, since I never planned to code that.

But, I guess it's not a problem. It's just one more thing I have to learn from stupid phpBB2 ;)

KingsFan 06-19-2002 07:30 PM

I have used both your script and the officail one and I've got to agree with everyone else that yours is superior but I have had a few problems.

1. The major one is that passwords don't get converted correctly. I'm not sure why but they are all jumbled and no one can login with their old passwords. This is true for imported users only. Users that were already in the database before the import can login, but their password is copied to the email field and visible.

2. For some reason Avatars don't get converted for me.

3. The "quotes" don't appear correctly. phpBB uses a tag like[quote=username] and vB doesn't like that.

I could live with 2&3 but is there anyway to look into the password problems?


Nebula 06-19-2002 09:38 PM

WOAH...:eek:...as I look over my code, I realize I didn't fix the password problem. I know it was fixed at some point...hmm...I'm currently in the process of setting up a computer for a friend, but I'll re-add support ASAP, and rebuild it.

For the avatars, I've had problems with that, and that'll be outa there by the next release.

Also, I'll update the code routines to support [quote=username].

Again, I have no clue how the new password support routine disappeared :eek:

CodeDawg 06-20-2002 04:19 PM

Nebula...any timefram for the fixes KingsFan found? I was goign to do the actual conversion on my site tomorrow night, but want to wait for the passwords thing to be corrected.

Nebula 06-20-2002 04:53 PM

it is fixed now. Sorry about that. Current version is now 0.9.47.

CodeDawg 06-20-2002 09:46 PM

Sweet!!!!! Any thoughts on when you might be able to look at the user group issue I brought up? No hurry, I have already made plans to move my members over myself, but it would be nice to see that taken care of.

Nebula 06-20-2002 11:07 PM

Hmm...I will look at how phpBB UserGroups work right now. I don't know if I'll be able to implement anything, but we'll see how it goes ;)

Nebula 06-20-2002 11:29 PM

UGH...talk about confusing...:dead:

Geez, I can't really make out how phpBB user groups work. It totally confuses me, LOL. If someone tells me how the @#$@#$% group system works, I will definately code something. But as of currently, I don't see how groups can be allowed/disallowed, just if they can be set as moderators or not.

Sorry, but as of now, I don't think I'm going to add support. That will change if someone tells me how it works, LOL.

CodeDawg 06-21-2002 12:24 AM

HEHEHEHEHE, no problems with that. I have no clue on any of the php coding so I can;t help ya. As I said, it would be cool if you could figure it out, but I can move the users to the group by hand after the conversion is complete.

Thanks for looking into it though.


Originally posted by Nebula
UGH...talk about confusing...:dead:

Geez, I can't really make out how phpBB user groups work. It totally confuses me, LOL. If someone tells me how the @#$@#$% group system works, I will definately code something. But as of currently, I don't see how groups can be allowed/disallowed, just if they can be set as moderators or not.

Sorry, but as of now, I don't think I'm going to add support. That will change if someone tells me how it works, LOL.

NietzscheKid 06-21-2002 03:20 PM


i am a complete newbie and just purchased vbulletin and would like to convert my current phpBB2 board to vbulletin.

the big concern i have, are the following:

- i have tons of mods installed on my forum. does this affect the conversion in any way?

- i run phpBB2 version 2.0.1 (is this one also compatible with your script?)

- i have a huge DB (about 40 MB), about 500 members and 10 k posts and i cannot afford to lose any of them (posts and users)

- my host runs in safe mode (is it ok with the script?)

thank you for any suggestions :classic:

oh and i have some really dumb questions to add:

- where do i place the folder 'import' or is it 'importer' ? do i put it in the admin or the vbulleting root?

CodeDawg 06-21-2002 09:13 PM

My DB is like 30 MB, 2800 users and over 30000 post...the converter handled it just fine.

Also was running phpBB 2.0.1

The mods shouldn't affect the conversion....it is only converting the database, not the files

Not sure about teh safe mode, but I would imgaine it would work

And put the importer folder in the vbulletin root directory.

CodeDawg 06-22-2002 11:02 PM


Ran the convertor last night and everything worked smooth as silk. Thakn you so much for providing this great script and making my life a lot easier.

TLfuRy 06-24-2002 12:41 PM

This script worked great! I went from XMB 1.6 to phpBB 2.01 to vBulletin 2.2.6. :D My only issue with the conversion is that many of my users now have private messages that do not belong to them, both in their inbox and sent box. I'm not sure how I can fix this without deleting all private messages from the database?

Chad Beattie 07-20-2002 02:59 PM

The script works very well. I only had it hang on one post, which I then deleted. After that, everything was imported fine. The only issue I am having is with private messages. I am looking at the bbimport.php and bbimport_phpbb.php to see if I can figure out why messages don't end up in the correct boxes. If I can't get it figured out, I will probably just tell my users I will be deleting all PM's before our conversion. I would hate for something to show up in someone's box that they were not supposed to read :) But, that is very minor in comparision to how well this script works. Thank you very much for all your work. I was dreading switching boards because I was afraid of the conversion.

Keep up the good work.

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