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Wildthinks 05-12-2002 06:29 PM

a quote in a quote in a quote (near by kafka :-))

Originally posted by Logician
Yes you cant insert webtemplate inside webtemplate.
don't work on my board only work with header and footer....

You can insert many webqueries inside 1 webtemplates though.


It would be a mistake because then hack would be dependable to vb template system and if they change it in the future (v. 3?), hack would be useless.
And there is no need for that either. If you need to use a vb template, simply copy/paste its contents to your webtemplate.
mhh I have a problem, i will make a news or a portal with vb, but how I can I have the same functions as in VBB?
When I select text from the database, I have the raw text and nothing is substitute..... :-(


That's right. Header and footers are not designed to be parsed. If you need to run a webquery in header, do not use a header. Just make 1 webtemplate including your header, webtemplates etc and use that one without header.
wonderful... no it's right and ok ....


You have already mentioned that, I noted it.. It's not an important bug either. Just always use lower case.. :)
yes i forgot the other key with...do you know what i mean... _-)

you can see the problem with....
3. to much space between ??var1?? and ??var1??
sample: original Downloads: ??var1?? in html
Downloads: ??var1??
on this site in the downloadstats...
see under datenbankinfo... too many spaces...

Regards have a nice day...

Logician 05-12-2002 07:57 PM


Originally posted by Wildthinks
don't work on my board only work with header and footer....
I know.. That is what I already told: You cant = can NOT! You read it wrong.. :)


mhh I have a problem, i will make a news or a portal with vb, but how I can I have the same functions as in VBB?
When I select text from the database, I have the raw text and nothing is substitute..... :-(
You really have a enthusiasm for this hack, dont you? lol I dont believe you designed all your site around this hack and now try to use it as a news script! You make me proud, thank you.. :)

However this hack is not designed to be a news script so I dont think it can handle this job very well.. If you need a news script for your site, I can send you another hack of mine (not published here) which is designed just for pulling news threads from your vb db, to your non-vb news page. It can parse smileys etc, so I think it is exactly what you want. You can see it in action in my site's main page. Site is not english, but you'll get how the script is doing.


3. to much space between ??var1?? and ??var1??
sample: original Downloads: ??var1?? in html
Downloads: ??var1??
Himm I see now. If you didnt create that space intentionaly, it can be a bug.

Logician \\=^))

Wildthinks 05-13-2002 11:30 AM

Hi Logician,

thx for offer and I will be read carefully (mmhh my bad english :-))
Yes send me your newsscript, I will read and (hope) understand the newsscript .... THX have a nice week ...

Wildthinks 05-24-2002 11:42 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi there everybody... the most usefulll hack on VB (IMHO) is webtemplate from Logician... why?
You can all things do to handle query's from mysql without code....

look at the attachements I have added my
Webtemplates and webquery...

the demonstration see in the attached gif and on my site http://swishzone.net

Screenshots: watch the the red circle
my Portal: ->> Live SwishZone.net

Live: Downloads


My "Sponsor-Site" (yes, my User sponsor me :-... hating Ads
Live: Sponsoren

Ok, have you any question please post here....

Highlander 05-30-2002 09:36 PM

so ..i just want to tell you..that i cant see any bug in this amazing hack...i like it and i will integrate in in my Whole site....
but to make things perfect you should release a big Web-Queries-Pack-HAck..with much queries for all users who need some more Web-Queries for the beginning...

Highlander 05-30-2002 09:54 PM

hi its me again.. i think i know why not much users install this hack..if it is really so..i just show this hack and some results with it..to my 2nd Admin..an I had to explain and explain what mighty this thing could be..and he understood it slowly...maybe ..it missunderstood....but i am very happy that i found this hack, when i sufed the beta hacks....in the next days this hack will change much thing on the rest of my non-Vb sites..but for that i have to move all content on one Webserver..

Ahh there is a questions...it is possible to link Webtemplates and Webqueries from another Webserver ? So it would be very usefull not to move much contents of my site to the Webserver where my Board is.

Logician 05-31-2002 08:47 AM


make things perfect you should release a big Web-Queries-Pack-HAck
The possibilities with WebQueries is infinitive. You may want to use millions of different queries from your database just limited with your imagination. Therefore I cant release WebQueries pack, but this thread is for this purpose: You can share your "favorite" webqueries with other users or ask here how to create a webquery that you need in your board but cant figure out how to do it. But the best practise is to learn the usage of SQL query "SELECT". It wont take you more than 30 minutes and you'll see that afterwards, you can do 90% percent of the queries you needed by yourself.


it is possible to link Webtemplates and Webqueries from another Webserver ?
Nope sorry not possible at the moment. If you know PHP, you may regard making modifications in the file "show.php" and then it may be possible, but it will require a lot of modifications.

Actually this design of the hack is intentional: You can command everything about your site from your vb CP and integrate your whole site into vb. So seperating the webtemplates and vbulletin clashes with this purpose. ;)


and he understood it slowly...maybe ..it missunderstood....
I know that this hack is an "advanced hack" and will not charm the newbies. But its power comes from this property of the hack and I really cant make it simplier. I just tried to create an easy installation, similiar usage like in vb templates and pre-made detailed help pages and I really cant think of anything to make the hack more easily comprehended. :)


Highlander 05-31-2002 08:13 PM

ok..so now i just need the public event webquery..i try to make the private event visible..but it wont works..i cant find the cariables for that..cann someone tell me ??


I know that this hack is an "advanced hack" and will not charm the newbies. But its power comes from this property of the hack and I really cant make it simplier. I just tried to create an easy installation, similiar usage like in vb templates and pre-made detailed help pages and I really cant think of anything to make the hack more easily comprehended.
you are right..but now when the first things finished..my admins just see the power of it..i will xreate an little admin robot..maye with some talking when specific queries are hit..it will be like in TV .. i come to my adminsitration and a voice is talking to me..
n just ikidding..maybe you did not understand what i mean..my abglish is bad !

Logician 06-01-2002 08:22 AM


Originally posted by Highlander
ok..so now i just need the public event webquery..i try to make the private event visible.
Use the same webquery as "_privateevents" and change the Query Section to:

SELECT eventid, eventdate, subject FROM calendar_events WHERE userid="$user_userid" AND public="1" ORDER BY eventdate DESC;

This query will return public events posted by the viewer. If you want to return all public events according to today's date, you have to wait for the next version, hack does not include "today's date" variable yet, but I'll include it soon..

Highlander 06-01-2002 07:22 PM

thx...how can i integrate other PHP sites on external webservers? for now i managed it with frames..ist there a way ?

Logician 06-01-2002 08:21 PM


Originally posted by Highlander
thx...how can i integrate other PHP sites on external webservers?
If what you want is to compile data from other web sites via this hack, nope this cant be possible. Webqueries only compile data from your board's MYSQL database.

Highlander 06-01-2002 09:38 PM

okaz..that was also mz thinking..
but mz problem now is ..how to get all these queries..i got ideas bot no queries..

for ex.:
Login shown
Logout is show
last 10 posts

where to search for all these queries..in the php files?

and if so, should i use them exactly so like it writes there ?

Logician 06-01-2002 09:55 PM

WebQueries are SQL SELECT commands which returns data from your MYSQL database. They are not vb-pages or sections or parts so you can not return eg. login/log out display forms.

However you can return eg. last 10 posts because it's a query to your MYSQL and your database can return SQL results for this query.

Considering the fact that you are very new to SQL queries I strongly suggest (as in my previous post) studying SQL. It has a very simple syntax and you can really improve yourself in less than an hour for many SQL SELECT Queries. There are a lot of SQL tutorials on the internet, checking them out can help you a lot..Also get a script or hack to run SQL commands to get practise in your MYSQL. PHPMyAdmin is free and very nice script..

Highlander 06-02-2002 07:05 AM

okay thanx i will do soo..maybe you got an usefull links for me ?

i got again another question..its not really right here..but i dont know who to ask..
I coded a Conent Manager, so it right working very fine..i got an Admin Panel to insert Links with description, Screens and even Covers if they are able to get..this type is specially for games..movie..music and much more content....so but now my expierence is not very much i just started to work with SQL and PHP since 3 months ago..and there isnt much practice yet..even i managed to code this little conten managment..but i cant figure som thing out..and i try ..(but wont work) to integrate this little code in vbulletin..if it is able to be integrated..but the most importand i need to change is ( and i cannot manage it :(( ) is all this search queries i got (. examp. list new entries .. or list pcgames..list movies..) are not integrated on one php page..no i dont know how to this..so i created for every search query one php page..and link to it..now i just saw that you can create php pages with many sql in it..you even have to make variables and then link to them to use this queries , right ?..but i cant figure out..mybe you can or would help me a little bit..it would be really nice..i really dont know how to make this run :(

Delete this post if its to wrong here....sorry

Highlander 06-02-2002 08:13 PM

Hi logician..i got another feature to make..but can you help me?

I want in forumID 63 of USERGROUPID2 and USERID56 that all posts are shown LIMIT XX ... .. i will try something..than tell you if it worjks..

Highlander 06-03-2002 05:39 AM

okay i got it...here is a Web Query you can only get shown Threads from specific User:

PHP Code:

SELECT threadidtitleforumidpostusernamedateline FROM thread WHERE postuserid='XX' ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 10 

you see the XX above..there you can put a specific USERID of any USER .. the rest of it it is the same as in _LAST_10_THREADS .. copy all text and just change this thing with USERID='XX' thats it..

I got a few questions about the board variables:

You wrote in the Help Template hat i can use $count or $user_userid ..$user_userrname as variables to make it shown ..i tried to put variables of the normal Board templates like $registered or wanted to make visible how much threads started today and i used this variables "$forumt" but nothing happend when i use the normal board varibles .. why ..whats wrong..can i not use the variables of the board templates ??

cu...and even thx .. i just love this hack..ia m every day the whole time on it .. to get out dynamic pages..and my users begin to love it !

Logician 06-03-2002 01:59 PM


Originally posted by Highlander
I got a few questions about the board variables:
You wrote in the Help Template hat i can use $count or $user_userid ..$user_userrname as variables to make it shown ..i tried to put variables of the normal Board templates like $registered or wanted to make visible how much threads started today and i used this variables "$forumt" but nothing happend when i use the normal board varibles .. why ..whats wrong..can i not use the variables of the board templates ??

it depends: Vbulletin has two types of variables: Global and local.
Global variables are produced when ANY vbulletin script runs and are always alive(has a value). For example $bbuserinfo['username'] is a global variable and it always has a value regardless of the vbulletin script running. You can use global variables inside your Web Templates.

However many vb variables are local and they only have a value when a specific script runs. (eg. index.php). $forumt or $registered variables are local and they will only have a value when their parent script runs so they dont work inside WebTemplates..

Ps. As I said in my privous message it's not possible for you to return some sections of vb with this hack. That is, you cant just automatically and easily create "todays birthdays" section in the main page inside a webtemplate like copy/paste or smt. You can however return results from your MYSQL and hack will automatically create tables for them. You can locate these tables easily inside webtemplates. So what you want to integrate should be queried from the MYSQL so as to be integrated into a WebTemplates.

Highlander 06-03-2002 05:44 PM

okay thx..for the info..

for the site integration i dont want to return some sections of VB..no i got some non vb sites and i tried to use this queries to make web queries and templates to make this pages shown..so i would be able to integrate this non vb sites in my vb .. for example:

i got a tabel named pc_games .. so in this table are 5 rows listed .. 1. id
4...and so on..

ok.. i just managed to ask for title..as i make an query:
SELECT FROM pc_spiele order by title DESC ..
so i got now listed all titles in this table .. but how to say in the query to make not only the title visible..also all other data nthis table and to make klickable links of it..like in my php sites..

the tabel pc_spiele is in the same database as vb and webtemplates..and what i try is to integrated a whole non vb site in this webtemplates..but i need a little bit help..if i could get help for the first time..i am able to get manage the rest alone..so if you got time or answers tell it to mee...please

Logician 06-03-2002 06:05 PM

SELECT id, url, title FROM pc_spiele order by title DESC

Table Row:
<li><normalfont><a href="££url££">££title££</a>(id=££id££)</normalfont></li>

Take some time with webquery samples that come with the hack, they will help you get the basics..

Highlander 06-03-2002 07:32 PM

no the writing sxript is already finish and the content managment also..this is not the problem...its only for this specific content managment..but if i finished all and even got time..i will release a similar thing wich will work wqith your template system together..but only if there is interest..

for BETA
go here :

i managed it already to make it visible and first functions are there..but now i just even need some tipps to increase the output ..thats all...really i would be very glad if somebody could help me and tell me some thing i need to know .. ! :)

Logician 06-03-2002 07:57 PM


Originally posted by Highlander
i managed it already to make it visible and first functions are there..but now i just even need some tipps to increase the output ..thats all...
Pal I really have problems following your language :knockedout:
What do you mean by "increase the output". I tried to guess what you want by checking your webtemplate but couldnt figure out anything. Your webtemplate is fine and working (by the way dont you have the longest webtemplate ever made? lol) and I really cant understand what tip I am asked to give. Sorry pal..

Highlander 06-03-2002 08:13 PM

sorry i know .. my english is sometimes very bad ..

longest webtemplate *lol*

thats also one thing i want to figure out..now in the original php file .. i could sel comand like "..*php?sel=a" but now i need new sort queries i think..(increasing output *:-)) ) for example..to sort by alphabetical order .. or newest entry and it is able to count klicks on the link (ID`s) or make some other statistics with help of templates ??

Highlander 06-04-2002 06:18 AM

hmm i think you maybe cant understand my language..lol..sorry for that..

can you help getting some sort options..and how to inster them..should i make for every sorting a new web query..or can i insert different sort queries in and web query ??..if you dont got time to do much help so tell me .. its no matter..but some tipps would be very useful..and i just figured out some things i asked you before..but you should know if you arrive at the next step..there are questions again..and every step i made ... i get more questions..but its fun to get involved in mysql and php .. i like that coding..its really the best to make websites ..

Logician 06-04-2002 08:28 AM

ok I think I understand what you mean now (was not easy though) :)

I think you want your webtemplates to accept "parameters" like:

This is requested before (by Wildthinks?) and I'm thinking of adding this future for the new release (btw I'm about to complete it. In fact if I decide not to add this feature, it's already finished) ;)
I have just some concerns about security for this feature, so I dont want to rush and add a security gap, to introduce a new feature. I need some time to ponder about it and if I decide to add it, need more time to design/debug it so as not to impair the code's security.

So I dont promise for this feature, but it's already regarded and you may or may not see it in the new release.

Highlander 06-05-2002 05:10 PM


i got a question again..

i need to sort all links from a-z .. should i create evrytime one own query
PHP Code:

SELECT idtitelurlsprachebeschreibungcoverreleaser  FROM pcspiele WHERE titel LIKE "a%"

this would mean i need for every section 24 queries to sort by letters..and if i got 4 sections i would have 96 webquerytemplates.

And how should i sort by date ?..when i want specificate to sort by titles wich are 10 days old (for ex.)..

should i also create a webquery template ..or is there a way to get all sort criterias in one webquery ..

this main question would help me out if i could do it in a other way :(

Highlander 06-05-2002 10:28 PM

hi logician..i think maybe my project cant be done with webtemplates..i just cant figure out some things..so maybe its the best to leave this nonVB pages as they are... the thing is that i dont know the orders to do same things my existing php files do....the code i got on my php files is not working when i put it in the templates.......i will give it some try again...but code like this..what do do with..where should i integrate it ?

PHP Code:

foreach ($link as $value)
$rest = substr ($value, 0, 4);
if ($rest == 'ed2k')
$datei = explode("|",$value);

Logician 06-06-2002 05:26 AM

Highlander your problem will be solved if my hack can accept "parameters". Then you will be able to send the parameters to your webtemplates, process them in webqueries and get the result you want like sorting your queires according to field X.

However as I said before this hack does not accept parameters at the moment so you cant do what you want easily. You have to create a different query and webtemplate for all your different sorting orders and it will be arduous for you, I wouldnt suggest that.

If I were you I would leave these pages as they are and convert them to webtemplates only if new release of webtemplates accept parameters.

One more point: If you dont need these pages to use vbulletin data (vb security/vb styles etc.) why are you converting already made pages to webtemplates? Webtemplates hack is for integrating you non-vb pages to vbulletin and if these non-vb pages has nothing to do with vbulletin (for example if you dont want them accessed by user group X, etc.) you can leave them as it is. My 2 cents.

Highlander 06-06-2002 06:24 AM

i just wanted to integrate the whole site in the board..and make some thing only visible to members of my site...so it would be the best to use the USER TABLE of the board...ok and i would manage it at all if i could do this two things with the templates....maybe it would work if we could set our variables and use variables as we want..i just bought some books more this days to figure out some things in queries of sql....and i am very sad not to get this content managment to be integrated...

and i think of the idea...why not to code a content managment for the board..i got also the portal and there is a good link managment to insert links and sort them by much things..like date ..and title..but it will not use my ed2k links ..it only works with http links..so there is really no option at this time ti integrate my little coded content managment :( :( :( ..i am sad now..i just want my link managment integrate in the board .....nobody coded a content managament for the vb wich i could use for my huge link database..thx at all and i will use the webtemplates anyway for other things..and now i will read much books to code my own vb content managment :)

Wildthinks 06-26-2002 11:24 AM

Hi everybody.... here come a little tutorial for last threads on your mainpage ... demo hier: http://swishzone.net

1. Install webtemplates from logician :lick:

2. create a query called: _last_10_threads

PHP Code:

query name:

SELECT thread.title as threadnamethread.threadid,  thread.forumidfrom_unixtime(post.dateline,'%d.%m.%Y - %H:%i:%s') as ddleft(post.pagetext,80) as pagetxtpost.usernamepost.useridforum.forumidforum.title FROM thread,post,forum where post.threadid=thread.threadid and   thread.forumid=forum.forumid and thread.forumid<>20 and thread.forumid<>and thread.forumid<>32 order by post.dateline desc limit 10

what you want
no result text
what you want

table row
tr id="catportalleft">
b><smallfont><a href="$bburl/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=??thread.forumid?? title="Klick hier um zum Forum zu kommen">Forum: ??Forum.title??</a></b></smallfont>
<td><smallfont><b><a href="
$bburl/showthread.php?s=&threadid=??threadid??" title="Klick hier um zum Thema zu kommen"><b><img src="$bburl/https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/images/icons/icon1.gif" valign="bottom" alt="Arrow" border="0">Title: ??threadname??<b></a></b> 
smallfont>??pagetxt??... [<a href="$bburl/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=??post.userid??" title="Profile von ??post.username?? ansehen">??post.username??</a>]</smallfont></td>
td bgcolor="{alternate}"><smallfont>

3. create webtemplate
PHP Code:

what you want (0 is good)

cansee]everybody[/cansee] [options]templatequeryon[/options
table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%"
tr id="catportalleft"
td><normalfont color="#FFF788"><b>Letzten 10 Themen </b></normalfont></td

4. include wherever you want this:
PHP Code:

<?php include ("http://www.yourdomain.de/vbdir/show.php?pg=last10threads"); ?>

That's all and works fine on my site....

The last posts with Date, Poster, Forumname and the first 80 Characters... in this version from Webtemplates dont work the smilies...but Logician is going with the development... i hope :confused:

Logician 06-26-2002 06:57 PM


Originally posted by Wildthinks
The last posts with Date, Poster, Forumname and the first 80 Characters... in this version from Webtemplates dont work the smilies...but Logician is going with the development... i hope :confused:
Yes new version parses all smilies and bbcodes. It also formats date fields according to page viewer's time settings. But I must say that I liked your approach to convert unix time in MYSQL query. Also it was a nice idea to php include the show.php to another php file (eg. main page). I must confess that I never thought about that before, congratulations! :)

By the way good news: I really added a very nice feature to the new version. It now accepts outside variables from the user and process them inside webtemplates and more importantly in webqueries. So for example you can design a HTML forum which submits info to a webtemplate and the webqueries in this template will be formed dynamically according to the data your form sent. It seems to work fine in the alpha tests but I really need to work on it a little more. It's really a tricky feature but introduces truly amazing number of possibilities that can be done via this hack.

Chris M 06-26-2002 07:07 PM

If this were achievable, I should call you Chen2:)

I love the WebTemplates/Queries Hack as it is already!!!

BTW : I am working on a great Tutorials Design using it!:)


Wildthinks 06-27-2002 06:34 AM


Originally posted by Logician

Yes new version parses all smilies and bbcodes. It also formats date fields according to page viewer's time settings. But I must say that I liked your approach to convert unix time in MYSQL query. Also it was a nice idea to php include the show.php to another php file (eg. main page). I must confess that I never thought about that before, congratulations! :)

THX, see this as a nice example for If-Query in Mysql. That's print different Images...
select (sum(betrag)/69) as rest,if(((sum(betrag)/69)<12),repeat("<img src=""minusmax.gif"" alt=""Sponsormeter..."" name=""Sponsormeter"" id=""Sponsormeter"" border=""0"">",(sum(betrag)/69)),repeat("<img src=""plus.gif"" alt=""Sponsormeter..."" name=""Sponsormeter"" id=""Sponsormeter"" border=""0"">",(sum(betrag)/69))) as images from sponsoring

By the way good news: I really added a very nice feature to the new version. It now accepts outside variables from the user and process them inside webtemplates and more importantly in webqueries. So for example you can design a HTML forum which submits info to a webtemplate and the webqueries in this template will be formed dynamically according to the data your form sent. It seems to work fine in the alpha tests but I really need to work on it a little more. It's really a tricky feature but introduces truly amazing number of possibilities that can be done via this hack.
I 'll be waiting for betatest, Sir! :squareeyed:

Logician 06-27-2002 01:54 PM


Originally posted by Wildthinks

I 'll be waiting for betatest, Sir!

The script is ready for the beta test but I need to write the instructions for both usage of the new features and upgrading.. New added features made old help files obsolete and there are many things to add into usage documents so it takes time. (BTW I just hate to write help files for hacks, it's too boring!). I'm also exploring the new features especially regarding the outside variables. I really enjoy the things that can be done with them, it's just exicting. For instance I've just thought that we may be able to pull vb polls (latest, last X, any, all) outside vb, with outside variables and conditionals. Himm excuse me, I need to test that now.. :glasses:

Wildthinks 06-27-2002 03:36 PM

yes, of course... right.. I'm waitung for it...

I plan a VB-based Guestbook with webtemplates... you can see it in VB as espacially forum or thread and in the mainpage as "normal" GB with all features from vb - like search, smilies, vbcodes etc... :smoke: :alien: :nervous: :bunny:

Chris M 06-28-2002 12:16 PM


I volunteer to be a beta tester if you need any!!!


mbaskett 07-22-2002 03:24 AM

Logican, I love this hack! it's exactly what we were looking for while re-designing our site. I've already clicked the 'install' button for ya, even though we're still in beta testing on the upcoming site relase! I'm that confident ath we won't see any problems with it.

Just and FYI, I did change your code in a couple of places, primarily to use the header and footer templates within our vb styles, but also to work with phpAdsNew. I know you have your copyright in your webtemplate footer, and we don't currently have something similar in in our vb footer templates, but that was the easiest way I found to allow our header and footer change with the user's styles. I am, however quite pleased with this hack, and will be giving you due credit in our 'Credits and Copyrights' page (which will probably be a webtemplate page ;)

Keep up the great work....

I'm going to read through this thread to see what other info there may be in here.... possibly post some of the things we've created eventually....


Logician 07-22-2002 08:01 AM


Originally posted by mbaskett
even though we're still in beta testing on the upcoming site relase! I'm that confident ath we won't see any problems with it.

You dont need to worry. Although the hack version is named "beta", in fact it's tested for a long time and proven to be quite stable. I know sites that are completely powered by this hack only, so you wont encounter any problems..


Originally posted by mbaskett

Keep up the great work....

Please let me know if you are interested in testing the new version before the release. I can use some help if you or other hack users can give the new version a try and send me feedback about it. I cant promise it's as stable as this version since I have added a lot of new features and it's still in progress. However if your site is powered by webtemplates, you are very likely to like the new version a lot..

mbaskett 07-22-2002 03:42 PM

I know! ;)

I meant our site a whole is still in beta... as we have not publicly released our new changes (My testing of Webtemplates is pretty much complete, and it came out with 5 stars + my dev staff loved it!)

I'd love to test the latest version! I will let you know that I am currently working on developing our current site layout, with the older version of webtemplates.... how easy is the upgrade process?

Let me know what I need to do to help you out!!!!! The least I can do is put it on one of our dev servers and test it! If it comes out stable (or we make it stable;)) then I'll be quick to put it into our production environment!

Logician 07-23-2002 07:27 AM


Originally posted by mbaskett
I'd love to test the latest version! I will let you know that I am currently working on developing our current site layout, with the older version of webtemplates.... how easy is the upgrade process? Let me know what I need to do to help you out!!!!!
Please provide me with your email so that I can send you the new version.

Upgrade is easy: You dont need to modify any tables since new version uses the same tables. I just removed the hack from templates.php file and release it as a new file on its own so that further updates can be easier so all you have to do is to remove the section from templates.php and upload a new file. There are also tiny editing in index.php and online.php (so that your webtemplates visitors will be displayed in who is online list correctly.)

New version is fully competible with the older version so you can use your existing webtemplates and webqueries without any modifications.

I appreicate if you can test it and give me feedback (+suggestions). I especially want it be tested regarding "outside variable" feature. It lets your webtemplate accept variables via URL address bar or form POST/GET methods and with the help of conditionals you can create very powerful webtemplates and webqueries. I double checked everything especially regarding "security" but it would be great some other people who is familiar with the concept take a look of the algorithm too. So your dev.team's check would be great.. ;) Thanks..

mbaskett 07-25-2002 08:31 PM

check your PM's...

Once I get it, I'll get it up and online and being our testing phases....

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