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hypedave 03-23-2002 12:32 AM

actually I heard in vb3 all hacks written for vb 2.2.4 will have to be re-written .... Firefly can you confirm this :devious:

kidney 03-23-2002 01:00 AM

Very nice hack, you have proven who is the master.

If the great master will allow one opinion it would to create backup before executing the hack in case of disaster, and this will allow you to add a feature wich will allow revert to the previous state.

hypedave 03-23-2002 01:01 AM

wow yeah kidney thats a great feature to add, I was thinking about that as well

SaintDog 03-23-2002 03:36 AM

Not used this yet, but I have to say this on the account:

"This is the best thing since sliced bread for vBulletin :)"

This should make things easier for a lot of people. How long have you been working on this FF?

Thanks once again for a great...hacking tool :),


Freddie Bingham 03-23-2002 03:55 AM


Originally posted by hypedave
actually I heard in vb3 all hacks written for vb 2.2.4 will have to be re-written .... Firefly can you confirm this :devious:
Oh yes.

E 03-23-2002 04:04 AM

That sucks.. :( will some of them be included ?

hypedave 03-23-2002 04:58 AM

see Freddie I been doing my home work :smoke:
how is that asp function for the CMS coming aling :bandit:

E 03-23-2002 06:43 AM

i installed this but only just realised how good it is.... I have no idea how to run queries but this pretty much helps... Thjx FireFly

feldon23 03-23-2002 08:36 AM

I feel stupid.

I have combed over this thread and the Quick Reply threads and saw you using Quick Reply as an example of how cool vbHacker is, but I haven't seen where to download


Is this something I need to create myself using vbHackMaker?

I love the idea of what are essentially hot-swappable modifications to php files.

Installing these things has taught me how to use the program Beyond Compare, but vbHacker seems even better if I don't have to touch any php files directly... (not afraid, just hate doing it for every new release!)

feldon23 03-23-2002 09:03 AM

Ok, I used vbHackMaker to create a data file using the readme as a guide.

I know with 3.0 coming you don't want to spend too much time on things that won't work with it, but will vbHacker have an uninstall capability at some point?

Of course I can do it manually. :)

alexwriting 03-23-2002 01:09 PM

Wow... that's like science fiction. Dude... you have looked into the future! THAT'S putting the computer to work, not me! Thanks for this.


Webmasta XT 03-23-2002 05:15 PM

ok, for people looking for quickreplybox.hack.php
I have made it.. Download this file and run it with vbhacker, I take no credit for making the hack, But this is just to go with the vbhacker.. FireFly made the hack, and I made it so it can work with vbhacker... ENJOY!!

Edit: I fixed the file.. it had some problems.. lol
well it should work perfect now.. it did work perfectly for me.. and don't forget, You must CHMOD all the files that are going to be edited to 777, or you won't be able to get to work.. Basically showthread.php needs chmoding.. for this hack, Good Luck!

Lanigironu 03-23-2002 05:34 PM

That's a great tool! It's spelled "success" though.

Dalius 03-23-2002 06:13 PM


Originally posted by Lanigironu
That's a great tool! It's spelled "success" though.
Did you do it?
I mean install the hack


Robert Basil 03-23-2002 08:42 PM


Originally posted by wooolF[RM]
yep, I understand it's pretty much...
For example I can take your hack "Number of new replies per thread on forum display" that is specially designed for vbhacker.
U have a code there that inserts <b>Replies<br>(new / total)</b> into one of templates.
Now...What if I don't like to have text Replies to be bold? Or maybe I have not-english spoken board, or I want to change text Teplies to Answers (just as an example, don't take it serios).
If u want to make it different as I have wrote before, u will have to edit template anyway those making vbhacker a tool, that make all boards like others.
Got main idea?

Some people have to whine about everything. If you don't like the hack don't install it. Enough said.

Reeve of shinra 03-23-2002 09:17 PM

Is it me, or did Firefly say something like 'yeah ill take a shot at it over my break' then a day later put this out?

very cool though, and great if your loading this upto a test board before your prodution site!

Jawelin 03-23-2002 09:39 PM

Chen, great job and idea!
Of course it will make things much easier and should multiply hacks installed on each board.

This reason, main problem I can see from here now is : what would be the behavior of vbhacker dealing with already hacked code it doesn't recognize when searching for text to replace ?
Increasing the number of blinded-eye installed hacks, I fear the number of unexpected (unpredictable) LOCs by the single n-number hack (because it couldn't know the n-1 hacks installed before...) could increase exponentially.

But it's the industrial revolution law .... !!!!
:) :) :) :) :)
Here we have the steam machine !
Thanks a lot for this new philosophy, btw.

Note for many users in this thread: I love this new deal, absolutely. I would only point out the most important goal of this forum should be to increase the knowledge about vb php/template scenarios, not to have 200+ hacks self-installed. Remeber that everyone had to upgrade all of them on any new release without even knowin how to edit a file....

This is my own PoV, of course ....

feldon23 03-23-2002 09:49 PM


Jawelin originally said:
This reason, main problem I can see from here now is : what would be the behavior of vbhacker dealing with already hacked code it doesn't recognize when searching for text to replace ?
Increasing the number of blinded-eye installed hacks, I fear the number of unexpected (unpredictable) LOCs by the single n-number hack (because it couldn't know the n-1 hacks installed before...) could increase exponentially.
It gives you a very clear, nicely done error report telling you which pieces could not be installed.

I think the key here is try to make the matchtext as short as possible, so that one hack is less likely to render another hack uninstallable.

If there's one thing that's missing, it's the ability in the script to set which # occurrence of a certain string to match and replace.

For instance, the Quick Reply box. I only like it at the bottom. There's no easy way to make vbHacker find which occurence you want to change.

bonnmac 03-24-2002 11:42 AM

I just wanted to say thanks a million for this script! I'm new to VBB and am still learning the art of hacking. I've found this to be very useful to me and have used it to install 2 hacks very easily. I hope that everyone will start to use this to make their hacks. It makes installation for us total newbs so much easier. Thanks again.

Jawelin 03-24-2002 12:43 PM


Originally posted by bonnmac
I just wanted to say thanks a million for this script! I'm new to VBB and am still learning the art of hacking. [...]
It makes installation for us total newbs so much easier. Thanks again.

Exactly what I said... :speechless:
What VB version are you using, Bonnmac ?
When u shall upgrade it and noone will publish quick the vbhack script ?
I definetively think that - before touching code and templates - anyone should give them a SERIOUS look.
As said, btw, already installed this revolutionary hack me too

nafae 03-24-2002 02:56 PM

just a suggestion I thought of when installning a hack made for vbhacker: how about make it so it asks if you want to backup any files it is modifying?

And also just make it so if it is going to make changes to a file, it appends something like //start hack <hackname> installed by vbhacker 1.0 then @ the end //end hack <hackname> installed by vbhacker 1.0

vertex 03-24-2002 05:04 PM

wow thanks, best script of the year.

NYI Fan 03-24-2002 06:11 PM

Again you've gone and done it!
Thanks for a great idea brought to life....

I'm somewhat leary of making any new changes to my board with vB 3 coming soon (to a theater near you) - I think I may just wait to make any modifications, especially after Freddie confirmed hacks will need to be re-written to play nicely....

Doesnt take away from the appreciation though Chen - vB.org really has made life with vB much much easier! (not to take away from vB.com - just different needs are met here)

I'm off before my well intended words end up as a foot in my mouth ;)

hypedave 03-24-2002 06:21 PM

hey guys lets give firefly some time, im pretty sure he will answere our request for the backup feature :rambo:

Kyomu 03-24-2002 09:23 PM

This thread should be stuck; however, since the hack was written by FireFly and the site is run by FireFly, it would appear like self-advertisement. If the members agree, I say there would be nothing wrong with it

Admin 03-25-2002 04:48 AM

Thanks everyone. :)

hyperdave, I'll work a backup feature, but bear in mind it will mean you must have the forums folder chmoded 0777 (which is actually better, because I can use the script to chmod the files itself... hmm).

Jawelin 03-25-2002 07:17 AM


Originally posted by FireFly
Thanks everyone. :)

you must have the forums folder chmoded 0777 (which is actually better, because I can use the script to chmod the files itself... hmm).

Does it exist any other way to run VBulletin ? :nervous: :eek:
Mine worked (Linux shared server) only with such a MOD setting.

Just another request (see above), right here we are... : could it be possible to write out a txt with the by-hand same procedure of an encapsulated vbhacker script ?
This just in case the hack's autor shouldn't release both versions of his hack. Until now, I always tried to understand each loc or db modification for any hack i installed, even to understand better some workaround in case of problems.
Looked at the vbhack script body above and it isn't too much self-explaining... of course it's for artificial intelligence, not human.
Well: could be possible create an human-purpose output ?

Thanks again

Wolf42 03-25-2002 12:13 PM

I got to get access via AdminCP:

Add this code in admin/index.php
PHP Code:

// ***
makenavoption("Add Hack","vbhacker.php","<br>");
makenavoption("Make Hack","vbhackmaker.php");
makenavselect("FireFly's Hackinstaller","<hr>"); 

right after:
PHP Code:

if ($debug==1) {
makenavoption("Download Set","template.php?action=downloadset","<br>");
makenavoption("Upload Set","template.php?action=uploadset","<br>");
makenavoption("Do <img> Tags","template.php?action=imgtags");

What do you think?

Ups: Don't work! Just tryed on my boards.
But I don't know why. Any ideas?

Admin 03-25-2002 02:37 PM

Just released version 1.0.1 of vbHacker, which includes the backup utility you have asked for. :D
A new vbHackMaker is coming as well...

Admin 03-25-2002 02:41 PM

Alright new vbHackMaker is out too. Look at the first post in the thread for more info. :D


Originally posted by Reeve of shinra
Is it me, or did Firefly say something like 'yeah ill take a shot at it over my break' then a day later put this out?
Hmm yeah, something like that. ;)

Jawelin 03-26-2002 09:11 AM


Originally posted by FireFly
Just released version 1.0.1 of vbHacker, which includes the backup utility you have asked for. :D
A new vbHackMaker is coming as well...

Hi, FireFly.
Nice and useful upgrade, and within a day from the request !!! ;)
So I'm here to renew mine, if possible (or simply if you can give me an hint to do it myself if you don't want to include it out-of-the-box).
Just asked if possible to have an html/txt output of the changes (the complete list) the script is going to apply, instead of checking later comparing the original and changed files, templates & DB. I.e., as said in Post #67, an intellectable version of the encapsulated *.hack.php.
I just went out from the upgradeXX.php scripts and got crazy to findout all updates, so wouldn't replicate that effort installing each new hack... I'd like to understand what's happening. :)

Another question: do you think it could be possible to put the vbhacker.php and all *.hack.php scripts in a stand-alone directory under the forum/admin/ ?
Also the backupped files could be put in forum/admin/vbhacks/backup, for instance.
This for clean reasons and this way a full hack history would be kept on the server...

Thank you very much.


Admin 03-26-2002 12:18 PM

You can see a text version of the hack right in the beginning, just select "Generate text file" in that radio button. :)
And I'll think about having everything in its own folder. :)

Jawelin 03-26-2002 02:04 PM

Thanks, my Mr. Beyond

TECK 03-26-2002 10:31 PM

if i'll be a girl.. i'll say: muahh muahh muahh.. hehe. great job firefly. it will help some of us.. ;)

Erwin 03-26-2002 11:51 PM


Originally posted by freddie
Oh yes.
Darn it! My worst fears are confirmed! :) Will have to figure out how to port over hacks when v3.0 comes then...

Issvar 03-27-2002 04:36 AM

I have just tried to make a hack in this program (v1.01), and then convert it to a text file again, but it misses my mysql query... Can you check if this is an error on my part or perhaps an error in your program?

In the attached 31KB zip file there are 4 files:
usersthreadviews.as.it.should.be.txt - This is how I wrote my hack myself, and is not automated.
usersthreadviews.by.vbhacker.txt - This is the text file vbhacker made of it.
usersthreadviews.hack.php - This is the encoded hack file.
vbhacker.screen.gif - A screenshot of me entering data, so you can check if I made errors in there.

Admin 03-27-2002 05:48 AM

Issvar: That's a problem with the textfile function in vbhacker.php, I forgot to parse queries there. Fixed that, uploaded the new file to the first post. :)

Admin 03-27-2002 05:51 AM

Also debugged vbhackmaker.php and uploaded a new version.

Admin 03-27-2002 05:56 AM

And another fix to vbhacker.php (first post). The script backed files up multiple times, causing the backup to be hacked itself! Fixed now. :)

Cocomiel 03-29-2002 01:47 AM

Thanks for this great hack, this will save a lot of time after upgrade.

how about an uninstall feature?

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