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TWTCommish 01-23-2002 10:02 PM

Yeah, that was the idea. I figured some terms might have symbols or numbers in front, anyway, and I wasn't gonna loop through a bunch of junk that wasn't likely to be used. Glad you like it. :)

Lucky 01-24-2002 01:12 AM

I would have to nominate this hack for hack of the month.

Thanks you very much, especially for the new addon.

Works perfect in 2.2.1 :)

TWTCommish 01-24-2002 01:26 AM

Wow -- quite an honor! I'm so glad you like it. If anyone else has any other suggestions to improve it, let me know. I'd be more than glad to consider them.

Lucky 01-24-2002 06:53 AM

An an honor it is to have this hack!

My users love it!

Lionel 01-24-2002 06:58 AM

Not just to mention that the glossary as it is was a must! and all those little extras...popup, random etc... :D

KevinG 01-24-2002 07:20 PM


Originally posted by TWTCommish
Here we go. Attached is the new admin_glossary.php file. It create the aforementioned headers for each letter/number/whatever, and even features a handy drop-down menu to quickly jump to various areas, as I'm sure some glossaries will get quite large!

I'll also be updating files.zip with this new file. Enjoy. :)

Careful with this new admin_glossary.php
Under the edit section, the pulldown to go to letters has an incorrect link. It has delete as it's action, not edit. Change the two places in the edit section to 'edit'.

Original within the edit section (starts at line 66):
PHP Code:

          $menu_text '<option value="admin_glossary.php?action=delete&s='.$session[sessionhash].'">-----</option>';

          for (
$i 0$i count($menu_array); $i++) {
$menu_text .= '<option value="admin_glossary.php?action=delete&s='.$session[sessionhash].'#'.$menu_array[$i].'">'.$menu_array[$i].'</option>';

Lionel 01-24-2002 07:30 PM


Originally posted by KevinG

Careful with this new admin_glossary.php
Under the edit section, the pulldown to go to letters has an incorrect link. It has delete as it's action, not edit. Change the two places in the edit section to 'edit'.

hey you are right!

TWTCommish 01-24-2002 08:41 PM

More TWT screwups. :D I've attached the fixed version, and am re-uploading the files.zip file. Sorry again.

FWC 01-24-2002 09:04 PM


Originally posted by TWTCommish
More TWT screwups. :D
Yeah, but it's such a cool hack we don't mind. :D

TWTCommish 01-25-2002 02:10 PM


Originally posted by FWC
Yeah, but it's such a cool hack we don't mind. :D
Gracias. Thanks so much -- I'm so glad that people seem to actually like it. :pleased: If you guys have any suggestions, please let me know...I'd love to improve this hack further.

KevinG 01-25-2002 03:42 PM


Originally posted by TWTCommish

Gracias. Thanks so much -- I'm so glad that people seem to actually like it. :pleased: If you guys have any suggestions, please let me know...I'd love to improve this hack further.

;) Post more terms to add to the glossary ;)

It is a great hack. Thanks TWT!

Rose 01-25-2002 04:54 PM

Um, I might possibly be a dope, but I installed the hack (with the latest updated admin_glossary.php) fully, but not the extras (yet). However, I don't see the glossary, or know where to populate it. :s

Can someone help me out?

I'm not getting any errors or anything, I'm just, uh, momentarily blind. :D

FWC 01-25-2002 05:00 PM

The glossary.php file is in your root forums directory. You need to access that file with your browser. You need to add the change to admin/index.php so you can access admin_glossary.php. Then you can populate it from there.

TWTCommish 01-25-2002 06:05 PM

Thanks FWC -- he's right, Rose. Once you've made the code change in the /admin/index.php file, you'll be able to add/edit/delete glossary terms from your CP...it's all the way on the bottom of the menu, beneath the links to manage your templates. :)

I HIGHLY recommend adding the random term add-on...I had the Glossary up, and even stuck it in the forumjump template...but no one took much interest. It was too "hidden." Now that it's referenced on the page everytime someone posts a reply or new thread, though, people have paid attention to it, and seem to be enjoying it. :)

KevinG: I'll see what I can do. :) If I get enough together, I'll probably update the archive file with a simple script to let people add a bunch of miscellaneous ones automatically.

djr 01-25-2002 10:10 PM


Originally posted by TWTCommish

If you guys have any suggestions, please let me know...I'd love to improve this hack further.

I have one for you, and I hope it's not giving you nightmares already :rolleyes: I'd love to have category support, whereas I could put words into a certain category. Like:
IMO > category chat language
moderator > category vbulletin terms
vbcode > category vbulletin terms
Hotsync > category Palm (specific for my site)

The glossary itself would then be displayed like this:
term ---------------------- explanation --------------- category

imo ----------------------- in my opinion -------------- chat language
moderator -------------- board supervisor --------- vbulletin term
Hotsync ----------------- synchronization ----------- PalmOS

You could extend this feature to let users filter on glossary terms only in a specific category.

Hope you like the idea, if not: implement it anyway :D

By the way: did I say I already I like the concept and the implementation of this hack VERY VERY much! A big thank you of a happy user of vbGlossary! :up:

- djr

TWTCommish 01-25-2002 10:16 PM

I like that suggestion. Good one. Thanks! I'll take a look and see if I could do it easily. Unless it's a major pain, I don't see what would stop me, though...'cept that it might be overkill. :)

Any other suggestions from anyone here? I'm trying to come up with other ways to make it visible to people using the forums...more places in which it's appropriate and useful.

djr 01-25-2002 10:36 PM

The ultimate in visibility would be ofcourse to parse each post for terms in the glossary list and display the matched terms with a small [?]-link to the matched glossary term, like this:

How do I upload my own avatar [?]


djr is moderator [?] of this forum, please pay respect to him LOL [?]

- djr

TWTCommish 01-25-2002 10:56 PM

Yes, that would be pretty dang cool...but I'd want to avoid a query for each post if I could help it. That'd be a bit of a burden. I suppose I could store the data in a template...but even then we'd be talking about a loop, basically, for every single post. I'll mess around with it and see how it goes...if it slows it down big time, though, obviously I won't bother much. Another good idea nonetheless, though.

djr 01-25-2002 11:02 PM

That was one of my biggest concerns too (although I didn't post that). Well, maybe you could look into it and post the findings here. It was just a first thought actually. I think it's indeed a too big strain on the server, but you'll never know :-)

I keep thinking of other ways to make it more visible. I like it very much and it's a great support tool!

- djr

Lionel 01-26-2002 02:23 AM


Originally posted by TWTCommish
Any other suggestions from anyone here? I'm trying to come up with other ways to make it visible to people using the forums...more places in which it's appropriate and useful. [/B]
Most like likely, we will be making the glossary specific to our site (like djr with palm). Why not make them searchable? Say someone looks for palm. the first word that comes up will be a glossary term. That will attract attention and people will want to see what the glossary is all about. :greedy:

TWTCommish 01-26-2002 02:20 PM

Good idea. I was writing down ideas for various hacks and things last night, and thought that some form of search for the glossary would make sense. I'll see what I can do. Too many ideas! This'll take forever. :D

Rose 01-26-2002 03:44 PM

Thank you, FWC and TWT!

I did forget to make the changes in the admin/index.php. Now that I've made them, I can access the glossary and add to it. I've also added the random function, but not the forum jump, yet.

In the random function, I'm not getting a random term,t hough. In the newreply or newthread I can see "Random Term:" and under it a link for more terms, but there's no random term. Did I miss something again? :)


TWTCommish 01-26-2002 04:39 PM

If that's the case, then you probably forgot to add the code to your newthread.php and newreply.php files...it should be in the instructions. That's my guess, at least, because omitting that code, I believe, will produce exactly the the result you're talking about.

Rose 01-26-2002 05:12 PM


Originally posted by TWTCommish
If that's the case, then you probably forgot to add the code to your newthread.php and newreply.php files...it should be in the instructions. That's my guess, at least, because omitting that code, I believe, will produce exactly the the result you're talking about.

:) Thank you, TWT. I made the changes, but I forgot to upload the new files. http://www.simpsonsboard.com/images/smilies/doh.gif

I have it working now. It's a great hack, I can't wait to populate the glossary! And I'm looking forward to any search features you come up with. :D

Snake~eyes 01-30-2002 08:02 PM

Great hack.

Quick thing, maybe i missed this but how about one for ALL Terms.

Would make a list with the headers like in the admin cp but for registered users so they could view all the terms

Snake~eyes 01-30-2002 08:52 PM

User submission?

Maybe someway to make a forum for glossary submission.

here's what i figure(I know nothing about hacking but i think this would work if only i knew how to do it)

Create a forum name glossary or what ever

The subject is the word
and where you normally type your spam would be the definitiion.

You'd have to write some code that selected the forumid that took the words. Then it would be via moderation. Which can be set in the admin panel for forums. So if you accept a word it puts it in the glossary and maybe deletes the post.

Just thought that'd be cool. Somethin like that would definitely be a cool add on!

TWTCommish 01-31-2002 02:38 PM

Hey guys: I've written a simple script to add some default terms to the DB. It's for 31 in all...things like Lurker, vB Code, Message Tracking, Ignore List, etc. The attached script, when uploaded to your main forum directory, should, when run, install all 30 terms for you easily. Enjoy. :)

TWTCommish 01-31-2002 02:40 PM

In regards to those ideas: I think it'd make more sense to have a simple form on the actual glossary page somewhere for submissions. But even that's pushing it -- I don't wanna get too specialized. I do think a "View All" option might be good. What's everyone else thing? I wouldn't mind adding it.

Rose 01-31-2002 03:19 PM

Great attachment to install the definitions! A quick idea - maybe a 'delete' term feature instead of having to edit it, clear out the field and submit, you can just delete (or edit, delete). The reason I say this is because when I installed your terms, a couple were duplicated so I had to delete them. Not many and it was nothing big, but the delete feature might be nice.

Another thing - is there a way to add this to the 'top links' such as next to the faq button, for instance?

TWTCommish 01-31-2002 03:25 PM

Yeah, you can link to the glossary. I don't have a button made up, if that's what you mean, though. :) I'm not sure if I understand the other question, though: there is a delete option to delete individual terms. What are you referring to?

KevinG 01-31-2002 04:51 PM

Thanks TWT for the terms! :up:

Anyone need a button?

Snake~eyes 01-31-2002 06:52 PM


well a Show all would be good and i could reall yuse a submit feature. LoL.. just somthing like that would be cool.



TWTCommish 02-04-2002 02:51 PM

Thanks Kevin -- awesome button. :up: I think I'll modify this shortly to allow people to view all terms, and maybe even a quick search or something. Anyone think a search would be useful? How do you think the submission thing should be handled, everyone?

SaintDog 02-04-2002 03:02 PM

Well, I like the idea of members being able to search, if it turns our you have a huge database of terms, this would be ideal. I think allowing those to view all terms would be a nice idea, but if you are going to implement the search feature, there is not much of a reason to implement a "View All", imo.

In regards to allowing "Term Submissions" I think that would be great, but they would have to be moderated in a way, you would not want loads of trash filling up your glossary for you to later have to delete.

Maybe have a form where only members can fill it out, once they fill it out, it is directly sent to the webmaster/administrator with the term and it's difinition. Once the admin/webmaster reviews it, he/she can then add it to the database (this would take away the time it takes to moderate them, instead, it directly goes to the admin/webmaster).

Just my thoughts. :) - Still a nice hack

SaintDog 02-04-2002 04:00 PM

I was looking at kevins button that he attached and thought I would post one with the border on it for those that wanted it.

Nupraptor 02-05-2002 02:10 AM



Looks interesting. I might install it. I know it's hard enough trying to keep up with the slang of Star Wars geeks - much less SW geeks who roleplay. ;)

Lucky 02-05-2002 02:52 AM

Got vbp3.0pr7 and vb2.2.2 and all is working great!

Thanks. :p

xug 02-05-2002 03:10 AM

Cool Hack!

I would love to have a 'list all' option, any suggestions how to do this, or 'TWTCommish' could you add that to the script?

Many thanks in advance.

Lucky 02-05-2002 10:08 PM

good idea.

TWTCommish 02-06-2002 12:09 AM

Ok, I added the functionality for this. I've attached the new glossary.php file to this post...just upload it over the old one...but make the template changes first, naturally. :)

Find this in your glossary template:


        <td width="100%"><normalfont><b><a href="index.php?s=$session[sessionhash]">$bbtitle</a> &nbsp;> &nbsp;Glossary</b></normalfont></td>
Right after it, add this:


        <td width="50%" align="right">$view_all</td>
Next, create a template called glossary_viewall. Enter this into it:


<normalfont><a href="$bburl/glossary.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&view=all">View All</a></normalfont>
Next, create a template called glossary_viewall_selected. Enter this into it:


<normalfont color="white"><b>View All</b></normalfont>
Okay! I think that's it. Here it is in action:

Let me know if I've missed anything (more than likely!). :)

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