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scottkoz20 03-07-2018 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2593367)
I have removed an unneeded query, and attached the latest update.

hey Mark - added this and the block is no longer showing

MarkFL 03-07-2018 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by scottkoz20 (Post 2593371)
hey Mark - added this and the block is no longer showing

I just went to your site to take a look, and it appears to be showing for me. :)

scottkoz20 03-07-2018 10:43 PM

hmmm - i see it in Firefox... will clear cookies/cache in Chrome

MarkFL 03-07-2018 10:49 PM

I see it on Chrome too. :)

scottkoz20 03-07-2018 11:00 PM

1 Attachment(s)
ok - this is odd

when I am on my account - I don't see it. When I log out or log into my non-admin test account, I can see it

see the screenshots

happens in Chrome and Firefox

MarkFL 03-08-2018 12:12 AM

I have no idea why that would be.

MarkFL 03-08-2018 02:04 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I think I found the culprit, and while your site is now updated, here is the latest attached.

scottkoz20 03-08-2018 10:53 AM

thanks Mark - i appreciate this greatly.

MarkFL 03-09-2018 01:43 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Okay, one more update (likely the last, unless more features are requested), which includes the option to display the block at the top (like it's always been) or at the bottom, directly above the footer. Also, I added 2 StyleVars to control the color and font of the forum/thread links.

MarkFL 03-09-2018 05:58 AM

1 Attachment(s)
My apologies, but one more update where the query is altered to retrieve posts only from selected forums, rather than having them filtered out afterwards. This still leaves posts that a user has no permission to view to be filtered after the query, but I couldn't figure out how to do that within the query.

RichieBoy67 03-09-2018 11:22 AM

reminds me of the latest threads mod we had on 3.6! I loved that. Very simple and just displayed threads. Some people placed it in the header and some in the footer. Everyone used to love that mod!

--------------- Added [DATE]1520601793[/DATE] at [TIME]1520601793[/TIME] ---------------


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2593393)
Okay, one more update (likely the last, unless more features are requested), which includes the option to display the block at the top (like it's always been) or at the bottom, directly above the footer. Also, I added 2 StyleVars to control the color and font of the forum/thread links.

Very kind of you Mark!

MarkFL 03-09-2018 05:33 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Another update...haha...this time I removed the potential issue caused by editing the phrases pertaining to the column headings. Now if you edit those phrases, you will no longer need to re-select the desired columns and save the settings.

scottkoz20 03-11-2018 10:38 PM

hey Mark -

I got this error tonight

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/scfadmin/public_html/includes/class_bootstrap.php(430) : eval()'d code on line 189

as soon as I disable your mod, no issues


this was only on the FORUMHOME as this is the only spot where the mod was tied to

MarkFL 03-11-2018 11:11 PM

If you're getting that error because of a query retrieving a couple dozen posts, I would say you still have some server issues going on, especially given that this error presumably just started showing up after you've been running the product for several days.

In other news, I have a HUGE update to this product coming soon. :)

scottkoz20 03-12-2018 04:45 PM

what does not make sense to me is that when I re-enable this, its almost like a buffer is cleared and the mods starts to work again on my site

looking forward to the next update

MarkFL 03-13-2018 03:12 AM

I've published the update at the following sites:

MHB - Recent Posts Block

TAZ - Recent Posts Block

CAG CheechDogg 03-13-2018 04:47 AM


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2593438)
I've published the update at the following sites:

MHB - Recent Posts Block

TAZ - Recent Posts Block

Well that sucks .. oh well ...

At least make the images showing what the mods look like ... you require people to register to even view that ...

MarkFL 03-13-2018 05:14 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by CAG CheechDogg (Post 2593439)
Well that sucks .. oh well ...

At least make the images showing what the mods look like ... you require people to register to even view that ...

Aren't you a member at TAZ? I thought everyone who has posted in this thread was a member at one or both of the two sites.

I'll publish it here:


This product is designed to allow you to display links to the most recent posts. You can choose from which forums the posts are selected, with user permissions being respected, that is, if a user does not have permission to view the posts in a selected forum, then links to those posts will not be displayed for that user. You can select in which styles the block will be displayed as well.


Product Settings
Enable Product? - This allows you to enable/disable the product.

Default/Minimum Rows - When a page containing the Recent Posts Block is initially loaded, this will determine the number of data rows that will be shown in the table. It will also serve as the minimum data rows to which the table can be resized by the user. The block may be manually resized by dragging the lower right corner of the block, or by clicking the header bar to toggle between maximum and minimum height.

Number Of Posts - This determines the maximum number of posts a user will see in the block. Unless a positive value is entered either here or in "Hours Limit," this product will be effectively disabled.

Hours Limit - This will allow you to give a time limit on how long ago, in hours, a post was made in order to be displayed. Unless a positive value is entered either here or in "Number Of Posts," this product will be effectively disabled.

Maximum Characters In Forum Titles - This allows you to set the maximum number of characters that will be displayed in forum titles, so you can keep the column from taking up too much room. For any forum title that gets truncated, the full name will be shown in the mouseover tooltip (which will also include the forum description).

Maximum Characters In Thread Titles - This allows you to set the maximum number of characters that will be displayed in thread titles, so you can keep the column from taking up too much room. For any thread title that gets truncated, the full name will be shown in the mouseover tooltip (which will also include a preview of the post content).

Table Columns - This allows you to select which options post/thread information you wish to serve as columns in the table. Your choices are (with the corresponding phrase name in parentheses):
  • Thread Timestamp (markfl_rpb_threadstarted) - The date/time the thread was started.
  • Thread Author (markfl_rpb_threadauthor) - The username of the thread starter (OP).
  • Replies/Views (markfl_rpb_replies) - The number of replies and views for the thread.
  • Posters (markfl_rpb_postercount) - The number of users who have posted in the thread.
  • Rating (markfl_rpb_rating) - The overall rating given to the thread by your users.
  • Post Author (markfl_rpb_postauthor) - The user who posted the post to which the link points.
  • Post Timestamp (markfl_rpb_posttime) - The date/time the post was submitted.
  • Forum (markfl_rpb_forum) - The forum in which the thread resides.

All usernames are shown in usergroup HTML markup, and link to profile pages. The column "Thread/Post Link" (markfl_rpb_threadlink) is not optional, as it shows a link to the post. If a user has not read that post, then the link will be bold, otherwise it will have a normal font weight.

Prefixes/Icons - This allows you to select which icons to display before the thread titles and whether to include thread prefixes. Your choices include:
  • Sticky (markfl_rpb_sticky) - Will display the sticky thread icon, or the super sticky icon if you have my "Additional Thread Tools" product installed.
  • Poll (markfl_rpb_poll) - Will display the poll icon for threads that incude a poll.
  • Icon (markfl_rpb_icon) - Will display the thread icon chosen by the thread author.
  • Prefix (markfl_rpb_prefix) - Will display the thread prefix if one has been assigned.

Active Styles - This will display all installed styles and allow you to select on which you wish for the product to be active. Unless at least one style is selected, this product will be effectively disabled.

Active Forums - This will allow you to select from which forums the posts will be selected from the database. Child forums are included in all forums selected.

Tags Whose Content Is Hidden In Thread Previews - When a user hovers over a thread title, a preview of the post content is shown, and this allows for you to decide which BBCodes will have their content hidden in the preview. It will be replaced with the text in the phrase markfl_rpb_hiddencontent within parentheses, which by default is "Hidden Content."

Additional Scripts - By default, this product displays on the home page ("index" script), but if you wish to add scripts on which the block will be displayed, you may enter the comma-delimited list of such scripts. If you wish for the block to appear on all pages then enter an asterisk (*).

Excluded Scripts - If you have entered an asterisk in the "Additional Scripts" setting, you may choose to exclude particular scripts here, by entering them in a comma-delimited list.

Show Block To Guests? - This allows you to decide whether to display the block to guests (those not registered and logged on).

Block Placement - This allows you to decide whether you want the block to be shown directly below the navbar/breadcrumbs or directly above the footer.





Tested and working on vB 4.2.5 and may work on earlier 4.x versions of vBulletin.


This product does not alter your database, however it is always good practice to make regular backups and you should make a backup before installing ANY new mod.

As always, products are USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. I will provide support and do my best to help but no absolute guarantee is offered.

To Install:
  1. Download and extract the attached .zip file.
  2. Follow AdminCP -> Plugins & Products -> Manage Products -> Add/Import Product.
  3. Click on "Choose File" and browse to the product .xml file that was packaged in the .zip file.
  4. Click "Import".
  5. You MUST enable the product in the settings before it will function.
  6. Configure the remaining settings to your liking. Each setting has a detailed explanation of its use.


Stratis 03-13-2018 06:09 AM

Many other things sucks...

Thanks Mark for another time, where ever you go i am with you... thanks for the effort you give to us every time.
You are a goodwill person.

And a few more thanks, thanks for other people that have forgotten to give you.
Have a nice day.

CAG CheechDogg 03-13-2018 06:23 AM


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2593440)
Aren't you a member at TAZ? I thought everyone who has posted in this thread was a member at one or both of the two sites.

Yes I am ... sorry if I came off as rude ... should of used a better choice of words for my suggestion

MarkFL 03-13-2018 06:26 AM


Originally Posted by CAG CheechDogg (Post 2593443)
Yes I am ... sorry if I came off as rude ... should of used a better choice of words for my suggestion

I didn't read your post as rude at all, I just figured I had made an error in recollection of your being a member at TAZ. Either way, no worries...I know you to be a good person here.

I really should have just published here in this thread to begin with. :)

scottkoz20 03-13-2018 06:07 PM

will re-install this tonight Mark. Thanks for the update

RichieBoy67 03-17-2018 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by CAG CheechDogg (Post 2593330)

I love the marquee! That is the one Mark did? I love how you have it placed! I think I am going to try that!

Will it just show latest or most recent threads from all the forums?

--------------- Added [DATE]1521300286[/DATE] at [TIME]1521300286[/TIME] ---------------


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2593440)
Aren't you a member at TAZ? I thought everyone who has posted in this thread was a member at one or both of the two sites.

I'll publish it here:


This product is designed to allow you to display links to the most recent posts. You can choose from which forums the posts are selected, with user permissions being respected, that is, if a user does not have permission to view the posts in a selected forum, then links to those posts will not be displayed for that user. You can select in which styles the block will be displayed as well.


Product Settings
Enable Product? - This allows you to enable/disable the product.

Default/Minimum Rows - When a page containing the Recent Posts Block is initially loaded, this will determine the number of data rows that will be shown in the table. It will also serve as the minimum data rows to which the table can be resized by the user. The block may be manually resized by dragging the lower right corner of the block, or by clicking the header bar to toggle between maximum and minimum height.

Number Of Posts - This determines the maximum number of posts a user will see in the block. Unless a positive value is entered either here or in "Hours Limit," this product will be effectively disabled.

Hours Limit - This will allow you to give a time limit on how long ago, in hours, a post was made in order to be displayed. Unless a positive value is entered either here or in "Number Of Posts," this product will be effectively disabled.

Maximum Characters In Forum Titles - This allows you to set the maximum number of characters that will be displayed in forum titles, so you can keep the column from taking up too much room. For any forum title that gets truncated, the full name will be shown in the mouseover tooltip (which will also include the forum description).

Maximum Characters In Thread Titles - This allows you to set the maximum number of characters that will be displayed in thread titles, so you can keep the column from taking up too much room. For any thread title that gets truncated, the full name will be shown in the mouseover tooltip (which will also include a preview of the post content).

Table Columns - This allows you to select which options post/thread information you wish to serve as columns in the table. Your choices are (with the corresponding phrase name in parentheses):
  • Thread Timestamp (markfl_rpb_threadstarted) - The date/time the thread was started.
  • Thread Author (markfl_rpb_threadauthor) - The username of the thread starter (OP).
  • Replies/Views (markfl_rpb_replies) - The number of replies and views for the thread.
  • Posters (markfl_rpb_postercount) - The number of users who have posted in the thread.
  • Rating (markfl_rpb_rating) - The overall rating given to the thread by your users.
  • Post Author (markfl_rpb_postauthor) - The user who posted the post to which the link points.
  • Post Timestamp (markfl_rpb_posttime) - The date/time the post was submitted.
  • Forum (markfl_rpb_forum) - The forum in which the thread resides.

All usernames are shown in usergroup HTML markup, and link to profile pages. The column "Thread/Post Link" (markfl_rpb_threadlink) is not optional, as it shows a link to the post. If a user has not read that post, then the link will be bold, otherwise it will have a normal font weight.

Prefixes/Icons - This allows you to select which icons to display before the thread titles and whether to include thread prefixes. Your choices include:
  • Sticky (markfl_rpb_sticky) - Will display the sticky thread icon, or the super sticky icon if you have my "Additional Thread Tools" product installed.
  • Poll (markfl_rpb_poll) - Will display the poll icon for threads that incude a poll.
  • Icon (markfl_rpb_icon) - Will display the thread icon chosen by the thread author.
  • Prefix (markfl_rpb_prefix) - Will display the thread prefix if one has been assigned.

Active Styles - This will display all installed styles and allow you to select on which you wish for the product to be active. Unless at least one style is selected, this product will be effectively disabled.

Active Forums - This will allow you to select from which forums the posts will be selected from the database. Child forums are included in all forums selected.

Tags Whose Content Is Hidden In Thread Previews - When a user hovers over a thread title, a preview of the post content is shown, and this allows for you to decide which BBCodes will have their content hidden in the preview. It will be replaced with the text in the phrase markfl_rpb_hiddencontent within parentheses, which by default is "Hidden Content."

Additional Scripts - By default, this product displays on the home page ("index" script), but if you wish to add scripts on which the block will be displayed, you may enter the comma-delimited list of such scripts. If you wish for the block to appear on all pages then enter an asterisk (*).

Excluded Scripts - If you have entered an asterisk in the "Additional Scripts" setting, you may choose to exclude particular scripts here, by entering them in a comma-delimited list.

Show Block To Guests? - This allows you to decide whether to display the block to guests (those not registered and logged on).

Block Placement - This allows you to decide whether you want the block to be shown directly below the navbar/breadcrumbs or directly above the footer.





Tested and working on vB 4.2.5 and may work on earlier 4.x versions of vBulletin.


This product does not alter your database, however it is always good practice to make regular backups and you should make a backup before installing ANY new mod.

As always, products are USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. I will provide support and do my best to help but no absolute guarantee is offered.

To Install:
  1. Download and extract the attached .zip file.
  2. Follow AdminCP -> Plugins & Products -> Manage Products -> Add/Import Product.
  3. Click on "Choose File" and browse to the product .xml file that was packaged in the .zip file.
  4. Click "Import".
  5. You MUST enable the product in the settings before it will function.
  6. Configure the remaining settings to your liking. Each setting has a detailed explanation of its use.


Outstanding Mark!

BGObsession 06-27-2018 03:13 PM

Very nice work Mark as always!

Where can I change the color of the links again? I don't see that option? Mine are a hideous bright blue right now :)

MarkFL 06-27-2018 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by BGObsession (Post 2595279)
Very nice work Mark as always!

Where can I change the color of the links again? I don't see that option? Mine are a hideous bright blue right now :)

You will find that in your stylevars, in a section titled "MarkFL_RecentPostsBlock." :)

BGObsession 06-27-2018 03:30 PM

NM - saw it was in stylevars. Very nice.

--------------- Added [DATE]1530159831[/DATE] at [TIME]1530159831[/TIME] ---------------

Hey Mark,
I was expecting that when the link was clicked, it would take me to the most recent post - but it takes me to the very first post of the thread. Any option to change that?

Btw - I hate the 'auto-combining' of replies within a thread...

BGObsession 06-28-2018 02:47 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Also - I'm only using 4 columns of info as I think those are the only one's that my members would care about... but that results in a large block of blank area (see attached image). Is it possible to *tweak* the code so that the module auto-sizes so it's just large enough to accomodate the included text and is centered (see second image). Or if that's not possible, what would I need to do to resize the width of the module to better accomodate just the 4 columns and have it centered?

MarkFL 06-28-2018 03:05 AM

You could edit the "markfl_recentpostsblock" template and add some inline CSS. For example, you could edit the first line to say:

HTML Code:

<div id="recentposts_block" style="margin-left: 10%; margin-right: 10%;" class="wgo_block">
--------------- Added [DATE]1530162500[/DATE] at [TIME]1530162500[/TIME] ---------------


Originally Posted by BGObsession (Post 2595281)
NM - saw it was in stylevars. Very nice.

--------------- Added [DATE]1530159831[/DATE] at [TIME]1530159831[/TIME] ---------------

Hey Mark,
I was expecting that when the link was clicked, it would take me to the most recent post - but it takes me to the very first post of the thread. Any option to change that?

Btw - I hate the 'auto-combining' of replies within a thread...

Yes, I had no idea you had posted this. Anyway, the links take you to specific posts being referenced within the thread...at least they do for me.

BGObsession 06-28-2018 03:21 AM

Thanks for the css code, will give that a try.

Yeah - weird. When I click the post links, they simply take me to the first page of the thread, not the recent post that resulted in them getting pulled/listed in the module???

I can see the most recent post on hovering over the link, but the actual url does not take me to that post (or even the page containing that post - takes me to the first page of the thread).

Mark - if you don't mind, check out what I'm referencing


MarkFL 06-28-2018 03:44 AM


Originally Posted by BGObsession (Post 2595293)
Thanks for the css code, will give that a try.

Yeah - weird. When I click the post links, they simply take me to the first page of the thread, not the recent post that resulted in them getting pulled/listed in the module???

I can see the most recent post on hovering over the link, but the actual url does not take me to that post (or even the page containing that post - takes me to the first page of the thread).

Mark - if you don't mind, check out what I'm referencing


The first link I tried took me to the last post, the post referenced in the link. :confused:

BGObsession 06-28-2018 03:52 AM

WTH??? This has me stumped....

--------------- Added [DATE]1530165419[/DATE] at [TIME]1530165419[/TIME] ---------------

Not only as to why the hover text is the correct recent post, but clicking on it does not take one to the post - but that it sounds like it's working for you but not for me??? I tried changing browsers but it's the same for me on all of them...

You sure you're getting the most recent post? It's having the same problem for me even when I access from my iphone...

MarkFL 06-28-2018 04:35 AM

Now when I try it it doesn't work on your site for some reason. So, in the plugin titled "Display Recent Posts Block" locate the code:

PHP Code:

$threads .= '<td>' $thread '<a class="rpb_links' $t_style '" href="' fetch_seo_url('thread'$tpost) . '&p=' $tpost['postid'] . '#post'$tpost['postid'] . '" title="' $tname $t_preview '">' $t_title '</a></td></tr>'

And replace it with:

PHP Code:

$threads .= '<td>' $thread '<a class="rpb_links' $t_style '" href="' fetch_seo_url('thread'$tpost) . '?p=' $tpost['postid'] . '&viewfull=1#post'$tpost['postid'] . '" title="' $tname $t_preview '">' $t_title '</a></td></tr>'

Let me know if that works for you, please. :)

BGObsession 06-28-2018 11:02 AM

Damn you are good Mark :) That fixed it - thanks so much!

MarkFL 06-28-2018 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by BGObsession (Post 2595301)
Damn you are good Mark :) That fixed it - thanks so much!

Thanks for letting me know it worked. :)

BGObsession 06-29-2018 12:58 PM

Hey Mark,
Have you given any thought to doing a 'Latest Threads' version of this - where it presents a list of the 10 or 20 most recently active threads (basically the same idea, but no thread is listed more than once - a library of the top conversations going on)?

I like the recent posts tool a lot. But as far as having a list of current topics presented when someone goes to my forum page, that would be even more valuable...

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