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TheLastSuperman 07-05-2017 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by ChloeDione (Post 2588166)
So, I have been pondering how to reply to this - my apologies in advance for any offense I cause. Whether or not I am accurate, I have no clue, but the optics on this....is another matter.

You're a great guy, so I don't mean this personally but of what has been indicated is that you are one of only two remaining on the team, for now. Yet, at the same time, just about every other person here has called VB / IB out on their turd of a choice - you are the only one here who is arguing their side / defending them.

I am not saying that it is the case, but the optics look like you're the one person staying on, and doing their bidding. They have you staying on, and the puppet masters are pulling the strings already. That is a very harsh line to say if I am wrong, so if I am I sincerely apologize but just look at the way it looks. Do they care about the position it likely leaves you in now? I think we all know that they don't. No matter whether it is accurate or not, you are now being left out there to hang because the perception is now likely worse than the reality. The way forums operate, it will be difficult to salvage a reputation out of this.

Bidding? I'm sure glad those resigning know me and know that is not the case! I joined this community to be helpful from day one and nothing has ever changed about that, I can't just leave the ORG, that would mean I'd be losing all of the people listed above AND all of you! I'm still here but don't think I may not change my mind, everyone has a right to change their mind and their opinions as they see fit.


Originally Posted by ChloeDione (Post 2588166)
You said that you didn't want this to turn into an IB / VB bash fest - what did you expect? For people to agree with the decision? People to respectfully disagree and continue to spend on licenses, support and additional software?

Like you said, you are depressed about this, which is totally understandable? The fact that everyone else is, and angry seems reasonable (for them) to be allowed to air their grievance, no? Their hurt and depression is just as (if not more) recognizable / to be recognized as anyone else.

I know that it is not my place to ask this, but you said that you simply wouldn't allow it to continue - so I guess I would ask other staff to leave it to your call. If you think my post is so out of line, remove it. If you think that I am not worthy to remain here, boot me. At this point TLS, you can be the arbitrator given that just about everyone else cannot stomach what IB is doing to VB yet you are telling everyone not to bash them. By all means, everyone can accept that it is not your or anyone else to blame on the VBorg staff.

At the same time though, please let the users who paid for this software air their displeasure at the decision. After all, it is only in defense of those of you that are admins and mods on here that everyone is so angry ; not for themselves, but for you.

I think you misunderstood, so did Omnibus by referring to my bashfest comment - Basically don't come in here saying vB4 is dead, well yeah guys we're on vB5 right now what do you expect vB4 to be, in development? Don't come in here and say vB5 sucks or is crap, that is a matter of opinion and perspective just like all of you being upset over this and while I wasn't too happy when it first hit vB5 has shown major improvements, its stable, and does a fantastic job as forum software. Being upset and venting in a constructive manner by being positive and saying thanks to those leaving for all their years of service is an entirely different story. Voice your opinion sure but try to keep it clean and focused properly is all I wanted done, to see this thread more as a farewell to those we love than something negative, hope that clarifies ;).


Originally Posted by ChloeDione (Post 2588166)
TLS, I have to ask you (not meaning to be flippant) but if Paul is not re-instated to the role(s) that he held previously, what other possible outcome could there be other than, "the end"?

Well that depends on what vBulletin decides next, I'm not sure what the outcome of this will be at this point. I'd love to see the ORG stay open, some new staff come in that way it doesn't die, if vb.com continues w/ the "ask on the org for customization" or similar the org will still be needed for those customers thinking outside the box.


Originally Posted by ChloeDione (Post 2588166)
It is in the love that everyone feels for all of you that some of this ill temper and grief is coming out. Because nobody thinks that it is fair the way that you have been treated. More than any money that any of us have put into the site, it is the love for you as people that has indeed hurt so many ; not because of anything that you have done but because seeing someone you care about being treated so badly is going to hurt, no matter who you are.

Aye ya I hear you there but again back to my comment above ^ where it needs to be constructive more than bashing and I was more referring to the product itself. If you look at past threads, we've always allowed opinions just not bashing.


Originally Posted by ChloeDione (Post 2588166)
Again, if I have inaccurately portrayed any of this, my apologies and if you think my post rises to the level of IB bashing that you talk of, then please do remove it / and or me if you see the need, but please, you make the call. If you think my message is out of line, then you make the call.

You did but guess what? You perceived what you thought I was thinking, we can always believe someone thinks one thing but never know until we ask, thanks for asking and I hope my replies helped you see more how I was looking at this.

Edit: Meanwhile I still continue to see Lynne, Paul, and others posting replies and being helpful, thanks for truly staying until the end!

NumNum 07-06-2017 03:19 AM


Originally Posted by In Omnibus (Post 2588151)
IB is so proud of the vBulletin product that it doesn't even appear under any of the "Our Brands" tabs on their main website.

Makes you wonder why they fund it, or for how much longer.

A clear disrespect for the staff that do such great work.

DieselMinded 07-06-2017 04:19 AM

Many good memories , thank all of you for what you have done for this community , vb got me into forums back in the day i even had a BOTM here :). I've said my goodbyes to vb as i have moved on to other platforms simply based on innovation and adaption. I'll never forget this site or the people with in and RIP Peggy too!

Good Bye Everyone From - DieselMinded/fixer/Chad

In Omnibus 07-06-2017 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by NumNum (Post 2588176)
Makes you wonder why they fund it, or for how much longer.

A clear disrespect for the staff that do such great work.

If they're selling the vBulletin brand I would like a fair opportunity to purchase it.

I'll leave it at that.

JacquiiDesigns 07-07-2017 01:02 AM

Wow. It's not like we didn't see this coming though right?? But wow. Mind = Blown. Incredibly ridiculous decision by IB who seemingly are trying to destroy one of the greatest talking points of vBulletin the script: the vBulletin.org community.

To that end, I say RIP vBulletin :(


Dismounted 07-07-2017 08:48 AM

I've so far kept out of this thread, as you would understand. Thought I'd chime in to say a quick "thank you" to you all for not only supporting us (the staff), but perhaps more importantly, the passion with which you speak about our community here.

I would have never imagined still being around in 2017 when I first joined in 2005. It's been a pleasure and privilege to serve the community as a member of staff - this month actually marks my 10 year anniversary as vB.org staff!

As has been mentioned by others, it wasn't an easy decision to step down, but given the circumstances, I feel that this is the right decision to make. Nonetheless, it is here where I first dipped my toes into software development and hence, vB.org has in part shaped my studies and career path. For that, I am very thankful to members of the community both past and present.

As for my modifications, I will not be taking any down. For the benefit of our members, they will remain, albeit in an unsupported state, for as long as vB.org is around. I'll also still occasionally lurk around the forum!

So long, and thanks for all the fish! :)
For those that are confused, this is a reference to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

JacquiiDesigns 07-07-2017 09:46 AM

I'm afraid my original comment may have been a bit curt. I'm afraid my emotions may have gotten the better of me while I was feeling a bit dumbfounded by the announcements. What I didn't mean to leave out is this: I started my journey with forum scripts back in 2006 and vBulletin was the goto for starting online communities. It's been an interesting ride. I've received a LOT of assistance over the years from a lot of well-meaning individuals and like to think that I have offered assistance whenever I could. In this aspect - the vB.org community has been stellar and an over-all great experience.

I won't mention any names - but would just like to say this ==> A HUGE thank you to those of you who have spent your valuable, personal time in building the community, volunteering to sustain it when it seemed the new owners of the vB script didn't (and apparently still don't) have the inclination to do so themselves. Your dedication and community service have not gone unnoticed by yours truly.

Much appreciation to you guys and may your next venture(s) be satisfying and your hard work and dedication = rewarded! Cheers from Tennessee.


CAG CheechDogg 07-07-2017 10:55 AM

The more I read in this thread the more bummed out I get .... really sucks !!

In Omnibus 07-07-2017 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by CAG CheechDogg (Post 2588209)
The more I read in this thread the more bummed out I get .... really sucks !!

Forum software isn't the cash cow it once was. Since all IB cares about is the cash ...

Ask not for whom the cowbell tolls. It tolls for thee.

blind-eddie 07-07-2017 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by JacquiiDesigns (Post 2588205)
I'm afraid my original comment may have been a bit curt. I'm afraid my emotions may have gotten the better of me while I was feeling a bit dumbfounded by the announcements. What I didn't mean to leave out is this: I started my journey with forum scripts back in 2006 and vBulletin was the goto for starting online communities. It's been an interesting ride. I've received a LOT of assistance over the years from a lot of well-meaning individuals and like to think that I have offered assistance whenever I could. In this aspect - the vB.org community has been stellar and an over-all great experience.

I won't mention any names - but would just like to say this ==> A HUGE thank you to those of you who have spent your valuable, personal time in building the community, volunteering to sustain it when it seemed the new owners of the vB script didn't (and apparently still don't) have the inclination to do so themselves. Your dedication and community service have not gone unnoticed by yours truly.

Much appreciation to you guys and may your next venture(s) be satisfying and your hard work and dedication = rewarded! Cheers from Tennessee.


I have been at a loss for words to reply to this thread but, I think you spoke for me here, Thanks JacquiiDesigns!
It will be interesting to see what happens. God speed everyone, just incase vb.org vanishes. It has been a great experience learning the many things this community/Staff has taught me.


Simon Lloyd 07-08-2017 03:59 PM

I'm not one to bicker or comment on the "He said, she said" debacle but having just read this thread in it's entirety I feel that IB have just ripped the guts out of what was their only real asset, without VB.org most would never have purchased forum software from them, it was the support and development of this community that swayed that decision and kept us waving the VB flag.

I've only been here for around 10 years and have gone from not even being able to put a simple flat HTML page together to coding for VB and PHP - couldn't have done it without strong influences from Lynne, Paul, Dismounted, TLS and many more (not all just staff but the wider community). It will be a sad thing to see the downturn of such a great place but you guys that have been aggrieved should get your heads together and build that dream forum with all the wants and wishes you feel that other places and here could do with.

Obvioulsy we need you guys, your passion, your dedication and your skills, please don't let it disappear in to the Ether(net).

Whatever you do my sincerest thanks for helping me, my forum and my skill base!

the one 07-08-2017 04:22 PM

I just want to thank you all for what you have done for this community.If it was not for this community i would not have the forum i have today.Sometimes it may seem like a thankless task that you do but i for one am forever grateful for what you have done.

You have made a difference to so many of our forums and i just hope and pray that the power that be will take that on-board and change their minds and let things be the way they are :(


katie hunter 07-11-2017 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 2587967)
As many of you will know, vbulletin.org has always prided itself on being an independant site, making its own choices, and chosing its own staff (all of who are unpaid volunteers).

Unfortunately, this all changed four weeks ago.

Having left employment with IB the week before, I made it clear I intended to keep up my role as Administrator here - a position I was appointed to way back in September 2006, almost five years before I ever worked at Internet Brands.

However, on 2nd June 2017 (while I was away on holiday) I was (on the instructions of IB Management) removed from my Administrator role, and demoted to Moderator (by IB staff, not by our other admins, Lynne and Princeton). The reason given to me was that I am "no longer employed by IB".

This is despite the fact that IB employment and staff positions here have never been linked.

The staff here are all angry, and for the last few weeks we have tried to get IB management to see this isnt the right thing to have done.
They have refused to change the decision, and so it is with much regret that myself, and most of the existing staff are in the process of stepping down.

Over the next few weeks, Lynne, BirdOPrey5, MarkFL, Dismounted, Princeton and myself (Paul M) will all be stepping down.

Lynne has also announced she is resigning from vB Support.

My understanding is that TheLastSuperman intends to stay on for the moment (so really will be the Last (super) Man standing).

I believe our advisor Dave is also remaining for the moment.

I'm afraid I do not know what the future holds for vbulletin.org, or who from IB will be running it.
However, it has become clear it is no longer "our" site to run - as has previously been done for the last 15+ years.

While I've had few ups and down with Paul. He was one of the backbone of Vbulletin.org

I don't want to see any of these great staff stepping down. You still can support vb.org. I can understand trying to make a voice but I don't think this is the right approach for the community. It is sad to see Paul demoded but the decision for the others to step down is bad for vb.org and the community.

Really IB needs to rethink its direction in term of community support and vbulletin codes. I am still using vb 4.x and i love it over 5.x that i would never upgrade to.

Lynne 07-11-2017 10:15 PM

It's been a lot of fun. Bye everyone!

Paul M 07-11-2017 10:55 PM

Seems today is the day we all departed. Cherrio.

blind-eddie 07-11-2017 11:25 PM

We have two new staff members.... https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/info.php?do=staff

BirdOPrey5 07-11-2017 11:27 PM

It was a fun ride while it lasted.

MarkFL 07-11-2017 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2588350)
It was a fun ride while it lasted.

Yes it was...this is a truly great community of folks, and I can't help but feel bad for the community losing nearly all the former staff at once.

I just hope everyone, or at least some of you, will understand that sometimes one must take a stand in the face of an injustice. Personally, I feel good about my decision to step down rather than be associated in an official capacity with practices I find appalling, but I feel no no less of those who decided to stay on. We each have a right to make our own decisions, and so I wish the best to those who are carrying forward here.

I am in the process of moving support for my line of products to MHB and I will also be adding support at The Admin Zone (TAZ), where I have recently joined the staff.

Good luck to everyone! :D

In Omnibus 07-12-2017 02:09 AM


Originally Posted by blind-eddie (Post 2588349)
We have two new staff members.... https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/info.php?do=staff

The fact that Wayne Luke has time for both vBulletin.com and vBulletin.org, or the fact that someone thinks he does, speaks volumes as to the status of vBulletin as a product.

ChloeDione 07-12-2017 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by katie hunter (Post 2588331)
I don't want to see any of these great staff stepping down. You still can support vb.org. I can understand trying to make a voice but I don't think this is the right approach for the community. It is sad to see Paul demoded but the decision for the others to step down is bad for vb.org and the community.

I think that IB was kind of banking on this, too. They miscalculated, some.

Yes, other (now former) staff could still stand by IB, coders could still produce products and give support to other license holders, but instead everyone decided to side with Paul. Rightly so.

Stingray27 07-13-2017 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2588352)
I am in the process of moving support for my line of products to MHB and I will also be adding support at The Admin Zone (TAZ), where I have recently joined the staff.

Mark, Paul, Lynne & BOP5 can all be found at TAZ, not sure about any of the others.

chloe101 07-13-2017 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by TheAdminMarket (Post 2587998)
Long story, short:

Thank you all (especially Lynne) for your support.

More than 4 years ago have wrote:
"vBulletin.org should not exists at least the way that is operating now".
Don't say that I'm happy with what happen but somehow I was a fortune teller.

Apologies to you but as someone using your mods, I didn't mean to "like" this post. I understand where you're coming from but I hope you change your mind.

Without the excellent mods which I've been able to install with the help of many mod creators and admins/advisors here, I would not be using VBulletin at all and have been devastated reading this entire thread.

This is a very sad day :(

--------------- Added [DATE]1499919853[/DATE] at [TIME]1499919853[/TIME] ---------------


Thank you ALL for the incredible help you've given me over the years. Even those with whom I never directly interacted, like Lynne, have been incredibly helpful with their articles and replies to other people.

I'm extremely sad to learn this news. A few months ago, I had to decide between XenForo and VBulletin for my latest forum. I decided to stick with VBulletin but ONLY because of VBulletin.org. My head said to go with XenForo, my heart told me to stay here. So on my advice, our members raised the money to purchase my license for VB4. VB.org was the selling point for me and for them. Now I feel like I just let down every single person who donated, totally kicked in the gut because this was the one place I was counting on to keep things afloat technically. Apologies to the new people coming on board but you guys who stepped down, and your wealth of intimate knowledge with the ins/outs of this VB and its modifications, are irreplaceable.

I feel like a dagger was just stuck in my back and have been teary-eyed reading this thread.

My comments aren't meant to bash. Believe me I'm holding back.

So long and thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your help over the years.


Devastated to see a product I loveD so much years ago keep cutting its own throat.

paradoxG(r)eek 07-13-2017 04:36 AM


Originally Posted by chloe101 (Post 2588384)
Apologies to you but as someone using your mods, I didn't mean to "like" this post. I understand where you're coming from but I hope you change your mind.

Without the excellent mods which I've been able to install with the help of many mod creators and admins/advisors here, I would not be using VBulletin at all and have been devastated reading this entire thread.

This is a very sad day :(

All my mods are available at: https://theadminzone.com/resources/

I never meant to ignore vB users. I'll ignore vb.org


BirdOPrey5 07-13-2017 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by chloe101 (Post 2588384)

--------------- Added [DATE]1499919853[/DATE] at [TIME]1499919853[/TIME] ---------------


:D That would be Paul's own "Double post prevention" modification that prevents the same user from making two posts back to back in the same thread too quickly. It was later added as an default feature in VB 4.2.x but off by default.

chloe101 07-14-2017 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2588394)
:D That would be Paul's own "Double post prevention" modification that prevents the same user from making two posts back to back in the same thread too quickly. It was later added as an default feature in VB 4.2.x but off by default.

Ahhh.... Thank you for explaining that. It was a bit disconcerting lol. Thank you again for all the time you personally put in for me fixing a VB4 feature that wasn't working. You really went above and beyond, testing and retesting for days. I realize if you hadn't helped me, I'd be eternally stuck with a feature that wasn't working and wasn't going to get fixed either since all the focus is on VB5 now. Knowing that, it makes me especially sad for other VBulletin users who are going to lose out from getting your excellent help here going forward.

cellarius 07-14-2017 12:35 PM

Wow, this is just... wrong. It makes me so sad to see all those great people leave, if only for old times sake in my case, but at the same time I'm happy to see you taking a clear stance at what feels like an unfriendly takeover.

Paul was never a pushover, how they could expect him to just roll over and not at least comment on it is beyond me. The community will feel the enormous loss, no doubt about that. But they have IB to thank for that. You just can't expect people to happily help and support in their spare time after something like that.

I've stopped coding for vB quite some time ago, and wouldn't, even if I had the time. But now indeed it is time to remove my addons and articles from this site; I'll probably mirgrate them to The Admin Zone as soon as I find the time to do it properly.

Mark.B 07-14-2017 01:35 PM

Like Joe, I would urge people not to remove their add-ons. That hurts nobody except forum admins who either won't be able to get the add on, or won't be able to download a fresh copy of it.

katie hunter 07-14-2017 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by cellarius (Post 2588436)
Wow, this is just... wrong. It makes me so sad to see all those great people leave, if only for old times sake in my case, but at the same time I'm happy to see you taking a clear stance at what feels like an unfriendly takeover.

Paul was never a pushover, how they could expect him to just roll over and not at least comment on it is beyond me. The community will feel the enormous loss, no doubt about that. But they have IB to thank for that. You just can't expect people to happily help and support in their spare time after something like that.

I've stopped coding for vB quite some time ago, and wouldn't, even if I had the time. But now indeed it is time to remove my addons and articles from this site; I'll probably mirgrate them to The Admin Zone as soon as I find the time to do it properly.

Why are you posting these negative vibes ? We know you left to Xenforo long time ago. Your signature reads:


Please note that there will be no further updates to my addons, especially they will not be upgraded for vB5. I'm leaving vB, since IB choose to go the banana-way yet again.
IB like any other company makes mistakes and I ticket them in a hope to review their course of action relative vb 5.x development. I've had it seeing how Xenforo founders ceased a good opportunity and played the victims when vbulletin was going through many changes in management. They are not victims, they ceased a business opportunity when vb was going through changes.

They built their community on the shoulder of vbulletin. That fact is true.

motorhaven 07-14-2017 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by katie hunter (Post 2588442)
IB like any other company makes mistakes and I ticket them in a hope to review their course of action relative vb 5.x development. I've had it seeing how Xenforo founders ceased a good opportunity and played the victims when vbulletin was going through many changes in management. They are not victims, they ceased a business opportunity when vb was going through changes.

Most companies do make mistakes, but my own experience dealing with them in business, and talking to both current and former employees I know, they make a huge number of colossal screw-ups when it comes to how people are treated, never learn from it, and it's become worse not better over time.

Asking people to keep their mods here is very one sided benefitting IB and not the mod creators. Par for the course.

cellarius 07-14-2017 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by katie hunter (Post 2588442)
Why are you posting these negative vibes ?

I still own a vB license. My forum is running vB. I have quite a record of coding addons for vB. All of them offered here for free. I have been part of the alpha test team of vB4. And I've been supporting people here on and off during the last years, even though I've not been as active as in earlier times. So, yes, if you don't mind, I'll post whatever I like, whether you like it or not.

Of course, if you feel like having a party and looking for good vibes, that's absolutely your prerogative. Just don't try to shut others up who do not feel the same.


We know you left to Xenforo long time ago. Your signature reads:
I know what my signature reads. You don't need to quote it to me. Actually, you're being rude. But again, that's your prerogative.


IB like any other company makes mistakes
Some more than others. And, of course, customers get to call them out on those mistakes. Just like with any other company, really.


and I ticket them in a hope to review their course of action relative vb 5.x development.
Good luck with that.

Your off topic rant on xF really had me on the floor laughing, by the way. I just wonder whatever that has to do with the topic of this thread, and how it is connected what IB does in 2017? So, IB management propably is still traumatized by being victimized by XF five years ago? Where can I donate to offer my support?

Stingray27 07-14-2017 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by Mark.B (Post 2588437)
Like Joe, I would urge people not to remove their add-ons. That hurts nobody except forum admins who either won't be able to get the add on, or won't be able to download a fresh copy of it.

Only if they are not available elsewhere. Simply moving them harms no one.

paradoxG(r)eek 07-14-2017 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by Mark.B (Post 2588437)
That hurts nobody except forum admins....

Does anyone cares if IB hurt (long time now) coders and designers? Why always to talk for the company and forum admins only?. The link in the chain in sites like vb.org are coders and designers who supported this community for years.

If you can't help them, at least don't blame them and don't talk in a way like it's their mistake the current status of vb.org.

As for Forum Admins, be sure that they can find all the mods in other sites.


TheLastSuperman 07-14-2017 07:28 PM

Hey everyone, since the change has already taken place, please lets limit the discussion of how this was a bad call, anything negative and move on as I'd like to keep this thread open, turn it from a negative into a positive in some form or other if possible! From here on out please utilize this thread to give thanks and kind words to the years of volunteer support provided by everyone.

I can tell you all this much, if not for this single site and everyone who stepped down, I wouldn't know half of what I do now, not even close - Thanks Lynne, Paul, BirdOPrey5, Dismounted, Princeton, MarkFL!

BirdOPrey5 07-14-2017 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman (Post 2588456)
Hey everyone, since the change has already taken place, please lets limit the discussion of how this was a bad call, anything negative and move on as I'd like to keep this thread open, turn it from a negative into a positive in some form or other if possible! From here on out please utilize this thread to give thanks and kind words to the years of volunteer support provided by everyone.

I can tell you all this much, if not for this single site and everyone who stepped down, I wouldn't know half of what I do now, not even close - Thanks Lynne, Paul, BirdOPrey5, Dismounted, Princeton, MarkFL!

Motion to change your name to TheLastModerator.

TheLastSuperman 07-15-2017 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2588463)
Motion to change your name to TheLastModerator.

If I didn't love Superman, perhaps!

the Sandman 07-15-2017 01:14 PM

OMG it's been ages since I logged in and posted over here. :eek:

I'd like to add my name to the list of people thanking Paul M, Lynne, BirdOPrey5, MarkFL, Dismounted, and Princeton for their wonderful service over the years. It's inconceivable to me how IB could let this happen. The loss to the community is nothing short of catastrophic. :(

It's so very sad that the corporations that provide forum software just don't seem to understand the notion of community anymore. Are they greedy? Stupid? Evil? I really don't know - they are people doing a job and I assume they are doing it the way they think (or are told) they're supposed to. But they just don't understand the nature of communities the way they used to back in the day, and the way they run their own forums is just the most visible sign.

And I don't just mean IB - none of them are the same as they used to be anymore. Don't they get it? It ain't just code! It's the people who use the code too!

At any rate, I'm glad I don't have to go away frowning, because most if not all of the names I listed aren't gone from the internet - they're just gone from here. They can be found elsewhere including on my little patch of the net. So I can end this post with a smile. :)

paradoxG(r)eek 07-15-2017 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by cellarius (Post 2588497)
Removed by Staff

What I always liked to you is how well you're using the English language. Yesterday, when I post something here, I wished so much to have your knowledge in English. I wanted so much to epxress my feeling, but didn't succeeded it. So I end up with a simple message :(

TheLastSuperman 07-15-2017 08:43 PM

I will not be closing this thread, the way I see it is, it should stay open for everyone to be able to give thanks at this point in time, if I must delete every other post then so be it but lets not go that route. I've deleted the posts mentioning Xenforo since they took place after my post from yesterday asking for this thread to remain open for praise if anything! Please use the rest of this thread to thank those who stepped down, there should be no further discussion of the why's and why not's, that time has passed and if you're running fashionably late then just accept it, give praise and lets move on, thanks for you understanding in this matter.

To those who's post were deleted, like Sparta... we Salute you! Nothing was terribly bad just off topic as you've now surmised :cool:.

rbc 07-16-2017 07:31 AM

damn bad news. As cellarius said years ago:
I'm leaving vB, since IB choose to go the banana-way yet again.

Best wishes to the team and many many thanks to all.

Would not be able to set up your own vb support site?
Lynne, BirdOPrey5, MarkFL, Princeton and Paul ...... :cool:

the Sandman 07-16-2017 02:49 PM

You might want to update this page: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/info.php?do=about

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