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paradoxG(r)eek 04-06-2017 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by BadgerDog (Post 2584892)
Here's the full link for the original video example I used..



Edit: See attached pic which shows the error when I paste any YouTube or Vimeo link into the field and click submit ..


As you can see in my installation it works. Only thumbnail is missing as it's an old video. That's why in the next release I'll give to user the ability to upload a thumbnail if it does not exists (or if they don't like the default).

So there is an error in your side. Are you sure that your YouTUBE Api key is correct?

BadgerDog 04-06-2017 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by paradoxG(r)eek (Post 2584893)

So there is an error in your side. Are you sure that your YouTUBE Api key is correct?

I put the following API in which is what I was assigned... (note .. I altered the numbers for security)


Edit: For clarity, it's not the really LONG bunch of at least 20-30 numbers/characters string they refer to as the KEY. Correct? It's just the smaller string like youtube-1234567... yes?

paradoxG(r)eek 04-06-2017 03:57 PM

Can't understand if a key is valid or not. In anycase try this key below and let me know.

lillylissy 04-06-2017 04:01 PM

Yes, actually this API-Key works!

BadgerDog 04-06-2017 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by paradoxG(r)eek (Post 2584895)
Can't understand if a key is valid or not. In anycase try this key below and let me know.

That API key also works for me! :eek:

Yet, the same long string like that they assigned to me doesn't work .. :confused:

I get a "Photo Upload" error using the one they assigned me?


Edit: Although I get NO thumnails? (see attached).. directories are set to 777

paradoxG(r)eek 04-06-2017 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by lillylissy (Post 2584896)
Yes, actually this API-Key works!

Then you've set wrong API key data. Here is a useful tutorial on how to obtain a YouTUBE API3 key:

paradoxG(r)eek 04-06-2017 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by BadgerDog (Post 2584897)
Edit: Although I get NO thumnails? (see attached).. directories are set to 777

When you're fetching data (before submit for save), thumbnail appears ok at the bottom of the form? If yes, then the script can't copy the thumbnail from YouTUBE to your site. One of the follow exists:
1.- Path is not correct
2.- /thumbs/ and thumbs/tmp/ (both or one of 2) has not permission to write. Some servers don't need 777. They work fine with 755. So try with 755

BadgerDog 04-06-2017 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by paradoxG(r)eek (Post 2584900)
When you're fetching data (before submit for save), thumbnail appears ok at the bottom of the form? If yes, then the script can't copy the thumbnail from YouTUBE to your site. One of the follow exists:
1.- Path is not correct
2.- /thumbs/ and thumbs/tmp/ (both or one of 2) has not permission to write. Some servers don't need 777. They work fine with 755. So try with 755

1. Path is what your forumpath.php program returned..

Set to /var/www/html/mywebsite/videoclub/thumbs

2. Tried \thumbs and \thumbs\tmp at both 777 and 755....

Still no thumbnails... I also notice that I imported only one video and I have two blank thumbnails showing, saying "no preview" ..

BadgerDog 04-06-2017 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by paradoxG(r)eek (Post 2584900)
When you're fetching data (before submit for save), thumbnail appears ok at the bottom of the form? If yes, then the script can't copy the thumbnail from YouTUBE to your site. One of the follow exists:
1.- Path is not correct
2.- /thumbs/ and thumbs/tmp/ (both or one of 2) has not permission to write. Some servers don't need 777. They work fine with 755. So try with 755

"If yes, then the script can't copy the thumbnail from YouTUBE to your site"...

Thumbnail DOES NOT appear at that point ... (see attached)

Also, I got my API Key by following your link in the main instruction set at top of page here..


paradoxG(r)eek 04-06-2017 04:36 PM

Can you give me your installation url and a demo user account with permissions to post video?

paradoxG(r)eek 04-06-2017 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by BadgerDog (Post 2584903)
Also, I got my API Key by following your link in the main instruction set at top of page here..

This is normal for old videos. They have only a small (default) thumbnail. The mod is trying to get the high quality thumb and if does not exists then tries for medium quality. Then it stops. Maybe I'll extend it to get the default, if nothing else exists, but this will be very low quality.

BadgerDog 04-06-2017 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by paradoxG(r)eek (Post 2584904)
Can you give me your installation url and a demo user account with permissions to post video?

I haven't got lot of time right now .. have to go to a meeting... :(

However, tomorrow I will send you a PM (email) with complete access at admin level for you to have a look and experiment.. :up:

Thanks for your help... much appreciated... :)


ps: I think I have my own KEY working now after going to a separate area on Google and ENABLING it for YouTube...

I still get "Photo Upload" error when trying Vimeo though...

paradoxG(r)eek 04-06-2017 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by BadgerDog (Post 2584906)

I still get "Photo Upload" error when trying Vimeo though...

I'll check everything tomorrow. Don't worry. As for the PRO version that you mentioned before is not ready and don't know if I'll ever release such version. Maybe I'll add some more features in this version.

paradoxG(r)eek 04-06-2017 05:12 PM

@lillylissy @mitch84

Your issues solved?

lillylissy 04-06-2017 05:14 PM

My Google-API dos not work. Somewhere I have an error during the code creation.

lillylissy 04-06-2017 05:22 PM

I will play tomorrow thereby. There I have somewhat more time.

Edit: Now YouTube-API works!!;)

paradoxG(r)eek 04-07-2017 05:12 AM


Originally Posted by lillylissy (Post 2584911)
Edit: Now YouTube-API works!!;)

Forgot to say something important. There is a hidden notice at Google console where you've setup the API key. You know that notices with small letters which nobody reads :) . API key needs some hours to be activated.

paradoxG(r)eek 04-07-2017 05:13 AM


Originally Posted by BadgerDog (Post 2584906)
ps: I think I have my own KEY working now after going to a separate area on Google and ENABLING it for YouTube...

I still get "Photo Upload" error when trying Vimeo though...

Everything works now in your site Doug. Enjoy it :)

paradoxG(r)eek 04-07-2017 08:28 AM


Video Club ver. 1.0.2 released with:

1.- Fixes a bug (database error) when user tries to delete a video

2.- Modifies a phrase Video Upload Error with the correct Unable to Fetch Video. This caused confuses as many users thought that the error was on upload while it was on fetch data procedure.

3.- Added ability to user to edit Title, Slug, Text, Keywords, Thumbnail. First 4 as some providers are giving data in different character code which causes strange characters to appear, and thumbnail because in some old videos there is not thumbnail at all (in good quality), or just because some members may want to use another thumbnail.

To upgrade download ver. 1.0.2 and then upload video.php and video_usercp.php. Last import product-videoclub.xml. Don't forget to check overwrite.

Tomorrow I'll release a new upgrade with some SEO improvements and some design fixes.

Thank you for using Video Club

BadgerDog 04-07-2017 08:42 AM

Thanks Chris ... upgraded to 1.0.2 ...

The delete function is now causing another "fatal error"...

For privacy, I've sent it to you in PM...

Also, it would be nice if the "blue" type colours you're using were simply BLACK, which would make the appearance better in custom styles...


BadgerDog 04-07-2017 08:51 AM

Follow up... :)

I was able to delete videos you added when you were testing without a problem...

The delete problem and crashing error happens with that very first video that DOES NOT have a thumbnail associated with it and says "Preview Not Available"

Also note (see attached pic) that there's only two videos in my Video Club, but it's showing three thumbnail pics, two of which are associated with just one video, the one that won't delete?

Hope this helps you track down the bug...


paradoxG(r)eek 04-07-2017 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by BadgerDog (Post 2584945)
Follow up... :)

I was able to delete videos you added when you were testing without a problem...

There is missing a vb library file there so upload the attached files for sure.


Originally Posted by BadgerDog (Post 2584945)
The delete problem and crashing error happens with that very first video that DOES NOT have a thumbnail associated with it and says "Preview Not Available"

I don't think that this is the case, but I also did some changes at that place.


Originally Posted by BadgerDog (Post 2584945)
Also note (see attached pic) that there's only two videos in my Video Club, but it's showing three thumbnail pics, two of which are associated with just one video, the one that won't delete?

That's the problem with the Free sliders :) .... It's a bug of the slider when the amount of slides are less than 4. If they're more than 4 then everything is ok. I'll give a look to find a better one.


Originally Posted by BadgerDog (Post 2584945)
Hope this helps you track down the bug...


Thank you

paradoxG(r)eek 04-07-2017 09:06 AM

There was a bug if you tried to delete a video with thread commenting system. Please download ver. 1.0.3 and upload video.php and video_usercp.php

Also if you deleted any video with "No Preview Available" you must upload again the file:

Sorry for troubles

BadgerDog 04-07-2017 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by paradoxG(r)eek (Post 2584947)
There was a bug if you tried to delete a video with thread commenting system. Please download ver. 1.0.3 and upload video.php and video_usercp.php

Also if you deleted any video with "No Preview Available" you must upload again the file:

Sorry for troubles


Which versions of upload video.php and video_usercp.php do you want me to upload?

The ones in the 1.0.3 or the ones in the post you left for me?

paradoxG(r)eek 04-07-2017 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by BadgerDog (Post 2584948)

Which versions of upload video.php and video_usercp.php do you want me to upload?

The ones in the 1.0.3 or the ones in the post you left for me?

They are same. I post them first here and then I zipped the files for release.

BadgerDog 04-07-2017 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by paradoxG(r)eek (Post 2584947)
Also if you deleted any video with "No Preview Available" you must upload again the file:

Sorry for troubles

No problem.. I don't mind helping you test this, as I think our members will really enjoy it once we go live.. :)

Ok, I checked and the file you refer to is (and always was) thee, so I don't think that's causing the massive error dump? (see attached)


BadgerDog 04-07-2017 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by paradoxG(r)eek (Post 2584950)
They are same. I post them first here and then I zipped the files for release.

Understood.. thanks .. :)

BadgerDog 04-07-2017 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by BadgerDog (Post 2584952)
Understood.. thanks .. :)

Chris... should I upload ALL the files in 1.0.3, or just the two you indicate?

BadgerDog 04-07-2017 09:37 AM

Just uploading the two replacement video.php and video_usercp.php from 1.0.3 and trying to delete that "No Preview Available" video still dumps this massive error..


Fatal error: Existing data passed is not an array
Called set_existing in [path]/video.php on line 1105
in [path]/includes/class_dm.php on line 265
#0 vb_error_handler(256, Existing data passed is not an array
Called set_existing in /var/www/html/mywebsite/video.php on line 1105
, /var/www/html/mywebsite/includes/class_dm.php, 265, Array ([existing] => ,[line] =>
Called set_existing in /var/www/html/mywebsite/video.php on line 1105

paradoxG(r)eek 04-07-2017 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by BadgerDog (Post 2584954)
Just uploading the two replacement video.php and video_usercp.php from 1.0.3 and trying to delete that "No Preview Available" video still dumps this massive error..

The easy fix is to delete it from phpMyAdmin or to wait some hours. The problem is that when you post that video, something halted the procedure and it created a thread for it (maybe you had thread commenting enabled at that time).

Now is trying to delete the thread but somewhere messed. I'll also give a look if there is different code in 4.1.x for deleting threads than in 4.2.x. Because for me it works.

BadgerDog 04-07-2017 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by paradoxG(r)eek (Post 2584955)
The easy fix is to delete it from phpMyAdmin or to wait some hours. The problem is that when you post that video, something halted the procedure and it created a thread for it (maybe you had thread commenting enabled at that time).

Now is trying to delete the thread but somewhere messed. I'll also give a look if there is different code in 4.1.x for deleting threads than in 4.2.x. Because for me it works.

Yes, the option of comment to a thread was originally enabled by program default (shouldn't be) before I understood what it was going to do.

Once I discovered it created a thread in my HOME forum (where there's no permission to do so), I permanently deleted that with vBulletin's moderator permanent delete function as I didn't want members to be seeing it, which went fine with no errors.

I hope this hasn't corrupted my SQL database because I don't know have phpMyAdmin and I wouldn't know how to use it anyway ... how do I fix this now?

You said: "or to wait some hours." ... it's already been 24 hours so I'm not sure what I'm waiting for?


BadgerDog 04-07-2017 10:11 AM


At this point, should I uninstall the whole mod and then re-install 1.0.3?

Will that fix this issue and not corrupt my SQL database?


lillylissy 04-07-2017 10:36 AM

In my site there is still another problem.

In "video_usercp" the first page is correctly displayed.
-> /video_usercp.php?do=myvideos

The following pages remain empty.
-> /video_usercp.php?do=myvideo&page=2
-> /video_usercp.php?do=myvideo&page=3

Perhaps a SEO problem?

paradoxG(r)eek 04-07-2017 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by BadgerDog (Post 2584956)
You said: "or to wait some hours." ... it's already been 24 hours so I'm not sure what I'm waiting for?


Already been 24 hours???:confused: It's just a couple of hours since that post.

In anycase. If you deleted the thread on your own (and not letting the script delete it automatically) this is the error. Never do it with automatic created threads from any mod because you never know what other actions maybe let behind unfinished.

Yes, is better to uninstall and start from scratch. If you find any issue PM phpMyAdmin details to give a look.

paradoxG(r)eek 04-07-2017 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by lillylissy (Post 2584960)
In my site there is still another problem.

In "video_usercp" the first page is correctly displayed.
-> /video_usercp.php?do=myvideos

The following pages remain empty.
-> /video_usercp.php?do=myvideo&page=2
-> /video_usercp.php?do=myvideo&page=3

Perhaps a SEO problem?

Not a SEO problem but rather eyes without coffee:rolleyes: Its myvideo& instead myvideos&

Please upload the attached file.

BadgerDog 04-07-2017 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by paradoxG(r)eek (Post 2584966)
Already been 24 hours???:confused: It's just a couple of hours since that post.

In anycase. If you deleted the thread on your own (and not letting the script delete it automatically) this is the error. Never do it with automatic created threads from any mod because you never know what other actions maybe let behind unfinished.

Yes, is better to uninstall and start from scratch. If you find any issue PM phpMyAdmin details to give a look.

I thought you had meant how long had it been since I had added that video with the "No Preview Available" thumbnail, which the mod it had failed to delete, creating an error. :confused:

Regardless, I have uninstalled and deleted ALL of this mod's files that were uploaded...

As I said, how do I check that my SQL database hasn't been corrupted? I don't phpMyAdmin installed, so I can't PM you anything. Is there some other way have handling this?


paradoxG(r)eek 04-07-2017 01:31 PM

I want your opinion about commenting system. The base of this mod was Media Gallery where I was using a simple Ajax commenting system like Facebook but without replies. Just one level of comments.

In this mod I decided to use Disqus or Threads. Each has pos and cos:
  • Discus is Easy on use, well known to most surfers, and even not members can comments. A plus is that is social. Disadvantage is that comments are not host in your server.
  • Thread style comments (in my opinion) is a heavy choice. User must redirects to another page just to read and post.
As I have seen in many Video sites (eg YouTUBE), there is no real discussion there. Just post of opinions. That makes use of Threads useless.

So my question is: Do you want to add as 3nd option the old commenting system that I had in Media Gallery?

BadgerDog 04-07-2017 01:31 PM

Ok... here we go again .. :)

After a complete un-install, I did a complete re-install (777 and everything) using 1.0.3 ...

I then chose a typical YouTube video we'd use for our site...


I clicked import button and it read it in ok with descriptions etc., but as you can see from the attached pics, once again it didn't create a thumbnail.

I never completed the import, so my Video Club install is still in a original (no videos instlled) state...

Chris, what do you want me to do next?


paradoxG(r)eek 04-07-2017 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by BadgerDog (Post 2584968)
As I said, how do I check that my SQL database hasn't been corrupted? I don't phpMyAdmin installed, so I can't PM you anything. Is there some other way have handling this?


First of all is impossible to have corrupted the database. The worst that can happen is to let a field there. You'll understand it when you'll try to install again the mod.

PS: I believe that phpMyAdmin (or anything similar) is a must for a webmaster. Many times you'll need it.

lillylissy 04-07-2017 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by paradoxG(r)eek (Post 2584967)
Not a SEO problem but rather eyes without coffee:rolleyes: Its myvideo& instead myvideos&

Please upload the attached file.

Thank You! The problem is solve thereby.:up:
Where can I buy the pro Version with the carusel?
Is there a possibility of adapting the video window? Thus to reduce something?

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