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i would love this on a non-vb php page in my forums directory... but im getting the same errors as everyone else
I've been trying to set this up on a non VB .shtml page for a few days now and think I've found the reason why some people are getting gibberish whenever they try to load this on a .shtml page.
I use the following call from my home page to load the calendar: <!--#include virtual="forum/cal.php" --> What I've discovered is that if certain settings are enabled in the browser (both IE and Netscape), I get gibberish when I view the page. http://www.sitordance.com/http1.1.gif On all systems I've tried (4 - windows nt, 2000 and XP running IE 6 and Netscape 4.75), the call above produces garbage if the "Use HTTP1.1 through proxy connections" option in IE is enabled. On some systems, the include call above works (but not on WinXP) if only "Use HTTP 1.1" is enabled. Result: Disabling "Use HTTP1.1 through proxy connections" allows viewing the mini calendar through the call on some machines. On XP, both options need to be disabled before the calendar is displayed properly. Note: Just loading the "cal.php" page by itself without using the SSI call above works without disabling either of the options above. To disable the options in IE: Go to the Tools menu > Internet Options > Advanced. The HTTP options should be about halfway down. Can anyone else confirm these findings? |
Hello Guys!!
Can someone please tell me what exactly is to do, to run this calendar on my Vbindex page (home.php)?? I read the current posts but thats not really helpfull to me. Thanks very much! ;) |
I guess I will throw in here. I was able to get this working on one of my sites. This is a page I created so I could keep up with what is going on using active desktop.
http://www.northwestdiver.com/test/activedesktest.php I used the code pretty much just like wajones posted it. I did add a $templatesused variable for the template it uses (which I have no idea if it needs it or not. I also change include global to require global. I put the code in a cal.php page in the forums directory. I then used an include with the full url <?php include('http://www.domain.com/forum/cal.php');?> It seems to work just fine. I don't know if that helps anyone or not. Just my experience ... |
In testing, I was able to get this working with Vbindex. Basically here is a method that worked in my test (much of which is contained within this thread)...[list=1][*]Create a new template called "small_calendar"[*]Cut and paste the included template from the cal.php.txt file script into the new "small_calendar" template that you created. Save the cal.php.txt file with all of the template text removed (all that should be left is what is between the<?php and ?> on the first and last lines of the text file).[*]Rename the cal.php.txt to cal.php and copy it to your forums directory.[*]Run the cal.php file (from your forums directory) in your browser. Make sure that the file works - and displays a calendar. If the calendar does not display here, you'll need to figure out the problem before proceeding (if it doesn't work here, it won't work when you go to display it on your Vbindex home page.[*]Replace the following text in the cal.php file: eval("dooutput(\"".gettemplate(small_calendar)."\" );"); with eval("\$smallcalendar .= \"".gettemplate("small_calendar")."\";");[*]Remove the following line from cal.php file (for it to work properly): include global.php.[*]Perform the following edits, based on Jakeman's suggestions, so that the Big VB Calendar will continue to work (this essentially removes the phpinclude template from the calendar pages): Copy the global.php to a new file called calglobal.php. Edit the calglobal.php file and remove (or comment out) the line that is just under the Parse PHP include statement. Edit the calendar.php file (provided by Vbulletin) and change the require statement (on line 7) from global.php to calglobal.php.[*]Edit the "phpinclude" template (this template comes with VBulletin) - and add the text include 'cal.php'; to it - and be sure to save the template. This will allow the calendar to be used in any of the Vbindex templates.[/list=1] Now, you need to decide where to display the calendar. I tested it in the "home_right" template that you create as part of the Vbindex installation - but you could easily put it in the "home_left" template as well. You'll need to edit the template and set up the code (you'll need to know a little HTML) to display the calendar. Just put in $smallcalendar wherever you want the calendar to display. Important Note: I found that I had to shrink the default calendar down to fit into the right column. To do this, I had to edit the "small_calendar" template (where I added the font face and size specifications, as well as changed the width). If you need some more specific info on how I edited the "home_right" and "small_calendar" templates to fit it all in, let me know (note that I'd encourage you to play with the settings in these templates to make it look the way that you'd like it - as you could use a variety of choices here). Hope this helps you to try it out on your Vbindex home page. |
wicked... ill try this 2nite :D
I?ve tried and the calendar worked separatly on cal.php.
But i?ve include it in to my vbindex - no chance. @ Megabit, can i send you my home.php (vbindex-site) and my cal.php to you? Please help me?? :confused: |
Minifreunde... You can send them to me, but unless you have some major changes in one or both of those files, then I suspect that the problem may not be with those files.
Are you sure that your Vbindex templates are coded correctly? For example, if you accidentally do not code the template correctly, the calendar will not display. If you like, I can send you a sample text file that you could just copy and paste into the Vbindex template to see if that works for you. |
Hello Megabit.
I used vbindex with some changes but all workes perfect for me. When you "PM" me your Email-Adress i will send ?ou my codes. This would be a big help for me. I mean if i run cal.php it works and when i include cal.php in the phpinclude template i get a parse error with this ()..in Line 110 if i run the cal.php. Is there also a way to place the hole cal.php code in the vbindex file?? I am a very relaxed worker and think about every step i make. This is not my first modi and here i get some major problems... :confused: |
Hello Guys!
It works!!! Ive put the code in the vbindex.php and now it works!!! Thanx for you´re help. One Question: how can i change the dateformat? Curently it looks like: July 26, but i want it look like 26 Juli (because Germany). |
Minifreunde... Glad to see that you have it working. Since it's working within the vbindex.php file, maybe there was just a missing or out of place parenthesis, or an extra space somewhere in the cal.php file - since you said that you were getting a parse error (and Line 110 just contains right bracket, I believe). I had originally thought that it just wasn't displaying on you vbindex page (without an error), but anyway, glad to see that you're working now.
As for your date/language format, I believe that you would have to set the locale with the following string: setlocale (LC_TIME, "de_DE"); Then, find the line "$cal_date=strftime('%B %e');" in the cal.php file (or where you have it in your vbindex home page - since you put the cal.php file there). You may need to change this to "$cal_date=strftime('%e %B');" - as the %e gives you the day and the %B gives you the month (so this would reverse the string order). I don't have the issue with changing the language - so all I can do is tell you to try it and see if it works. By the way, note that the locales are OS dependent and have to exist on the system that this is running on - and there could be more than one German locale. For more on the strftime function and the locale settings in PhP, check out: http://php.benscom.com/manual/en/function.strftime.php |
Thanx Megabit that worked for me!!!
This calendar rules, my users love it!! ;) |
Glad that worked for you Minifreunde! You are very welcome...
hey ... what do I need to do to change the current date's square so that it stands out with a different color? Like the big calendar style, without changing the "firstaltcolor" and "secondaltcolor"... Thanks.
I only support vbPortal, sorry...
-----Original Message----- From: vBulletin.org Forum Mailer [mailto:post@vbhacks.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2002 9:59 PM To: waj@adelphia.net Subject: Mini Calendar from vbPortal Hello wajones, evilholli has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - Mini Calendar from vbPortal - in the Full Releases forum of vBulletin.org Forum. ~~~~~ NEW ~~~~~ New at vBulletin.org! You can now reply to the thread by replying to this message. All you need to do is to make sure this code appears in the e-mail subject: You should also remove this text to ensure your reply is readable by other forum users. ~~~~~ NEW ~~~~~ Here are the contents of the post: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Quote:
this? :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This thread is located at: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...87&goto=newpos t There may be other replies also, but you will not receive any more notifications until you visit the board again. Yours, vBulletin.org Forum team ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unsubscription information: To unsubscribe from this thread, please visit this page: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/member2.p...threadid=32087 To unsubscribe from ALL threads, please visit this page: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/member2.p...type=allthread |
mm cant get it to work either...
owell |
Did anyone ever figure out why you can't post public events once this mini calendar is installed?
Just installed this hack on my newly started Kiwi Biker forums . It going to be an excellent tool for help users keep track of current and furture motorbike events.
Hazaar to wajones :D |
Any idea how to make this work with vBindex?
[QUOTE]Originally posted by GamerForums
Any idea how to make this work with vBindex? |
I took a look at your code but wasn't sure how to port that into vBindex 'cos I didn't look at your templates.
Search the vBindex thread, I know this calendar was talked about there and i think I posted instructions on how to add it.
Gamerforums - Check your PM's. I sent you the template for the calendar, so hopefully that'll help. :)
This the only code I see close to it
PHP Code:
I am geting Quote:
The cal.php file works fine in /forum/ however outside of the forum page it does not. Any suggestions? |
Alright when I removed the include from the phpinclude, my error went away. However I still couldn't get it to show up with vbindex.
I have the most recent version of vbulletin 2.3 and vbindex. So here is what I did, I opened up the vbindex file and added require('./cal.php'); right underneath require('./global.php'); Then I inserted $calendar in a spot in my home template. This of course after already doing some of the things you said to do. for anyone following along, I suggest you go read the vbindex thread as well, I spent some time reading both of these and after tinkering I got it to work. |
Cool Hack!
Thanks and thanks to Jakeman, and Megabit for the instruction. :cool: |
Well I thought I had this one set.
Everything seems to be working great, except when I try to download attachments. I get these errors... Code:
Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by If I disable the minical, the attachments d/l fine. Also the upload is fine. Anybody have any ideas? |
it seems I do have some other problems. :( I'm gonna have to backup through the stagged backups I've made, and see if I can see where the other problems are coming from. |
Hi man, I have seen that you had Event today and Coming events listed at the bottom of the small calendar. Could you tell me how you do that? Mine just have the calendar :surprised: |
Anyone? :(
Guys, how is it with 2.3?
I am curious, what does this error message mean (what did I do wrong with my install?) if anyone can help it would be great.
Just installed this (w/ myvbindex) - pretty cool hack. Just wondering, where it shows today's event underneath the calendar, is it possible to have that text change when you rollover other dates that have events posted? Like, let's say it's Thursday, and Thursday is user BoBo's birthday. On Friday, someone has posted a calendar event for BoBo's birthday party. If you rollover Friday's date, the text changes from "Today's Events: BoBo's Birthday!" to "Events for Friday, June 27th: BoBo's Birthday Party"...
...you get the idea.. Mbow |
puff anyone help me I showing my calender non-vbpage like http://www.sandiegopegasus.com site. my calender showing cal.php www.electronicafe.com/forum/cal.php and future events show smp: in 15 days birthdays & public events Sorry My english bad :( |
Ok its been working fine with myvbindex for a while now but I would like to change it so instead of showing todays events, it shows upcoming events (and I specify in my php say the next fortnight).
I've tried to do this myself but to no avail, anyone fancy working with me on it? I think it would be a good change to the mod (if wajones is too busy to help of course). Thanks for the mod wajones! |
I installed this calendar on a site I am building and I love it! :D It was just the ticket I needed....
But, I did notice that many of my errors (doin allot of mods), all have this "// End of vbPortal calendar script" showing up, even though the script may not even be called at the time. Anyway, that I can live with and so I forgot about it. You can check it out by simply going to http://www.basementsystems.com/dealerarea/. You get an error because the index.php file needs a specific template in order to work. The actual error is no template for the index.php to use, so blank page. But why the cal script end comment???? Now, I installed the OakGalley hack and I cannot upload any images. The reason seems to be the cal.php script. This is the error I am getting: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home3/www/basementsystems/dealerarea/cal.php:121) in /home3/www/basementsystems/dealerarea/gallery/upload_handle.php on line 108 So, it would seem that cal.php is running in the background or something. I also noticed, about the time I installed the script, that pages will not auto-redirect anymore (haven't tried to fix that yet), but now I am thinking that maybe this is all inter-related. Any ideas? Any help? Thanx EDIT: IGNORE THIS POST (I really should just delete this post but maybe someone is as stupid as I am and will be helped by it). Removing the end comment "<-- End of vbPortal calendar script" solved the whole problem. What a dumb ass .. lol :O |
Ok heres my little contribution. It's a quick and dirty fix but it's the only way I could think to do it using the current structure and not knowing any sql didn't help. I really need a book.
Ok in index.php replace Quote:
with Quote:
Next fortnight's events instead of Today's events And that should work fine. BUT this horrid work around adds two more queries to your home page and is generally horrid. Now can someone with some skill and time turn that code into something pretty please? All credit to wajones for the original code for me to hack about though. Thank you. (working demo at http://www.zclub.net :) ) |
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