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Spangle 05-17-2013 07:03 PM

Can you be a bit more specific as to how I find them please ?

OK Found it

Spangle 05-17-2013 08:12 PM

Great MOD this, I love it already !

Managed to alter the phrases to my liking, and edited out the fields I didn't think were right for a footie forum.

If I could I would give this 20 stars.

Christos Teriakis 05-18-2013 05:57 AM


Originally Posted by Preech (Post 2422678)
Chris, so I noticed in your screen shot that you have a youtube video, is that pretty much where a mp3 flash player would show up. I'm guessing the best way to achieve that would be through the use of a BB Code.


What's the most popular audio extentions that can be upload in a website?
eg mp3, mp4 or what?? Please give me only such file type where their filesize will not be so big to timeout the upload procedure.


Christos Teriakis 05-18-2013 09:36 AM

Reviews 1.1.0 has released with a new feature and one bug fix:
  1. New feature: Someone of you (sorry as I don't remember his name) asked if its possible to upload audio files. Then I thought that maybe some users maybe will want to use it for reviewing Music. That's why I added an extra setting (default is OFF), which (if you turn it ON) will shows in posting review page a field for uploading a .mp3 audio file. I also included a simple audio player in view review page. At least, I like it, as I don't know a lot about such things. A demo review with audio player is at: http://www.christeris.net/dev42/review/4/my-number-one.html
  2. Bug fix: Strange that nobody reported it, but I fount that "My Reviews" list was showing only the last review. In anycase now is fixed.
To upgared:
  1. Download Reviews_1_1_0.zip
  2. Upload all files at your server overwriting the old ones
  3. CMOD 777 a new directory at: christeris/reviews/audio
  4. Import product-reviews.xml (don't forget to check overwrite).
  5. If you want to activate audio uploads goto Reviews General Settings and turn it on. Audio types setting is currently just for refference. Upload works with mp3 and mp4 (really don't know if mp4 is audio file).
Christos Teriakis
(aka ChrisTERiS)

Burnt 05-18-2013 03:01 PM

Oh.. Finally a review mod that might make my life easier! And here I've been creating a a semi usable one using the Easy Forms Mod.. Giving this a run on my test then probably to my live site! WOOT!

*EDIT* Looks good.. However.. One thing that wish would be added is since the Author first reviewing sets up questions to be reviewed, why can't those that are rating this also answer those to get a true reading?

Like I'm doing a site for Bars to be reviewed. I have Ambiance, Food, Service and Value. I put in my author rating for those but when someone comes to the site they only get one "overall" rating. Anyway to have them also rate all of them like the author does?

*2ND EDIT* Adding this to my site as we speak any chance of possibly getting a spot for people to add more photos too? I know the author can do it by putting photos in the edit box but if there was like a box set off to the side or something to add extra photos would be great..

Awesome work

Christos Teriakis 05-18-2013 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by Burnt (Post 2422852)
Oh.. Finally a review mod that might make my life easier! And here I've been creating a a semi usable one using the Easy Forms Mod.. Giving this a run on my test then probably to my live site! WOOT!

*EDIT* Looks good.. However.. One thing that wish would be added is since the Author first reviewing sets up questions to be reviewed, why can't those that are rating this also answer those to get a true reading?

As I said, I decided to my new mod series to have simplicity as first rule. What you asked for, it was something that already existed in my (unfinished) Reviews mod and I remove it. Have seen many review sites and I believe that this is the right direction. The author rates many things, but users are giving an overall rating. This gives:
1.- More value to main review
2.- Unless if all your members are guru, is much easier for the average user to rate for overall. Don't forget that one of the points that Facebook became so popular is simplicity: Like / Dislike (even if it does not has such button). This is what the user will say: "This product is excellent".... or "This product is just acceptable".


Originally Posted by Burnt (Post 2422852)
Like I'm doing a site for Bars to be reviewed. I have Ambiance, Food, Service and Value. I put in my author rating for those but when someone comes to the site they only get one "overall" rating. Anyway to have them also rate all of them like the author does?

As of me (and this is just my opinion and how I act in real life, especially for bar), what I've to say it "I'll go again"...or ..."I'll never come back".... Because there is always a chance to say "Food: Terrible ... Service: Terrible... Prices: The highest on the city"... This will gives an overall rating of 2 which means "I'll never come back". But because I liked the barwoman I'll be there on daily basis :D. In a short.... Lots of questions never bring up the right rating....


Originally Posted by Burnt (Post 2422852)
*2ND EDIT* Adding this to my site as we speak any chance of possibly getting a spot for people to add more photos too? I know the author can do it by putting photos in the edit box but if there was like a box set off to the side or something to add extra photos would be great..
Awesome work

Yes, this is possible in an upcoming upgrade.

Christos Teriakis
(aka ChrisTERiS)

Burnt 05-18-2013 04:23 PM

Fair points.. Makes sense.. And they can add their positives and negatives at the bottom so in theory that'll work.

I only thought it might be wise to have them also use those questions as I'm no guru on bars and people's likes and dislikes are all different. But I am the owner of the site so the people can either like what I say or don't. Works for me lol I wanted something local for people to come to and see instead of the big name sites that do it for every city and don't really give a true meaning to a place.

Thanks for giving me a different perspective on the rating.. I'll be using this and can't wait for the upgrade of things to come!

skol 05-18-2013 08:23 PM

Thanks very much excellent release..Maybe a dumb question? But how would you go about changing the rss feed to an xml..reviews.php?do=feeds..Just wanted to bring the feed back to cms..

Preech 05-19-2013 12:55 PM

Chris mp3 and mp4 is pretty much all you need. Thank you.

Christos Teriakis 05-19-2013 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by Preech (Post 2422946)
Chris mp3 and mp4 is pretty much all you need. Thank you.

Then try the latest version. It supports those 2 formats.

CharlieDelta 05-19-2013 03:52 PM

Chris can you do a review widget similar to the one you did for the classifieds mod?

Christos Teriakis 05-19-2013 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by CharlieDelta (Post 2422977)
Chris can you do a review widget similar to the one you did for the classifieds mod?

Added to my ToDo list

CharlieDelta 05-19-2013 04:58 PM

Thank you!

Preech 05-19-2013 06:08 PM

Chris is it possible to make the extra items field to use bbcode. I love how I can have one audio file, but we review a lot of mixtapes, and I would like to allow people to preview the whole mixtape without providing a download of that mixtape.

Christos Teriakis 05-19-2013 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by Preech (Post 2423011)
Chris is it possible to make the extra items field to use bbcode. I love how I can have one audio file, but we review a lot of mixtapes, and I would like to allow people to preview the whole mixtape without providing a download of that mixtape.

Only when I'll extend the extra field types. I've in my todo to add the follow types:
1.- HTML editor
2.- BB code
3.- Date
4.- Number
5.- Multiselect list
6.- YouTUBE video
7.- Audio upload
8- URL
9.- Upload image
10.- Upload file
but don't expect them before the end of the next month, and to be honest, I'm not sure if I'll release them in public. I need them for my own use. Also don't forget what I wrote in the main post. My mods are for general use with the basic needing features. The time that I was releasing mods with more features than the standalone PHP script has ended for ever.

Preech 05-19-2013 07:28 PM

Understand, and thanks for the honest answer.

Burnt 05-20-2013 03:21 AM

Seem to be running into a slight problem. Have given people the proper usergroup settings however after they rate one thing it doesn't seem to allow them to rate another thing.

*EDIT* I logged on using demouser3 on your site to rate something on there and each time I'd go into rate no button would show up but it'd say I had rated 9 already in the grey "Your Rating:" box. I had checked and it follows whatever you last rated something so it doesn't separate what you rate on each item.

Cause I went into edit the rating I had of 9 on the Call of Duty and changed it to 10 and it now says "Your Rating: 10" for everything even tho never rated and it doesn't show any rating for the other items..

*2nd EDIT* I deleted the review causing the Call of Duty to show 0 for community after I did that. Then I reviewed it again since it allowed me with demouser3 and now it shows a weird rating of 3.3 even tho 2 ratings are 7 and mine was 10. As you can see by the picture below logged in but can't rate on this even tho its not been rated by this person.

Christos Teriakis 05-20-2013 01:41 PM

Wello, it's impossible to ready your message in my 1024x768 screen resolution, due to wide inline attachment. A general meaning that I got is that you can't rate again. This is true. A user can post only one rating per review. But he can edit it from "My Ratings".


Burnt 05-20-2013 02:36 PM

No he can only rate on one review total. Not each review. If you rate the Battlefield 2. That user can not rate any other review on the site.

Christos Teriakis 05-20-2013 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by Burnt (Post 2423143)
No he can only rate on one review total. Not each review. If you rate the Battlefield 2. That user can not rate any other review on the site.

I'll check it now.....

Burnt 05-20-2013 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by Christos Teriakis (Post 2423145)
I'll check it now.....

The 2nd bug I found was when that person deletes their rating and then rate again on that same one. The tally for the community gets all messed up. http://www.christeris.net/dev42/revi...l-of-duty.html

As you can see here the 3 people have rated a 10, 7 and a 10 but says they're avg is only a 4.3 for the game. I had deleted demouser3's rating last night and rated again.

John Lester 05-20-2013 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by Burnt (Post 2423143)
No he can only rate on one review total. Not each review. If you rate the Battlefield 2. That user can not rate any other review on the site.

I can confirm this as demouser2 can not rate "My number one".

RichieBoy67 05-21-2013 10:55 AM

Hey Chris!! So happy to see you doing more Vb mods!! i love your work and will be sending a donation when I can.

I have a question about Vbseo.. I believe we add the rewrites to Vbseo so there is no need to add anything to the htaccess if using Vbseo? is this correct?

I am looking forward to trying the classifieds mod as well!! This one I have installed and am testing currently but so far it is amazing. I am almost certain I will be nominating at least one of these for motm!


PS-I voted Excellent!

albibak 05-21-2013 11:12 AM

Langage mistake:


reviews_h_photo : "Select a Photo that best shows the review that you are selling. Don't forget that a photo is worth of 1,000 words!!"

This mod is for post reviews, not sell (copy/paste of classified mod ^^)

reviews_h_title : "A short and meanful title is the best way to attract potential buyers. Avoid use of capital letters unless if it's about a model type. Words like Great offer etc will be removed."

The same

setting_reviews_item_p_title: "Reviw item (Plural)"
Correction: Review item (Plural)

Christos Teriakis 05-21-2013 04:58 PM

Reviews 1.2.0 has released with some bug fixes and some additions:
  1. Fixed a bug where a user who rated a review, was unable to rate another review
  2. I found and I fixed a bug in Extra fields (Type: Checkbox)
  3. Added better support for RTL languages
  4. Released CMS Widget and Forum Sidebar block for Latest Reviews.
How to Upgrade:
  1. Download Reviews_1_2_0.zip
  2. Upload all files from upload directory to your installation, overwritting the old ones.
  3. Import product-reviews.xml after checking "Overwrite".
  4. CMS Widget / Forum Sidebar block for Latest Reviews
    1. Pre-Installation:
      1. Shows latest 5 Reviews. If you want to change the number to another value change at 1st line: $maxreviews = 5;
    1. Installation as CMS Widget
      1. Goto Admincp-> vBulletin CMS-> Widgets
      2. Click "Create New Widget" at the list bottom
      3. Set Widget Type: PHP Direct Execution
      4. Give a Title which appears at the widget. eg Last Reviews, or.. Last 5 Reviews etc
      5. Click SAVE
      6. Find in the list the new widget and click configure at the right side
      7. Replace the example code, with the code from Widget_Block_Latest_Reviews.txt
      8. Click Save
      9. Goto Layout and add it in any section you want
      10. Click Save (Layout)
    1. Installation as Forum sidebar Block
      1. Goto Admincp-> Forums & Moderators -> Forum Block Manager
      2. Click Add Block
      3. In the next screen "Select block type: Custom HTML/PHP"
      4. Click Continue
      5. Title: Latest Reviews
      6. Content Type: PHP
      7. Content: Copy & Paste the code from Widget_Block_Latest_Reviews.txt
      8. Click Save. The block will be now visible to your forum sidebar
Christos Teriakis
aka ChrisTERiS

Christos Teriakis 05-21-2013 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Burnt (Post 2423151)
The 2nd bug I found was when that person deletes their rating and then rate again on that same one. The tally for the community gets all messed up. http://www.christeris.net/dev42/revi...l-of-duty.html

As you can see here the 3 people have rated a 10, 7 and a 10 but says they're avg is only a 4.3 for the game. I had deleted demouser3's rating last night and rated again.

Fixed on ver. 1.2.0

Christos Teriakis 05-21-2013 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by RichieBoy67 (Post 2423315)
Hey Chris!! So happy to see you doing more Vb mods!! i love your work and will be sending a donation when I can.

I have a question about Vbseo.. I believe we add the rewrites to Vbseo so there is no need to add anything to the htaccess if using Vbseo? is this correct?

I am looking forward to trying the classifieds mod as well!! This one I have installed and am testing currently but so far it is amazing. I am almost certain I will be nominating at least one of these for motm!


PS-I voted Excellent!

Hello Richie,

Thank you for your supporting words. I'm not guru with vbseo (just know the syntax), but I believe that the best way is to add in custom rules OR in .htaccess file. Not both.


Christos Teriakis 05-21-2013 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by albibak (Post 2423316)
Langage mistake:


reviews_h_photo : "Select a Photo that best shows the review that you are selling. Don't forget that a photo is worth of 1,000 words!!"

This mod is for post reviews, not sell (copy/paste of classified mod ^^)

reviews_h_title : "A short and meanful title is the best way to attract potential buyers. Avoid use of capital letters unless if it's about a model type. Words like Great offer etc will be removed."

The same

setting_reviews_item_p_title: "Reviw item (Plural)"
Correction: Review item (Plural)

Next time I'll release my mods in Greek, and let you translate all the phrases instead correcting a couple of them ....lol.... I'm kidding. Thank you. I'll correct them in the next version. Already released 1.2.0 so its late now.

albibak 05-21-2013 05:18 PM

It's only kindly help to have a perfect mod :/

Toorak Times 05-21-2013 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by Christos Teriakis (Post 2423382)
Next time I'll release my mods in Greek, and let you translate all the phrases instead correcting a couple of them ....lol.... I'm kidding. Thank you. I'll correct them in the next version. Already released 1.2.0 so its late now.

He meant meaningful...lol...I'm a newspaper editor Chris...at your command...

Christos Teriakis 05-21-2013 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by albibak (Post 2423384)
It's only kindly help to have a perfect mod :/

I was kidding. Don't get me wrong;) Actually I never translated any of my mods in Greek.

CharlieDelta 05-21-2013 11:26 PM

Couple of bugs since the last update:
One is a database error when I try to edit a review

Warning: mysqli_query() [function.mysqli-query]: (42000/1064): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND fieldid=6 LIMIT 1' at line 1 in [path]/includes/class_core.php on line 1391
Second is my extra fields are no longer showing.

YouTube videos are also not loading now. I am getting this error when using firebug.

Load denied by X-Frame-Options: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cq6icPaS3h8&feature=youtu.be does not permit cross-origin framing.

Christos Teriakis 05-22-2013 09:04 AM

As usally, again I forgot the final touch. I added the code for the extra fields but I forgot to add them in the template. So this version fixes:
  1. Missing extra fields in the add/edit template
  2. A database error in extra fields.
To upgrade:
  1. Upload reviews_usercp.php
  2. Import product-reviews.xml
Christos Teriakis
aka ChrisTERiS

Christos Teriakis 05-22-2013 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by CharlieDelta (Post 2423451)
Couple of bugs since the last update:
One is a database error when I try to edit a review

Warning: mysqli_query() [function.mysqli-query]: (42000/1064): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND fieldid=6 LIMIT 1' at line 1 in [path]/includes/class_core.php on line 1391
Second is my extra fields are no longer showing.

YouTube videos are also not loading now. I am getting this error when using firebug.

Load denied by X-Frame-Options: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cq6icPaS3h8&feature=youtu.be does not permit cross-origin framing.

Bugs 1 & 2 fixed in version 1.2.1

YouTube issue: I can're reproduce it. Actually I didn't touched anything about YouTUBE from the original release.

albibak 05-22-2013 11:58 AM

Idea for a future feature:

Have the possibility to have a review's preview before submit.

albibak 05-22-2013 12:09 PM

I don't find where I can had the rating question?
I looked in the AdminCP -> Review -> Rating questions, but I can't add questions :/

CharlieDelta 05-22-2013 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by Christos Teriakis (Post 2423489)
Bugs 1 & 2 fixed in version 1.2.1

YouTube issue: I can're reproduce it. Actually I didn't touched anything about YouTUBE from the original release.

Thanks Chris. Working now. It seems I made an error on the YouTube URL. Sorry.

Burnt 05-22-2013 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by albibak (Post 2423528)
I don't find where I can had the rating question?
I looked in the AdminCP -> Review -> Rating questions, but I can't add questions :/

Once people start reviewing you can't add questions.. Its in red up top.

albibak 05-22-2013 02:15 PM

Yes, I saw, but I don't have any Review...
I created one, but I delete it :/

Edit: Sry, one member post a review, and it was in attempt of moderation. Sorry :/

Christos Teriakis 05-22-2013 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by albibak (Post 2423541)
Yes, I saw, but I don't have any Review...
I created one, but I delete it :/

Edit: Sry, one member post a review, and it was in attempt of moderation. Sorry :/

No need to worry... That's nothing comparing with what I faced when I was developind the mod. I had placed 2 ratings 7 + 8 to see if it will shows ok decimals (7.5). But I was showing 8... I wasted hours trying to figure out why it rounds the number till to realize that someone who was in my site checking another mod, he rated it with 9... So 8 was correct :( Hours for nothing,,,

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