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Christos Teriakis 05-06-2013 02:59 PM

A new version 1.2.0 is available for download containg some bug fixes and updates:
  1. Fixed a bug showing an empty value as Max days (Ad duration) when a user belongs to more than one usergroup.
  2. Cached some templates that left uncached.
  3. Added support for RTL missing in frontpage templates.
To upgrade:
  1. Download the file Classifieds_1_2_0
  2. Upload classifieds.php, classifieds_usercp.php and classifieds_modcp.php to your forum directory
  3. Upload christeris/includes/functions.php to your forum_dir/christeris/classifieds/includes/
  4. Import product-classifieds.xml. Don't forget to click overwrite.
Thank you for your valuable feedback.

sadiq6210 05-06-2013 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by ChrisTERiS (Post 2420256)
A new version 1.2.0 is available for download containg some bug fixes and updates:
  1. Fixed a bug showing an empty value as Max days (Ad duration) when a user belongs to more than one usergroup.
  2. Cached some templates that left uncached.
  3. Added support for RTL missing in frontpage templates.
To upgrade:
  1. Download the file Classifieds_1_2_0
  2. Upload classifieds.php, classifieds_usercp.php and classifieds_modcp.php to your forum directory
  3. Upload christeris/includes/functions.php to your forum_dir/christeris/classifieds/includes/
  4. Import product-classifieds.xml. Don't forget to click overwrite.
Thank you for your valuable feedback.

Thanks Chris

See the attached screenshot, I will appreciate if you can fix it to make it perfect with RTL

joeychgo 05-06-2013 03:39 PM

We're getting closer... :) Just installed 1.2

2 things I still notice.

1. No way to change the "Terms of use"
2. Photos now upload - but still dont diplay. Just give red Xs

joeychgo 05-06-2013 03:55 PM

OK, I noticed something...

Its uploading photos to a "classifieds" directory it SEEMS to be creating on its own, outside of the christeris directory and the photos are being placed there, but.....

Its looking for the photos here:

Christos Teriakis 05-06-2013 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by sadiq6210 (Post 2420263)
Thanks Chris

See the attached screenshot, I will appreciate if you can fix it to make it perfect with RTL

So I really did it working??? ...lol... First time that I tried it.
As for your issues.... You need to modify the classifieds.css You can find it in your Style & Templates ... .select Edit Templates.

Christos Teriakis 05-06-2013 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by joeychgo (Post 2420270)
We're getting closer... :) Just installed 1.2

2 things I still notice.

1. No way to change the "Terms of use"

Have replied to such question before. You need to edit the file:
add your terms ther as simple text or using html.


Originally Posted by joeychgo (Post 2420270)
2. Photos now upload - but still dont diplay. Just give red Xs

In which place you're seeing the red cross icon. Everywhere? eg "My Classifieds", "Front page" etc...

joeychgo 05-06-2013 04:35 PM

Everywhere. Its putting the photo in one place and looking for it elsewhere.

Its looking for it Here:

But its really at:

sadiq6210 05-06-2013 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by ChrisTERiS (Post 2420287)
So I really did it working??? ...lol... First time that I tried it.
As for your issues.... You need to modify the classifieds.css You can find it in your Style & Templates ... .select Edit Templates.

You created this mod from zero, sure it will work :rolleyes:

I can do it and I will do it, but I wish you can add it to 1.3 in future
I just reported to make this mod perfect

Christos Teriakis 05-06-2013 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by joeychgo (Post 2420291)
Everywhere. Its putting the photo in one place and looking for it elsewhere.

Its looking for it Here:

But its really at:

Seems that I haven't updated the file classifieds_usercp.php
Please try with the attached file. Try with new uploads.


joeychgo 05-06-2013 05:02 PM

Didnt work....

joeychgo 05-06-2013 05:06 PM

Scratch that -- I reinstalled the product and it seems to work now...

Ramsesx 05-06-2013 05:07 PM

Nice to see you around again Chris, looks interesting.

joeychgo 05-06-2013 05:12 PM

OK, next. Next to the photos is a text input box, but the inputted text seems to display nowhere.

Christos Teriakis 05-06-2013 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by Ramsesx (Post 2420300)
Nice to see you around again Chris, looks interesting.

Thank you. Very kind of you. Well known nickname, but the missing avatar can't help me to remember you. Something from the Reviews thread??


Ramsesx 05-06-2013 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by ChrisTERiS (Post 2420306)
Thank you. Very kind of you. Well known nickname, but the missing avatar can't help me to remember you. Something from the Reviews thread??


Yes, the review thread. Restored the avatar now. :)

Christos Teriakis 05-06-2013 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by joeychgo (Post 2420303)
OK, next. Next to the photos is a text input box, but the inputted text seems to display nowhere.

It's a title for the photo and it was supposed to appear as title in lightbox popup. But for some reason it does not appears. I used for testing purposes highslide (which I prefer over lighbox) and works fine.

So, you can let that field empty.

joeychgo 05-06-2013 05:30 PM


How about getting new listings to appear in "Whats New" on the main navigation? (New Posts)

sadiq6210 05-06-2013 05:42 PM

Is it difficult to add new classified tab in member profile?
It would like to suggest that (option in admincp)

CharlieDelta 05-06-2013 05:51 PM

Wow Christeris this looks like a really fantastic classifieds mod. Good job!!

Christos Teriakis 05-06-2013 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by sadiq6210 (Post 2420313)
Is it difficult to add new classified tab in member profile?
It would like to suggest that (option in admincp)

You know that is not difficult as I've already it in MarysClassifieds. But my current line of coding is to have easy in use mods. If someday I'll release a PRO version, I'll add it. But currently is not in my plans.

As I said I've in queue:
  • Articles
  • Reviews
  • Auctions
  • Photo Gallery
  • Recipes
  • ...and anything else useful to a City Portal.

Christos Teriakis 05-06-2013 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by CharlieDelta (Post 2420318)
Wow Christeris this looks like a really fantastic classifieds mod. Good job!!

Thank you Charlie Delta from Charlie Tango :) Have you been in Airlines? I've been working for Olympic Airways for 15 years.

joeychgo 05-06-2013 06:01 PM

What about adding new ads to new posts?

CharlieDelta 05-06-2013 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by ChrisTERiS (Post 2420321)
Thank you Charlie Delta from Charlie Tango :) Have you been in Airlines? I've been working for Olympic Airways for 15 years.

I am even more impressed! CharlieDelta is the phonetic spelling of my initials of my real name - CD. :)

Christos Teriakis 05-06-2013 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by joeychgo (Post 2420322)
What about adding new ads to new posts?

Has no sense. Classifieds are not for discussion.

Christos Teriakis 05-06-2013 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by CharlieDelta (Post 2420324)
I am even more impressed! CharlieDelta is the phonetic spelling of my initials of my real name - CD. :)

I understood that. And what you're calling phonetic spelling is the Airline's alphabet. Came in life as way for better understanding in communication between Pilots and Air Traffic controllers :).

joeychgo 05-06-2013 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by ChrisTERiS (Post 2420332)
Has no sense. Classifieds are not for discussion.

Has plenty of sense. Its how many of people notice something is for sale.

Rich 05-07-2013 01:39 AM

I have a question and a request.

On my classifieds homepage my navbar breadcrumbs has an empty space at the end. I am guessing it is a phrase I don't have or previously used and have empty. I attached a screenshot.

Could this be added to the recent activity page? This is something we would want our members to see. I also think adding it to the whats new page is spot on. If it were to look different and list as a classifieds it would create more activity in the classifieds section by making members aware.

sadiq6210 05-07-2013 04:39 AM


Originally Posted by ChrisTERiS (Post 2420320)
You know that is not difficult as I've already it in MarysClassifieds. But my current line of coding is to have easy in use mods. If someday I'll release a PRO version, I'll add it. But currently is not in my plans.

As I said I've in queue:
  • Articles
  • Reviews
  • Auctions
  • Photo Gallery
  • Recipes
  • ...and anything else useful to a City Portal.

I understand but the page is already there
Usercp >> My classifieds

You could copy it as it is to separate tab in the profile and make option in admincp to enable/disable the profile tab.

Christos Teriakis 05-07-2013 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by Rich (Post 2420390)
I have a question and a request.

On my classifieds homepage my navbar breadcrumbs has an empty space at the end. I am guessing it is a phrase I don't have or previously used and have empty. I attached a screenshot.

If it's on the homepage only (without selecting any category), then is a known bug. I need to make a change to a function, but I'l always forgeting it. Hold on for the update.


Originally Posted by Rich (Post 2420390)
Could this be added to the recent activity page? This is something we would want our members to see. I also think adding it to the whats new page is spot on. If it were to look different and list as a classifieds it would create more activity in the classifieds section by making members aware.

Haven't sturides yet the possibility to add extra content to activity stream, but I think that it gets content only from vB sections or from mods using the forum engine. I'm not using the forum engine, so I have some doubts if I can add them there. But I do agree that is good to have new ads listing in activity.

joeychgo 05-07-2013 06:21 AM

As I said, I would prefer it in the new posts -- not the activity. Reason being, I, like most forums, dump the activity stream (at the request of my members)

Muhammad Rahman 05-07-2013 06:44 AM

mod long I was looking for ..

whether users can sell their products in the commentary?

sadiq6210 05-07-2013 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by joeychgo (Post 2420410)
As I said, I would prefer it in the new posts -- not the activity. Reason being, I, like most forums, dump the activity stream (at the request of my members)

Totally agree

Christos Teriakis 05-07-2013 08:26 AM

Pitty:( Really Pitty:( ......... I think that I was clear in my main post, but I have been mistaken. That's why, once more, I'll try with my bad English to make some things clear:
  1. I'm not anymore a vB coder, and I'm not planing to go commercial with any of my vB work. That's why:
    1. I gave all my mods (20+) to someone else. I'm not so idiot to offer for free my 7 years work if I had in mind to start selling mods again.
    2. I placed that note in the main post that my code can be freely reused by anyone who wants to release this mod (and all upcoming ones) for vB3 or vB5.
  2. The mods that you're seeing now and all the upcoming ones, are mods that I'm coding for my own use, in my own site http://www.lagadas.com. Once more, since last year I'm a forum admin just like you, and not a coder. So all my work will have the features that I found usefull for my own use, and not for your use. Sure I agree that maybe a discussion thread should be valuable for you. But is something that I don't need. And as long as I don't need it in my site why to spend my time adding it?
  3. Talking for threads and discussions. If you check at: http://www.christeris.net/dev42/ you'll see that in the articles/cms mod I'm using the forum engine. Because for my articles section, yes, I want discussion. The same for my reviews section.
  4. There are many admins having spent thousands dollars for custom work as they want to have their site unique. I don't care to have a unique site that's why I'm happily sharing my work. But at this point starts and ends on the same time my offer. I'll offer the work that I did for me, but I don't plan to work extra for something which will be useless for me.
Thank you for your attention and understanding

Christos Teriakis
aka ChrisTERiS

Disco_Dave 05-07-2013 08:59 AM

Hi ChrisTERiS

I've been working on this, this morning looks like a great mod :D I'm looking at the setting etc before I go live with this. I'm getting the message below when trying to access the classifields, even though I've selected the right user groups?


PHP Code:

Disco_Daveyou do not have permission to access this pageThis could be due to one of several reasons:

Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this pageAre you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
    If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation. 

Christos Teriakis 05-07-2013 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by tricksodave (Post 2420441)
Disco_Dave, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

This is a clear message. You haven't set usergroup pemission. If you had, then give a look again to seen if your setting have been saved.


sadiq6210 05-07-2013 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by ChrisTERiS (Post 2420434)
Pitty:( Really Pitty:( ......... I think that I was clear in my main post, but I have been mistaken. That's why, once more, I'll try with my bad English to make some things clear:
  1. I'm not anymore a vB coder, and I'm not planing to go commercial with any of my vB work. That's why:
    1. I gave all my mods (20+) to someone else. I'm not so idiot to offer for free my 7 years work if I had in mind to start selling mods again.
    2. I placed that note in the main post that my code can be freely reused by anyone who wants to release this mod (and all upcoming ones) for vB3 or vB5.
  2. The mods that you're seeing now and all the upcoming ones, are mods that I'm coding for my own use, in my own site http://www.lagadas.com. Once more, since last year I'm a forum admin just like you, and not a coder. So all my work will have the features that I found usefull for my own use, and not for your use. Sure I agree that maybe a discussion thread should be valuable for you. But is something that I don't need. And as long as I don't need it in my site why to spend my time adding it?
  3. Talking for threads and discussions. If you check at: http://www.christeris.net/dev42/ you'll see that in the articles/cms mod I'm using the forum engine. Because for my articles section, yes, I want discussion. The same for my reviews section.
  4. There are many admins having spent thousands dollars for custom work as they want to have their site unique. I don't care to have a unique site that's why I'm happily sharing my work. But at this point starts and ends on the same time my offer. I'll offer the work that I did for me, but I don't plan to work extra for something which will be useless for me.
Thank you for your attention and understanding

Christos Teriakis
aka ChrisTERiS

We suggested for your website only :p
Maybe you like to add a suggested feature to your website and share it with us :D

I am joking .. okay Chris, clear :)

Disco_Dave 05-07-2013 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by ChrisTERiS (Post 2420445)
This is a clear message. You haven't set usergroup pemission. If you had, then give a look again to seen if your setting have been saved.


Thanks ChrisTERiS, most impressive mod. I think I'll vote 5 stars :D

Christos Teriakis 05-07-2013 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by sadiq6210 (Post 2420448)
We suggested for your website only :p
Maybe you like to add a suggested feature to your website and share it with us :D

I am joking .. okay Chris, clear :)

Don't think that I'm expecting to have profits from my site. Not even a single chance. Everything is about my "ego". I registered that domain back to 1998. 15 years now. At that time nobody even knows about internet in my small town (10,000 citizens). Now I found 3 sites working as "portals" here. Portal on their meaning is a simple page full of advertisments. That's why I want to start it as soon as possible.

After all for sure I'll add some extra features. eg A social media sharing is a must. A simple positive/negative rating also. Not forget to mention that adding extra fields in search form is also very usefull. But step by step. Need time and clear mind.


Preech 05-07-2013 12:11 PM

Yes Chris, I'll patiently wait to see your Article Mod.

Christos Teriakis 05-07-2013 02:50 PM

There was an error in paths for uploading photos. Please download the latest version and upload the file classifieds_usercp.php

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