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DragonByte Tech 10-21-2012 09:52 PM

The Branding Free licences that work for vB4.x and lower also works for this version, that's about it until we get our Copyright Management mod ported :)


DragonByte Tech 10-25-2012 04:50 PM

Moved the line break from the start of the copyright to the end, thanks to mediasnog for pointing this out :)


DragonByte Tech 11-02-2012 09:41 PM

InfoPanels (vB5) v2.0.6 Alpha 5:
Fix: Perma-fixed the copyright notice <br /> tag
Fix: Fixed block links to posts on page 2 or further into the thread
Change: Improved the display of the Top X Stats widget. It no longer has the "widget border" but instead has a border around the table itself.
Change: Improved some back-end code to give vBulletin less work when executing certain queries
Change: Reduced number of executed queries
Change: Removed some unneeded code for DataManagers
Change: Slightly improved performance on the dedicated vBulletin Options page for this mod
Change: Renamed the JS files for consistency


DragonByte Tech 11-03-2012 02:20 AM

Rebuilt Alpha 5 due to multiple issues being discovered with Beta 16.


Nelson58 01-07-2013 05:18 AM

In the "What's Going On" box at the bottom of the site, the mod is placing avatars next to each user online, and that is too much with 500 people online, so I want to remove that. How do I do it please?



DragonByte Tech 01-07-2013 01:47 PM

That is not a feature of the vB5 version of this mod.


Madd15 03-13-2013 07:03 AM

I have downloaded and installed this mod on my forums but I can not for the life of me get it to display on the page, I drag the modules in to the layout of the page but when I save the page nothing and they have disappeared from the edit page function.

I have tried reinstalling, flushing caches, checked all areas of settings. If someone has any idea how to fix this that would be great because I would like to trial the modification before purchasing a pro license.

smgxtreme 03-13-2013 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by Madd15 (Post 2409666)
I have downloaded and installed this mod on my forums but I can not for the life of me get it to display on the page, I drag the modules in to the layout of the page but when I save the page nothing and they have disappeared from the edit page function.

I have tried reinstalling, flushing caches, checked all areas of settings. If someone has any idea how to fix this that would be great because I would like to trial the modification before purchasing a pro license.

Same here, we are currently using Vb5 .28

DragonByte Tech 04-01-2013 04:31 PM

Can you please try re-downloading it from our site? I'm not sure if there may be a newer build of this mod available there.


Madd15 04-02-2013 07:21 PM

I redownloaded from your site, i have been able to get the modules to show now but i noticed a very small error.

In Top posters and newest member there was this line
PHP Code:

<td><a href="{vb:raw post.profileurl}" title="{vb:raw post.fullusername">{vb:raw post.musername}</a></td

as you can see it is missing a } after post.fullname, this only caused a problem if you hovered over the name but only to a point of it displaying "{vb:raw post.fullname" instead of the user's name

robsta 04-03-2013 02:05 PM

pls update to 5.0.1

DragonByte Tech 05-13-2013 01:44 PM

InfoPanels v2.0.6 Alpha 6
Change: Now requires vBulletin Connect 5.0.2 to run
Change: Reduced memory usage by reworking the way the mod caches things to take advantage of vB5's built-in long-term cache storage
Change: Modules in the Site Builder are now grouped under the "DragonByte" category rather than the "Display" category
Fix: Modules in the Site Builder now once again have titles
Fix: Un-closed variable in 2 templates


godarmy 07-06-2013 02:27 PM

I try to set is as module...but the color is not same with the other module....it's not fully colorize as it should be...
Any help?

Best Regards

DragonByte Tech 07-06-2013 02:30 PM

I'll need your site URL to investigate this further.


sergiomc 07-07-2013 04:09 AM

Thanks for this good mod!

No work this mod for me, no work any dbtech mod for me, this is a problem with the new version 5.0.3 or I have a problem on my forum?

Screenshot: http://take.ms/9X3yJ

godarmy 07-07-2013 08:09 AM

@DragonTech...i have edit the template and set same like other module...and it's work perfectly....

PHP Code:

<vb:if condition="!empty($widgetConfig)">
vb:set widgetid, {vb:raw widgetConfig.widgetid}}
vb:set widgetinstanceid, {vb:raw widgetConfig.widgetinstanceid}}
vb:set widgeticon, {vb:raw widgetConfig.icon}}
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td align="center" width="1%">
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a href="{vb:url 'profile', {vb:raw data}}" class="avatar medium">
vb:data avataruserfetchAvatar, {vb:raw user.userid}, true}
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vb:data newThreadsPostsDatainfopanels_welcomepanelgetNewThreadsPostsData}
vb:rawphrase dbtech_infopanels_x_posts_y_threads_since_z
vb:raw newThreadsPostsData.posts}, 
vb:raw newThreadsPostsData.threads}, 
vb:date user.lastvisit}, 
vb:time user.lastvisit}
br />
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vb:data dateTimeDatainfopanels_welcomepanelgetDateTimeData}
vb:rawphrase dbtech_infopanels_time_is_x_on_y, {vb:raw dateTimeData.time}, {vb:raw dateTimeData.date}}<br />
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vb:phrase dbtech_infopanels_forum_statistics, {vb:raw forumData.members}, {vb:raw forumData.threads}, {vb:raw forumData.posts}}<br />
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vb:phrase dbtech_infopanels_top_poster_x_with_y_posts_z_threads, {vb:raw topPosterData.link}, {vb:raw topPosterData.username}, {vb:raw topPosterData.posts}, {vb:raw topPosterData.threads}}
td width="50%" align="{vb:stylevar left}" valign="top" style="padding: 6px; vertical-align:top;">
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vb:data ownThreadsPostsDatainfopanels_welcomepanelgetOwnThreadsPostsData}
b>&raquo;</b> {vb:phrase dbtech_infopanels_you_have_x_posts_y_threads, {vb:raw ownThreadsPostsData.posts}, {vb:raw ownThreadsPostsData.threads}}<br />
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vb:data postsPerDayDatainfopanels_welcomepanelgetPostsPerDayData}
b>&raquo;</b> {vb:phrase dbtech_infopanels_you_have_x_posts_per_day, {vb:raw postsPerDayData.postsPerDay}, {vb:raw postsPerDayData.todaysPosts}}<br />
vb:if condition="!($vboptions['dbtech_infopanels_disabledstats'] & 128) AND !($user['dbtech_infopanels_settings'] & 128)">
vb:data forumPostsDatainfopanels_welcomepanelgetForumPostsData}
b>&raquo;</b> {vb:phrase dbtech_infopanels_you_have_x_of_forum_posts, {vb:raw forumPostsData.percent}}<br />
vb:if condition="!($vboptions['dbtech_infopanels_disabledstats'] & 4096) AND !($user['dbtech_infopanels_settings'] & 4096)">
vb:if condition="$activity['activitylevel']"><b>&raquo;</b> {vb:phrase dbtech_infopanels_vbactivity_x_y_z, {vb:raw activity.achievement}, {vb:raw activity.medal}, {vb:raw activity.trophy}}<br /></vb:if>
td style="padding: 6px;">&nbsp;</td>
td style="padding: 6px;"><div align="center">
a href="search.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=getnew&amp;contenttype=vBForum_Post">{vb:phrase new_posts_nav}</a> | 
a href="search.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=getdaily&amp;contenttype=vBForum_Post">{vb:phrase todays_posts}</a> | 
vb:set settingsRouteInfo.tab'profile'}
a href="{vb:url 'settings', {vb:raw settingsRouteInfo}}">{vb:phrase user_settings}</a>
td style="padding: 6px;"><div align="center">
vb:if condition="$vboptions['forumleaders']"><a href="showgroups.php{vb:raw session.sessionurl_q}">{vb:phrase dbtech_infopanels_view_forum_staff}</a> | </vb:if>
a href="forumdisplay.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=markread&amp;markreadhash={vb:raw user.securitytoken}">{vb:phrase mark_forums_read}</a>
vb:data newsTickerinfopanels_welcomepanelgetNewsTickerData}
vb:if condition="$newsTicker['firstLine']">
td colspan="3" style="padding: 6px;">
b>{vb:rawphrase dbtech_infopanels_news_ticker}:</b> <span id="dbtech_infopanels_bar">{vb:raw newsTicker.firstLine}</span>
vb:if condition="$newsTicker['lines']">
vb:data versionNumberinfopanels_coregetVersionNumber}
script type="text/javascript">
InfoPanels = {
lines : {vb:raw newsTicker.lines}
// -->
vb:js core/packages/dbtechinfopanels/js/newsticker.js}
vb:else />
vb:if condition="$user['can_use_sitebuilder']">
span class="note">{vb:phrase click_edit_to_config_module}</span>

DragonByte Tech 07-11-2013 04:08 PM

Could you please highlight the changes for me?


godarmy 07-11-2013 05:32 PM

PHP Code:

<vb:if condition="!empty($widgetConfig)">
vb:set widgetid, {vb:raw widgetConfig.widgetid}}
vb:set widgetinstanceid, {vb:raw widgetConfig.widgetinstanceid}}
vb:set widgeticon, {vb:raw widgetConfig.icon}}
vb:else />
vb:if condition="!empty($widgetinstanceid)">
vb:data widgetConfigwidgetfetchConfig, {vb:raw widgetinstanceid}}

start here
<div class="canvas-widget default-widget custom-html-widget" data-widget-id="{vb:raw widgetid}" data-widget-instance-id="{vb:raw widgetinstanceid}">
div class="widget-header clearfix">
vb:if condition="!empty($widgeticon)">
div class="module-icon"><img src="{vb:raw baseurl}/{vb:raw admincpdir}/img/{vb:raw widgeticon}" height="60" width="60" alt="{vb:phrase module_icon}" /></div>
div class="module-title left"><span class="main-title">{vb:raw widgetConfig.title}</span><span class="admin-only"> {vb:phrase module}</span></div>
div class="module-buttons">
vb:if condition="$user['can_use_sitebuilder']">
span class="admin-only">
span class="move-icon module-button-item" title="{vb:phrase move_module}"><span>{vb:phrase move}</span></span>                    
span class="edit-button module-button-item" title="{vb:phrase edit_module}"><span>{vb:phrase edit}</span></span>
span class="close-button module-button-item" title="{vb:phrase remove_module}"><span>{vb:phrase remove}</span></span>
span class="toggle-button module-button-item collapse" title="{vb:phrase collapse}" data-toggle-title="{vb:phrase expand}"><span>{vb:phrase collapse}</span></span>
end here

have replace to

<vb:if condition="!empty($widgetConfig)">
vb:set widgetid, {vb:raw widgetConfig.widgetid}}
vb:set widgetinstanceid, {vb:raw widgetConfig.widgetinstanceid}}
vb:set widgeticon, {vb:raw widgetConfig.icon}}
vb:else />
vb:if condition="!empty($widgetinstanceid)">
vb:data widgetConfigwidgetfetchConfig, {vb:raw widgetinstanceid}}

start here
<div class="canvas-widget default-widget wol-widget" data-widget-id="{vb:raw widgetid}" data-widget-instance-id="{vb:raw widgetinstanceid}">
vb:template module_titlewidgetConfig={vb:raw widgetConfig}, title={vb:raw widgetConfig.title}, can_use_sitebuilder={vb:raw user.can_use_sitebuilder}}
end here... 

DragonByte Tech 07-11-2013 05:41 PM

I see.

This change is already present in my development version - all our mods are currently stuck in a weird "limbo" because of how quickly new vB5 versions are pushed out with breaking changes.

Until this settles down, it's going to be difficult for us to fully support our vB5 mods - hence why they're all flagged as Alpha.

Thanks for letting me know :)


godarmy 07-11-2013 07:08 PM

aye aye Filip...

btw..keep a good work Filip ;) thanks...

robandyuk 07-22-2013 06:44 PM

Is there any way to get Most Viewed Threads working with 5.0.3
all the other bits of top stats work but this one is blank

my users are not happy that VB have replaced views with likes

DragonByte Tech 07-22-2013 06:51 PM

If they've removed the feature outright then we can't bring it back unfortunately :(


robandyuk 07-22-2013 08:08 PM

Not sure its gone altogether as the mobile app still shows post view count,
they seem to have decided that post view count is not needed in the forum.

Wayne Luke 07-22-2013 09:26 PM

Topic Views don't exist in vBulletin 5. There is a table to hold them but it isn't populated as far as I am aware.


DragonByte Tech 08-10-2013 03:15 PM

<font size="3">InfoPanels v2.0.6 Alpha 7</font>
Change: 5.0.4 is now the minimum required version
Change: Changed module wrapper to use the built-in template
Fix: Fixed various other CSS change issues
Fix: The avatar for the Welcome block is now the correct size
Fix: The Top X Stats now correctly displays the title / collapse object
Fix: The "Newest Replies" block now works as intended
Fix: Fixed the missing drop-down icons on the columns


fionix 08-14-2013 08:39 AM

Well I disabled (clicked on NO) to the Top stats at Vbulletin 5.04 but it keep display the top X stats? how can they be disabled?

Also it looks bad in the design overall?
here is the link to the forum: http://www.cclogic.com/forum/

fionix 08-15-2013 03:59 PM

seems to work now, was a caching problem i guess.

DragonByte Tech 08-20-2013 04:02 PM

That's very possible, thanks for getting back to us with the answer :)


fionix 08-29-2013 07:30 AM

Your welcome, still I removed it.. the layout just don't fit in a standard Vbulletin setup.. there are too many errors as well.

I just wanted the same stats as in the Vbulletin 4.

DragonByte Tech 09-08-2013 08:50 PM

It's sadly impossible for me to fix anything if you don't give me any details regarding the "many errors" :(


fionix 09-10-2013 08:25 AM

point taken.. but it is a live forum so I can' have things running there if they don't work..

The main issue I have is that the entire STATS module takes too much space in at the button of the page. In the old Vbulletin it was just 2 lines below the active users, that was actually perfectly fine.

skol 09-12-2013 10:40 AM

Seems to be working fine in firefox..

Chrome is reporting:

There is a serious error and the page cannot be rendered

IE is reporting:

The website cannot display the page

DragonByte Tech 09-21-2013 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by fionix (Post 2444585)
point taken.. but it is a live forum so I can' have things running there if they don't work..

The main issue I have is that the entire STATS module takes too much space in at the button of the page. In the old Vbulletin it was just 2 lines below the active users, that was actually perfectly fine.

I'm not entirely sure what you're referring to. Can you please post some screenshots to point me in the direction of the stats you're referring to?


Originally Posted by skol (Post 2445079)
Seems to be working fine in firefox..

Chrome is reporting:

There is a serious error and the page cannot be rendered

IE is reporting:

The website cannot display the page

Please check your PHP error logs, without a PHP error message I cannot assist you :(


skol 10-02-2013 09:08 AM

Thanks,I see the issue is only present when the board is switched off..I think my browser was caching on firefox thats why It worked.
Turning the board on rectifies the problem.Possibly a bug.To reproduce it you need to connect using another device with the board switched off.

DragonByte Tech 10-02-2013 07:26 PM

I'll have to re-test this with vB 5.0.5 soon, I'm currently rather swamped with other projects :(


skol 10-02-2013 08:23 PM

Thats the only fault I can find with it..Nice job, thank you.Marked as installed.

clghdotnet 10-04-2013 04:48 AM

This mod is not compality with VBB 5.0.5, update pls.

DragonByte Tech 10-06-2013 03:08 PM

Please have patience while I am currently bogged down with other projects until I have had a chance to update the vB5 mods to 5.0.5. Thank you :)


ficland 10-13-2013 04:43 AM

The newest reply is on Oct 13 for topic A but the static always dispalys the newest reply in on Oct 8 (the date that I install the mod). No problem with the catch because I test on different computer.


DragonByte Tech 11-05-2013 11:47 AM

Is that something you can replicate with all topics, or just one?


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