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-   -   Integration with vBulletin - Integrated Classifieds Plugin - by Panjo (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=285283)

FannBlade 08-11-2012 12:48 AM


Originally Posted by Enthusify (Post 2353730)
Today: August 2, 2012, we released the latest version of the vBulletin classifieds plugin. This version, 1.4.0, includes a few performance enhancements. This version also addresses an issue for forums running on servers configured to block the allow_url_fopen php function.

Do we need to make the upgrade on our end or does it propagate like the previous update?

Syxguns 08-11-2012 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by xlguy (Post 2349454)
I'd much prefer pay an annual license fee (or better still, a one-off fee). We know a number of forums that need a decent classifieds offering and would be prepared to pay a decent amount (i.e. a lot more than the vB license itself) to get one that they can install and run - without the fee system.

I've got one for you. I spent a lot of money for the modification. PM me if you would like to see how it works. I can't place it here because I have to charge a 1 time fee for it.
But after that it's yours!

Enthusify 08-11-2012 03:09 AM


Originally Posted by FannBlade (Post 2356115)
Do we need to make the upgrade on our end or does it propagate like the previous update?

This updates requires that you manually update your plugin. Scroll up > download the latest plugin 1.4.0. ( Attachment 140266 )

Enthusify 08-30-2012 08:20 PM

New feature available today... forums using the Enthusify classifieds plugin for vBulletin can now add a widget to their forum that highlights listings in the marketplace. Here is a screen shot of the widget that corresponds to the classifieds section of our partner, a site for Acura NSX enthusiasts.


Enthusify 09-10-2012 07:34 PM

Awesome new feature in the Enthusify classifieds plugin for vBulletin released today.

Now, you can create a thread for every new listing in the marketplace in a designated subforum of your choosing. This release (v 1.4.3) also includes some minor bug fixes and performance enhancements.

fishmaster 09-10-2012 10:57 PM

Want to pay a yearly fee to use the script.

Ability to charge user to list an ad.

No Escrow visible anywhere, member could use their own Pay Pal if so inclined.

Give me that, I send $ fast.

Enthusify 09-10-2012 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by fishmaster (Post 2364462)
I want...

We are just a 6-9 weeks away from supporting these requests. Feel free to drop me an email (chad@enthusify.com) and I can email you when we can meet these minimum requirements.

fishmaster 09-12-2012 01:34 PM

I would easily pay $100+ Annually.

Enthusify 09-13-2012 03:25 AM

New feature released today: vBulletin power sellers can now sell multiple of an item with admin approval. This means that if a seller has 10 or 100 of an item, the seller can create one listing and sell out his/her item from that single listing.

Enthusify 09-13-2012 10:36 PM

In one of our recent updates, we added the ability to automatically generate a new thread in a particular subforum when someone creates a listing. A few of you wanted to modify the "Post New Thread" button in that subforum so that it linked to the marketplace.

This post from vBulletin.com explains how to do it!

Enthusify 09-21-2012 04:59 PM

We released lots of new features to our vBulletin classifieds plugin in the last week:
1) New option to generate revenue for your forum from successful sales.
DETAILS: You set a fee in the form of a flat % that you wish to retain from each successful sale.
2) New cobranding options - you can now add a header image. (not THAT big of a deal - but frequently requested)
3) New promotional options for listings.

NEXT: the option to display listings in a photo-centric grid view.

sivaganeshk 09-27-2012 08:49 AM

Integration with other payment processors ?
Like ccavenue (for Indian users)

Paypal is always not a solution in few countries.

Enthusify 09-27-2012 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by sivaganeshk (Post 2368939)
Integration with other payment processors ?
Like ccavenue (for Indian users) Paypal is always not a solution in few countries.

Thanks for this inquiry. At this time, the plugin just supports the US dollar. When a seller lists an item for sale, the seller can only list the item in US Dollars. When a buyer buys an item, the buyer pays in US Dollars. We have a release forthcoming that will support more currencies and more payment facilitators that better align with the solution of choice in a given country.

It should be noted that the included payment processing tools are 100% optional. A buyer and seller can agree to pay through a method other than the included payment processing tools.

If you are interested in funding the work required to integrate with ccavenue, we are happy to discuss that with you. Drop us an email at: chad@enthusify.com Otherwise, watch this thread and we will post an update the moment the plugin has more currency handlers.

fishmaster 09-27-2012 08:07 PM


t should be noted that the included payment processing tools are 100% optional.
There visible still though.

Explaining that on a large forum would be a bridge to far.

Let us pay a fee to you annually, take the cash,and let us run with Pay Pal.

Or bundle the script and sell it as a stand alone for VB.

Enthusify 09-28-2012 10:35 PM

Another week, another set of new features and performance enhancements for Enthusify's vBulletin classifieds plugin. The latest release (1.4.4) includes:
a) A new gallery view of seller's listings
b) A performance enhancement as a result of more efficient photo handling
c) A bug fix for IE users

ChiNa 09-28-2012 11:30 PM

This is one is an excellent and a stylish mod,, Well done sir!

Enthusify 09-30-2012 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by ChiNa-Man (Post 2369375)
This is one is an excellent and a stylish mod,, Well done sir!

Thanks for the kind words!

Enthusify 10-04-2012 04:18 AM

Enthusify just shipped 10 bug fixes and features. No action is required. All these updates automatically populated to our partners.

Feature: 'Edit listing' button color changed for improved usability.
Feature: Members can now see sold listings. This helps sellers price their items and helps with SEO.
Feature: More clear 'New Listing' steps.

Bug fix: 'Cancel' button in light box now works when composing a message.
Bug fix: 'Learn more' link fixed when editing an existing listing.
Bug fix: Changing the title of a listing no longer breaks a listing's URL.
Bug fix: Editing a listing no longer creates a new thread.
Bug fix: Listings now support a greater range of high bit order characters.
Bug fix: Attribute values are order properly.
Bug fix: Grid/listing view choices persist within a session.

FannBlade 10-05-2012 11:29 AM

Keep those updates coming. Great work!

Enthusify 10-05-2012 07:27 PM

New feature released today: Site owners, moderators, and administrators can now moderate listings from within the Enthusify plugin.

Enthusify 10-18-2012 10:36 PM

The Enthusify team just released a great new feature: Seller profile pages.
The new seller profile pages highlight all the listings from a seller. These pages will soon contain seller ratings.

In recent days, Enthusify shipped the following new features and fixes:
1) Seller profile pages.
2) The ability for community members to see sold listings
3) A new 'success' message upon the completion of creating a new listing
4) Moderation tools for forum administrators and moderators
5) An increase in the number of items that display in the default view
6) Improved photo compression and handling
7) Improved handling of special characters
8) Improved handling of the threads that the plugin creates in a vBulletin sub forum

We plan to ship the following features in coming days:
a) The ability for a seller to indicate he/she wants to be paid via check
b) The ability for a seller to opt out of the 'buy now' button
c) Tools to facilitate price negotiation (OBO/'haggle' system)
d) The ability for a seller to access 'sold' listings from 'My Listings'
e) Improvements to the photo upload user interface
f) A Facebook share button on listings
g) The ability for an admin to choose to display relevant listings from eBay from within Enthusify

And after that...
i) more fee and access controls around vBulletin user groups

lazytown 10-18-2012 11:17 PM

IMHO Buyer/Seller feedback is the single most important feature that seems to be missing.

Enthusify 10-25-2012 07:48 PM

I am very excited to announce that the Enthusify classifieds plugin now allows sellers to opt out of the embedded payment processing and protection tools. The latest release also allows sellers to choose how Enthusify transfers the buyer's payment to the seller, PayPal, Check, or Direct Deposit. We know that a number of you have been anxiously awaiting this feature.

Here is a screen shot of the options a seller sees when he/she is creating a listing:

Enthusify 11-02-2012 06:11 PM

Here is a new animated tour of Enthusify's vBulletin classifieds plugin. This tour highlights features introduced in recent days and a few features that are coming out in the next few weeks.

GameOverViper 11-03-2012 12:12 AM

Would this work as a website listing page? Let me explain, I have a site that has many other sites who come on and recruit for a clan, it's an Xbox 360 Clan Recruitment forum. I want something similar to your mod that allows clans to make a clan page using something like this, using the navigation and options menu on the left to narrow the searches down to games, etc.. Would this be editable for what I'm wanting to do?

Enthusify 11-03-2012 02:46 AM


Originally Posted by GameOverViper (Post 2377947)
Would this work as a website listing page? Let me explain, I have a site that has many other sites who come on and recruit for a clan, it's an Xbox 360 Clan Recruitment forum. I want something similar to your mod that allows clans to make a clan page using something like this, using the navigation and options menu on the left to narrow the searches down to games, etc.. Would this be editable for what I'm wanting to do?

Is there any commerce involved? Does anyone need to pay anyone else?

smoknz28 11-03-2012 05:12 PM

This does look interesting and I would like to install the Classifieds however, it doesn't seem to be compatible with v4.2.

Is there a newer version in the works for those of us with vBulletin v4.2?

Thank you.

Enthusify 11-04-2012 03:31 AM


Originally Posted by smoknz28 (Post 2378115)
This does look interesting and I would like to install the Classifieds however, it doesn't seem to be compatible with v4.2.

Is there a newer version in the works for those of us with vBulletin v4.2?

Thank you.

It is positively compatible with 4.2. Running on 4.2 here:

Shoot me an email with your URl and we can get you set up. chad@enthusify.com

vb50kgpoo 11-04-2012 07:42 AM

I think you are doing a good job by listening to what people want, and am sorry for the sticky mail reply I sent you. I will keep watching this mod / space. I have just removed mary's orrible classifieds AKA microclassifieds from my site, after having paid for the premium license only for the developer to disappear without fixing the bugs, and for more bugs to appear as new browser and vB versions were released.

I am now putting classifieds in a classifieds forum section. This is not ideal by any stretch of the imagination but at least the search engines like it as I have vbseo, and they were not so keen on microclassifieds. An auction feature would be nice but unless you have the visitors to justify it, it is just a kneejerk need possibly. Feedback is important; I have intsalled iTrader and it is OK but there is nothing really on my site pulling people to the actual classifieds right now. I liked microclassifieds for this, because it enabled me to put snipets and widgets (picture and text click me's) everywhere.

vb50kgpoo 11-04-2012 07:46 AM

BTW Your photobucket screen shots are dead
Search Results | Item for Sale

vb50kgpoo 11-04-2012 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by Enthusify (Post 2375968)
I am very excited to announce that the Enthusify classifieds plugin now allows sellers to opt out of the embedded payment processing and protection tools. The latest release also allows sellers to choose how Enthusify transfers the buyer's payment to the seller, PayPal, Check, or Direct Deposit. We know that a number of you have been anxiously awaiting this feature.

Here is a screen shot of the options a seller sees when he/she is creating a listing:

Is it possible to turn all payment options off? Where you let the seller and buyer sort out bewteen themselves the old fashioned way of getting / making payment?

FannBlade 11-04-2012 11:41 AM

I have been running this app almost from day one. I have to say I think it's amazing how quickly you are implementing all the updates and how smoothly the upgrades work.

Thank You for the amazing effort, keep up the great work!

motorhaven 11-04-2012 11:11 PM

Any news on performance issues? Been approached by you at one of my forums, but every example I can find of this installed the performance/load times of the pages seems horribly slow.

Enthusify 11-05-2012 03:56 AM


Originally Posted by vb50kgpoo (Post 2378254)
Is it possible to turn all payment options off? Where you let the seller and buyer sort out bewteen themselves the old fashioned way of getting / making payment?

At this second, there isn't a site site way to default to turn the payments option off. On a listing-by-listing basis, a seller can select "none" and go at it the old fashioned way.

Enthusify 11-05-2012 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by motorhaven (Post 2378428)
Any news on performance issues? Been approached by you at one of my forums, but every example I can find of this installed the performance/load times of the pages seems horribly slow.

We recently made one performance fix whereby we create compressed versions of listing photos as the listing comes in. However, we have more to do in the performance department. There is some cacheing we can be doing and some static html rendering we could implement. Our focus as of late has been on features to facilitate buyer and seller efficiency, security, and success. We will return to performance enhancements shortly.

Enthusify 11-10-2012 06:49 PM

We are excited to announce a massive update:

User group access and fee customization!
  • You can determine whether or not a usergroup can sell an item in the marketplace.
  • You can specify the transaction fee you wish to retain keep from each transaction, per usergroup.
To take advantage of this feature:
  1. Sign into the vBulletin admin control panel -> Usergroups -> Usergroup Manager
  2. Click “go” to edit the desired usergroup
  3. The second section, Enthusify, has a toggle that controls whether or not that usergroup can sell.
  4. There is also a field to enter a fee. Type in a number (max of two decimals) that represents the % fee you’d like to collect from each successful sale. Do NOT include the % sign.
  5. Save.
  6. Note: These fields will be applied according to the PRIMARY usergroup that each user belongs to. If a user’s primary usergroup cannot sell an item, but is a member of a usergroup that can sell, the fee from the secondary usergroup will apply.
New Or Best Offer (OBO) system!
  • When creating a listing, a seller can indicate if he/she would like to accept best offers for the item.
  • If a seller is accepting offers, buyers can submit an offer from the item’s info page.
  • Using the messaging system, a seller can send a buyer a link to a unique checkout page that corresponds to a special price for the item.
  • Sellers can cancel offers they’ve sent to buyers.
Usability enhancements!
  • Improved email copy, layout, and design for sellers when their item sells.
  • Improved email copy, layout, and design to notify a member that someone messaged them via the marketplace.
  • Improved the image upload process and user interface for a seller creating a listing.
  • Various improvements to buttons, forms, and backgrounds.
  • Various minor improvements to the messaging system.
  • Various minor bug fixes.
Thread prefixes!
  • vBulletin threads created by Enthusify now work with an existing plugin (made by JamesGunner at vBulletin.org) that allow you to append a prefix to threads posted to a subforum.
  • The necessary files and instructions are included in the latest Enthusify zip package.
  • Be an awesome member of the vBulletin community and click “MARK AS INSTALLED” here to give JamesGunner credit for his plugin.
Postbit template
  • You can optionally add a link to your member's postbit template that links to the member's items for sale in the marketplace.

lazytown 11-15-2012 04:18 AM

Add seller/buyer feedback ratings and I would be willing to install this on a couple of big boards.

Enthusify 11-15-2012 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by vissa (Post 2381178)
Add seller/buyer feedback ratings and I would be willing to install this on a couple of big boards.

It is on its way. Tomorrow evening at the earliest. Early next week at the latest.

Naijasite 11-15-2012 09:29 PM

Please i just email you, send me market id and privet key.

Thanks in advance

lazytown 11-16-2012 01:27 AM

I noticed the performance issues on several live sites I visited -- whatever you can do in this regard would be a big improvement. Offloading as much as you can to the forum servers would probably help (instead of everything coming/going directly from the enthusify servers). Put more into the plugin and on the forum owners site (example: pictures). Just send/receive text from enthusify and nothing else.. That would help performance massively. If nothing else, at least use a CDN for the pictures if they remain on enthusify, which should take less than a couple hours to set up and will remove huge bandwidth loads off your server.

14 Day escrow seems crazy, especially if 95% of your audience is based in the US.. 7 Days would be the absolute max. It should really just be once the buyer/seller confirm receipt, funds are released manually. Also I would think about using paypal and applying fees for special sections.

VIDEOS in ads would be awesome! It could just be a video embed from youtube (why reinvent the wheel). Perhaps charge users extra for more than 1 picture, or the ability to include a video? Extra for listings that can show up on forum home, etc? Again, you wouldn't have to create any video upload/playing software, just allow customers to insert youtube embed links (nicely).

Has there been a change in the ability for admins to create categories and/or options per category? This is important -- almost necessary really.

Keep up the good work!

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