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SuperDude 05-06-2012 08:53 AM


nacaruncr 05-07-2012 01:22 AM

Did you add more phrases in this version (2.0)??
To translate this new version :D
Regards :D

Badshah93 05-07-2012 03:44 AM


Originally Posted by nacaruncr (Post 2326912)
Did you add more phrases in this version (2.0)??
To translate this new version :D
Regards :D

didn't added any new phrase, just changed a plugin and one php file.

nacaruncr 05-07-2012 03:56 AM

ok :) thanks for the new version :)
regards man ;)

kauka 05-09-2012 06:50 AM

This is an awesome mod and great job on creating it. Thank YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Syxguns 05-09-2012 07:57 AM

I just installed this and for some reason the images do not show in the quick reply or the advanced reply screen. I just have 4 blank boxes. I took a look at the code and the seem to be being called from the image/buttons directory and not the images/editor, which is fine.

I tried changing the images from gif to png, but no success with that. I'm running 4.1.12 PL1, and maybe that is the reason. Are you going to update for the latest version or is there another solution to this problem?

Many thanks, I like the Mod, but I need it to work for me to use it. Temporarily I'm going to disable it.

Badshah93 05-09-2012 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by Syxguns (Post 2327596)
I just installed this and for some reason the images do not show in the quick reply or the advanced reply screen. I just have 4 blank boxes. I took a look at the code and the seem to be being called from the image/buttons directory and not the images/editor, which is fine.

I tried changing the images from gif to png, but no success with that. I'm running 4.1.12 PL1, and maybe that is the reason. Are you going to update for the latest version or is there another solution to this problem?

Many thanks, I like the Mod, but I need it to work for me to use it. Temporarily I'm going to disable it.

i developed this mod in vb 4.1.12 only. are you using custom skin ?
if yes, then upload those hide images in ur skin -> buttons directory.

Syxguns 05-09-2012 08:52 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Hmm... My skin is a skin that I made, it's a custom skin only in the fact that I made it with vBulletin. I tried dropping the images in the cpstyles/vBulletin_3_Silver directry but I do not have a buttons directory there. Everything should be off vB. I'm not sure why I don't see the buttons. This message will be eidited, but you can use user name: test password: test1234 as a standard user at: http:www.place4musicians.com to see for yourself. I'm going to attach a pic to show you.

Badshah93 05-09-2012 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by Syxguns (Post 2327603)
Hmm... My skin is a skin that I made, it's a custom skin only in the fact that I made it with vBulletin. I tried dropping the images in the cpstyles/vBulletin_3_Silver directry but I do not have a buttons directory there. Everything should be off vB. I'm not sure why I don't see the buttons. This message will be eidited, but you can use user name: test password: test1234 as a standard user at: http:www.place4musicians.com to see for yourself. I'm going to attach a pic to show you.

do one thing go to style manager
select your custom skin and click on all style options

then under Image Paths,

find the Button Images Folder and upload those hide images in that folder.

Dave84311 05-09-2012 02:00 PM

How about applying these properties directly to the attachment?


It would be super useful for forum.

Syxguns 05-09-2012 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by Badshah93 (Post 2327608)
do one thing go to style manager
select your custom skin and click on all style options

then under Image Paths,

find the Button Images Folder and upload those hide images in that folder.

The button images folder is pointed to the correct directory, so it should work. I don't know why but maybe there is another mod that is messing with it. I will try to disable them one at a time. I'm guessing that others are not having the same issue?

Alex@bulletin 05-09-2012 05:37 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Don't forget to phrase :p:p:p



Badshah93 05-10-2012 03:38 AM


Originally Posted by Syxguns (Post 2327792)
The button images folder is pointed to the correct directory, so it should work. I don't know why but maybe there is another mod that is messing with it. I will try to disable them one at a time. I'm guessing that others are not having the same issue?

i don't think anybody is having this issue. if you want you can pm me admin details will try to fix it.

Syxguns 05-10-2012 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by Badshah93 (Post 2327886)
i don't think anybody is having this issue. if you want you can pm me admin details will, will try to fix it.

Done! Please inform me of anything that you notice. Thank you!

Syxguns 05-11-2012 07:23 AM

For some reason no matter what I try I can't get the images to show on this mod.:confused:

I've temporarily disabled it, but it would be great if I could remove the buttons from the text editor, and still be able to use the codes. I primarily want it for mods and admin.

I'm happy for all those that have it working!!:)

mitch84 05-11-2012 11:09 AM

hi, a date for version gold? thank you

Badshah93 05-11-2012 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by mitch84 (Post 2328361)
hi, a date for version gold? thank you

will be releasing soon.. (i am little busy with my upcoming review mod)
gold version includes STU tag. (and 1phrase + 1minor bug fix)

mitch84 05-11-2012 02:13 PM

this two request are possible?(excuse my english) thank you

Originally Posted by mitch84 (Post 2325825)
Hi, can you add a option for use this hack with thanks dbtech? thank you


Originally Posted by Nirjonadda (Post 2325879)
You can add hidden content message with image?


Badshah93 05-11-2012 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by mitch84 (Post 2328423)
this two request are possible?(excuse my english) thank you

2nd one i will do it in gold version.

first one is also possible but i have no intention to do it as this mod already have post thank you hack and vbseo like system integrated.

mitch84 05-11-2012 04:27 PM

ok, thank you

Syxguns 05-12-2012 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by Badshah93 (Post 2328439)
2nd one i will do it in gold version.

first one is also possible but i have no intention to do it as this mod already have post thank you hack and vbseo like system integrated.

You do not have to do it, but I as well as many other vB users know that DBTech (Dragonbyte) creates, updates and integrates so many mods that they are well known in the community of vBulletin.

For example Pro Version:

Infinite Buttons: Ability to create new buttons to press! No longer do you need to be limited by Thanks / Like / Dislike.

Auto Collapse Posts: Collapses a post so it doesnt show up by using a formulae for button clicks of your choosing.

User Postbit Config: Lets users decide what postbit stats they want to see.

Additional permissions: Un-click a button. Control how many stats show on the statistics page, set permissions per subforum.

Integrated Controls: You can now integrate the button clicking controls into the post footer, like many of you requested.

Buttons in First Post Only: This allows you to only make the first post thankable. If you forum is based around news, releases or anything similar this will allow your users to easily see the quality of the thread in question.

Button Click Anonymity: This feature will be extremely helpful to forums who like the idea of a "dislike" button, but don't like the drama it brings. Now you can set certain buttons to be anonymous - no one will see who clicked.

Post Colour Thresholds: Ever wanted an easy way for members to tell if a post is helpful or trash? Colour thresholds let you change the colour of posts depending on how many clicks of a button they receive. Members can now see at a glance whether or not a post is helpful, interesting or pointless.
And that does not even mention the integration of this system with vBActivity! DBTech is very highly used and recommended, whether it is the free version or the pro version. Abe 1 is a nice hack, but not as nice as DBTech. I removed DBTech to install Abe 1 for this Mod.:eek:

Syxguns 05-13-2012 05:52 AM

I noticed something in firebug, when trying to figure out what the error was. If you notice I placed a blank line right before the URL string. Notice the string does not give a direct location! Well, it does, but does so twice, and I'm trying to find out in the template editor where that line of code is so I can correct it. Do you know where this line is located?


<a id="cke_61" class="cke_off cke_button_Hide" onclick="CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(134, this); return false;" onfocus="return CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(133, event);" onkeydown="return CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(132, event);" onblur="this.style.cssText = this.style.cssText;" aria-labelledby="cke_61_label" role="button" hidefocus="true" tabindex="-1" title="Wrap [HIDE] tags around selected text">

<span class="cke_icon" style="background-image:url(http://Place4Musicians.com/music/http://Place4Musicians.com/music/images/buttons/hide.gif?t=B8DJ5M3);background-position:0 0px;">&nbsp;</span>
<span id="cke_61_label" class="cke_label">Wrap [HIDE] tags around selected text</span>

Badshah93 05-13-2012 07:55 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Syxguns (Post 2328918)
I noticed something in firebug, when trying to figure out what the error was. If you notice I placed a blank line right before the URL string. Notice the string does not give a direct location! Well, it does, but does so twice, and I'm trying to find out in the template editor where that line of code is so I can correct it. Do you know where this line is located?


<a id="cke_61" class="cke_off cke_button_Hide" onclick="CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(134, this); return false;" onfocus="return CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(133, event);" onkeydown="return CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(132, event);" onblur="this.style.cssText = this.style.cssText;" aria-labelledby="cke_61_label" role="button" hidefocus="true" tabindex="-1" title="Wrap [HIDE] tags around selected text">

<span class="cke_icon" style="background-image:url(http://Place4Musicians.com/music/http://Place4Musicians.com/music/images/buttons/hide.gif?t=B8DJ5M3);background-position:0 0px;">&nbsp;</span>
<span id="cke_61_label" class="cke_label">Wrap [HIDE] tags around selected text</span>

try this attach file, i have made the changes for you specially. (it will pull images from images/button)

unzip and upload plugin.js file in clientscript/ckeplugins/hidetags

Syxguns 05-13-2012 08:28 AM

Almost worked perfectly! Had to use firebug to see where images were. First showed images located in:

So I dropped the buttons/images from the mod in that location. Now only one image is not showing and it gives me the same kind of URL.


Currently this is the only button that has the loop with URL after URL. Thanks for the quick fix on the java script file. Almost there! :)

Badshah93 05-13-2012 08:35 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Syxguns (Post 2328934)
Almost worked perfectly! Had to use firebug to see where images were. First showed images located in:

So I dropped the buttons/images from the mod in that location. Now only one image is not showing and it gives me the same kind of URL.


Currently this is the only button that has the loop with URL after URL. Thanks for the quick fix on the java script file. Almost there! :)

ya, i missed showtogroups tag..
try ths attach file.

Syxguns 05-13-2012 05:32 PM

I'm still receiving the double url on showtogroups button. I placed the new file in twice to double check.

Badshah93 05-13-2012 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by Syxguns (Post 2329046)
I'm still receiving the double url on showtogroups button. I placed the new file in twice to double check.

i have corrected the directory in last one.
delete old file first and then upload new one.

Hippy 05-13-2012 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by Badshah93 (Post 2325886)
CMS Widget (Recent Forum Posts) doesn't have any plugin hook, so manual edit is required to strip hide bbcodes from recent forum posts widget.

Open file -> packages/vbcms/widget/recentposts.php

PHP Code:

            $post['previewtext'] = fetch_censored_text($parser->get_preview($post['pagetext'], $this->default_previewlen$allow_html));
$post['pagetext'] = fetch_censored_text($parser->do_parse($post['pagetext'], $allow_html)); 

Add Below:

PHP Code:

            if (vB::$vbulletin->options[hide_hack_sett_main]) 
$post['previewtext'] = $vfc_hide->strip_hide_bbcodes($post['previewtext'], 'email');
$post['pagetext'] = $vfc_hide->strip_hide_bbcodes($post['pagetext'], 'email');

thanks , this seems very promising .. anything to do with abe1's mod
thanks for the release..
and the above works with suite
but in forum only the widgets on the right also need to be edited .. different file..


Badshah93 05-13-2012 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by Hippy (Post 2329078)
thanks , this seems very promising .. anything to do with abe1's mod
thanks for the release..
and the above works with suite
but in forum only the widgets on the right also need to be edited .. different file..


sideblock also doesnt use plugins, so manual edit is required to strip hide tags.

To Strip HIDE TAG's from sideblock

Open -> includes/block/newpost.php file

PHP Code:

                $post['message'] = $this->get_summary($post['message'], $this->config['newposts_messagemaxchars']); 

Add Above:
PHP Code:

global $vfc_hide
$post['message'] = $vfc_hide->strip_hide_bbcodes($post['message'], 'email'); 

Hippy 05-13-2012 07:47 PM

thanks Badshah

Hippy 05-13-2012 08:17 PM


Been playing around with this ..
and I got to say for a Beta .. it's works very well..

I never looked into hide mods..
but I like it a lot



> insert 2 thumbs up

Syxguns 05-14-2012 12:03 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Badshah93 (Post 2329056)
i have corrected the directory in last one.
delete old file first and then upload new one.

Ah, I took a look at the code, and the last line for the showtogroups tag was wrong. I made the correction to it, and now all my images show! Many thanks! Now I can start playing with it!! I've attached the updated plugins file just in case someone else has the same problem I was having!

Hippy 05-14-2012 01:13 AM

1 Attachment(s)
there are 3 templates that are not being cached when you click on Go Advanced




Badshah93 05-14-2012 02:54 AM


Originally Posted by Hippy (Post 2329159)
there are 3 templates that are not being cached when you click on Go Advanced




ya, forgot to add "newreply" in this_script array.
will do it in gold release.

gold release will be released within 2 days of time.

Nirjonadda 05-14-2012 08:28 AM

"Option based on Post Count" Permissions Based on Post Count...Post count user must have before can shown all HIDE TAG without reply/thanks, You can add This Options in gold or lite version ?

Hippy 05-14-2012 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by Nirjonadda (Post 2329218)
"Option based on Post Count" Permissions Based on Post Count...Post count user must have before can shown all HIDE TAG without reply/thanks, You can add This Options in gold or lite version ?

If I understand you correctly this option is there already

Hippy 05-14-2012 10:11 AM

@ Badshah93 is it me or if this hide is used in a post other than the first one

Example.. 5 posts down and you have a thanks hide code ,and you poke thanks it brings you all the way to the top of the page .. testing this mod I found it to be annoying.. was easy to loss you spot if there was 4 or so posts under and above...

Nirjonadda 05-14-2012 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by Hippy (Post 2329231)
If I understand you correctly this option is there already

This option for only [HIDE-POSTS] (Default number of posts user must have to see HIDE-POSTS tag content ) not for all HIDE TAG ?
Try to add This Options Permissions Based on Post Count...Post count user must have before can shown all HIDE TAG "[HIDE-REPLY] [HIDE-POSTS] [HIDE-THANKS] [HIDE-REPLY-THANKS] [SHOWTOGROUPS] [HIDE]" without reply/thanks

Hippy 05-14-2012 11:17 AM

There are group permissions and forum permissions
should have to test .when I get home. But I think I did test this. But you could be correct

Badshah93 05-14-2012 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by Hippy (Post 2329235)
@ Badshah93 is it me or if this hide is used in a post other than the first one

Example.. 5 posts down and you have a thanks hide code ,and you poke thanks it brings you all the way to the top of the page .. testing this mod I found it to be annoying.. was easy to loss you spot if there was 4 or so posts under and above...

i didn't got single time this problem while developing this mod. have you modified post_thank_you button code ?
and in which browser did you got this problem ?

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