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-   -   Anti-Spam Options - Hostname or Useragent Registration Ban (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=279110)

nhawk 09-07-2012 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by Bruce1984 (Post 2363390)
Nice mod, thank you for releasing and your continuous work on it.

I have not downloaded/tested it yet, but I've got one little question; is it possible to like edit the message that will be shown once a username/hostagent has been blocked?

Basically, like you mentioned, it wouldn't be too bad if an occasional human would be prevented from registering. But if it would happen often, for example if you choose to prevent people using proxies when registering (but fine when browsing), the message could show something along the lines of "If you are trying to register and feel you are wrongfully being blocked, feel free to message support[at]host[dot]com"?

In the above case, you're not immediately allowing people to register anyway and can verify a 'legitimate' user by the correspondence with him/her. At least, that's what I'm thinking :).

The message that is displayed is a vB phrase and can be edited to say whatever you want.

Bruce1984 09-07-2012 04:41 PM

Awesome! Also, thanks for your quick reply :).

Barcham 03-03-2014 04:22 PM

Lately I've been getting a ton of registration attempts lately, all with either iPod or iPhone user agents and the majority of them coming from the same host - vpn999. I have a couple of mods installed, Spam Hammer and Proxy Alert, which seemed to be blocking most of them - neither program sends me an alert email or PM when blocking a registration, sot their effectiveness was not really known - but a few were still getting through. This really wasn't much of a problem because they never confirmed the verification email and as a result had no access to my board. But it was still a pain.

So I was over on Ozzy's site and came across a thread about stopping spammers and decided to give this mod a shot. Wow!! In the little over a day since it's been installed, It's stopped 15 bots from registering and notified me of each one with a nice, clear PM. So now while they're still lurking around, trying to modify their user profile that was never created, I sit back and laugh at them. :D

I noticed that no one has posted in this thread for over a year and a half so I figured I'd give it a bump. It's a great mod and really helpful to stop spammers. If you decide to install it, visit Ozzy's site to download the list of hostnames and user agents which is what really makes this mod work so effectively.

Here's the original link that led me here. There are a few other very useful mods listed there also! http://ozzmodz.com/showthread.php/50...g-Spam-Is-Over

Huge thanks again to Ozzy47 and Max Taxable for their work to keep spammers at bay!!!

Max Taxable 03-03-2014 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by Barcham (Post 2484772)
Lately I've been getting a ton of registration attempts lately, all with either iPod or iPhone user agents and the majority of them coming from the same host - vpn999. I have a couple of mods installed, Spam Hammer and Proxy Alert, which seemed to be blocking most of them - neither program sends me an alert email or PM when blocking a registration, sot their effectiveness was not really known - but a few were still getting through. This really wasn't much of a problem because they never confirmed the verification email and as a result had no access to my board. But it was still a pain.

So I was over on Ozzy's site and came across a thread about stopping spammers and decided to give this mod a shot. Wow!! In the little over a day since it's been installed, It's stopped 15 bots from registering and notified me of each one with a nice, clear PM. So now while they're still lurking around, trying to modify their user profile that was never created, I sit back and laugh at them. :D

I noticed that no one has posted in this thread for over a year and a half so I figured I'd give it a bump. It's a great mod and really helpful to stop spammers. If you decide to install it, visit Ozzy's site to download the list of hostnames and user agents which is what really makes this mod work so effectively.

Here's the original link that led me here. There are a few other very useful mods listed there also! http://ozzmodz.com/showthread.php/50...g-Spam-Is-Over

Huge thanks again to Ozzy47 and Max Taxable for their work to keep spammers at bay!!!

This is one of the really great and under-appreciated tools in the anti-spam toolbox. Glad you're using it as part of your moat and it's helping.

ozzy47 03-03-2014 09:29 PM

Yeah this mod,I am surprised it has not drawn more attention, I use it, and recommend it. :)

Barcham 03-03-2014 09:44 PM

It works great. Blocked 25 so far and just keeps on going. Sure, some if not all of those may have been blocked by Spam Hammer or Proxy alert but I had at least 2 per day getting through and being able to register. Since I installed this mod, not one bot has made it in.

I did find it surprising, however, that every user agent blocked so far has been either an iPhone or iPod.

ozzy47 03-03-2014 09:46 PM

Yeah that is a new thing they try to do in order to get through. With this mod, and the rest from the post on my site, using the lists I included, you should be good to go. :)

Max Taxable 03-03-2014 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by Barcham (Post 2484852)
It works great. Blocked 25 so far and just keeps on going. Sure, some if not all of those may have been blocked by Spam Hammer or Proxy alert but I had at least 2 per day getting through and being able to register. Since I installed this mod, not one bot has made it in.

I did find it surprising, however, that every user agent blocked so far has been either an iPhone or iPod.

The spam programs can spoof the user agent string. I have seen it happen on my board - failing to get in with IE 6 suddenly I see i-phone from exact IP and provider, not even 10 seconds later.

That's why this is a excellent bullet to have in the anti-spam gun. Still another layer.

Barcham 03-04-2014 02:21 AM


Originally Posted by ozzy47 (Post 2484853)
Yeah that is a new thing they try to do in order to get through. With this mod, and the rest from the post on my site, using the lists I included, you should be good to go. :)

I did download the lists and added them to the mod along with the 'vpn999' that I noticed all the bots were connecting through. All but 5 of the banned bots so far have come from this 'vpn999' host.

Is it wrong of me to get some perverse pleasure seeing these bots spin around in circles? I wonder if they will ever just give up? LOL :D

AK47- 03-04-2014 02:38 PM

This prevent TOR users?

Barcham 03-04-2014 04:46 PM

I use Proxy Alert to block TOR users. It works fine in conjunction with this and other mods I have installed to block spammers.


Max Taxable 03-04-2014 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by AK47- (Post 2485023)
This prevent TOR users?

If you have tor on the list it does.

Barcham 03-04-2014 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by Max Taxable (Post 2484861)
The spam programs can spoof the user agent string. I have seen it happen on my board - failing to get in with IE 6 suddenly I see i-phone from exact IP and provider, not even 10 seconds later.

That's why this is a excellent bullet to have in the anti-spam gun. Still another layer.

Yup. They are definitely spoofing the user agent. I was getting a lot of guests with an iPhone or iPod user agent but now they all seem to have an Android 2.2 one. But despite their pitiful attempts to register, they are still being blocked. I've started a little game with one of my mods where we see who can guess what user agent they will try next! :p

lazytown 03-21-2014 02:07 AM

Would be great if this would post in a thread instead of PMing admin for the blocks.

ozzy47 03-21-2014 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by lazytown (Post 2488653)
Would be great if this would post in a thread instead of PMing admin for the blocks.

TBH, I would just turn off the PM's, once you know the mod is working after sending you some PM's, there is no need for them, you know it is working, so turn them off. :)

BadgerDog 03-21-2014 11:41 AM

Installed with thanks on 4.1.3pl5 for testing, using ossmodz's list of hostnames... :)

Is it better to have Do Whois option ON or OFF?


Max Taxable 03-21-2014 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by BadgerDog (Post 2488713)
Installed with thanks on 4.1.3pl5 for testing, using ossmodz's list of hostnames... :)

Is it better to have Do Whois option ON or OFF?


I keep it on.

BadgerDog 03-21-2014 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by Max Taxable (Post 2488714)
I keep it on.

Thank you .. :)

I've also been trying to locate in "phrases", the text that gets shown...

Can't seem to find it. Is there a phrase I can enter to help locate it?


Edit: also, is their a list of useragents, as in Ozz's hostnames that I could start with?

ozzy47 03-21-2014 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by BadgerDog (Post 2488716)
Thank you .. :)

I've also been trying to locate in "phrases", the text that gets shown...

Can't seem to find it. Is there a phrase I can enter to help locate it?


What text are you talking about?

BadgerDog 03-21-2014 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by ozzy47 (Post 2488717)
What text are you talking about?

Perhaps I'm confused. .. :confused:

I was referencing this post ...


Is there a phrase that the user who's blocked sees?


ozzy47 03-21-2014 12:00 PM

That would be the phrase, hostusercheck_error

BadgerDog 03-21-2014 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by ozzy47 (Post 2488719)
That would be the phrase, hostusercheck_error

Roger that ... :up:

Thanks again ...

Got this running with your list, so will observe and see what happens ... :)


BadgerDog 03-21-2014 12:16 PM

Ok... had to turn it OFF quickly... :D

It's blocking our Sucuri Verified Site monitor access ... :eek:

I checked the hostname in the PM it sent and it's monitor5.sucuri.net which is not in the list .. :confused:

How do I tell this mod that this is ok?

What I don't understand, is why it's blocking a registration when there's no registration needed for this access?



ozzy47 03-21-2014 12:18 PM

I can check it out when I get home, not sure why, as I use sucuri also, and have no issues.

BadgerDog 03-21-2014 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by ozzy47 (Post 2488724)
I can check it out when I get home, not sure why, as I use sucuri also, and have no issues.

Thanks... :)

I have left the mod OFF for now...

I have also sent you a PM with the message I received from mod... ;)


Max Taxable 03-21-2014 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by BadgerDog (Post 2488722)
I checked the hostname in the PM it sent and it's monitor5.sucuri.net which is not in the list ..

See if just 'securi' is on the list.

nhawk 03-21-2014 07:25 PM

'monitor' could also be in the list.

Also without the exact IP address in question, it could be other things.

Such as securi.net is a proxy system. So, if it returned the word 'proxy' and that word is in the list it would be banned.

BadgerDog 03-21-2014 07:32 PM

Neither sucuri nor monitor are in the list ...

I have the exact IP...

Quote: tried to register.

It had a host name of: monitor5.sucuri.net

It had a useragent of: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A341 Safari/528.16; Ipad

nhawk 03-21-2014 07:53 PM

Without seeing your list (please DON'T post that in public), I don't know why it would have banned them. If you want, send me your list via PM and I'll have a look.

The other thing that could be in your list that is associated with that IP is 'LINODE'.

And check your hostname list too. Something might be in there.

Max Taxable 03-21-2014 07:57 PM

If you have it set to do the WHOIS check it might be returning the word "proxy."

nhawk 03-21-2014 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by Max Taxable (Post 2488800)
If you have it set to do the WHOIS check it might be returning the word "proxy."

That's what I thought at first, but it returns..

Hostname: monitor5.sucuri.net
NetName: LINODE-US <------- This is the important one

Max Taxable 03-21-2014 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by nhawk (Post 2488801)
That's what I thought at first, but it returns..

Hostname: monitor5.sucuri.net
NetName: LINODE-US <------- This is the important one

Just so... Just so.

But, not finding that either when I search the list he said he is using.

Max Taxable 03-21-2014 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by BadgerDog (Post 2488722)
What I don't understand, is why it's blocking a registration when there's no registration needed for this access?

If it attempts to register it will be blocked if it is on the list, otherwise nothing happens to it.

That it's using a i-phone as a UA seems strange to me. Using a spoof UA and trying to register aren't the behavior you would expect of a site monitor.

Again, the only way this mod fires is if a register attempt is made. It doesn't block anything else. It does not block access.

The key is, "Tried to register." Sucuri Verified Site Monitor is not blocked from access and it has no legitimate business loading the register page..

Max Taxable 03-21-2014 08:29 PM

Spammer botnets often infect systems such as these site monitors and verifiers. I believe this mod stopped a attempted bot registration. It did its job.

It did not restrict any other access by your site monitoring service. At all. I recommend you turn it back on.

You might ask Sucuri why their bot product is trying to register.

ozzy47 03-21-2014 08:43 PM

That is a legit sucuri IP address.

Doug, what do you have in your robots.txt file?

nhawk 03-21-2014 08:52 PM

As Max said, this add-on only triggers when someone tries to register. It doesn't prevent access to the site. It prevents registration.

So if securi attempted to register and either the hostname or useragent for the securi bot contained blocked information then the add-on did it's job. It blocked a registration, that's all. It didn't prevent access to the site.

Max Taxable 03-21-2014 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by ozzy47 (Post 2488809)
That is a legit sucuri IP address.

Right, which means they are very likely infected and have some botnet zombie computers on their system. It's not at all unusual to see.

Point is, it has no business at all loading the register page or trying to register. This mod did its job.

And his site monitoring service is not blocked from the site. Just the register page, where it doesn't need to be.

I'd leave it.

nhawk 03-21-2014 08:56 PM

Max I wish I could like your posts multiple times, but C'est la vie :D

Max Taxable 03-21-2014 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by nhawk (Post 2488815)
Max I wish I could like your posts multiple times, but C'est la vie :D

Me too, Just tried liking another of yours haha.

BadgerDog 03-21-2014 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by nhawk (Post 2488799)
Without seeing your list (please DON'T post that in public), I don't know why it would have banned them. If you want, send me your list via PM and I'll have a look.

The other thing that could be in your list that is associated with that IP is 'LINODE'.

And check your hostname list too. Something might be in there.

PM's you with list, which is the one Ozz recommended... :)


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