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-   -   Add-On Releases - vBSSO - vBulletin Single Sign-On (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=270517)

whitey10tc 10-09-2011 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by CaneInsider (Post 2251772)
Just let me know how much to donate and please get this rolling! PLEASE!!!

I can cover some, let's get some interest in this.

Guru Samrat 10-09-2011 08:19 AM

bad mod not working

derandechser 10-09-2011 06:24 PM

first thank you for this mod. But i get an error when i fill the platform-fields and get connected:


Warning: call_user_func_array() [function.call-user-func-array]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, 'Logger::warning' was given in /www/xxxx/xxxx/vbsso/includes/functions_logging.php on line 154
What could it be?

Thank you and greetings,

xeagle 10-10-2011 07:01 AM


Originally Posted by derandechser (Post 2255209)
first thank you for this mod. But i get an error when i fill the platform-fields and get connected:


Warning: call_user_func_array() [function.call-user-func-array]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, 'Logger::warning' was given in /www/xxxx/xxxx/vbsso/includes/functions_logging.php on line 154
What could it be?

Thank you and greetings,

Peter, this issue was corrected in newly released vbsso-vbulletin 1.4.1 update. Feel please free to download and install it. In an event of any questions or issues you are welcome to contact us at http://vbsso.com/request-new-feature/ as well.

Thank you,

xeagle 10-10-2011 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by Guru Samrat (Post 2255026)
bad mod not working

Dear Guru Samrat, could you please help us to figure out what kind of issue you are experiencing during working with the plugin. It could be environment or any related issue, whatever. We would be thankful if you could describe your issue in details and post it to us via http://vbsso.com/request-new-feature/ form.

We are looking forward to hear from you and help improving the plugin.

Thank you,

derandechser 10-11-2011 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by xeagle (Post 2255448)
Peter, this issue was corrected in newly released vbsso-vbulletin 1.4.1 update. Feel please free to download and install it. In an event of any questions or issues you are welcome to contact us at http://vbsso.com/request-new-feature/ as well.

Thank you,

Thanks for the fast response and the update, works well now!

eliteguias 10-17-2011 03:57 PM

when someone writes a comment on wordpress.... how is that comment published? like a wordpress comment or in the forum like a post?

Same registration/login its usefull but the option to write comments in the forum like post... would be... :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: (at least the option to chose between wp comments or vb posts)

gsnindia 10-18-2011 12:47 AM

kindly make it to work for the custom application build in vb.net of c# or PHP

Just when a query is passed to the vbulletin it should supply with the true after authentication

xeagle 10-18-2011 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by eliteguias (Post 2258235)
when someone writes a comment on wordpress.... how is that comment published? like a wordpress comment or in the forum like a post?

Same registration/login its usefull but the option to write comments in the forum like post... would be... :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: (at least the option to chose between wp comments or vb posts)

The comment is basically published like a WordPress comment.

Currently that feature is not really a major goal of Single Sign On, but we would be able to see how many people would like to have the similar feature(s) around the plugin to decide about the further steps.

Thanks for the suggestion.

xeagle 10-18-2011 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by gsnindia (Post 2258404)
kindly make it to work for the custom application build in vb.net of c# or PHP

Just when a query is passed to the vbulletin it should supply with the true after authentication

We are planning to publish API later this year. We believe this is exactly what you are looking for. Using API you would be able to integrate vBSSO with your custom platform or application. There is no ETA for API yet. Just keep watching periodically.

Thank you,

eliteguias 10-18-2011 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by xeagle (Post 2258555)
The comment is basically published like a WordPress comment.

Currently that feature is not really a major goal of Single Sign On, but we would be able to see how many people would like to have the similar feature(s) around the plugin to decide about the further steps.

Thanks for the suggestion.

I know, that's the most important: share users and 0 problems with vb and wp updates :)

davide101 10-18-2011 03:15 PM

I can safely say we will keep this product as simple as possible. We cannot support complex integrations, especially with multiple platforms, so it would not be wise to offer them.

If someone wanted to retain xeagle to do programming work ongoing and budget for it, I can highly recommend his services.

MadMakz 10-18-2011 04:33 PM

vB 4.1.7 (Forum only)
vBSSO v1.4.1, first-time install.

when click on "Platforms" or/and "Access Settings" in vBSSO menu:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function print_cp_header() in /<path>/vbsso/includes/functions_template.php on line 19
No logs produced in vbsso/logs (loging level "ALL")

Tue Oct 18 19:45:54 2011,249 [2323] WARN localFileLogger - PHP Unknown Type: [8192] Function split() is deprecated on line 4 in file /<path>/forum.php(651) : eval()'d code. PHP 5.3.6-nmm1 (Linux)
Tue Oct 18 19:49:26 2011,562 [2327] DEBUG localFileLogger - Method execution [vbsso_db_update_vbsso_user_email]: 0/
Tue Oct 18 19:50:58 2011,551 [5625] WARN localFileLogger - PHP Unknown Type: [8192] Function split() is deprecated on line 4 in file /<path>/forum.php(651) : eval()'d code. PHP 5.3.6-nmm1 (Linux)

not quiet sure about this error since line 4 in forum.php is the commented vB versin and licence number?!

other notes: Admin and Mod CP are in custom named folders. vBSSO's "admincp" folder has been renamed accordingly.

Other mods installed:
Change Author And Date 2.2
DownloadsII 6.0.8
KeyCAPTCHA 3.6.0
Mod-Mall.com Remember Me 1.0.0
More Share Options for VB4 by BOP5 Light 2.6
Remove quoted images and videos 1.1
RSS items as posts 0.6
Separate Sticky and Normal Threads 1.1
Skimlinks-Add-on 2.0.7
Steam Connect [BETA] 1.2.1
Tabs en vBulletin 4.x 2.0.3
Thread Starter in Postbit 1.0.3
Usergroup Color Bar 2.1.1
vBadvanced CMPS 4.1.2
vBGamez Lite 4.0.4
vBSSO Single Sign On 1.4.1

nCODE 10-19-2011 02:32 PM

I've got a question: can I use this on two vBulletin sites?

davide101 10-19-2011 03:52 PM

nCODE, not yet. I've been traveling and haven't been able to orchestrate that. I continue to think about ways to handle collisions between users with the same username and email address.

nCODE 10-20-2011 04:04 PM

hmm... well, how about keeping this mind?
like there are two forums: A and B
if a user registers at A an account will automatically be created at B... I think thats possible ;)

davide101 10-20-2011 04:50 PM

The issue is what happens when Johnny signs up for forum B but someone else already has an account called Johnny in forum A. Or what if you have one email address per person and someone has different usernames in Forum A and Forum B. We're open to suggestions on handling these two cases. If one forum starts out empty, then just using a true SSO is ideal. We could probably implement that quickly.

thedarkroom 10-20-2011 08:30 PM

im getting an error when installing this:

PHP Code:

Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO `vbsso_users` (`email`, `emailmd5`, `vbuserid`) SELECT `email`, MD5(LOWER(`email`)), `useridFROM `userWHERE LENGTH(TRIM(`email`)) > 0

what can i do?


i manage to avoid the error by deleting a specific user email, but now im receiving this error on my email:

Time Thread Level Category Message
120 32654 ERROR localEmailLogger Communication: Platform returned error http status code: 100

xeagle 10-28-2011 04:01 AM


Originally Posted by thedarkroom (Post 2259531)
im getting an error when installing this:

PHP Code:

Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO `vbsso_users` (`email`, `emailmd5`, `vbuserid`) SELECT `email`, MD5(LOWER(`email`)), `useridFROM `userWHERE LENGTH(TRIM(`email`)) > 0

what can i do?


i manage to avoid the error by deleting a specific user email, but now im receiving this error on my email:

Time Thread Level Category Message
120 32654 ERROR localEmailLogger Communication: Platform returned error http status code: 100

Could you please let us know if you have MySQL 4.x installed on your server?

thedarkroom 11-01-2011 05:56 AM


Originally Posted by xeagle (Post 2262236)
Could you please let us know if you have MySQL 4.x installed on your server?

took me too much to answer, im really sorry, i managed to fix the error by deleting one user haha, and now VBSSO is up and running in two of my wordpress sites :D i <3 this hack, thank you very much for the help

xeagle 11-01-2011 06:07 AM


Originally Posted by thedarkroom (Post 2263391)
took me too much to answer, im really sorry, i managed to fix the error by deleting one user haha, and now VBSSO is up and running in two of my wordpress sites :D i <3 this hack, thank you very much for the help

Sounds great that you have got this working to manage single sign on for all your sites :)

Mukashi 11-03-2011 12:38 PM

Well now, this is a very interesting project.

From the looks of the drop downs on the request feature page, it seems that Mediawiki is on the agenda for a plugin in the future. One thing I am interested in though is if it'd be able to connect an already existing user database (from Mediawiki, or any other system) to the vBulletin database (and allow for a single sign-on), so that people who already have accounts on both would simply be linking their accounts, rather than creating a whole new account. One thing that was a dealbreaker for us with similar modifications in the past is that we use an addon to allow our forum members to change their username, which doesn't work when the addon only matches exact usernames. We'd be looking for something which matches on the forum side based on the user ID number.

xeagle 11-06-2011 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by Mukashi (Post 2264060)
Well now, this is a very interesting project.

From the looks of the drop downs on the request feature page, it seems that Mediawiki is on the agenda for a plugin in the future. One thing I am interested in though is if it'd be able to connect an already existing user database (from Mediawiki, or any other system) to the vBulletin database (and allow for a single sign-on), so that people who already have accounts on both would simply be linking their accounts, rather than creating a whole new account. One thing that was a dealbreaker for us with similar modifications in the past is that we use an addon to allow our forum members to change their username, which doesn't work when the addon only matches exact usernames. We'd be looking for something which matches on the forum side based on the user ID number.

Agreed. So far the plugin is quite good to start a network up quickly from scratch based on vBulletin and WordPress platforms.

From other hand we are in internal brainstorm period of thinking to connect already existing accounts and letting users to change their username and email address in platforms.

If somebody opens to share the vision how they would like to see this, that's greatly appreciated!

Thank you,

AttalaEA 11-06-2011 04:53 PM

Excellent Mod Thank You. Installed, rated 5 stars, and nominated. Keep up the good work. :)

lazytown 11-06-2011 06:44 PM

What happens if a user changes their password on wordpress or on vbulletin?

xeagle 11-06-2011 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by vissa (Post 2265087)
What happens if a user changes their password on wordpress or on vbulletin?

vBSSO actually hides user profile inputs to change password in WordPress. In meantime user is free to change its own password in vBulletin and use it further.

vBSSO doesn't touch passwords in WordPress and single sign-on is relied on passwords stored in vBulletin users database only. Thereby, the passwords in WordPress stay untouched / unchanged as they were prior vBSSO plugin is activated.

xeagle 11-08-2011 04:41 AM


Originally Posted by AttalaEA (Post 2265054)
Hello, Please I have installed your mod and it is fine but when i login it gives me redirect and remains like that without redirecting.

I also now not able to open my wp-admin it is giving me redirecting of vbulletin

You did create accounts and did not specified email address for each registered one. Make sure you have email specified, additionally have no duplicated accounts (accounts with multiple similar email addresses) and your administrative WP account matches to your vBulletin account (username and email).

Thank you,

synseal 11-14-2011 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by MadMakz (Post 2258656)
vB 4.1.7 (Forum only)
vBSSO v1.4.1, first-time install.

when click on "Platforms" or/and "Access Settings" in vBSSO menu:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function print_cp_header() in /<path>/vbsso/includes/functions_template.php on line 19
No logs produced in vbsso/logs (loging level "ALL")

Tue Oct 18 19:45:54 2011,249 [2323] WARN localFileLogger - PHP Unknown Type: [8192] Function split() is deprecated on line 4 in file /<path>/forum.php(651) : eval()'d code. PHP 5.3.6-nmm1 (Linux)
Tue Oct 18 19:49:26 2011,562 [2327] DEBUG localFileLogger - Method execution [vbsso_db_update_vbsso_user_email]: 0/
Tue Oct 18 19:50:58 2011,551 [5625] WARN localFileLogger - PHP Unknown Type: [8192] Function split() is deprecated on line 4 in file /<path>/forum.php(651) : eval()'d code. PHP 5.3.6-nmm1 (Linux)

not quiet sure about this error since line 4 in forum.php is the commented vB versin and licence number?!

other notes: Admin and Mod CP are in custom named folders. vBSSO's "admincp" folder has been renamed accordingly.

Other mods installed:
Change Author And Date 2.2
DownloadsII 6.0.8
KeyCAPTCHA 3.6.0
Mod-Mall.com Remember Me 1.0.0
More Share Options for VB4 by BOP5 Light 2.6
Remove quoted images and videos 1.1
RSS items as posts 0.6
Separate Sticky and Normal Threads 1.1
Skimlinks-Add-on 2.0.7
Steam Connect [BETA] 1.2.1
Tabs en vBulletin 4.x 2.0.3
Thread Starter in Postbit 1.0.3
Usergroup Color Bar 2.1.1
vBadvanced CMPS 4.1.2
vBGamez Lite 4.0.4
vBSSO Single Sign On 1.4.1

Got the exact same error as this member posted on previous page, did you find a solution to this?.


lazytown 11-14-2011 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by xeagle (Post 2265115)
vBSSO actually hides user profile inputs to change password in WordPress. In meantime user is free to change its own password in vBulletin and use it further.

vBSSO doesn't touch passwords in WordPress and single sign-on is relied on passwords stored in vBulletin users database only. Thereby, the passwords in WordPress stay untouched / unchanged as they were prior vBSSO plugin is activated.

So does that mean existing users are automatically enabled in wordpress?

I wanted to make sure that this is 100% compatible with wordpress plugins and themes.

xeagle 11-15-2011 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by synseal (Post 2267935)
Got the exact same error as this member posted on previous page, did you find a solution to this?.


vBSSO doesn't support custom named "admincp" folders originally, but, please be patient and new update of vBSSO is coming within a few days where these issues are taken care of.

Thank you,

xeagle 11-15-2011 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by vissa (Post 2268019)
So does that mean existing users are automatically enabled in wordpress?

I wanted to make sure that this is 100% compatible with wordpress plugins and themes.

Right. If person registers or logs in to vBulletin, having the same email address and username registered previously in WordPress, he is automatically connected.

In case if account doesn't exist in WordPress, vBSSO creates it automatically in WordPress based on vBulletin user profile and all themes and plugins are fully compatible to work for this user.

Thank you,

Akangage 11-23-2011 12:47 PM

When i try to install on my server this message show up

We have detected account duplicates babbtanagerseq@gmail.com. Duplicated accounts should be removed or merged before installing or upgrading this product!
How to solved it?


xeagle 11-23-2011 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by Akangage (Post 2271153)
When i try to install on my server this message show up

How to solved it?


It pops up because you have account duplicates in your forum's users database. There are two options how you can resolve this:
  1. Merge accounts through AdminCP -> Users -> Merge Users.
  2. Or just delete unused account with the similar email address.

Thank you,

synseal 11-23-2011 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by xeagle (Post 2268103)
vBSSO doesn't support custom named "admincp" folders originally, but, please be patient and new update of vBSSO is coming within a few days where these issues are taken care of.

Thank you,

ANy news on the update yet, TIA. :up:

xeagle 11-23-2011 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by synseal (Post 2271221)
ANy news on the update yet, TIA. :up:

The updated version 1.4.2 was released almost a week ago on November 17. Please feel free to download it :)

Thank you,

Da^MsT 11-24-2011 04:24 PM

I'm getting the following error when I'm trying to connect vB (4.1.8) to WP (3.2.1):


tor 24 nov 2011 17.56.41,096 [354865] WARN localFileLogger - PHP WARNING: [2] mcrypt_encrypt() [<a href='function.mcrypt-encrypt'>function.mcrypt-encrypt</a>]: Size of key is too large for this algorithm on line 275 in file /storage/content/62/130000/xxxx.se/public_html/forum/vbsso/includes/sharedapi.php. PHP 5.2.17 (Linux)
tor 24 nov 2011 17.58.26,729 [355262] WARN localFileLogger - PHP WARNING: [2] mcrypt_encrypt() [<a href='function.mcrypt-encrypt'>function.mcrypt-encrypt</a>]: Size of key is too large for this algorithm on line 275 in file /storage/content/62/130000/xxxx.se/public_html/forum/vbsso/includes/sharedapi.php. PHP 5.2.17 (Linux)
tor 24 nov 2011 18.03.23,293 [360888] ERROR localFileLogger - Communication: Unable to accept response:
tor 24 nov 2011 18.03.23,407 [360888] ERROR localFileLogger -
tor 24 nov 2011 18.05.04,091 [361308] ERROR localFileLogger - Communication: Unable to accept response:
tor 24 nov 2011 18.05.04,093 [361308] ERROR localFileLogger -

The key is 7 characters, a-z only. Any suggestions?

Da^MsT 11-24-2011 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by Da^MsT (Post 2271526)
I'm getting the following error when I'm trying to connect vB (4.1.8) to WP (3.2.1):


tor 24 nov 2011 17.56.41,096 [354865] WARN localFileLogger - PHP WARNING: [2] mcrypt_encrypt() [<a href='function.mcrypt-encrypt'>function.mcrypt-encrypt</a>]: Size of key is too large for this algorithm on line 275 in file /storage/content/62/130000/xxxx.se/public_html/forum/vbsso/includes/sharedapi.php. PHP 5.2.17 (Linux)
tor 24 nov 2011 17.58.26,729 [355262] WARN localFileLogger - PHP WARNING: [2] mcrypt_encrypt() [<a href='function.mcrypt-encrypt'>function.mcrypt-encrypt</a>]: Size of key is too large for this algorithm on line 275 in file /storage/content/62/130000/xxxx.se/public_html/forum/vbsso/includes/sharedapi.php. PHP 5.2.17 (Linux)
tor 24 nov 2011 18.03.23,293 [360888] ERROR localFileLogger - Communication: Unable to accept response:
tor 24 nov 2011 18.03.23,407 [360888] ERROR localFileLogger -
tor 24 nov 2011 18.05.04,091 [361308] ERROR localFileLogger - Communication: Unable to accept response:
tor 24 nov 2011 18.05.04,093 [361308] ERROR localFileLogger -

The key is 7 characters, a-z only. Any suggestions?

Never mind, seems my browser cached my first attempt with a much longer key. Clearing the cache did the trick :)

nacaruncr 11-25-2011 03:46 AM

I have this problem:

We have detected account duplicates ---------@hotmail.com, xxxxxxxxx@hotmail.com. Duplicated accounts should be removed or merged before installing or upgrading this product!

How I can fix it?

Akangage 11-25-2011 06:07 AM


Originally Posted by xeagle (Post 2271199)
It pops up because you have account duplicates in your forum's users database. There are two options how you can resolve this:
  1. Merge accounts through AdminCP -> Users -> Merge Users.
  2. Or just delete unused account with the similar email address.

Thank you,

Great :) its solved, anyway how to setup the platform address? it says setting page on connected platform but i can't find it. Is there any detail information regarding it?


Amadeusmq 11-25-2011 09:32 AM

I haven't tried this addon; however, from the documentation on the initial posting, I'm assuming it only works "one way" (i.e., other programs share vbulletin's login.)

However, does this addon work the other direction (or suggest an addon that does?)

Basically, I'm interested in having vbulletin use another authentication for allowing users to login to vbulletin. For example, a person would enter a login/password in vbulletin...then, if it doesn't exist/match, then vbulletin would ask another .php file to authenticate elsewhere before giving up. If that makes sense....

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