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starman? 08-03-2011 01:15 PM

Nice product. Thanks. I was wondering whether it's location within the postbit could be moved? I have reputation points displayed, followed by instant message icons below the social networking logos and it doesn't look as good as I would like. I would like it to appear after the rep points if possible or the very bottom. Any clues to how this could be done please? Also can you tell me which template to edit for the profile block, as I'd like the logos all on one line there too. I only use 5 with 16x16 images, so it looks quite neat. Cheers for any help you can offer.

bosanci28 08-03-2011 06:12 PM

also,works,for me in 4.1.5!

boydy 08-03-2011 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by starman? (Post 2228697)
Nice product. Thanks. I was wondering whether it's location within the postbit could be moved? I have reputation points displayed, followed by instant message icons below the social networking logos and it doesn't look as good as I would like. I would like it to appear after the rep points if possible or the very bottom. Any clues to how this could be done please? Also can you tell me which template to edit for the profile block, as I'd like the logos all on one line there too. I only use 5 with 16x16 images, so it looks quite neat. Cheers for any help you can offer.

Could you post your postbit template please mate as i'm assuming it has been modified, as the plugins use template hooks, it would depend on your template layout.

With regards to the templates to remove the line break it is postbit_social, find and remove <br />

starman? 08-04-2011 06:55 AM

Yes it has been modified. I'm using the country flags mod and also dbtech user status; hope that make sense. cheers

PHP Code:

{vb:raw template_hook.postbit_start}
li class="postbitlegacy postbitim postcontainer" id="post_{vb:raw post.postid}">
see bottom of postbit.css for .userinfo .popupmenu styles -->

div class="posthead">
span class="postdate {vb:raw post.statusicon}">
vb:if condition="$show['announcement']">
span class="date">{vb:rawphrase x_until_y, {vb:raw post.startdate}, {vb:raw post.enddate}}</span>
vb:else />
span class="date">{vb:raw post.postdate}<vb:if condition="!$show['detailedtime']">&nbsp;<span class="time">{vb:raw post.posttime}</span></vb:if></span>
span class="nodecontrols">
vb:if condition="$post['postid'] AND $post['threadid'] AND !$show['moderated']">
a name="post{vb:raw post.postid}" href="{vb:link thread, {vb:raw thread}, {vb:raw pageinfo_post}}#post{vb:raw post.postid}" class="<vb:if condition="$show['inlinemod']">ie</vb:if>postcounter">#{vb:raw post.postcount}</a><a id="postcount{vb:raw post.postid}" name="{vb:raw post.postcount}"></a>
vb:if condition="$show['moderated']">{vb:rawphrase moderated_post}</vb:if>
vb:if condition="$show['inlinemod']">
label for="post_imod_checkbox_{vb:raw post.postid}"><input class="postimod" type="checkbox" id="post_imod_checkbox_{vb:raw post.postid}" name="plist[{vb:raw post.postid}]" value="{vb:raw post.checkbox_value}" /></label>
div class="postdetails">
div class="userinfo">
div class="username_container">
vb:if condition="$post['userid']">
vb:raw memberaction_dropdown}
vb:raw post.onlinestatus}
vb:else />
span class="username guest">{vb:raw post.musername}</span>
span class="usertitle">
vb:raw post.usertitle}
vb:if condition="$post['rank']">
span class="rank">{vb:raw post.rank}</span>
vb:raw template_hook.postbit_userinfo_left}
vb:if condition="$show['reputation']">
span class="postbit_reputation" id="repdisplay_{vb:raw post.postid}_{vb:raw post.userid}">{vb:raw post.reputationdisplay}</span>
vb:if condition="$show['avatar']">
class="postuseravatar" href="{vb:link member, {vb:raw post}}" title="{vb:rawphrase {vb:raw post['onlinestatusphrase']}, {vb:raw post.username}}">
img src="{vb:raw post.avatarurl}" alt="{vb:rawphrase xs_avatar, {vb:raw post.username}}" title="{vb:rawphrase xs_avatar, {vb:raw post.username}}" />
vb:if condition="$post['userid']">
hr />
dl class="userinfo_extra">
vb:if condition="$post['joindate']"><dt>{vb:rawphrase join_date}</dt> <dd>{vb:raw post.joindate}</dd></vb:if>
vb:if condition="$post['field2']"><dt>{vb:rawphrase location_perm}</dt> <dd>{vb:raw post.field2}</dd></vb:if>
vb:if condition="$post['age']"><dt>{vb:rawphrase age}</dt> <dd>{vb:raw post.age}</dd></vb:if>
dt>{vb:rawphrase posts}</dt> <dd>{vb:raw post.posts}</dd>
Wy Country Flags Start -->
vb:if condition="$post['field5']"><style="text-align:left"Country:</dt> <img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/flags/{vb:raw post.field5}.GIF" align="middle" alt="{vb:raw post.field5}" border="" /></vb:if>  
Wy Flags End -->    
vb:raw template_hook.postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts}
vb:if condition="$show['infraction'] OR $show['reppower']">
dl class="user_rep">
vb:if condition="$show['infraction']">
dt>{vb:rawphrase infractions}</dt
dd>{vb:raw post.warnings}/{vb:raw post.infractions} ({vb:raw post.ipoints})</dd>
vb:if condition="$show['reputation']">
vb:if condition="$show['reppower']">
dt>{vb:rawphrase reppower}</dt
dd id="reppower_{vb:raw post.postid}_{vb:raw post.userid}">{vb:raw post.reppower}</dd
vb:raw template_hook.postbit_userinfo_right}
div class="imlinks">
vb:raw post.icqicon} {vb:raw post.aimicon} {vb:raw post.msnicon} {vb:raw post.yahooicon} {vb:raw post.skypeicon}
div class="postbody">
div class="postrow<vb:if condition="$show['postedited'] || $post['signature']"> has_after_content</vb:if>">
vb:raw template_hook.postbit_messagearea_start}
vb:if condition="$post['title'] OR $show['messageicon']">
h2 class="title icon">
vb:if condition="$show['messageicon']"><img src="{vb:raw post.iconpath}" alt="{vb:raw post.icontitle}" /> </vb:if>{vb:raw post.title}

vb:if condition="$post['isfirstshown']">
vb:raw ad_location.ad_showthread_firstpost_start}
vb:raw ad_location.thread_first_post_content}
vb:if condition="$post['islastshown']">
vb:raw ad_location.thread_last_post_content}
div class="content<vb:if condition="$show['first_ad'] OR $show['last_ad']"> hasad</vb:if>">
div id="post_message_{vb:raw post.postid}">
blockquote class="postcontent restore ">
vb:raw post.message}

vb:if condition="$show['attachments']">
div class="attachments">

vb:if condition="$show['thumbnailattachment']">
fieldset class="postcontent">
legend><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/paperclip.png" class="inlineimg" alt="{vb:rawphrase attached_thumbnails}" /> {vb:rawphrase attached_thumbnails}</legend>
vb:raw post.thumbnailattachments}

vb:if condition="$show['imageattachment']">
fieldset class="postcontent">
legend><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/paperclip.png" class="inlineimg" /> {vb:rawphrase attached_images}</legend>
vb:raw post.imageattachments}

vb:if condition="$show['imageattachmentlink']">
fieldset class="postcontent">
legend><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/paperclip.png" class="inlineimg" /> {vb:rawphrase attached_images}</legend>
vb:raw post.imageattachmentlinks}

vb:if condition="$show['otherattachment']">
fieldset class="postcontent">
legend><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/paperclip.png" class="inlineimg" /> {vb:rawphrase attached_files}</legend>
vb:raw post.otherattachments}

vb:if condition="$show['moderatedattachment']">
fieldset class="postcontent">
legend><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/paperclip.png" class="inlineimg" /> {vb:rawphrase attachments_pending_approval}</legend>
vb:raw post.moderatedattachments}

                    <!-- / 
attachments -->
vb:if condition="$show['postedited'] || $post['signature']">
div class="after_content">
vb:if condition="$show['postedited']">
edit note -->
blockquote class="postcontent lastedited">
<!--                    <
img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/edit_40b.png" class="inlineimg" alt="" /> -->
vb:if condition="$show['postedithistory']">
vb:rawphrase last_edited_link_by_x_on_y_at_z_postid, {vb:raw post.edit_username}, {vb:raw post.edit_date}, 
vb:raw post.edit_time}, {vb:raw post.historyurl}}
vb:else />
vb:rawphrase last_edited_by_x_on_y_at_z, {vb:raw post.edit_username}, {vb:raw post.edit_date}, {vb:raw post.edit_time}}
vb:if condition="$post['edit_reason']">
span class="reason">{vb:rawphrase reason}:</span> {vb:raw post.edit_reason}
                <!-- / 
edit note -->
vb:raw template_hook.postbit_signature_start}
vb:raw ad_location.ad_showthread_firstpost_sig}
vb:if condition="$post['signature']">
blockquote class="signature restore"><div class="signaturecontainer">{vb:raw post.signature}</div></blockquote>
vb:raw template_hook.postbit_signature_end}
div class="cleardiv"></div>
div class="postfoot">
            <!-- <
div class="postfoot_container"> -->
div class="textcontrols floatcontainer">
span class="postcontrols">
img style="display:none" id="progress_{vb:raw post.postid}" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/progress.gif" alt="{vb:rawphrase loading_editor_please_wait}" />
vb:if condition="$post['editlink']">
class="editpost" href="{vb:raw post.editlink}" name="vB::QuickEdit::{vb:raw post.postid}"><img src="{vb:raw vboptions.cleargifurl}" id="editimg_{vb:raw post.postid}" alt="{vb:rawphrase edit_delete_message}" /> {vb:rawphrase edit_post}</a
vb:if condition="THIS_SCRIPT != 'usernote' && THIS_SCRIPT != 'announcement'"><span class="seperator">&nbsp;</span></vb:if>
vb:if condition="$show['quickreply'] AND !$show['threadedmode']">
a id="qr_{vb:raw post.postid}" class='quickreply' href="{vb:raw post.replylink}&amp;noquote=1" rel="nofollow"><img id="replyimg_{vb:raw post.postid}" src="{vb:raw vboptions.cleargifurl}" alt="{vb:rawphrase quick_reply_to_this_message}" /> {vb:rawphrase reply}</a
span class="seperator">&nbsp;</span>
vb:if condition="$post['replylink']">
a id="qrwq_{vb:raw post.postid}" class="newreply" href="{vb:raw post.replylink}" rel="nofollow"><img id="quoteimg_{vb:raw post.postid}" src="{vb:raw vboptions.cleargifurl}" alt="{vb:rawphrase reply_with_quote}" />  <vb:if condition="$post['forwardlink']">{vb:rawphrase reply_to_private_message}<vb:else />{vb:rawphrase reply_with_quote}</vb:if></a
vb:if condition="$show['multiquote_post']"><span class="seperator">&nbsp;</span></vb:if>
vb:if condition="$show['multiquote_post']">
class="multiquote" href="{vb:raw post.replylink}" rel="nofollow" onclick="return false;" id="mq_{vb:raw post.postid}"><img id="mq_image_{vb:raw post.postid}" src="{vb:raw vboptions.cleargifurl}" alt="{vb:rawphrase multi_quote_this_message}" />&nbsp;</a
span class="postlinking">
vb:if condition="!$post['forwardlink'] && THIS_SCRIPT != 'usernote' && THIS_SCRIPT != 'announcement'">
vb:if condition="$promote_sectionid AND $promote_sectionid != -1">
a href="{vb:raw promote_url}" class="promotecms">{vb:rawphrase promote_to_article}</a>
span class="seperator">&nbsp;</span>

vb:raw template_hook.postbit_controls}
vb:raw post.iplogged}
vb:if condition="$post['forwardlink']">
class="forwardpost" href="{vb:raw post.forwardlink}" rel="nofollow"><img src="{vb:raw vboptions.cleargifurl}" alt="{vb:rawphrase forward_message}" /> {vb:rawphrase forward}</a>
vb:if condition="$show['reputationlink'] OR $show['infractionlink'] OR $show['moderated'] OR $show['spam'] OR $show['deletedpost'] OR $show['redcard'] OR $show['yellowcard']"><span class="seperator">&nbsp;</span></vb:if>
vb:if condition="$show['reputationlink']">
span class="reputationpopupmenu popupmenu popupcustom" title="{vb:raw post.postid}"><class="popupctrl reputation" href="reputation.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=addreputation&amp;p={vb:raw post.postid}" title="{vb:rawphrase add_reputation}" rel="nofollow" id="reputation_{vb:raw post.postid}"><!--<img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/reputation-40b.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase add_reputation}" /> -->&nbsp;</a></span>

vb:if condition="$show['infractionlink']">
nbsp;<class="infraction" href="infraction.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=report&amp;p={vb:raw post.postid}" rel="nofollow" title="{vb:rawphrase add_infraction_for_x, {vb:raw post.username}}"><!-- <img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/add-infraction_sm.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase add_infraction_for_x, {vb:raw post.username}}" /> --> &nbsp;</a> &nbsp;
vb:if condition="$show['reportlink']">
nbsp;<class="report" href="{vb:raw post.reportlink}" rel="nofollow" title="{vb:rawphrase report_bad_post}"><!-- <img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/report-40b.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase report_bad_post}" /> -->&nbsp;</a> &nbsp;

vb:if condition="$show['moderated']">
img class="moderated" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/moderated_sm.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase moderated_post}" />
vb:if condition="$show['spam']">
img class="spam" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/spam_detected.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase spam_post}" />
vb:if condition="$show['deletedpost']">
vb:if condition="$show['managepost']">
class="deleted" href="{vb:raw $vboptions.vbforum_url}{vb:if "$vboptions['vbforum_url']", '/', ''}postings.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=managepost&amp;p={vb:raw post.postid}" title="{vb:rawphrase manage}">&nbsp;</a>
vb:else />
img class="deleted_nolink" class="inlineimage" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/deleted_sm.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase deleted_post}" />
vb:if condition="$show['redcard']">
class="redcard" href="infraction.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=view&amp;p={vb:raw post.postid}" rel="nofollow" title="{vb:rawphrase received_infraction}"><!-- <img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/red-card_sm.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase received_infraction}" /> --> &nbsp;</a>
vb:elseif condition="$show['yellowcard']" />
class="yellowcard" href="infraction.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=view&amp;p={vb:raw post.postid}" rel="nofollow" title="{vb:rawphrase received_warning}"><!--<img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/yellow-card_sm.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase received_warning}" /> --> &nbsp;</a>
vb:if condition="$post['api_platform']">
vb:if condition="$post['api_platform_link']">
class="mobile mobile_{vb:raw post.api_platform}" href="{vb:raw post.api_platform_link}" rel="nofollow" title="{vb:rawphrase {vb:raw post['api_platform_link_title']}}">{vb:rawphrase {vb:raw post['api_platform_link_phrase']}}</a>
vb:else />
span class="mobile mobile_{vb:raw post.api_platform}">{vb:rawphrase {vb:raw post['api_platform_link_phrase']}}</span>
            <!-- </
div> -->
hr />
vb:raw template_hook.postbit_end

boydy 08-04-2011 07:11 AM

Ok, could you replace all of that code with this:


{vb:raw template_hook.postbit_start}
<li class="postbitlegacy postbitim postcontainer" id="post_{vb:raw post.postid}">
<!-- see bottom of postbit.css for .userinfo .popupmenu styles -->

    <div class="posthead">
            <span class="postdate {vb:raw post.statusicon}">
                <vb:if condition="$show['announcement']">
                    <span class="date">{vb:rawphrase x_until_y, {vb:raw post.startdate}, {vb:raw post.enddate}}</span>
                <vb:else />
                    <span class="date">{vb:raw post.postdate}<vb:if condition="!$show['detailedtime']">&nbsp;<span class="time">{vb:raw post.posttime}</span></vb:if></span>
            <span class="nodecontrols">
                <vb:if condition="$post['postid'] AND $post['threadid'] AND !$show['moderated']">
                    <a name="post{vb:raw post.postid}" href="{vb:link thread, {vb:raw thread}, {vb:raw pageinfo_post}}#post{vb:raw post.postid}" class="<vb:if condition="$show['inlinemod']">ie</vb:if>postcounter">#{vb:raw post.postcount}</a><a id="postcount{vb:raw post.postid}" name="{vb:raw post.postcount}"></a>
                <vb:if condition="$show['moderated']">{vb:rawphrase moderated_post}</vb:if>
                <vb:if condition="$show['inlinemod']">
                    <label for="post_imod_checkbox_{vb:raw post.postid}"><input class="postimod" type="checkbox" id="post_imod_checkbox_{vb:raw post.postid}" name="plist[{vb:raw post.postid}]" value="{vb:raw post.checkbox_value}" /></label>
    <div class="postdetails">
        <div class="userinfo">
            <div class="username_container">
            <vb:if condition="$post['userid']">
                {vb:raw memberaction_dropdown}
                {vb:raw post.onlinestatus}
            <vb:else />
                <span class="username guest">{vb:raw post.musername}</span>
            <span class="usertitle">
                {vb:raw post.usertitle}
            <vb:if condition="$post['rank']">
                <span class="rank">{vb:raw post.rank}</span>
            {vb:raw template_hook.postbit_userinfo_left}
            <vb:if condition="$show['reputation']">
                <span class="postbit_reputation" id="repdisplay_{vb:raw post.postid}_{vb:raw post.userid}">{vb:raw post.reputationdisplay}</span>
            <vb:if condition="$show['avatar']">
            <a class="postuseravatar" href="{vb:link member, {vb:raw post}}" title="{vb:rawphrase {vb:raw post['onlinestatusphrase']}, {vb:raw post.username}}">
                <img src="{vb:raw post.avatarurl}" alt="{vb:rawphrase xs_avatar, {vb:raw post.username}}" title="{vb:rawphrase xs_avatar, {vb:raw post.username}}" />
            <vb:if condition="$post['userid']">
                <hr />
                <dl class="userinfo_extra">
                    <vb:if condition="$post['joindate']"><dt>{vb:rawphrase join_date}</dt> <dd>{vb:raw post.joindate}</dd></vb:if>
                    <vb:if condition="$post['field2']"><dt>{vb:rawphrase location_perm}</dt> <dd>{vb:raw post.field2}</dd></vb:if>
                    <vb:if condition="$post['age']"><dt>{vb:rawphrase age}</dt> <dd>{vb:raw post.age}</dd></vb:if>
                    <dt>{vb:rawphrase posts}</dt> <dd>{vb:raw post.posts}</dd>
<!-- Wy Country Flags Start -->
<vb:if condition="$post['field5']"><style="text-align:left"> Country:</dt> <img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/flags/{vb:raw post.field5}.GIF" align="middle" alt="{vb:raw post.field5}" border="" /></vb:if> 
<!-- Wy Flags End -->   
                <vb:if condition="$show['infraction'] OR $show['reppower']">
                <dl class="user_rep">
                    <vb:if condition="$show['infraction']">
                    <dt>{vb:rawphrase infractions}</dt>
                    <dd>{vb:raw post.warnings}/{vb:raw post.infractions} ({vb:raw post.ipoints})</dd>
                    <vb:if condition="$show['reputation']">
                        <vb:if condition="$show['reppower']">
                    <dt>{vb:rawphrase reppower}</dt>
                    <dd id="reppower_{vb:raw post.postid}_{vb:raw post.userid}">{vb:raw post.reppower}</dd>
                {vb:raw template_hook.postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts}
                {vb:raw template_hook.postbit_userinfo_right}
                <div class="imlinks">
                    {vb:raw post.icqicon} {vb:raw post.aimicon} {vb:raw post.msnicon} {vb:raw post.yahooicon} {vb:raw post.skypeicon}
        <div class="postbody">
            <div class="postrow<vb:if condition="$show['postedited'] || $post['signature']"> has_after_content</vb:if>">
                {vb:raw template_hook.postbit_messagearea_start}
                <vb:if condition="$post['title'] OR $show['messageicon']">
                <h2 class="title icon">
                    <vb:if condition="$show['messageicon']"><img src="{vb:raw post.iconpath}" alt="{vb:raw post.icontitle}" /> </vb:if>{vb:raw post.title}

                        <vb:if condition="$post['isfirstshown']">
                            {vb:raw ad_location.ad_showthread_firstpost_start}
                            {vb:raw ad_location.thread_first_post_content}
                        <vb:if condition="$post['islastshown']">
                            {vb:raw ad_location.thread_last_post_content}
                <div class="content<vb:if condition="$show['first_ad'] OR $show['last_ad']"> hasad</vb:if>">
                    <div id="post_message_{vb:raw post.postid}">
                        <blockquote class="postcontent restore ">
                            {vb:raw post.message}

                    <vb:if condition="$show['attachments']">
                        <div class="attachments">

                        <vb:if condition="$show['thumbnailattachment']">
                            <fieldset class="postcontent">
                                <legend><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/paperclip.png" class="inlineimg" alt="{vb:rawphrase attached_thumbnails}" /> {vb:rawphrase attached_thumbnails}</legend>
                                {vb:raw post.thumbnailattachments}

                        <vb:if condition="$show['imageattachment']">
                            <fieldset class="postcontent">
                                <legend><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/paperclip.png" class="inlineimg" /> {vb:rawphrase attached_images}</legend>
                                {vb:raw post.imageattachments}

                        <vb:if condition="$show['imageattachmentlink']">
                            <fieldset class="postcontent">
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                            <a class="yellowcard" href="infraction.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=view&amp;p={vb:raw post.postid}" rel="nofollow" title="{vb:rawphrase received_warning}"><!--<img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/yellow-card_sm.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase received_warning}" /> --> &nbsp;</a>
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            <!-- </div> -->
    <hr />
{vb:raw template_hook.postbit_end}

Should fix the problem and keep your postbit the same mate, although as it is untested, let me know if there are any other problems...

iyama 08-04-2011 10:11 AM

Can i change the name My Social Networking in the box?

boydy 08-04-2011 10:45 AM

That will be a new setting in the coming update, should have it up in the next couple of days.

starman? 08-04-2011 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by boydy (Post 2229145)
Should fix the problem and keep your postbit the same mate, although as it is untested, let me know if there are any other problems...

Perfect and thanks very much for the time you put into that. Most excellent!

voglermc 09-26-2011 03:52 PM

I have a heavily modified postbit legacy file and can not seem to get this to show up. What is the code to put in there?

Also, Google Picassa would be a great addition

johkalhaups 09-29-2011 04:07 AM


Any way to move the box the the left of the text instead of under it as shown in this pic?

snow2000 09-29-2011 05:48 PM

works fine! Thank you for the Adon!

okhissabigfish 10-02-2011 01:57 PM

Love this...!! Voted!

Yes, also be wonderful if could rename "My Social Networking" ?

Rename Edit:: I've looked around and was able to rename...

However, I would love to be able to add more/different social icons and links from Admin Area. Do you think that will be in an update?

Awesome, and am stunned that vBulletin has not placed more importance on the user profile page. IE: WYSIWYG for the profile editor that would allow a more robust profile delivery.

Just saying....

soulz2003 10-02-2011 07:07 PM

Hello, i like this thing. I was wondering how can I hook the posbit stuff to the left like johkalhaups requested.
Thank you.

sivaganeshk 10-14-2011 04:15 PM

Thanks.. Installed. Tagged. MOTM'ed :)

Allcoll 10-18-2011 02:18 PM

two quesitons
1. it starts after post number not in the new line, how can i fix this?
2. Can we see 4 fields in the same line?


boydy 10-23-2011 10:51 PM

Sorry folks, i've been extremely busy recently, but do plan to have an update out for this very soon.


Originally Posted by okhissabigfish (Post 2252339)
Love this...!! Voted!

Yes, also be wonderful if could rename "My Social Networking" ?

Rename Edit:: I've looked around and was able to rename...

However, I would love to be able to add more/different social icons and links from Admin Area. Do you think that will be in an update?

Awesome, and am stunned that vBulletin has not placed more importance on the user profile page. IE: WYSIWYG for the profile editor that would allow a more robust profile delivery.

Just saying....

The renaming is coming in the next update...


Originally Posted by johkalhaups (Post 2251127)

Any way to move the box the the left of the text instead of under it as shown in this pic?

Afraid not, it uses a specific template hook to define it's location.


Originally Posted by Allcoll (Post 2258585)
two quesitons
1. it starts after post number not in the new line, how can i fix this?
2. Can we see 4 fields in the same line?


Can you post your template code here? That shouldn't and hasn't happened to me before.

apaydin2148 10-29-2011 12:52 PM

Can you add Steam to the social network for the next version? or can I add it manually?

JErix 11-16-2011 09:03 AM

I must be a complete idiot. :o I am new to vBulletin, and am running 4.1.7. The forums are currently turned off until I get the hang of the software and customize the look of the place.

Anyway, I followed your directions to a T except for the following:

I changed the name of the "images" folder to "images2" since there was already an images folder in the root of my forums and I did not want to overwrite that folder when prompted by my ftp client.

Other than that, everything was done the same. The fields show up to enter under my profile settings, but, when I link my FB and Twitter accounts (the only ones I want to use), and save changes, nothing shows up under my name within messages on the forums.

I've uninstalled the plug-in and deleted everything, starting from scratch 3 times and nothing. :confused:

snowlion 11-16-2011 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by JErix (Post 2268475)
Anyway, I followed your directions to a T except for the following:

I changed the name of the "images" folder to "images2" since there was already an images folder in the root of my forums and I did not want to overwrite that folder when prompted by my ftp client.

You can simply upload folder 16x16 or 24x24 into your images folder without overwrite anything.

ShawnV 11-16-2011 03:16 PM

Any news on the update?

JErix 11-16-2011 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by snowlion (Post 2268480)
You can simply upload folder 16x16 or 24x24 into your images folder without overwrite anything.

Thanks, I'll give that a try and see if it works. :)

JErix 11-16-2011 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by snowlion (Post 2268480)
You can simply upload folder 16x16 or 24x24 into your images folder without overwrite anything.

Did that, still nothing showing up when I save my profile after entering in the fields. I'm using direct links to my twitter and facebook profiles as instructed.

I noticed that when I go into Admin CP>Plugins & Products>Manage products I can edit the Social Networking plugin. When I click on Edit, there is an Add New Product Dependancy field and a Add New Install/Uninstall Code. The fields in these categories are left blank by default. Should I be inputting something into these areas? :confused: There is nothing in the installation instructions about doing so.

The directions seem pretty straightforward and I'm following them word for word so I really don't know what the problem is....other than the fact that I'm a complete newb to all of this. :o

gamersplatoon 11-16-2011 08:32 PM

installed on 4.1.7 and
" Organizing Display order in the Social Bookmarking in the postbit."
me myself had only 3 accounts added in my profile so youtube was below my facebook and google plus i simply added youtube code after google+ in Postbit templates > postbit_social

Thanks for the great plugin

boydy 11-17-2011 06:39 PM

Sorry for the late response guys, busy times.

Anyway to answer a few questions:

When will the update be out - As soon as possible, hopefully in the next 2 weeks.

Why are the images not working - If you are not placing them in the correct directory then it will not work. Don't change it to images2, just upload, it will not overwrite, it will merge the folders. Take a backup of your images folder if you are worried.


JErix 11-17-2011 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by boydy (Post 2268986)
Sorry for the late response guys, busy times.

Why are the images not working - If you are not placing them in the correct directory then it will not work. Don't change it to images2, just upload, it will not overwrite, it will merge the folders. Take a backup of your images folder if you are worried.


Thanks for the reply, I tried this just now ant it didn't work. :( Everything seems to go fine, I get no errors, etc. The fields show up in the edit profile page, I fill them with links, save...and nada.

boydy 11-17-2011 08:00 PM

Ok, can you give me a step by step of what you are doing, including screenshots of all settings if possible. Very unusual lol.

JErix 11-17-2011 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by boydy (Post 2269003)
Ok, can you give me a step by step of what you are doing, including screenshots of all settings if possible. Very unusual lol.

I'll start on that now. I'm going to delete everything and redownload the plugin from here as well.

boydy 11-17-2011 10:24 PM

Feel free to PM me it all with your website address so i can have a look.

JErix 11-17-2011 10:28 PM

1 Attachment(s)
-STEP 1-
Goto admincp -> User Profile Fields -> Add new User Profile Field and add the following fields:

Profile Field Type - Single-Line Text Box
Title - Twitter
Description - Add a link to your Twitter profile.
Field Searchable on Members List - NO
Show on Members List - NO

Profile Field Type - Single-Line Text Box
Title - Facebook
Description - Add a link to your Facebook profile.
Field Searchable on Members List - NO
Show on Members List - NO

Profile Field Type - Single-Line Text Box
Title - Google+
Description - Add a link to your Google+ profile.
Field Searchable on Members List - NO
Show on Members List - NO

Profile Field Type - Single-Line Text Box
Title - YouTube
Description - Add a link to your YouTube profile.
Field Searchable on Members List - NO
Show on Members List - NO

I only put these 4 in because that is all I want, for now.

Step 2 - Downloaded zip file, extracted, selected 16x16 option and uploaded it to forums root. Screenshot shows the folder sitting in the images folder.

Step 3 - Went to admincp -> Plugins & Products -> Manage Products -> Add/Import Product and upload the install file (product-socialpostbit.xml). I did this via the browse computer option, not the "import XML file from your server" option.

Step 4 - Went to admincp -> Options -> [Boydy]Social Networking in Postbit. Screenshot depicts how I filled out the fields. 5 for Twitter, 6 for Facebook, 7 for Google+, all other fields were 0, except for YouTube which is 8 (screen wasn't big enough to fit it on the screenshot). Clicked Save, said settings saved successfully.

Step 5 - Screenshot shows the user profile fields were successful.

Step 6 - Filled those in correctly (only using Twitter/Facebook), others left blank. Saved changes to profile successfully.

Step 7 - Go back to forums and check out a thread, nothing shows up.

Hope this helps diagnose the problem, thanks for your help I appreciate it. :cool:

boydy 11-17-2011 10:37 PM

Ahh, i see the problem mate, you are entering the wrong numbers, from this picture it's the field# you want not the display order,


So it should be:

Twitter = 24
Facebook = 25
Google+ = 26
YouTube = 27

Fix that and you should be sorted :)

JErix 11-17-2011 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by boydy (Post 2269037)
Ahh, i see the problem mate, you are entering the wrong numbers, from this picture it's the field# you want not the display order,


So it should be:

Twitter = 24
Facebook = 25
Google+ = 26
YouTube = 27

Fix that and you should be sorted :)

OK, I'll give it a whirl. :D

JErix 11-17-2011 10:48 PM

wooooooooo! Finally....that was it. :D:D:D Thanks man!

boydy 11-17-2011 10:53 PM

No problem :)

JErix 11-17-2011 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by boydy (Post 2221908)
Like i said mate, with 10 icons in total it has to go onto a second line as it looks terrible. If you want to remove the line break and have them all on 1 line go into the template postbit_social find <br /> and remove it.

Cheers :)

Now that I've finally got it installed...lol...one last question I think.

Is the above quote what I need to do to get them all in one line since I am only allowing 4 new fields? (Twitter, FB, Google+, and Youtube) I wouldn't need 2 lines for all 10 icons since I'm only using 4, right?


LuDawgs 11-18-2011 03:57 AM

What do I add if I want a digg option? Any way to manually code it into the postbit_social?

LuDawgs 11-18-2011 11:30 AM

By the way, I have the digg button. I just need to understand how to code it. Seems like I had it working with your last version.

boydy 11-18-2011 02:13 PM

Digg will be included in the coming update...

GeorgeB85 11-20-2011 02:37 AM

The images and link are not correct at all. They are all mixed up???

boydy 11-20-2011 11:32 AM

Can you elaborate a bit more please, everything is fine with the image names and location if you follow the instructions.

GeorgeB85 11-20-2011 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by boydy (Post 2269884)
Can you elaborate a bit more please, everything is fine with the image names and location if you follow the instructions.

I did follow the instructions, but for some reason, none of the image's/links are working properly.

One of the images, simply goes to a website on one of my domains that does not even exist. I checked my usercp settings of where I input the information, and admincp area as well. All the information looks correct to me.

You can check out what I mean by visiting http://forums.millenniumcapitalcorp....=3266#post3266 and try to click on one of the social media icons.

Also, here is two screen shots so you can see how settings are set up.



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