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-   -   Integration with vBulletin - Steam Connect - Sign in with your Steam Account! [RC3] (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=266883)

erie1555 07-31-2011 07:41 PM

Can you add the ability for Administrators to see the steam account it's linked too, or pull the STEAMID of the person?

This would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

Lostboyfan 08-18-2011 02:29 AM

Tagged for later

SpikedRocker 08-31-2011 01:46 PM

I get this error when trying to link accounts:


Empty or invalid Steam ID transfered!
Any ideas what went wrong?

It seems other members are able to link with no problems. I was thinking it could have been because I am an unalterable user, I changed that but still same error.

Disasterpiece 08-31-2011 03:14 PM

Did you set up a steam community profile?
Do you use any unusual steam settings like a private profile or do not use a steam avatar?

Other reasons may be an issue with the vb datastore. Do you use an advanced datastore like xcache or memcached?

SpikedRocker 08-31-2011 06:04 PM

The only thing I have private on my profile is the Comments are Friends Only.

We do not use xcache or memcached.

So far I am the only one that seems effected by this. I do have a somewhat older steam account, late 2006. But I doubt that could be effecting it.

Disasterpiece 08-31-2011 08:57 PM

It's hard to pinpoint the error, especially if I can't reproduce it and apparently, all other users don't have the same problem.

What you can do (provided you're an advanced user/admin) is to go into your phpmyadmin into your vbulletin database, open the table #_datastore (where # is your vb table prefix), search for the entry with title "steam_softlinks" (should be the last entry) and check if it's not empty and if your steam-id is stored there.
For your steam-id to be resolved to the numeric expression, you can use this tool: http://steamidconverter.com/
It's the steamid64 number you're looking for.

If the id is NOT found, then there's something wrong with your steam-id and/or steam not returning your steamid for any reason.
However, I'll check this out as soon as I got more info on what's happening there on your machine.

That's all I can do from here right now.

SpikedRocker 08-31-2011 11:55 PM

Well the 64 number is in there. It was in there several times. I removed my instances of it and retried but to no avail.

Here's what the orginial data looked like in that:

a:45:{s:32:"70933e97b17d78b4d87b92e8586f24dd";s:17 :"76561197988503892";s:32:"35175a60fabde87fd828b8d beebf7fe9";s:17:"76561197986527743";s:32:"d352ad64 4634f764f17d9d9424ca008b";s:17:"76561197986527743" ;s:32:"e3a9aa894e8e593af468509f66295071";s:17:"765 61198024087824";s:32:"2b6cc49faacd50be3f6763af12f4 fb13";s:17:"76561197999465512";s:32:"8c36a31bd7212 a8ae89e82e5b98f5ae5";s:17:"76561197986527743";s:32 :"2bf280d8b27ae44830644ec9864cf3dc";s:17:"76561197 986527743";s:32:"7cb7221b90ae0ee4e3d71b42d5135475" ;s:17:"76561197974614114";s:32:"6401e151d1368c3814 9adfe5d213b3e1";s:17:"76561198018407839";s:32:"346 f996c40c1df5dae849c460de6c96a";s:17:"7656119798652 7743";s:32:"7dea5d8ab457fc15ad525bee6540b98d";s:17 :"76561197986527743";s:32:"0c036d1259c71fa1f077eec 9cac0cf0f";s:17:"76561197993531712";s:32:"b97d174d df46b52655601293a03a8334";s:17:"76561198027970043" ;s:32:"6f82b9b00e1ae94aa55cd1f535f19f4a";s:17:"765 61198014711860";s:32:"11a018c7718b7ca010559e2ce104 3f85";s:17:"76561198019918993";s:32:"868366ace10d3 2147ffb41917632eb6e";s:17:"76561197999877366";s:32 :"ab14d52b4e4b6fedbb7e87181e3e51af";s:17:"76561198 027970043";s:32:"6a41fb97dc4a4426ea0e74c819c98bfd" ;s:17:"76561198013427386";s:32:"14df7a6da2f6bc92ed f7df2d59c1eaea";s:17:"76561197986527743";s:32:"62f 738d56892613665fd1d7a007cbb5c";s:17:"7656119801397 7662";s:32:"8788c700f72f553f31283cd57f093692";s:17 :"76561197986527743";s:32:"13ea76a6730bf8330b8c970 d5a2e0049";s:17:"76561197991460252";s:32:"5c7a6c75 44b7152db440ffe4c2f2fba4";s:17:"76561198023813480" ;s:32:"c7c5098e7797ca92cd8ac373c95a44a6";s:17:"765 61197981002151";s:32:"d129c99d241d22d060a98805ec17 20cb";s:17:"76561198000858676";s:32:"58fedbf13b99d d16d572e2785c221d12";s:17:"76561198000310401";s:32 :"4d3d072acc7cf85238f3c786d6def55f";s:17:"76561198 040527588";s:32:"79794d0b866e761e9d96d7e42769eb4b" ;s:17:"76561198013201649";s:32:"45c89ddfcb45015647 a97965b990c0a4";s:17:"76561198023624756";s:32:"1d2 41386da8496e9e40265f74c29c356";s:17:"7656119801129 7259";s:32:"a1f77621c093c4840c5b32725035151d";s:17 :"76561198029763589";s:32:"14f8aa4f391a75145c404c0 bab2d871a";s:17:"76561197999358606";s:32:"8b21b056 98e308132424e3812267d536";s:17:"76561198019908802" ;s:32:"876b0c1ca998929fa46a36eb5fa96e91";s:17:"765 61198025363367";s:32:"b716a08cd6541cc357350cadb64d e82c";s:17:"76561198044652694";s:32:"bf5213bc1cce3 919a25ac2a08fccf1e5";s:17:"76561198019245810";s:32 :"c3f774196f018b06ac7da9246c497012";s:17:"76561197 999776911";s:32:"93cbf9fd9f6d7db0d31eeabcae84935f" ;s:17:"76561198019245810";s:32:"a685ef4969f7a8f7de 70b771c8a10ac1";s:17:"76561198007547144";s:32:"fd6 c04e653d80d184b2b91396a1a4fbb";s:17:"7656119802408 4836";s:32:"ce0ea6ade26b6e9f68d8dcfc587ce3eb";s:17 :"76561198014244290";s:32:"b9bf19026587cb93fa43b52 ac865f6b6";s:17:"76561198022226199";s:32:"df8da2ba f97fb2eb51d968167cd5495c";s:17:"76561197988649811" ;s:32:"76e844138fb2b4092499fa3c8660bc25";s:17:"765 61198015076780";s:32:"439697a856814cf4ad1d7edf9f9a 72cb";s:17:"76561198035797744";}
My number is 76561197986527743

Disasterpiece 09-01-2011 08:42 AM

I'll prepare some tests to make it more error-verbose, the fact that the id exists in the datastore shows, that it's likely a bug with the vb plugin.

In the meantime, clear all your forum cookies and try again linking two accounts. It still doesn't add up that only you have the problem.

SpikedRocker 09-01-2011 02:08 PM

Cookies cleared and same result. Feel free to hit me up on Steam if you'd like: spikedrocker <~username

Skyrider 09-02-2011 10:40 AM

Small bug. When unlinking, it says:


Successfully unlinked your Forum Account!
Which is correct. But it doesn't forward (automatic) to the profile page or main forums.



Could you add the following to this plugin?

In the AdminCP when editing a user:


External Connections:

Facebook Connected Yes
Steam Connected Yes
Currently Steam is not being added.

Disasterpiece 09-02-2011 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by FF|Skyrider (Post 2241146)
Small bug. When unlinking, it says:

Which is correct. But it doesn't forward (automatic) to the profile page or main forums.


Originally Posted by FF|Skyrider (Post 2241146)
Could you add the following to this plugin?

In the AdminCP when editing a user:

Currently Steam is not being added.

Noted, will be fixed/added in the next version.

Replicators 09-02-2011 05:42 PM

Disasterpiece, i think at some point with this mod, that you should set the steam connect icon into the register template as the first item as that is probably the best place for it.

NPGamers.Net 09-05-2011 03:02 PM

Will try this mod! If it were to work 100% i would ditch the original sign up method and leave facebook/steam.

Also the suggestion above wtih

Disasterpiece 09-06-2011 10:00 AM


Will send an update as soon as i get time to make it :)

Skyrider 09-08-2011 05:02 AM

I attempted to install this on a different forum (outside my own) and it kept forwarding me to a blank page when I attempted to press the "login with steam" option. The API key was correctly filled in, any idea what's wrong? And yes, the API key was pointed to the right domain.

ZERO <ibis> 09-09-2011 09:23 PM

Is there any way this mod could automatically place a users steam id into a custom profile field. This would be a great help for those of us that already have many mods that use a players STEAM_x:x:xxx number for stats and other things.

I personally like the idea of this mod in its ability to make it possibly easier for users to get their steam id into the forums without needing to learn how to open the console up.

wtfaatp 09-11-2011 12:59 AM


Originally Posted by ZERO <ibis> (Post 2244079)
Is there any way this mod could automatically place a users steam id into a custom profile field. This would be a great help for those of us that already have many mods that use a players STEAM_x:x:xxx number for stats and other things.

I personally like the idea of this mod in its ability to make it possibly easier for users to get their steam id into the forums without needing to learn how to open the console up.

I agree with the above statement is there also a way to make it so that players can only login with steam after being logged in with vbulletin account.

Disasterpiece 09-11-2011 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by FF|Skyrider (Post 2243290)
I attempted to install this on a different forum (outside my own) and it kept forwarding me to a blank page when I attempted to press the "login with steam" option. The API key was correctly filled in, any idea what's wrong? And yes, the API key was pointed to the right domain.

Do you have error reporting disabled? This way there might be a php error which you don't see. Hard to tell from here, since white page doesn't tell anything about the internal state.

try to enable error reporting if you have access to your php installation or look for a online tutorial on how to enable "display_errors" in certain directories (like your forum directory)

Also, this might help: https://www.vbulletin.com/docs/html/blank_pages

Originally Posted by ZERO <ibis> (Post 2244079)
Is there any way this mod could automatically place a users steam id into a custom profile field. This would be a great help for those of us that already have many mods that use a players STEAM_x:x:xxx number for stats and other things.

I personally like the idea of this mod in its ability to make it possibly easier for users to get their steam id into the forums without needing to learn how to open the console up.

It should be possible to get the steam id representation you're referring to. I'll look for a way to store that info too.

But as I know the steam id system, it should be possible with the right algorithm to convert the steamid64 the mod currently uses to the STEAM_xxx representation on the fly. See for example this: http://steamidconverter.com/

And there you have it: http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=60899

Originally Posted by wtfaatp (Post 2244452)
I agree with the above statement is there also a way to make it so that players can only login with steam after being logged in with vbulletin account.

Possible: Maybe. But that's not the point of the mod, since it presents an alternative authentication method for vb. Modifying it to a second login layer would be way beyond the scope of the mod and push the mods functionality in a direction, I don't want it to be.

Why should you have to login to your vb account first? If you linked your steam id to a vbulletin account, you can login with the steam method AND be logged in to your vb account.
Why split it up to two separate logins?

SpikedRocker 09-11-2011 03:43 PM

Maybe to fix my small error, for your next version, allow administrators to place the steamid64 key into users profiles and do a backend link? I'm not sure how possible it is, but its something I thought of.

ZERO <ibis> 09-12-2011 05:25 AM


Originally Posted by Disasterpiece (Post 2244580)
It should be possible to get the steam id representation you're referring to. I'll look for a way to store that info too.

But as I know the steam id system, it should be possible with the right algorithm to convert the steamid64 the mod currently uses to the STEAM_xxx representation on the fly. See for example this: http://steamidconverter.com/

It would be more practical to store it as it will reduce load when requested if the value is already computed. For many users being able to show the actual id in the profile is useful. Admins use it to help ban and unban people and solve other issues for regular users. The real id is often used for stats tracking as well.

You can find information on the conversion here: http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=60899

|Jordan| 09-13-2011 11:38 PM

I want my users just to use this and not be able to manually sign up on forum. If i disable the registration system, will they still be able to create an account on forum through this plugin?

Also, is the referrer field chooseable upon registration?

Disasterpiece 09-14-2011 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by |Jordan| (Post 2245614)
I want my users just to use this and not be able to manually sign up on forum. If i disable the registration system, will they still be able to create an account on forum through this plugin?

tbh, I'm not sure if it works with registrations disabled. It should, since it copies almost the whole registration process, but I'm not sure if there aren't some conditionals leftover who could cause problems with that. I didn't think of a possible way of only allowing steam registrations in the development process, so this might be another thing to figure out.
I'll add it to the agenda, but cannot promise it to make in the next version.
You could simply try it out on a test installation and report back which problems you run into.


Originally Posted by |Jordan| (Post 2245614)
Also, is the referrer field chooseable upon registration?

Additional fields are currently not supported.

KrU$ty 09-14-2011 09:18 AM

I can't seem to get the steam button to show up on my forums.


Link to steam_login.png

I've also tried to put {vb:raw steam_button} into a vbadvanced module with no success.

The mod accepted my API so no problems there. I also added the images to /images/misc as opposed to images/avenger_blue/misc with no luck.

Is there some setting I've missed somewhere?

Disasterpiece 09-14-2011 03:22 PM

Hmm, I'm not sure about vbadvanced, I never used it before.

So maybe the template name is different?

wtfaatp 09-15-2011 01:13 AM

I use - TW7S - Change the look of the Login/Register [Twitter Style]- https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=238152

As a log in for my website. This hack normally works if i include

{vb:raw steam_button}
in my header. However if I use it like this
PHP Code:

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label for="password">Password</label>

input id="navbar_password" type="password" value="" tabindex="102" accesskey="u" name="vb_login_password" />

input type="submit" id="signin_submit" value="Login" tabindex="104" title="Login" accesskey="s" />
input id="cb_cookieuser_navbar" type="checkbox" accesskey="c" tabindex="103" value="1" name="cookieuser" checked="checked"/>
label for="cb_cookieuser_navbar">Remember me?</label>
p> {vb:raw steam_button}
vb:if condition="$vboptions['enablefacebookconnect']">
br />
ul class="nouser">
li id="fb_headerbox">
a id="fb_loginbtn" href="#"><img src="images/misc/facebook_login.gif" alt="The Facebook Platform" /></a>
class="forgot"> <a href="./login.php?do=lostpw">Forgot your password?</a> </p>
class="forgot-username"> <A title="Include your e-mail in the support message." 
href="./sendmessage.php">Forgot your username?</A> </p>

input type="hidden" name="s" value="{vb:raw session.sessionhash}" />

input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="{vb:raw bbuserinfo.securitytoken}" />
input type="hidden" name="do" value="login" />
input type="hidden" name="vb_login_md5password" />
input type="hidden" name="vb_login_md5password_utf" />

TheWindows7Site Custom Login -->

div id="breadcrumb" class="breadcrumb">
ul class="floatcontainer">
li class="navbithome"><a href="index.php{vb:raw session.sessionurl_q}" accesskey="1"><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/navbit-home.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase home}" /></a></li>

vb:raw navbits.breadcrumb}
vb:raw navbits.lastelement}
hr />

vb:raw ad_location.ad_navbar_below}
vb:raw ad_location.global_below_navbar}

vb:if condition="$show['notices'] AND THIS_SCRIPT != 'register'">
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input type="hidden" name="do" value="dismissnotice" />
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input type="hidden" id="dismiss_notice_hidden" name="dismiss_noticeid" value="" />
input type="hidden" name="url" value="{vb:raw return_link}" />
vb:raw notices}

It acts like a normal login button... Any ideas on what might be causing this?

Disasterpiece 09-15-2011 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by wtfaatp (Post 2246124)
I use - TW7S - Change the look of the Login/Register [Twitter Style]- https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=238152

As a log in for my website. This hack normally works if i include

{vb:raw steam_button}
in my header. However if I use it like this
PHP Code:

<div id="navbar" class="navbar"

It acts like a normal login button... Any ideas on what might be causing this?

Hm, maybe some css is causing this?

Do you have a live example link?

KrU$ty 09-15-2011 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by Disasterpiece (Post 2245926)
Hmm, I'm not sure about vbadvanced, I never used it before.

So maybe the template name is different?

Yeah, but even if I add it in the header, (which it is currently), it does not show.

wtfaatp 09-15-2011 10:44 AM


You'll notice the one in the header will work. However, when you go to use the one in the custom login button it just acts as if its a login button. Also, the facebook connect works witch leaders me to beleave that I have lost my mind :D

|Jordan| 09-17-2011 04:37 AM

I found out the hard way via steam support that if you have a domain name with the word "Steam" in it, you can't generate an API key. I even contacted steam support asking and they said they wont generate one for me.

Disasterpiece 09-17-2011 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by |Jordan| (Post 2247042)
I found out the hard way via steam support that if you have a domain name with the word "Steam" in it, you can't generate an API key. I even contacted steam support asking and they said they wont generate one for me.


Oh, wasn't aware of this too. Maybe it's some kind to prevent scams or phishing. Sorry to hear that.



You'll notice the one in the header will work. However, when you go to use the one in the custom login button it just acts as if its a login button. Also, the facebook connect works witch leaders me to beleave that I have lost my mind
Ah, now i know what you mean. Yes, that behaviour is correct. Reason for this is the way html handles forms.
The Steam button is a form itself, so you have a loginform within a loginform. The Steam button will fallback to be a part of the vbulletin login form and act as a second submit button.

try the following (not sure if it works tho):

Open the template you put the second login button to (the steam button which doesn't work)
replace the {vb:raw steam_button} with the following code:

HTML Code:

<a href="login2.php?do=login&s=&securitytoken=guest&do=login&vb_login_md5password=&vb_login_md5password_utf=">
                <img src="images/misc/steam_login.png" alt="Sign in through Steam" />

And report back if it works :)

wtfaatp 09-17-2011 04:37 PM

Not that did not work my man I'm sorry however I did find a way to make this work.... My community has decided not to use it there and would like only people who already have a forums account to be able to use it.

I have noticed two problems however..

1. It doesn't move people to the "Group" specified. (Not for me @leaste.)
2. There should be a option to add person to group. (Instead of move, making it the main group) Basicly we would like to make it a sub group.

Thank you for the help my man and if you would like to know how I did get it fixed I can pm you what it was I did.

Disasterpiece 09-27-2011 12:55 PM

Sure, send me the changes you discovered.

Still don't have much time to work on the next update. I hope that vB will improve the API in future versions, so it won't be necessary anymore to hack your way around the auth system.

mfowler70 09-27-2011 05:47 PM

I can confirm this mod works perfectly on 4.1.1

Great job. Looking forward to future additions.

wtfaatp 09-27-2011 08:48 PM

okay my man sent thank you again for this awesome hack :D

tonjohn 09-28-2011 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by MadMakz (Post 2221293)
stupid question, how do i get the avatarfull link in postbit? :S

just tried

{vb:raw steam_info.avatarfull}
but that's obviously wrong (returns empty value) :confused:

I'm not able to get this working either :/

tonjohn 09-28-2011 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by tonjohn (Post 2251070)
I'm not able to get this working either :/

Hmm, looking at my profile I see:

Current Steam Displayname: [FETCH ERROR]

Also, it shows "|0|0" at the end of my Steam Unique ID.


Figured it out - had to set curl options in fucntions_steamconnect to account for proxy. Not sure what the deal is about the Unique ID having "|0|0" at the end of it though. I just manually fixed it in the DB and seems to be working now.

Largo .//npc 09-30-2011 11:31 AM

It's kinda working for me.
People who are already registered can see the signin button. We can then link our account.
We can then see in our settings that our account is linked, but that's all it actually does!

The things we're missing:
Ability to Register using Steam Signin (Yes it is enabled).
Any kind of information in the postbit.
Nothing showing when viewing someone's profile.

wtfaatp 09-30-2011 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by Largo .//npc (Post 2251603)
Ability to Register using Steam Signin (Yes it is enabled).

Could you provide a website so that people may try to connect?

Originally Posted by Largo .//npc (Post 2251603)
Any kind of information in the postbit.

That I know of you can change people pic to the steam gamer ID or also add it with the following

{vb:raw post.steamavatarfull}
{vb:raw post.steamavatar}
{vb:raw post.steamavatarmedium}


Originally Posted by Largo .//npc (Post 2251603)
Nothing showing when viewing someone's profile.

What do you have in mind I have been think of stuff but cant honestly think of anything?

SpikedRocker 10-02-2011 10:16 PM


An update to my problem, I was not able to use the link to work for me, but I went into the database and inserted my number into the steam_link column adding |0|0 at the end of my number.

I dunno why I couldn't link my accounts but since I was in the database I gave it a try and it worked.

wombycat 10-04-2011 02:59 AM

Love this mod!!

Is it possible to get the steam button next to the connect with Facebook button on the registration page?


I tried to find the template but have been unsuccessful. Also would that act as a submit button on the registration page?

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