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-   -   Miscellaneous Hacks - More Share Options TNG by BOP5 (Facebook, Twitter, Google +1, AddThis) Share Buttons (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=266159)

Mukashi 07-05-2011 02:25 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Just uploaded and installed the latest version, but I seem to be having problems with the placement of the buttons. Both with the standard version and with the modified version that you have in the first post. I've attached a screenshot showing how it's appearing for us. Any reason why it would be looking like this? We're using vBSEO, and have the "Force Standard URL?" option off as instructed.

OlijO 07-05-2011 03:38 AM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2216264)
First, you're welcome to everyone who has said "thank you." :)

No it's a conflict with the twitter button and VB4- well known. I noted this 3 times. (In the first post, in the mod instructions, and in the mod setting itself. In all 3 places I said there is a known issue and the count will probably not work with twitter. I recommend disabling the count box for twitter. I included the option to turn it on only in the event t gets fixed by either vBulletin or twitter.)

Glad to hear... I will try to program in a VBSEO Installed Yes/No option in the next version so it works either way out of the box without custom edits.

I believe that is something twitter is deciding to do on their own. If you mouse-over the link you will see it indeed has the link to the url shortener address.

Thank you for your support, and sorry for asking something who is already in the first post.
Nominated !

BirdOPrey5 07-05-2011 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by Mukashi (Post 2216842)
Just uploaded and installed the latest version, but I seem to be having problems with the placement of the buttons. Both with the standard version and with the modified version that you have in the first post. I've attached a screenshot showing how it's appearing for us. Any reason why it would be looking like this? We're using vBSEO, and have the "Force Standard URL?" option off as instructed.

That's very weird that for you your facebook button comes up last when for everyone else the facebook button comes up first. Maybe it's because you're in Australia and the seasons are reversed and the toilet water spins the other way? (just kidding.) (well a little serious.)

I have some ideas to force them into the right order but the easiest fix for now would be to add some extra spacing between the facebook button and the rest.

If you are comfortable, go to thr Admin CP -> Plugin Manager -> Edit the Plugin: More Share Options.

Find the code:

    //Standard (Default) Layout
    $bop5fb[1] = '<fb:like href=\"'.$href.'\" layout=\"standard\" send=\"false\" width=\"260\" show_faces=\"false\" action=\"like\" colorscheme=\"light\" font=\"tahoma\"></fb:like>';

And replace it with:


    //Standard (Default) Layout
    $bop5fb[1] = '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<fb:like href=\"'.$href.'\" layout=\"standard\" send=\"false\" width=\"260\" show_faces=\"false\" action=\"like\" colorscheme=\"light\" font=\"tahoma\"></fb:like>';

Note the code added in red. That will put proper spacing between your buttons.

Mukashi 07-05-2011 09:41 PM

Now that's both interesting and weird. Adding the 3 non-breaking spaces makes no difference to the positioning, it leaves it in the same place. Though it could have perhaps been something with its interaction with another addon and tried changing the execution order, however that doesn't seem to change a thing either.

BirdOPrey5 07-05-2011 10:23 PM

If you can hold out a little longer I'm working a new version that should have vastly better positioning. It will be template based so changes, if needed, will be easier.

Eliasen 07-06-2011 11:45 AM

If there a way to enable this without having to enable facebook connect?

BirdOPrey5 07-06-2011 12:07 PM

Not right now but I'll make sure that option is in the next version.

Eliasen 07-06-2011 12:26 PM

no problem :)!

Tagged for future versions.

BirdOPrey5 07-09-2011 08:12 PM

Version 2.0 has been released.

This is a major change to how the mod is coded. It now uses its own template.

There are a number of new features including enabling the new Facebook "Send" button, a classic style "Facebook Share" option, and a better AddThis.com share button with a counter.

If your happy with your current version feel free to keep using it but going forward all support will be based off the new 2.0 version.

This is a summary of the options available in 2.0:

Enable More Share Options? - Turns the mod on or off.

Placement - Will Left-justify or Right-justify the share buttons in threads (showthread). In Blogs and CMS they stay in the only logical place. If you choose to enable the AddThis.com Share Button WITH count then you must use the Right side justification. The mod will force right-justification if the AddThis Count Box is enabled.

Disable Facebook Connect Platform? - Since this mod requires your Facebook integration settings to be turned on this will also automatically turn on Facebook Connect. Setting this option to "Yes" will disable Facebook Connect if you do not want to use it.

Force Standard URL? - This should usually be turned on- some people using VBSEO might need to turn it off. Turn this off only if you find links generated by the share options do not link back to the correct thread.

Clean URL? - This strips non-English characters from URLs which are not compatible with Twitter and possible other share sites. You should keep this enabled unless you find links not working for some reason.

Facebook Like Button Type - This lets you choose between a Like and Recommend button, a standard layout or a button count layout, a classic "Share" button, and the legacy IFRAME version of the Facebook Like button. (Or disable the Like button completely.)

Enable Facebook Send Button - Enables or disables the new Facebook "Send" button.

Facebook - Light or Dark - Will use the light or dark layout for Facebook buttons. Light is the standard color and works on most pages. Dark is better for very dark styles. In the event you have both light and dark styles you should choose one and manually edit the more_share_options templates in the other styles and force them to be light or dark as needed.

Your Twitter Username - You should enter your Twitter username here. It will be included with a "via" notice in every tweet from your forum. This is optional.

Related Twitter Username - Twitter allows you to associate a second username with your tweet button. This username will not be part of the tweet but will be presented as an option to follow after the user submits the tweet. You can include a username OR a username and short description of the account. Examples:

JUOTnet (username only)
JUOTnet:The JUOT Twitter Account (username and description)

Enable Twitter Tweet Button - Enables or disables showing the Tweet button.

Enable Twitter Count Box - Enables or disables showing the count box attached to the Tweet button. Note the counter does not work on many VB4 forums due to a conflict between Twitter and vBulletin. You shold test and disable the count if you find it does not work.

Enable Digg Button - Enables or disables showing the Digg button or icon.

Enable Digg Count Box - If enabled the class Digg button with counter will be displayed. If disabled a small Digg icon will show instead.

Enable Google +1 Button - Enables or disables showing the +1 button.

Enable Google +1 Count Box - Enables or disables the counter attached to the +1 button.

AddThis.com Public ID - You should visit www.addthis.com and get your own public id but it is not required. You can use the default public ID or erase it completely. If you register at addthis.com you can put your username here and you will be able to track your shares made via AddThis.

Enable AddThis.com Share Button - Enables or disables showing the AddThis.com Share button.

Enable AddThis.com Count Box - If yes the counter attached to the AddThis Share button will show. If no, no counter will show. If you choose to have no counter you must upload the included image into your /images/misc/ directory on your server. You can also create and upload your own image if you prefer so long as it's named addthis_button.png and is in the images/misc/ directory.


By default the AddThis button has the share options for Facebook, Twitter, and Digg built in. This mod is designed so that if you have Facebook, Twitter, and/or Digg enabled it will automatically remove these share options from the AddThis menu to allow room for even more share options and not to confuse your users with multiple ways to share the same page using the same service.

----Upgrade Instructions-----

Just import the product xml file setting "Allow Overwrite" to "Yes"

Full installation instructions included in zip file.

BirdOPrey5 07-09-2011 08:31 PM

I have pulled version 2.0 because it does not look good in Firefox. I will update ASAP. In the mean time I have made 1.05 available for download again. Please do not use 2.0.

CharlieDelta 07-09-2011 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2218647)
I have pulled version 2.0 because it does not look good in Firefox. I will update ASAP. In the mean time I have made 1.05 available for download again. Please do not use 2.0.

Hmm. I just downloaded and installed and use Firefox and it looks great on my site.:D

BirdOPrey5 07-09-2011 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by CharlieDelta (Post 2218649)
Hmm. I just downloaded and installed and use Firefox and it looks great on my site.:D

That's great. Unfortunately I had only tested it on Chrome. When I tested it on other browsers it wasn't what I was hoping for, especially on FF. I hate CSS... I couldn't believe how relatively simple code was so different between browsers.

I hope to have a new 2.1 version ready for tomorrow but if 2.0 is good for you I would stay with it. :)

+buG 07-10-2011 03:12 AM

Only thing keeping me from an install is the digg button. It doesn't look right for some reason (probably an easy fix), do you have any suggestions? https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2011/07/96.jpg Thanks!

Edit: I haven't been able to reproduce the problem unless using the template modification. Everything seems to be working fine without that voluntary step for me.

BirdOPrey5 07-10-2011 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by +buG (Post 2218750)
Only thing keeping me from an install is the digg button. It doesn't look right for some reason (probably an easy fix), do you have any suggestions? https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2011/07/96.jpg Thanks!

Edit: I haven't been able to reproduce the problem unless using the template modification. Everything seems to be working fine without that voluntary step for me.

Are yo using version 2.0? That is one of the issues I noticed. It doesn't happen in Chrome but does in most other browsers. For some reason the word "Digg" in text is displaying even though via CSS it's set to be invisible.

I have found a solution by moving the location of the share menu 1 line up and that will be part of the next release.

Another option of course is just to disable the Digg button completely. People will be able to share to Digg via AddThis if you disable the Digg button.

prado.boris 07-10-2011 11:02 PM

Is working great on my site (version 1.5) waiting for the version 2.0!!! But i have one question!!

How i can add the share bar to the bottom of the thread?

BirdOPrey5 07-10-2011 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by prado.boris (Post 2219105)
Is working great on my site (version 1.5) waiting for the version 2.0!!! But i have one question!!

How i can add the share bar to the bottom of the thread?

You wold have to edit your SHOWTHREAD template and move the template hook "facebook_likebutton" to wherever you want in SHOWTHREAD- nearer the bottom would be fine.

Dr.osamA 07-11-2011 12:46 AM

i love your MODs bro
waiting for version 2.0 or hope 2.1
keep it up bro

waiting . . . . .

Pvtiste 07-11-2011 07:32 PM

Excellent work but I can't see the send button option... can you tell me please how activate it?

wildheart 07-11-2011 08:33 PM

Marked as installed and it works. Thanks!

BirdOPrey5 07-11-2011 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by Pvtiste (Post 2219421)
Excellent work but I can't see the send button option... can you tell me please how activate it?

As I noted at the top of this thread I had to pull version 2.0, I will release it as soon as possible as soon as I finish fixing an incompatibility with Firefox. The Send button wasn't part of version 1.05 which you downloaded. Check back soon- in a day or two for the update.

Pvtiste 07-11-2011 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2219437)
As I noted at the top of this thread I had to pull version 2.0, I will release it as soon as possible as soon as I finish fixing an incompatibility with Firefox. The Send button wasn't part of version 1.05 which you downloaded. Check back soon- in a day or two for the update.

oh sorry man I didn't read that :)
5 stars

hugh_ 07-12-2011 01:45 AM

Nice mod, thanks. Have you considered adding StumbleUpon (massive referrals)? Also more locations to add the buttons to such as albums, pictures, calendar, calendar posts, member profiles would be great... :)

victorvu 07-12-2011 04:48 AM

Hi BirdOPrey5:

Thank you for the mod. I installed it using version 1.05, but I installed the other version before that. Now I wanted to remove the buttons that are in the thread area. I need your help here. What code must I remove?



BirdOPrey5 07-12-2011 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by hugh_ (Post 2219500)
Nice mod, thanks. Have you considered adding StumbleUpon (massive referrals)? Also more locations to add the buttons to such as albums, pictures, calendar, calendar posts, member profiles would be great... :)

Will definitely be considered for future versions.


Originally Posted by victorvu (Post 2219533)
Hi BirdOPrey5:

Thank you for the mod. I installed it using version 1.05, but I installed the other version before that. Now I wanted to remove the buttons that are in the thread area. I need your help here. What code must I remove?



I don't understand the question- if you installed 1.05 and chose "allow overwrite" to be yes it would remove all the old code before installing.

Worst case just uninstall the product through your admin cp and then re-install. There were no manual code edits as part of this mod- unless you mean the option one I posted in the 2nd post in which case just undo that change.

NokStar 07-12-2011 02:09 PM

Can you please make this for 3.8.x? or atleast some template edits for now, proper addition of +1 Button? Facebook like will be added advantage.

BirdOPrey5 07-12-2011 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by NokStar (Post 2219650)
Can you please make this for 3.8.x? or atleast some template edits for now, proper addition of +1 Button? Facebook like will be added advantage.

I do plan to release something for 3.8 as soon as I get version 2.0 stable.

If you want to make manual template edits the codes for each button can be fond on these pages:


NokStar 07-12-2011 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2219653)
I do plan to release something for 3.8 as soon as I get version 2.0 stable.

If you want to make manual template edits the codes for each button can be fond on these pages:


Thanks but how to give the page/thread URL to the button?
If we add that default code to the vb 3.8.x template, will it take all the pages as one or will detect as separate pages and will index correctly?

BirdOPrey5 07-12-2011 03:21 PM

Be default these buttons will take the current URL automatically. It will work if yo keep the URLs blank. It's just better to include a full URL for consistency.

Alecsmith 07-13-2011 06:46 AM

Installed look good :)

Thanks :)

wampforum 07-13-2011 07:44 AM

Ok I have a problem. I disabled this yesterday to try and fi the VB facebook issues now I have gone and enabled it again but its not showing - checked all settings different styles and deleted my broswer cache - still nothing!

will version 2 be faster loading? this version slows my page load down.

Great mod though! If only I could get the built in FB like to work properly!!

toon79 07-13-2011 09:12 AM

Great job to have it all in one plugin, well done

un? in? 07-13-2011 10:41 AM

Thanks for mod because, not work by my site. demo: http://raovat.vn-news.org/phu-kien-t....html#post2072
Please tell me with fix

BirdOPrey5 07-13-2011 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by wampforum (Post 2219918)
Ok I have a problem. I disabled this yesterday to try and fi the VB facebook issues now I have gone and enabled it again but its not showing - checked all settings different styles and deleted my broswer cache - still nothing!

will version 2 be faster loading? this version slows my page load down.

Great mod though! If only I could get the built in FB like to work properly!!

Built in Facebook must be enabled for this to show. Version 2.0 will not be any faster loading because all these buttons HAVE to load off their respective sites, they can't be made local.

While this mod allows you to use all these different buttons it doesn't mean you should enable all of them. I would pick only the ones that would work best on your site because yes each one adds some load time to the page.


Originally Posted by toon79 (Post 2219946)
Great job to have it all in one plugin, well done

Thanks/ More are coming too.


Originally Posted by un? in? (Post 2219977)
Thanks for mod because, not work by my site. demo: http://raovat.vn-news.org/phu-kien-t....html#post2072
Please tell me with fix

Please make sure you have Facebook Like button enabled. You need to be able to see the default built in Like button before this mod will work.

un? in? 07-13-2011 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2219998)
Please make sure you have Facebook Like button enabled. You need to be able to see the default built in Like button before this mod will work.

Oh my site vbb Options please see images:


doobiefillin 07-13-2011 03:46 PM

can you update this to include the Facebook Send button as well?

byalik 07-13-2011 05:48 PM

What exactly does Force Standard URL? do and how necessary is it? I had to disable it because when it was enabled, my other plugin stopped working properly (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=240677)

RK KINGKONG 07-13-2011 06:02 PM

great mod thanks alot for your hard work,time & effort .. thank you for bringing these great free mods to us here at VB

doobiefillin 07-13-2011 06:25 PM

how do i add in the send button and align the group of buttons to the right of the page?

BirdOPrey5 07-13-2011 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by un? in? (Post 2220007)
Oh my site vbb Options please see images:


You need to have the Facebook Platform Enabled in Admin CP -> Settings -> Options -> Facebook Options.

If you don't see the built in vBulletin facebook button on your page BEFORE enabling this mod you won't see the extra buttons added by this either.


Originally Posted by doobiefillin (Post 2220071)
can you update this to include the Facebook Send button as well?

It will be part of my 2.0 version. Due out soon. My internet connection was down this morning so I wasn't able to use my real computer, otherwise would be done by now.


Originally Posted by byalik (Post 2220124)
What exactly does Force Standard URL? do and how necessary is it? I had to disable it because when it was enabled, my other plugin stopped working properly (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=240677)

It implicitly tells each share button to use the same main URL for each thread no matter what URL is actually in someone's browser. People get get to a thread by following the link to the top of the thread, or to any unique post on the page- each is a different URL. Standard URL forces the main URL to be shared each time. It's not required but a better experience including better counts (usually.) I really can't see how it wold stop another mod from working but don't worry about it if you have to turn it off.


Originally Posted by RK KINGKONG (Post 2220132)
great mod thanks alot for your hard work,time & effort .. thank you for bringing these great free mods to us here at VB

You're welcome. :)


Originally Posted by doobiefillin (Post 2220138)
how do i add in the send button and align the group of buttons to the right of the page?

Wait for version 2.0. :D

Peterson1 07-14-2011 12:14 AM

So why don't the URLS on my fb profile page click through to a valid page.

"There was an error liking the page. If you are the page owner, please try running your page through the linter on the Facebook devsite (https://developers.facebook.com/tools/lint/) and fixing any errors."

I'm using VBSeo

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