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jackspratt 07-15-2011 09:48 PM

Site Name: Tankscapers
URL: http://www.tankscapers.com
Description: The Art of Aquascaping both Fresh and Salt Water Aquariums
Reason for Nomination: A new Tropical Fish forum with a unique layout.

S S0DEN 07-17-2011 03:57 AM

Name: Soden Bowl

URL: http://sodenbowl.com

Description: Online sports video game leagues

Reason for nomination: Clean style that is a success with the community it serves.

RobbieZ 07-21-2011 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by wAnBoA (Post 2211138)
Site Name: Aboxcafe.com
URL: http://www.aboxcafe.com
Description: A forum extravaganza aiming for pure entertainment on pretty much every level, starting at Anime/Manga, going down the line through Graphics, Music, Games, News, Roleplays, Sports and Off Topic section (Cafe) for you to chillax and unwind with the other forum members.
Reason for Nomination: Total customised vbulletin site.

+1 ... :D

--------------- Added [DATE]1311327484[/DATE] at [TIME]1311327484[/TIME] ---------------

I was going to pick gamertagnation but there is virtually no vbulletin code left, I can only find remnants! I think this has evolved beyond its original code which I commend, as I am not familiar and rather confused probably being used to vbulletin forums and not a hybrid.

Crotan 07-25-2011 02:55 PM

Site Name: Forward Line of Own Troops
URL: www.FLOTgaming.net
Description: Multi-Gaming community, bunch of farts that get together to have fun
Reason for Nomination: New theme, rotating banners. Enjoy!

RTWAP 07-27-2011 07:38 PM

Site Name: Hockey Broads
URL: hockeybroads.com
Description: HockeyBroads is a hockey forum with an edge, covering the National Hockey League, and all other levels of hockey
Reason for Nomination: Eight custom skins, countless mods, and a fantastic community.

zacs2k 07-30-2011 02:23 PM

Site Name: St. Louis Golf Forum

URL: stlgolf.net

Description: It's a St. Louis based Golfers network made so that golfers in the area could talk golf with others, discover and rate golf courses in the area, get the latest in golf news and much more including monthly giveaways.

Reason for Nomination: I worked hard creating this forum for golfers just like me. I have installed quite a few mods and template changes, I log in and post new content daily and this a a very resourceful site for golfers in the St. Louis area.

RobbieZ 07-30-2011 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by RTWAP (Post 2225741)
Site Name: Hockey Broads
URL: hockeybroads.com
Description: HockeyBroads is a hockey forum with an edge, covering the National Hockey League, and all other levels of hockey
Reason for Nomination: Eight custom skins, countless mods, and a fantastic community.

I will give you a +1 for that logo alone, where you have changed boards to broads is most excellent, what are the two fonts please?

GameOverViper 07-31-2011 01:31 PM

Site Name: Revolution of Gaming
URL: www.RevolutionofGaming.net
Description: A community built by gamers, for gamers who have a passion for playing video games as a fun social activity. All built around a structure that is fit for never ending growth and to create social experiences that inspire action.
Reason for Nomination: Three great skins, a few template changes, and a fantastic community.

M4GN3T 07-31-2011 07:12 PM

Site Name: PSX-Sense
URL: http://www.psx-sense.nl/forum/
Description: A dutch PlayStation Community
Reason for Nomination: Running on a custom vB4 skin which has been modified unlike anything else. It looks insanely cool

Reycer 08-01-2011 12:48 PM

So when are we going to get to vote on this....July is now over!

BirdOPrey5 08-01-2011 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by mdelcour (Post 2227635)
So when are we going to get to vote on this....July is now over!

As explained in the first post this is a combined vote for July and August. Voting will take place at the end of August/Beginning of September.

jackspratt 08-02-2011 10:18 PM

Site Name: Tankscapers.com
URL: http://www.tankscapers.com
Description: Aquarium Aquascaping community
Reason for Nomination: Awesome looking site but most importantly, extremely informative.

oldfan 08-04-2011 03:56 AM


Originally Posted by Crotan (Post 2224806)
Site Name: Forward Line of Own Troops
URL: www.FLOTgaming.net
Description: Multi-Gaming community, bunch of farts that get together to have fun
Reason for Nomination: New theme, rotating banners. Enjoy!

very nice, I'll second this site :up:

enginethatcan't 08-04-2011 08:57 PM

I'd like to put my forum out there:


Description: A place for automotive enthusiast to hang out, get together and talk - People from all back grounds are welcome...Car, bike, truck, you name it!

I have a few hacks on the forum, along with a skin that I did get off of here, but made quite a few adjustments.

I really think my forum (based on general appearance, and home-like feeling) will stand out better than most car forums, and hopefully out of some other nominations. :)

If anyone does second my nomination, thank you in advance.

LOGECT 08-05-2011 05:42 AM

Site name: LOGECT
URL: LOGECT - Tools & Services
Description: All about free web tools and services ( SEO tools, Webmaster tools, HTML tools, domain tools, and etc )
Reason for Nomination: simple & clean skin, customised mods.

--------------- Added [DATE]1312526928[/DATE] at [TIME]1312526928[/TIME] ---------------


Originally Posted by wAnBoA (Post 2211138)
Site Name: Aboxcafe.com
URL: http://www.aboxcafe.com
Description: A forum extravaganza aiming for pure entertainment on pretty much every level, starting at Anime/Manga, going down the line through Graphics, Music, Games, News, Roleplays, Sports and Off Topic section (Cafe) for you to chillax and unwind with the other forum members.
Reason for Nomination: Total customised vbulletin site.

+1 ...

--------------- Added [DATE]1312527060[/DATE] at [TIME]1312527060[/TIME] ---------------


Originally Posted by afterlab (Post 2217424)
Site Name: Gamertag Nation
URL: http://www.gamertagnation.com
Description: An Innovative Social Network for Xbox 360 Gamers
Reason for Nomination: Nowhere else can you find an organized list of Xbox 360 games, user-submitted reviews and ratings, guides, calendar events, and news from all of your favorite gaming sites. The growing popularity of social networking and our love for gaming has given us a reason to merge the two concepts into one. With your gamertag registered at Gamertag Nation, you can actively play Xbox 360 games on your console and visit our website for content directed specifically to the game you played. Compare your statistics, achievements, and gamerscore all at the same time, too. Even if gaming isn't in your blood, stay for the active community. Join groups with other members, make friends, leave comments, post blog entries, or just lounge in one of our many discussion forums. This simple idea has grown and evolved into the full-fledged social gaming community it is today.

+1 ...

orok 08-06-2011 09:27 AM

Site Name: khuzaa.com (Abna'a Albalad - أبناء البلد)
URL: www.khuzaa.com
Description: Khuzaa is one of the Cities of Gaza Strip in palestine
Reason for Nomination: Custom skin.

Reycer 08-07-2011 11:13 PM

Site Name: School Bus Forums
URL: www.schoolbusforums.com
Description: An online community for School Bus Driver, Monitors, Mechanics and Parents
Reason for Nomination: While this isn't a "perfect" board as designs go, we have done some custom work to this board, and are quite proud of the accomplishments so far. The board is realitively new, but so far has been taking off. As far as we know there is no other Vbulletin School Bus Forum.

cameraguru 08-09-2011 09:38 AM

Site name: cameraguru.co.uk
URL: www.cameraguru.co.uk
Description: Photography Community
Reason for Nomination: We're new and up and coming, watch this space...

bremereric 08-12-2011 11:47 PM

Site Name: AspenandVolare.com
Site URL: http://www.aspenandvolare.com/
Description: Mopar F-body Car forum
Reason for Nomination: One off site about Aspen and Volares...new owner and administrator..already did paypal mod..and show member count mod with a little help...updated the Front Page to show people what we are about...going to do the Mass Personnal Message mod and also the You got Mail mod.

XiTCLUB 08-13-2011 08:22 PM

Site Name: XiTCLUB
Site URL: http://www.xitclub.com/
Description: IT Learning & Entertainment Forum
Reason for Nomination: 12k+ Members, 4k+ Daily Unique Visitors. We are providing unique video tutorials in URDU. & best place for entertainment. spreading information free of cost.

oldfan 08-14-2011 04:50 AM

very nice :up:


Originally Posted by xXxpert (Post 2233158)
Site Name: XiTCLUB
Site URL: http://www.xitclub.com/
Description: IT Learning & Entertainment Forum
Reason for Nomination: 12k+ Members, 4k+ Daily Unique Visitors. We are providing unique video tutorials in URDU. & best place for entertainment. spreading information free of cost.

cc10 08-14-2011 06:10 PM

Site Name: craftycarping

URL: http://www.craftycarping.co.uk

Description: A UK based carp fishing forum, bringing you articles, galleries and discussion on the burning topics from the world of carp fishing, including rigs, bait, tackle, holidays, venues abroad, free to join with monthly competitions to enter.

Reason for Nomination: One of the UK's up and coming carp angling communitys, with custom banner and post icons.

smoggy07 08-14-2011 06:54 PM



Originally Posted by cameraguru (Post 2231276)
Site name: cameraguru.co.uk
URL: www.cameraguru.co.uk
Description: Photography Community
Reason for Nomination: We're new and up and coming, watch this space...

bd1 08-14-2011 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by cameraguru (Post 2231276)
Site name: cameraguru.co.uk
URL: www.cameraguru.co.uk
Description: Photography Community
Reason for Nomination: We're new and up and coming, watch this space...

Great looking site

vbresults 08-15-2011 02:02 AM

Site Name: LancerForHire.com
URL: http://lancerforhire.com
Description: Commercial vBulletin Modifications Site
Reason for Nomination: It's a Commercial vBulletin Modifications Site!

Lemrith 08-21-2011 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by RTWAP (Post 2225741)
Site Name: Hockey Broads
URL: hockeybroads.com
Description: HockeyBroads is a hockey forum with an edge, covering the National Hockey League, and all other levels of hockey
Reason for Nomination: Eight custom skins, countless mods, and a fantastic community.


Originally Posted by FlowHRS (Post 2209744)
Site Name: Kwickfix.net - Enter the Dark World of Hacking
URL: www.Kwickfix.net
Description: Kwickfix is your entry into the dark world of hacking.
Reason for Nomination: We do it fur da LuLz ;_;

( Are forums are private as we are a hacking community, we have a test accoutn setup, User: Demo Pass: Demo2 )

Anyway, it's down completly - even pingin' it returns a false.


Originally Posted by jimsflies (Post 2204487)
Site Name: CaptiveReefs.com
URL: http://www.captivereefs.com
Description: reefkeeping community
Reason for Nomination: super modified vb site. Put a TON of work into it!

First of, i didn't belive this was a vB-Install. heavly moded install, and I'm sure, the vB Updates take a bit to install to get all those mods working again.


Originally Posted by TheWindows7Site (Post 2204830)
Site Name: Windows Community Forum

URL: http://www.WindowsCommunityForum.com

Description: Windows Community Forum is a forum dedicated to news, discussion and support for any and all Microsoft Windows products.

Reason for Nomination: Everything is custom. Custom logo. Great community for Windows related content, help and support.

+1, would do +2 if i could.


uhm, can i still nominate my own forums?
well, i'll give it a try.

Site Name: Lemrith - Die Stadt deiner Tr?ume

Url Lemrith.net

Description Lemrith is a Roleplay-themed forum. The Board is set in the virtual Town of Lemrith, the second largest City of the Kindom of Tha'n?ir. Here you can write your own Storiesand publish them (in the Libary of the Town) , play in various roleplays (in the theater, for sure.) or talk about what you want on the Marketplace.
The Forum is in german language, as the Site title indicates already.

Reason for Nomination Custom Skin, Dice-ability, moblie access with Tapatalk...

fassy4u 08-21-2011 10:44 PM


Site Name: XiTCLUB
Site URL: http://www.xitclub.com/
Description: IT Learning & Entertainment Forum
Reason for Nomination: 12k+ Members, 4k+ Daily Unique Visitors. We are providing unique video tutorials in URDU. & best place for entertainment. spreading information free of cost.

yaghoub 08-22-2011 05:32 PM

Site name: parsvbulletin
URL: http://www.parsvbulletin.com/forum.php
Description: A Persian language vBulletin resource
Reason for nomination: A great source for vbulletin info for Persians

vBseo.it 08-22-2011 05:37 PM

Site name: ItalianHack.org - Free Hacks & Cheats Gratis MMORPG ,FPS & Browser Games
URL: http://www.italianhack.org/forum.php
Description: The best community dedicated to video games
Reason for nomination: Custom Skin, Dice-ability, moblie access with Tapatalk and 15.000 users in 5 month

SpikedRocker 08-31-2011 03:25 AM

Site Name: TNS Gaming
Description:An internet gaming community, mainly focusing on STEAM games.
Reason for nomination:Our forum utilizes most vB functions and has intergrated several mods to preform tasks that makes our site so user friendly. We have a beautiful appearance and functionality. We admit that we still have some flaws, but we are proud of our site.

irequiem 08-31-2011 09:19 PM

Site Name: Advanced Tactics & Warfare
Description: We're a clan based forum, our main focus lays in FPS games such as ArmA 2 and Battlefield series
Reason for nomination: Our website is relatively new and I just though I'd be lovely to get inputs of what people think of it.

BirdOPrey5 09-01-2011 01:18 AM

Nominations are now closed. A vote will be up soon.

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