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Taurus1 06-10-2011 09:39 AM

Thanks for this! Works great.

Just custom bbcodes are not showing for me. Any advise?

MARCO1 06-10-2011 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by Taurus1 (Post 2205763)
Thanks for this! Works great.

Just custom bbcodes are not showing for me. Any advise?

Glad you got it working :)
I haven't tried it with custom bbcodes but it should work fine as there's no custom templates all working in PHP side.

CHADI-AS 06-10-2011 04:40 PM

Hi Marco,
it doesn't work with offical style of VB 4.1.4.
I'm waiting for you gold version.


steveyos666 06-10-2011 05:06 PM

The bb code buttons missing isn't this mod's fault

With vb4.1.4 beta and with 4.1.4 I get the bb code buttons in advanced reply/thread creation, but with quick reply there's no buttons

However, it's the same when I disable this mod too, so it's ckeditor's fault, and ckeditor is terrible I really wish they woudn't have switched to this junk or at least gave us the option to use the normal vbulletin editor that was working perfectly fine this entire time

In reply to chadi's post the mod's still working fine for me, but maybe it's because I was using the 4.1.4 beta with this installed and it just continued to work after upgrading to 4.1.4 gold, chadi might not have tried the 4.1.4. beta I'm not sure if it'd matter

mgurain 06-10-2011 08:31 PM

I have a problem after upgrading to 4.1.4,
The quick reply does not work, it directs the user to a blank page !

And I have just uninstalled the old version of your hack and installed this one, but still the same problem !
Could you please help ?


MARCO1 06-10-2011 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by mgurain (Post 2205970)
I have a problem after upgrading to 4.1.4,
The quick reply does not work, it directs the user to a blank page !

And I have just uninstalled the old version of your hack and installed this one, but still the same problem !
Could you please help ?


Please try to use the default vBulletin style because vb4.1.4 want to use the default template editor not an edited templates.

It's not my modification mistake it's vbulletin 4.1.4 requirement that to use the default editor templates.

MARCO1 06-10-2011 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by steveyos666 (Post 2205912)
The bb code buttons missing isn't this mod's fault

With vb4.1.4 beta and with 4.1.4 I get the bb code buttons in advanced reply/thread creation, but with quick reply there's no buttons

However, it's the same when I disable this mod too, so it's ckeditor's fault, and ckeditor is terrible I really wish they woudn't have switched to this junk or at least gave us the option to use the normal vbulletin editor that was working perfectly fine this entire time

In reply to chadi's post the mod's still working fine for me, but maybe it's because I was using the 4.1.4 beta with this installed and it just continued to work after upgrading to 4.1.4 gold, chadi might not have tried the 4.1.4. beta I'm not sure if it'd matter

If it's not work correctly when my modification is disabled so there's no problem in my modification and you should get back to vBulletin support or open new issue in vbulletin tracker.

marlera 06-10-2011 09:52 PM

Hey Marco, I have those 2 icons like Sadiq too :)

They're inserting two BB codes, PAGE and PRBREAK, both seem to be without any function.

Showing only in quick reply, not advanced.

BTW, great plugin, my members love you :D

MARCO1 06-10-2011 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by marlera (Post 2205994)
Hey Marco, I have those 2 icons like Sadiq too :)

They're inserting two BB codes, PAGE and PRBREAK, both seem to be without any function.

Showing only in quick reply, not advanced.

BTW, great plugin, my members love you :D

Yes, That's has been fixing in the next version ... Should be released in less than 2 hours :)

Thank you Marlera you're welcome.

marlera 06-10-2011 10:12 PM

Thank you for superfast reply and keep up with great work!

I'll nominate this for MOTM after submit :)

mgurain 06-10-2011 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by MARCO1 (Post 2205983)
Please try to use the default vBulletin style because vb4.1.4 want to use the default template editor not an edited templates.

It's not my modification mistake it's vbulletin 4.1.4 requirement that to use the default editor templates.

I've switched to the default vb style, but same problem !
may be other hacks problem ?

MARCO1 06-10-2011 11:00 PM

The final build has been released!
Waiting your feedbacks about it, Hope that you will like the new features and bug fixes :)

Thank you, And I've sent an e-mail to all who MARKED AS INSTALLED about this new update.

steveyos666 06-11-2011 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by MARCO1 (Post 2205984)
If it's not work correctly when my modification is disabled so there's no problem in my modification and you should get back to vBulletin support or open new issue in vbulletin tracker.

I don't care about the bbcode buttons not being there and besides that it works fine for me I'm sure someone else will report it

About the new version though, do we uninstall the beta one first?

BCP Hung 06-11-2011 12:34 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by MARCO1 (Post 2206017)
...Waiting your feedbacks about it, Hope that you will like the new features and bug fixes...

Yeah, I like it, but, I have a bug : lost Switch Editor Mode (WYSIWYG and Source) button (you can see in attachment).

And, can you improve Smilies popup window when click [More Smilies] ?
I want to same CKEditor Smilies popup !

Thanks advanced !

CHADI-AS 06-11-2011 12:50 AM

thx for new version.
But the Costume BBCode and Source Mode button don't show with Quick reply.


Taurus1 06-11-2011 01:59 AM


Originally Posted by CHADI-AS (Post 2206044)
thx for new version.
But the Costume BBCode and Source Mode button don't show with Quick reply.


Same here, custom bbcode's and Source Mode buttons not showing in Quick Reply.

steveyos666 06-11-2011 02:48 AM

The bbcode buttons, again, have nothing to do with this mod

Turn this mod off and you'll see they're still not there, it's ckeditor, so contact vbulletin about it

I'm not sure about the mode switch button since I never use it and never notice it but it's probably the same situation

Taurus1 06-11-2011 03:51 AM


Originally Posted by steveyos666 (Post 2206072)
The bbcode buttons, again, have nothing to do with this mod

Turn this mod off and you'll see they're still not there, it's ckeditor, so contact vbulletin about it

I'm not sure about the mode switch button since I never use it and never notice it but it's probably the same situation

The bbcode and Source mode buttons both show in advanced. So should be included in this mod too.

And your statement makes no sense for if I turn this mod off, none of the advanced editors images will show, for that is the point of this mod. ;)

steveyos666 06-11-2011 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by Taurus1 (Post 2206090)
The bbcode and Source mode buttons both show in advanced. So should be included in this mod too.

And your statement makes no sense for if I turn this mod off, none of the advanced editors images will show, for that is the point of this mod. ;)

Do you speak english natively? It's not hard to understand- the bbcodes not showing up in quick reply has nothing to do with this mod, because when you disable it, they still don't show up the default quick reply. So contact vbulletin about it.

I have no idea if the source button shows up or not, I still don't even know what it is so you'll have to test that for yourself to see if it's the fault of this mod or not, but the bbcode buttons have nothing to do with this mod, it's ckeditor's fault and vbulletin's fault for choosing such a horrible editor when they had a perfectly fine one to begin with

Taurus1 06-11-2011 04:46 AM

Does these show up if I disable this mod??
  • Remove format
  • Paste from word
  • Font
  • Font size
  • Text Color
  • Smiles drop-down menu
  • Smiles clickable box
  • Undo
  • Redo
  • Bold
  • Italic
  • Underline
  • Numbered list
  • Bulleted List
  • Outdent
  • Indent
  • Link
  • Unlink
  • Image
  • Video
  • Quote
  • Code
  • HTML
  • PHP
  • Table
  • Table properties
  • Delete Table
  • Insert row before
  • Insert row after
  • Delete row
  • Insert column before
  • Insert column after
  • Delete column
  • Subscript
  • Super script
  • Horizontal Rule
  • Page Break
  • Preview Break
So I still don't get your point!

steveyos666 06-11-2011 04:56 AM

I don't get your point either, none of that has anything to do with bbcode buttons

Taurus1 06-11-2011 05:03 AM


Originally Posted by steveyos666 (Post 2206109)
I don't get your point either, none of that has anything to do with bbcode buttons

Does those show on the advanced editor? Yes. Does the bbcode buttons show in the advanced editor? Yes.

carik 06-11-2011 12:49 PM

for quik reply not 'Attach' ???

steveyos666 06-11-2011 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Taurus1 (Post 2206110)
Does those show on the advanced editor? Yes. Does the bbcode buttons show in the advanced editor? Yes.

And this mod has nothing to do with the advanced editor, it's just for the quick reply. If you disable the mod, you'll notice bbcode buttons don't show up regardless of whether or not this mod is even installed. I cannot dumb this down any further.

Taurus1 06-11-2011 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by steveyos666 (Post 2206227)
And this mod has nothing to do with the advanced editor, it's just for the quick reply. If you disable the mod, you'll notice bbcode buttons don't show up regardless of whether or not this mod is even installed. I cannot dumb this down any further.

O jeez man!! This mod is there to give you the features of the advanced editor in your quick reply. And as custom bbcode buttons is a feature of the advance editor it should therefore also be a feature of the quick editor with this mod. And that, I cannot dumb down any further!!!!

steveyos666 06-11-2011 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by Taurus1 (Post 2206246)
O jeez man!! This mod is there to give you the features of the advanced editor in your quick reply. And as custom bbcode buttons is a feature of the advance editor it should therefore also be a feature of the quick editor with this mod. And that, I cannot dumb down any further!!!!

Oh ok, see I thought the bbcodes were supposed to be in the quick reply and it was a bug that they're not because you see, when I'd fill in the option for the bbcode image button before the release of ckeditor, there'd be bbcode buttons in the quick reply box. I guess you just got vbulletin with the 4.1.4 release and never used any previous versions with the old editor. I get it now, you shoulda said you were new.

Taurus1 06-11-2011 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by steveyos666 (Post 2206257)
Oh ok, see I thought the bbcodes were supposed to be in the quick reply and it was a bug that they're not because you see, when I'd fill in the option for the bbcode image button before the release of ckeditor, there'd be bbcode buttons in the quick reply box. I guess you just got vbulletin with the 4.1.4 release and never used any previous versions with the old editor. I get it now, you shoulda said you were new.

ehhhh.....very far from new bud! Been using vbulletin for years! Go and look at my forum. (In my sig)

CrossWind 06-11-2011 03:54 PM

Working Successfully, thank you!

Mark as Installed >>>done
Tag Modification>>>> done
MOTM Nomination >> done

احسنت صنعاً ماركو

steveyos666 06-11-2011 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by Taurus1 (Post 2206266)
ehhhh.....very far from new bud! Been using vbulletin for years! Go and look at my forum. (In my sig)

No thanks I'd rather the two of us never communicate again especially since you can't really communicate in english and I don't know your native language so it's kind of pointless I was just trying to point out that the bbcode buttons are supposed to be there but they're not because ckeditor is horrible and somehow you read what I typed as something completely different, I got a foreign guy at my forum who does that too though it's weird

I tried to shed some light on the situation and I'm sure other people got it so that's all that matters to me that's it now

Taurus1 06-11-2011 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by steveyos666 (Post 2206286)
No thanks I'd rather the two of us never communicate again especially since you can't really communicate in english and I don't know your native language so it's kind of pointless I was just trying to point out that the bbcode buttons are supposed to be there but they're not because ckeditor is horrible and somehow you read what I typed as something completely different, I got a foreign guy at my forum who does that too though it's weird

I tried to shed some light on the situation and I'm sure other people got it so that's all that matters to me that's it now

I can't communicate in English!!?? That is good!! whahahaha....
It is you who don't know what the heck you are talking about man! So stop insulting me OK! Yes, I am not English, but I speak 5 languages. How many do you speak?

Robru 06-11-2011 04:30 PM

Thanks for your awsome work !! :)

steveyos666 06-11-2011 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by Taurus1 (Post 2206290)
I can't communicate in English!!?? That is good!! whahahaha....
It is you who don't know what the heck you are talking about man! So stop insulting me OK! Yes, I am not English, but I speak 5 languages. How many do you speak?

I speak one, I don't pretend to be able to speak four others. If you understood english you'd realize you're the only one arguing right now and I never insulted you. My mexican friend at my forum has this same problem, he sees words on the screen and somehow translates them into being insults when there's no insults anywhere to be found. Either post about marco's modification or don't post at all, I'm not getting banned because someone can't understand what I'm saying because I already know this will end up with me somehow being the bad guy because people are soft and don't want the race card pulled on them. So shhhhhh, and I'll do the same.

deverill2010 06-11-2011 05:03 PM

Hi macro I'm a bit confused.

I have all the options set to YES but I seem to be missing some buttons compared to your screenshot?

Mine -


Yours -


Vaira 06-11-2011 05:25 PM

There are some issues.
When I've set Table Features to no, they still appear at quick edit and quick reply when replying to a PM.

They only disappear at quick reply of the forums.

Any hint?

-=Leb=- 06-11-2011 05:25 PM

wonderful and big thx for the update :)

Vaira 06-11-2011 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by deverill2010 (Post 2206306)
Hi macro I'm a bit confused.

I have all the options set to YES but I seem to be missing some buttons compared to your screenshot?

Mine -


Yours -


Have you enabled code, php and html tags at your forums at all (bb code settings)?
Some should be disabled for security reasons. I only have code allowed, no html, no php.
So I have only the additional # (code tag button) here compared to yours.

No <>, no PHP ;)

deverill2010 06-11-2011 06:05 PM

Ah hah! Never had to go in the Bb code settings before. TY!

davidg 06-11-2011 07:33 PM

Thank you for you mod but can u please let us have the choice about this
"Forum Modifications Developed By Marco Mamdouh"
How can i remove this ?

kylek 06-11-2011 08:01 PM

Does this add all the items to groups / blogs? Have installed it but not getting attachments in blogs and groups? Unless there are some other settings I have overlooked for groups.

Filgga 06-11-2011 08:17 PM

Installed, nominated!

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