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Manoel J?nior 05-29-2011 12:22 PM

Please, product in 3.8.7 please!

vapid2323 05-29-2011 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by nhawk (Post 2201178)
This can already be done.

You need to edit the Application Type and give them permission to view the application type.

Then you need to edit the Application Position and give them permission to apply for the position.

Thanks! I missed one setting sorry about that!

JasonP38 05-30-2011 12:03 AM


great job, thanks. :)

Gn_Snake 06-01-2011 10:43 AM

I get an error when I follow the link the application with the browser

The error is:
"Sorry, we are currently not accepting applications."

What's this?


nhawk 06-01-2011 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by Gn_Snake (Post 2202373)
I get an error when I follow the link the application with the browser

The error is:
"Sorry, we are currently not accepting applications."

What's this?


It sounds like you turned off the application system in Application Form Settings and didn't refresh your screen to get rid of the application link. Or, you haven't given yourself permissions to view the application form.

Jeremy8 06-02-2011 08:41 PM

How do I have different questions for different positions?

edit: nvm found it

Alan_SP 06-02-2011 11:04 PM

Started testing it and have strange problem.

All questions have same answer. :( Of course I gave different answers. Very confusing. Also, when I first tried to submit application it didn't registered any answers (all answers where required). When I removed text that makes them required all answers are the same (the first one).

As suggestion, can you enable that we can use some answer (we choose which, or at least first one) as thread title (i.e. report subject).

This would be very useful for different request my users could have but couldn't be directly linked with user's name etc. For example I allow people to advertise their websites in certain forum. They usually forgot things like link to their website as they think that's not allowed or for whatever reason. If I could ask them for their website name and use that answer as thread title, it would be excellent way to start thread about their website.

Also, same goes for link exchange, they could enter their site name, where is our link there etc and after all this could be good thread about their site, but now I couldn't have their site name as thread title.

EDIT: Problem with questions having same answer is solved that I deleted all questions and entered again default answers. Now it works as it should. Also tested creating new questions, this also works. Don't know exactly why I had this problem. Strange, but on the good side, erasing questions and creating them again solves this problem.

nhawk 06-03-2011 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by Alan_SP (Post 2202868)
Started testing it and have strange problem.

All questions have same answer. :( Of course I gave different answers. Very confusing. Also, when I first tried to submit application it didn't registered any answers (all answers where required). When I removed text that makes them required all answers are the same (the first one).

As suggestion, can you enable that we can use some answer (we choose which, or at least first one) as thread title (i.e. report subject).

This would be very useful for different request my users could have but couldn't be directly linked with user's name etc. For example I allow people to advertise their websites in certain forum. They usually forgot things like link to their website as they think that's not allowed or for whatever reason. If I could ask them for their website name and use that answer as thread title, it would be excellent way to start thread about their website.

Also, same goes for link exchange, they could enter their site name, where is our link there etc and after all this could be good thread about their site, but now I couldn't have their site name as thread title.

EDIT: Problem with questions having same answer is solved that I deleted all questions and entered again default answers. Now it works as it should. Also tested creating new questions, this also works. Don't know exactly why I had this problem. Strange, but on the good side, erasing questions and creating them again solves this problem.

Glad to see you worked it out.

If that ever happens again and you have access to phpMyAdmin, I'd appreciate it if you could immediately export the 3 advapp tables so I can see what might be causing the problem.

I still have all of your requests, but haven't had enough time to work on them. I haven't forgotten about them. ;)

Jeremy8 06-03-2011 06:25 PM

OK, I spent a long time putting questions and applications together and just opened it up now. Several people have submitted applications and it's just a big mess. There is something wrong with your modification. The threads that were submitted are all messed up. Some answers appeared under different questions, some didn't appear at all, some have answers that make no sense (for example, for a single selection question, it says a number, which is not even close to any of the options). And these are for questions that are not optional. I don't know what happened, but now a lot of the members at my forum will have to redo their applications. But first I need to get it working...

edit: I don't know if one of the questions messed it up? I have 3 applications. 2 of them are ok. 1 of them is not. maybe there is a problem if you add the default questions after already creating some questions?

Alan_SP 06-04-2011 02:06 AM


Originally Posted by Jeremy8 (Post 2203166)
edit: I don't know if one of the questions messed it up? I have 3 applications. 2 of them are ok. 1 of them is not. maybe there is a problem if you add the default questions after already creating some questions?

This could be cause of problem. I remember that I did something stupid when I was testing mod. I added default questions when there already were default questions. Then I deleted duplicate questions, so everything looked normal to outside, but when I started answering only first answer was recorded and repeated as answer for all questions.

As I wrote, deleting all questions and using default ones from beginning solved problem.

Obviously there's a problem with order of questions when using default ones after there are questions already.

From what Jeremy8 said, some answers are paired with wrong questions. Something like that could happened in my case too.

Important: I just repeated bug. It's very easy to do.

First create some questions, I think that even one is enough for bug to get triggered. In any case I had 6 questions before bug was triggered. Then insert default questions. And that is it, bug is there.

In my case last 6 (as I had 6 questions) default questions as they are last couldn't be entered. I'm sure that if I remove that they are not optional answer would be repeted.

I tested repositioning questions before this and everything worked fine. The problem is with putting default questions after there are questions already. It seems like they are hardcoded in their positions or something like that.

Alan_SP 06-04-2011 02:21 AM


Originally Posted by nhawk (Post 2202998)
If that ever happens again and you have access to phpMyAdmin, I'd appreciate it if you could immediately export the 3 advapp tables so I can see what might be causing the problem.

I still have all of your requests, but haven't had enough time to work on them. I haven't forgotten about them. ;)

Please try to reproduce bug on your installation, if you couldn't I'll post you tables. Bug is very easy to reproduce.

About requests, thanks, you really made excellent mod. :up: If I can suggest, making one (or even more than one) answer variable that we can use for thread (or PM) title is number one on my list. :) Even ability to use only first answer as variable is enough, but if you could make filed in answers that gets "promoted" to variable would add flexibility.

And one more request. If you could make your mod appear as navtab button (with Home, Forum, Blog, What's new buttons) with all application types and positions in one place. This is to be an option on global level. Of course, each application type still could be placed in Community drop down menu and to have it's own link.

I'd like to make applications more prominent and have one central place for different applications. User than would choose what they want using descriptions of application types. And on different places I too would like to use direct link to certain applications.

Jeremy8 06-04-2011 05:01 AM


Originally Posted by Alan_SP (Post 2203269)
This could be cause of problem. I remember that I did something stupid when I was testing mod. I added default questions when there already were default questions. Then I deleted duplicate questions, so everything looked normal to outside, but when I started answering only first answer was recorded and repeated as answer for all questions.

As I wrote, deleting all questions and using default ones from beginning solved problem.

Obviously there's a problem with order of questions when using default ones after there are questions already.

From what Jeremy8 said, some answers are paired with wrong questions. Something like that could happened in my case too.

Important: I just repeated bug. It's very easy to do.

First create some questions, I think that even one is enough for bug to get triggered. In any case I had 6 questions before bug was triggered. Then insert default questions. And that is it, bug is there.

In my case last 6 (as I had 6 questions) default questions as they are last couldn't be entered. I'm sure that if I remove that they are not optional answer would be repeted.

I tested repositioning questions before this and everything worked fine. The problem is with putting default questions after there are questions already. It seems like they are hardcoded in their positions or something like that.

Yeah because I just redid the application and now it's fine.

Speaking of the default questions, it might work better if you don't insert them into an application, but instead you enable them for an application. And when you make a change to the default questions, it affects all of the applications they are enabled in. The way it works now is kind of like a template where you add them in. But if you change a default question, you'd have to change it in the application it's used in as well.

nhawk 06-04-2011 09:59 AM

Thank you for your very descriptive method of reproducing the problem.

This helps me (and any other coder) go straight to the problem and correct it. I should have a fix out sometime today. If not, it will be out Monday.

nhawk 06-04-2011 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Alan_SP (Post 2203274)
About requests, thanks, you really made excellent mod. :up: If I can suggest, making one (or even more than one) answer variable that we can use for thread (or PM) title is number one on my list. :) Even ability to use only first answer as variable is enough, but if you could make filed in answers that gets "promoted" to variable would add flexibility.

And one more request. If you could make your mod appear as navtab button (with Home, Forum, Blog, What's new buttons) with all application types and positions in one place. This is to be an option on global level. Of course, each application type still could be placed in Community drop down menu and to have it's own link.

I'd like to make applications more prominent and have one central place for different applications. User than would choose what they want using descriptions of application types. And on different places I too would like to use direct link to certain applications.

I was able to incorporate placing the applications types in the navbar tabs along with the fix for the answer problem today.

All of your other requests will come. Just time is not my friend today.

A note about the navbar tab option... You have to turn on "show in navbar tab" in both the main settings and in the application type for the application type to show there.

Alan_SP 06-05-2011 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by nhawk (Post 2203490)
A note about the navbar tab option... You have to turn on "show in navbar tab" in both the main settings and in the application type for the application type to show there.

You are really fast. :up:

The way you incorporated the mod in navbar is excellent, I like option to decide which application types are shown there, much better than my suggestion to have them all listed automatically. :up:

I also tested fix for the bug and it's fixed. :) Only thing to do is delete old questions as they still carry bug within themselves. But when you create them from start everything works great. :up:

And yes, I have one more suggestion (I'm a bit shameless :o). After completing application, could user be redirected to somewhere we want them? Now they go again to application type they just filled up. For example, if they could go to thread that's created if it is public one (this couldn't be fixed link as thread don't exist when we set application position), or to redirect them to forum home, or to any other existing link on our website (possibly thread we created to explain them why we want them to apply to position they just applied, or whatever else).

So we would have three options:

a) as it is now, to the application type they just filled up
b) link thread that is just created (we need to take in account if it is visible to user, if not visible he'll receive error message that he doesn't have permission to view thread and this is not your problem)
c) some fixed link we supply

Of course, this is settable for every application position we create

Alan_SP 06-05-2011 12:59 AM


Originally Posted by Jeremy8 (Post 2203304)
Speaking of the default questions, it might work better if you don't insert them into an application, but instead you enable them for an application. And when you make a change to the default questions, it affects all of the applications they are enabled in. The way it works now is kind of like a template where you add them in. But if you change a default question, you'd have to change it in the application it's used in as well.

Yes, your suggestion has it's own merits. But I think that system as it's now is better. Now we can delete some default questions and reposition them, also mix them with custom questions etc.

If we would be able to make our own default question sets (and nhawk said he'd try to make it so) then it would be easy to create different positions with similar question sets.

Ellendway 06-05-2011 08:07 AM

Can I do "custom thread name"?

I mean that user can do his own name of thread.

nhawk 06-05-2011 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by Ellendway (Post 2203713)
Can I do "custom thread name"?

I mean that user can do his own name of thread.

At this point in time the thread name is set in the Application Position setting by whoever makes the position application. It can not be selected or changed by the person filling out the application.

Ellendway 06-05-2011 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by nhawk (Post 2203754)
At this point in time the thread name is set in the Application Position setting by whoever makes the position application. It can not be selected or changed by the person filling out the application.

Oh... Is there any chance to do it in future?

nhawk 06-05-2011 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by Ellendway (Post 2203760)
Oh... Is there any chance to do it in future?

That is similar to one of the requests already made. Where a certain answer would become the topic of the thread that's created. So, yes it will eventually happen.

Manoel J?nior 06-05-2011 03:56 PM

Please, product in 3.8.7?

nhawk 06-06-2011 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by Alan_SP (Post 2203274)
... If I can suggest, making one (or even more than one) answer variable that we can use for thread (or PM) title is number one on my list. :) Even ability to use only first answer as variable is enough, but if you could make filed in answers that gets "promoted" to variable would add flexibility.

In the update I posted today, the first single line text answer can be used as the report subject.

It doesn't matter where it is in the list of questions, but it will always be the first SINGLE LINE text answer that is used when the option is enabled.


Originally Posted by Alan_SP (Post 2203630)
... And yes, I have one more suggestion (I'm a bit shameless :o). After completing application, could user be redirected to somewhere we want them? Now they go again to application type they just filled up. For example, if they could go to thread that's created if it is public one (this couldn't be fixed link as thread don't exist when we set application position), or to redirect them to forum home, or to any other existing link on our website (possibly thread we created to explain them why we want them to apply to position they just applied, or whatever else)...

It's in today's update.

1) Original Application Type
2) Forum Home
3) Newly Created Thread
4) Link You Provide

Alan_SP 06-07-2011 01:42 PM

Hey, you're fast as always. :up:

I just tested it, everything works superb.

But could you make first single line as variable, like you have for applicants name. I mean something like this:

Replacement variable:
{1} = Member Name
{2} = First single line in application

I don't know if it's possible, but that would enable greater flexibility in reports subjects and you could loose one option.

nhawk 06-07-2011 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by Alan_SP (Post 2204603)
Hey, you're fast as always. :up:

I just tested it, everything works superb.

But could you make first single line as variable, like you have for applicants name. I mean something like this:

Replacement variable:
{1} = Member Name
{2} = First single line in application

I don't know if it's possible, but that would enable greater flexibility in reports subjects and you could loose one option.

I had thought of doing it that way, but inevitably someone would try to combine the two variables for the report subject and complain it's not working. ;)

Alan_SP 06-07-2011 02:37 PM

Ok, I didn't know that both of them couldn't work together. Could you make it still as variable, but that we choose which one to use? Member name or first line? For example if we choose to use first line that we couldn't use member name. Or at least that there's a warning in bold letters that they exclude each other?

Alan_SP 06-07-2011 03:15 PM

I just noticed, links in answers aren't parsed. Is there a way to make links get parsed beside editing thread after it's created?

nhawk 06-07-2011 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by Alan_SP (Post 2204616)
Ok, I didn't know that both of them couldn't work together. Could you make it still as variable, but that we choose which one to use? Member name or first line? For example if we choose to use first line that we couldn't use member name. Or at least that there's a warning in bold letters that they exclude each other?

That is exactly what the 'Yes/No' option does, it gives the either/or option.

I'll have to think about it, but personally I think combining the two could end up with strange results.


Originally Posted by Alan_SP (Post 2204621)
I just noticed, links in answers aren't parsed. Is there a way to make links get parsed beside editing thread after it's created?

Stranger Danger! ;)

You REALLY want links parsed?

You could end up with a ton of undesirable live links on your site that way.

I should be able to make it an option if you really want them parsed.

Manoel J?nior 06-07-2011 09:43 PM

and... me?

You can make product in 3.8.7?

nhawk 06-08-2011 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by Manoel J?nior (Post 2204779)
and... me?

You can make product in 3.8.7?

You asked this same question about one of my other mods. The answer is not any different..

At this point I can't say if I will or won't port any of my mods to 3.8.7.

None of the sites I service run 3.x.x any more and my time is spent servicing 4.x.x sites and mods.

Ellendway 06-08-2011 01:32 PM

Awesome update nhawk!!! Thanks so much. I'll send donate if few days.

Anyway, I've got questions how to fix two things.

1) If I'll use URL address in application form, in topic is this URL "dead".
2) Multi-Line Text is bugged???

I hope the screenshot of my screen will help you.

nhawk 06-08-2011 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by Ellendway (Post 2205034)
Awesome update nhawk!!! Thanks so much. I'll send donate if few days.

Anyway, I've got questions how to fix two things.

1) If I'll use URL address in application form, in topic is this URL "dead".
2) Multi-Line Text is bugged???

I hope the screenshot of my screen will help you.

Yes, URLs are dead. Alan_SP suggested they be live. But if I do that it will be by an option. Not everyone allows live links on their site.

Multi-line text works fine. It even shows up without any bugs in your screenshot, so I'm not sure what you're expecting to see.

EDIT: I THINK I see what you mean. The text is being broken down into small chunks. I never noticed that.

I'll issue a full update a little later today.

Ellendway 06-08-2011 03:49 PM

Thanks for quick fix. It's working good now.

If you will have little more time, you can do it (with links), but no rush :)

Thanks again!

nhawk 06-08-2011 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by Ellendway (Post 2205109)
Thanks for quick fix. It's working good now.

If you will have little more time, you can do it (with links), but no rush :)

Thanks again!

It's in today's release on a per-position basis. So, it can be enabled on a position by position basis. Only SINGLE LINE text answers will be parsed for URLS.

Alan_SP 06-08-2011 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by nhawk (Post 2204626)
That is exactly what the 'Yes/No' option does, it gives the either/or option.

I'll have to think about it, but personally I think combining the two could end up with strange results.

I want to use users first line answer as variable, that I have ability to add some text to it if I want/need it. That I be able to make such thread names:

User's first answer is: {1}

Or if we could use both I could have:

{1}'s first answer is: {2}

Of course, it doesn't really need to be {1}, it could be also {2}, whatever variable number it is. And yes, I am aware that this could give strange results, but I'm the one who's creating threads names and this is something I do think about.

Now as I understand I can use only first answer as it is, without adding any of my text to it. It is good, but having it as variable would be better in my opinion. I really don't know is it possible, but I already miss it.


Stranger Danger! ;)

You REALLY want links parsed?

You could end up with a ton of undesirable live links on your site that way.

I should be able to make it an option if you really want them parsed.
Yes, I really want links parsed. For example, when user's apply for moderator I want to ask him for links of threads he started, or he thinks he wrote good posts, as this is something relevant in my opinion what makes good moderator. In that case, having live links is commodity. I now just edit his first post without actually editing anything (links after that become live).

Having ability to choose live or dead links is fine with me, I'm always for having more control than less. :)

Also, I noticed you didn't phrased Start Application button, it's "hard coded" in template. Please, can you phrase it. The button to use when user chooses which application to fill out.

And one new suggestion. Can you make that filled out applications create new posts in already existing thread? Sometimes I'd like to use both options (you can say I like to archive applications in certain thread, to have all of them in one place), and sometimes I'd like only to add new posts to already existing thread.

Of course, I think this to be an addition to creating new threads, not instead of it, just like I can send PM or email too.

Alan_SP 06-08-2011 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by nhawk (Post 2205168)
It's in today's release on a per-position basis. So, it can be enabled on a position by position basis. Only SINGLE LINE text answers will be parsed for URLS.

As I said, you're really fast. :up:

Though I would also make multi line answers parsed if it is possible. As I understand we have option if we want links parsed or not, so why not have them parsed everywhere? Please...

nhawk 06-08-2011 06:07 PM

I will be taking a break from programming for a while, to see what else might pop up. If there is a bug found, I'll act on that quickly. But additions/modifications will wait until there are a few of them to do at once.

So far as the button text goes, temporarily you can change it. Go into the style manager and open Advanced Applications Templates->advapp_select.

Look for this code..

<input type="submit" class="button" value="Start Application" />
And change Start Application to whatever you like.

nhawk 06-08-2011 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by Alan_SP (Post 2205170)
As I said, you're really fast. :up:

Though I would also make multi line answers parsed if it is possible. As I understand we have option if we want links parsed or not, so why not have them parsed everywhere? Please...

Seeing as how that's a quick 5 minute fix, I've done it but I won't upload it as a full release until there's more to go with it.

Alan_SP 06-09-2011 08:28 AM

Thanks for enabling live links everywhere. :)

For button, I know where to change template, just thought to mention it as phrasing enables using it in forums with more than one language. Template changes doesn't.

You made really great mod. :up:

Manoel J?nior 06-09-2011 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by nhawk (Post 2204973)
You asked this same question about one of my other mods. The answer is not any different..

At this point I can't say if I will or won't port any of my mods to 3.8.7.

None of the sites I service run 3.x.x any more and my time is spent servicing 4.x.x sites and mods.

Thanks for you answer

nhawk 06-15-2011 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by Alan_SP (Post 2205169)
I want to use users first line answer as variable, that I have ability to add some text to it if I want/need it. That I be able to make such thread names:

User's first answer is: {1}

Or if we could use both I could have:

{1}'s first answer is: {2}

Of course, it doesn't really need to be {1}, it could be also {2}, whatever variable number it is. And yes, I am aware that this could give strange results, but I'm the one who's creating threads names and this is something I do think about.

Now as I understand I can use only first answer as it is, without adding any of my text to it. It is good, but having it as variable would be better in my opinion. I really don't know is it possible, but I already miss it.

Yes, I really want links parsed. For example, when user's apply for moderator I want to ask him for links of threads he started, or he thinks he wrote good posts, as this is something relevant in my opinion what makes good moderator. In that case, having live links is commodity. I now just edit his first post without actually editing anything (links after that become live).

Having ability to choose live or dead links is fine with me, I'm always for having more control than less. :)

Also, I noticed you didn't phrased Start Application button, it's "hard coded" in template. Please, can you phrase it. The button to use when user chooses which application to fill out.

And one new suggestion. Can you make that filled out applications create new posts in already existing thread? Sometimes I'd like to use both options (you can say I like to archive applications in certain thread, to have all of them in one place), and sometimes I'd like only to add new posts to already existing thread.

Of course, I think this to be an addition to creating new threads, not instead of it, just like I can send PM or email too.

All included in yesterday's release.

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