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-   -   Anti-Spam Options - KeyCAPTCHA - Interactive CAPTCHA with Social Features (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=257294)

YkudzA 03-03-2011 06:35 PM

1) Hehe, thanks, sometimes my mind get away
2) Is it possible to change my site from one to another (1st is for testing, 2nd for final release)

KeyCAPTCHA 03-04-2011 04:08 AM


Originally Posted by YkudzA (Post 2169200)
1) Hehe, thanks, sometimes my mind get away
2) Is it possible to change my site from one to another (1st is for testing, 2nd for final release)

1)Большое пожалуйста. Never mind
2)Yes, one can switch over Personal CAPTCHA service from one site to another on our keycaptcha.com from under account for which you have purchased this service

You would get even faster response if you open support ticket for any question or issue.

KeyCAPTCHA 03-09-2011 05:36 AM


Originally Posted by KeyCAPTCHA (Post 2168972)
We responded extendedly through PM to YkudzA

thank you for your time and enthusiasm.
If you believe that issues, about which you wrote in PM,
are important to you, I would strongly advise you
to open support tickets on them.

mrdiger 03-10-2011 05:52 PM

great installation guide

been having spam bot problems lately, time will tell if this will work. so far so good!!

thanks alot

[edit] no more bots! works perfect! ty!

KeyCAPTCHA 03-12-2011 03:20 AM


Originally Posted by mrdiger (Post 2171987)
great installation guide

been having spam bot problems lately, time will tell if this will work. so far so good!!

thanks alot

[edit] no more bots! works perfect! ty!

Thanks for thanks. This is always pleasant to read.

Please do not forget to tell. We are for sure and others might be also interested to know.
Ppl write a lot about problems but rarely have the time to inform about their resolving (absence),
so greatly skewing the information perceived by others.

EasyEazy 03-12-2011 04:37 AM

I have installed this. Easy to follow setup. Time will tell about the spam bots but so far so good.

Keep up the good work

KeyCAPTCHA 03-13-2011 02:25 AM


Originally Posted by EasyEazy (Post 2172468)
I have installed this. Easy to follow setup. Time will tell about the spam bots but so far so good.

Keep up the good work

thanks for trusting and trying KeyCAPTCHA.
This is the most pleasant (crown) part of any work - to have (and read) feedback
Thanks for your time to write!

Have a nice work also!

EasyEazy 03-14-2011 08:47 PM

Had this running for a couple of days now. usually get about 3/4 spam bots a day.

NONE now

Great work

KeyCAPTCHA 03-16-2011 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by EasyEazy (Post 2173387)
Had this running for a couple of days now. usually get about 3/4 spam bots a day.

NONE now

Great work

reoccuring/continuous feeddback! This is rather rare.
Thanks again!

KHALIK 03-17-2011 04:43 PM

Keycaptcha Free Version

I might as well add;

Been using keycaptcha for a while now (vb4.1.2) and seem to be working fine without any problems and stopped all spambots registering on my site. I previously tried different plugins and this seem to have answered all my problems.

I used to get around 20 spam bots registering on the site, now it is basically zero.


Rock Anthony 03-30-2011 12:46 AM

Two things for me render this product unusable for my site:

1. Failed registrations provide no visible feedback to the user.

If a registration fails, only if the KeyCAPTCHA puzzle is solved does the system alert the user of why the registration failed.

Under the default human verification system of vbulletin, the system immediately alerts the user of why a registration failed (mismatch password, invalid email address, incorrect CAPTCHA, etc.)

The 'registration' button is at the bottom of the registration page. When the user scrolls to the bottom to click the button, the KeyCAPTCHA image is no longer in view. The only alert KeyCAPTCHA provides for an incorrect puzzle solution is the display of a red crossed out circle. This red crossed out circle is not in view because the user has scrolled to the bottom of the page. So, the registration fails, and with no visible feedback provided, the user is left clueless as to why the page does nothing. The user can of course scroll back up, but the red crossed out circle displays for a couple of seconds and then disappears, most likely before a user scrolls back up. Eventually a new user would figure this out, as did I, but I would rather not frustrate new users that try to register - they might leave.

This would definetly work to stop spam bots, but also to frustrate new users.

2. The KeyCAPTCHA can be blocked by a firewall

I visited my site from behind a firewall and the KeyCAPTCHA image was not visible because it was blocked by the firewall. This means that other users that are behind firewalls may be precluded from joining my online community.

Despite the above two issues, I believe that this is a good product. It just doesn't suit my needs.

KeyCAPTCHA 03-30-2011 02:59 AM

Hi, Rock Anthony,
thanks for your time and feedback.


Originally Posted by Rock Anthony (Post 2178934)
1. Failed registrations provide no visible feedback to the user

In the most nearest time we shall add an alert warning a user when the captcha was solved incorrectly


Originally Posted by Rock Anthony (Post 2178934)
2. The KeyCAPTCHA can be blocked by a firewall

Firewall can block any service or website, it is its purpose.
If someone uses a firewall, (s)he should configure what (s)he wants from it
(to block or not)


Originally Posted by Rock Anthony (Post 2178934)
Despite the above two issues, I believe that this is a good product. It just doesn't suit my needs

Thanks again for your time and valuable feedback!

Rock Anthony 03-30-2011 11:05 PM

Well, thank you for hearing me! I'm extremely gratefull that you've considered my feedback enough to implement changes in the next release. Thanks!


Originally Posted by KeyCAPTCHA (Post 2178990)

Firewall can block any service or website, it is its purpose.
If someone uses a firewall, (s)he should configure what (s)he wants from it
(to block or not)

Thanks again for your time and valuable feedback!

What port should I tell my users to open so that KeyCAPTCHA will function?

There are cases where a person is behind someone else's firewall, and has no authority to configure that firewall (computer lab on a university campus, for example). For situations like that, it would be nice for service providers, such as KeyCAPTCHA, to use well-known ports that are not commonly blocked by firewalls. (Perhaps KeyCAPTCHA is using a well-known port, and the firewall I'm behind is blocking anyway.)

vBulletin is obviously served through well-known ports. I have no problems accessing any part of my vBulletin message board behind the various firewalls I'm protected by. I want the same for my users - including those firewalled users that would like to register, but are precluded from doing so because KeyCAPTCHA is blocked via firewall.

Consider that the default vBulletin registration page renders on the screen, with a message to assemble the KeyCAPTCHA puzzle - but there is no puzzle image displayed on the screen because it's been firewalled. There's not even a image placeholder to give hint to the user that an image should be visible, but isn't. The user took the time to complete the registration page, but is stuck and clueless because (s)he is instructed to complete a puzzle that is not there.

Despite what's stated above, so far I'm impressed enough with KeyCAPTCHA that I'm trying to talk myself into overlooking this firewall issue. Perhaps I can just put a notice on the registration form that firewalled users may or may not be able to register.

KeyCAPTCHA 03-31-2011 03:31 AM

Hello, Rock Anthony,

Originally Posted by Rock Anthony (Post 2179237)
There are cases where a person is behind someone else's firewall

Why have you decided that it is firewall of your users that block KeyCAPTCHA images?

KeyCAPTCHA protects thousands websites and we hear such complaint (indicating firewall, as the reason of a problem) for the first time.
There can be various reasons (like browser plugins for blocking ads, some specific configurations of your network/webserver/browsers. incorrectly installed/configured plugin, etc.)

Please open support ticket from under logged in user on our keycaptcha.com site with detailed description permitting to reproduce your problem and/or communicate with you context-sensitively and/or resolve the issue directly on your site

Rock Anthony 03-31-2011 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by KeyCAPTCHA (Post 2179298)
Hello, Rock Anthony,

Why have you decided that it is firewall of your users that block KeyCAPTCHA images?

KeyCAPTCHA protects thousands websites and we hear such complaint (indicating firewall, as the reason of a problem) for the first time.
There can be various reasons (like browser plugins for blocking ads, some specific configurations of your network/webserver/browsers. incorrectly installed/configured plugin, etc.)

Please open support ticket from under logged in user on our keycaptcha.com site with detailed description permitting to reproduce your problem and/or communicate with you context-sensitively and/or resolve the issue directly on your site

I had decided that the firewall is the source of my problem (and could be a problem for my users) because I only experience this issue when accessing my site from behind the firewall of a particular private network.

However, I owe you an apology. I sincerely apologize for making the assumption that the firewall is the source of my problem. You know your product infinitely better than I do, so shame on me for diagnosing the problem when I'm not qualified to do so. :o

I've opened support tickets on your site, and can attest that you've been nothing but useful and helpful. And you have a wonderful product that fulfills a great need.

I followed the link that you provided. I will revisit that private network that I mentioned and check the browser settings. If I'm unable to remedy the problem, I'll open a ticket on your support site.

Please accept my apology.

Rock Anthony

KeyCAPTCHA 03-31-2011 06:19 AM

Rock Anthony,
you are welcome!
We'll be happy to help anyone.


Originally Posted by KHALIK (Post 2174451)
Keycaptcha Free Version

I might as well add;

Been using keycaptcha for a while now (vb4.1.2) and seem to be working fine without any problems and stopped all spambots registering on my site. I previously tried different plugins and this seem to have answered all my problems.

I used to get around 20 spam bots registering on the site, now it is basically zero.


we appreciate your feedback in forum just now because we liked to have it as last post.

We appreciated it through PM much earlier, so it is not a lack of consideration.

inciarco 04-03-2011 10:45 PM

I Share The Following Tips to KeyCAPTCHA Users to Stop and Control SPAMMERS, TROLLS and LEECHERS, From Registering in Your vBulletin Boards, I Like to Post it on All the KEYCAPTCHA Mod Topics because I Know this Will Benefit All vBulletin Board Administrators:


Originally Posted by inciarco (Post 2180586)

Originally Posted by Morrus (Post 2180505)
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but spam on our forum and increased tenfold since installing KeyCAPTCHA. If anything, it seems less secure than the reCAPTCHA or the Q&A methods (both of which are far from perfect, but seem to reduce spam more than KeyCAPTCHA does). I've been deleting spam posts and banning spammers all day for a couple of days now - hundreds of them - since installing this.

I DISAGREE With You, Morrus.

As the Matter of FACT, KeyCAPTCHA STOPS 100% of SPAM BOTS, because SPAM BOTS Can't Solve the PUZZLES.

Is 100% Impossible to STOP SPAMMERS (Persons) From Registering, (NO SYSTEM CAN Simply Because Humans Find Ways to Try and Joke Any Registration System), but You Can Implemment and Configure Other Systems to Reduce That From Happening:

1. KEYCAPTCHA (Stops 100% of SPAM BOTS), So USE IT.

2. Create and Set "User Profile Fields", and Force Users to Write Answers in Them, so that They Have to Write Coherent Answers, (SPAMMERS, TROLLS, and LEECHERS Will Provide Wrong Answers and those You'll BAN For doing that because those are SPAMMERS).

3. Use the "COPPA Registration System", so that No Person Can Write ANY Birth Date, and Also to NOT Accept Registrations Under 13 Years Old.

4. Set To YES the "Moderate New Members" Option on the "User Registration Options", so that You Can Review the Answers that Users Make to the "User Profile Fields" Before Accepting their Accounts. Give Yourself the Opportunity to BAN TROLLS and SPAMMERS that Write TRASH on those Fields, they for Sure Will Be SPAMMERS.

5. Set "Follow Forum Moderation Rules If no, posts are always placed into moderation queue" on "Post / Thread Permissions" as "NO", for Usergroups Not Approved ("Not Activated" and "Pending Approval"), so that Every message They Post is Moderated, and that Way NO SPAM from HUMAN SPAMMERS or TROLLS is Viewed (can be Posted but NO ONE WILL SEE IT), and that way if they Post SPAM You BAN THEM and Delete their TRASH Posts. NEVER Allow those Usergroups to Create New Threads.

6. Use Also an Additional System as "vMail - Verify Mail before registration", so that No User Can Register Without Validating His/Her Contact E-mail Address.

7. Use Also another Additional System as "NoSpam! for vBulletin 3.7", so that Users Have to Answer a Validation Question (like a Mathematical Question or whatever related to Your Web Site), so that No User Can Register Without Knowing the Answer to that Question.

8. There are other thing More to Tell, but with the Previous Ones You'll STOP SPAMMERS, TROLLS, and LEECHERS, so much, that You'll Reduce their Registrations and Keep Them Under Control. Also Many Users Will be Annoyed by that, but You Have to Choose if You Want QUALITY Users Registering or Just QUANTITY (The Quantity don't Participate, they're Just LEECHERS).

I 100% Recommend KEYCAPTCHA, Because is a Beautiful AntiSPAM-BOT System, and Also Provides a PUZZLE System that Only Humans Can Solve.

Thank You Very Much KEYCAPTCHA. :up::up::up:

My Best Regards.


KeyCAPTCHA 04-04-2011 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by inciarco (Post 2180586)
I DISAGREE With You, Morrus.

As the Matter of FACT, KeyCAPTCHA STOPS 100% of SPAM BOTS, because SPAM BOTS Can't Solve the PUZZLES.


Originally Posted by inciarco (Post 2180586)
I 100% Recommend KEYCAPTCHA, Because is a Beautiful AntiSPAM-BOT System, and Also Provides a PUZZLE System that Only Humans Can Solve.

Thank You Very Much KEYCAPTCHA. :up::up::up:

My Best Regards.


thanks for your time and support

I answered to Morrus in the thread where he had reported the issue.

Still we believe that additional measures are helpful in extreme cases of attack
but usually the correct engagement of KeyCAPTCHA leads
- to less administrative maintenance,
- less complexities in installing/maintaining permitting to refuse from multiple (multi-layered) plugins installation/configuration
- to increase user-friendliness (we have multiple reports when users switch off moderation upon starting to use KeyCAPTCHA)

SpeedyHire 04-04-2011 04:08 PM

Have to say we have only just signed up fro this, and installed it on out 4.1.2 vb,
Will leave reg open for a few weeks to test it out. From what i can see it looks to do what it says on the tin so to speak.

thank you for a nice mod to help fight spam bots.



KeyCAPTCHA 04-05-2011 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by SpeedyHire (Post 2180788)
Have to say we have only just signed up fro this, and installed it on out 4.1.2 vb,
Will leave reg open for a few weeks to test it out. From what i can see it looks to do what it says on the tin so to speak.

thank you for a nice mod to help fight spam bots.



thanks for your feedback and we hope you'd decide to stay with KeyCAPTCHA

KeyCAPTCHA 04-11-2011 04:56 AM


Originally Posted by Rock Anthony (Post 2178934)
Two things for me render this product unusable for my site:

1. Failed registrations provide no visible feedback to the user.

If a registration fails, only if the KeyCAPTCHA puzzle is solved does the system alert the user of why the registration failed.

Under the default human verification system of vbulletin, the system immediately alerts the user of why a registration failed (mismatch password, invalid email address, incorrect CAPTCHA, etc.)

The 'registration' button is at the bottom of the registration page. When the user scrolls to the bottom to click the button, the KeyCAPTCHA image is no longer in view. The only alert KeyCAPTCHA provides for an incorrect puzzle solution is the display of a red crossed out circle. This red crossed out circle is not in view because the user has scrolled to the bottom of the page. So, the registration fails, and with no visible feedback provided, the user is left clueless as to why the page does nothing. The user can of course scroll back up, but the red crossed out circle displays for a couple of seconds and then disappears, most likely before a user scrolls back up. Eventually a new user would figure this out, as did I, but I would rather not frustrate new users that try to register - they might leave.

This would definetly work to stop spam bots, but also to frustrate new users

Hello, Rock Anthony,
Today we uploaded the new updated plugin for 3.7-4.x versions of vBulletin where this your request was met.

The user gets messagebox warning if it has solved KeyCAPTCHA incorrectly

SpeedyHire 04-11-2011 05:10 AM

so whats the new version about , what changes are made

YkudzA 04-11-2011 05:52 AM

The answer

The user gets messagebox warning if it has solved KeyCAPTCHA incorrectly

KeyCAPTCHA 04-11-2011 08:11 AM

In new KeyCAPTCHA plugin version from 04/16/2011 for vBulletin 3.7-4.x
(the one for 4.x backward compatible with previous versions):
  • The user gets messagebox warning if it has solved KeyCAPTCHA incorrectly
  • KeyCAPTCHA block formatting was made to be more attractive
  • It is compatible now with PHP4, earlier it worked only with PHP5

SpeedyHire 04-11-2011 10:17 AM

thanks guys.
Will look at the update later today, not sure that i will need to, as it is working fine right now. Now spam bots so far.



KeyCAPTCHA 04-12-2011 02:23 PM

<a href="https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=2183652&postcount=66" target="_blank">KeyCAPTCHA Plug-in Update/Reinstallation instructions from another thread</a>
(note it is the same plugin for vBulletin 4.x backward compatible with previous vBulletin versions)

KeyCAPTCHA 04-15-2011 02:05 AM

KeyCAPTCHA Team is expressing its gratitude on twitter to every published/posted feedback.
For example, some of Tweets to the sites that posted in this and KeyCAPTCHA on vBulletin 3.8 Add-ons threads:
KeyCAPTCHA Tweets are usually being republished in microblogs, news feed, daily newspapers, etc :
If I forget to thank someone for posted/published feedback please PM me

DvDaf 04-16-2011 09:57 AM

Thank you, this is perfect!

KeyCAPTCHA 04-19-2011 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by DvDaf (Post 2185213)
Thank you, this is perfect!

Hello, DvDaf!
We are never tired to read and re-read thanks to us!

Spiritvs 04-30-2011 07:28 PM

Best Feature EVER

THANK YOU Gentlemen.

tekmiester 05-04-2011 04:26 PM

Does this cause any registration issues for people using the android/iphone app?

HC. 05-04-2011 11:31 PM


Warning: require_once([path]/includes/class_humanverify_keycaptcha.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]/includes/class_humanverify.php on line 59

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/*******/public_html/forum/includes/class_humanverify_keycaptcha.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/*****/public_html/forum/includes/class_humanverify.php on line 59

KeyCAPTCHA 05-05-2011 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by HC. (Post 2191935)

Warning: require_once([path]/includes/class_humanverify_keycaptcha.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]/includes/class_humanverify.php on line 59

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/*******/public_html/forum/includes/class_humanverify_keycaptcha.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/*****/public_html/forum/includes/class_humanverify.php on line 59

Hello, HC

Please open support ticket at www.keycaptcha.com

Best regards,

KeyCAPTCHA 05-05-2011 06:41 AM


Originally Posted by tekmiester (Post 2191745)
Does this cause any registration issues for people using the android/iphone app?

Hello, tekmiester

KeyCAPTCHA works fine on Android and iPhone.

Best regards,

Kapeket 06-07-2011 02:54 AM


Nicely done and is the extra step we needed.

Is there a further version that is for sale? Want to support this as best we can.


KeyCAPTCHA 06-08-2011 05:52 AM


Originally Posted by Kapeket (Post 2204482)

Nicely done and is the extra step we needed.

Is there a further version that is for sale? Want to support this as best we can.


First of all thank you for your review.

We are going to launch a commercial part (Personalized CAPTCHA) of our service this month.

Best regards,

gungor 06-08-2011 01:48 PM

very nice..! :)

BizAdventure 06-09-2011 10:26 AM

Installation was a breeze - will test it for a few days to see if it stops the latest group of spammers that have made it into our forums. Would love to make a donation if I keep this, where would I do so?

racingsolution 06-12-2011 03:40 PM

Installation was very easy. Anxious to see if it stops my spam-bot registrations! Thanks for the mod

haidm 06-19-2011 05:48 PM

Install for vbulletin 4.1.4 and can't see keyCaptcha option in Human Verification Options. Please update for 4.1.4, thank you.

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