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-   -   Major Additions - CERBERUS: 1 vB4: runs multiple domains with custom styles, forums, universal login (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=254197)

karlm 11-27-2010 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by GeorgeB85 (Post 2125743)
See hacks like this would be awesome, but it is beyond stupid to have a valid vbulletin license for each subdomain like sub.maindomain.com. It is still on the maindomain.com domain, so there should be no need for licenses for each subdomain.

I think that you've misunderstood. It doesn't require a license for a sub.domain.com as it falls under the domain.com url - but if you have a different-domain2.com then that is where you need a second license.

Personally, I think it's very wrong that two domains need a separate license when the installation is only one and one database.

Jeromedia603 11-28-2010 02:01 AM

okay so I have my vbulletin 4 hosted on my primary domain with my web host. I have 2 other addon domains that I have on the same host. How do I get those domains to work with the same vbulletin that my primary domain is using? I don't get how this works :(

Jeromedia603 11-28-2010 02:38 AM


Originally Posted by Stabatha (Post 2125913)
Working great for me. I was getting ready to start 2 new forums, so used them as a test..

http://www.worldofcataclysm.net/ and http://www.hoosierforums.com/

I must say well done! I like how each domain can even use it's own facebook connection API. A helpful feature for someone like me as my two sites would have nothing in common would be able to tie Admin accounts to select which username to post under. Also custom profile fields based on domain would be amazing.

I'm gonna guess based on the "cookiedomain=.domain-1.com" in the config for each domain, that stuff based on domains don't share same cookies, but things like user profile do since it is a unique global.

Yes, all domains share same WoL and account profile.

How do you have it set so that each forum has it's own forum categories etc..? I have set up two domains using the same vb4 forum but I cannot make it so that each forum has it's own separate categories...

sticky 11-28-2010 04:21 AM


Originally Posted by Jeromedia603 (Post 2126570)
How do you have it set so that each forum has it's own forum categories etc..? I have set up two domains using the same vb4 forum but I cannot make it so that each forum has it's own separate categories...

How come? You are supposed to be able to set up different forums as well as shared forums.

sticky 11-28-2010 04:28 AM


Originally Posted by Jeromedia603 (Post 2126567)
okay so I have my vbulletin 4 hosted on my primary domain with my web host. I have 2 other addon domains that I have on the same host. How do I get those domains to work with the same vbulletin that my primary domain is using? I don't get how this works :(

Have your host help you if it seems to complicated. This isn't supposed to be an easy mod and it isn't one that is supported.

We all want a tutorial and so forth but just be patient and let's be happy we have anything at all.

iBaker 11-28-2010 05:12 AM

I don't believe it....IT WORKS :D :D :D

I setup one domain and installed a default vb
Imported the plugin
Added a new forum category and a new forum in that category - this gave me the default Category (id1) and Forum plus 1 more Category (id4) and Forum
Went to the admin CP - Settings and at the bottom was the settings for this mod
Entered the following for 2 domains (1 master and 1 slave) - using domainx as a substitute for my domain with 2 different extensions:
bbtitle=Domain X Home

bbtitle=Domain X Australia

I then followed the cpanel steps in https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....8&postcount=30

Tested and it worked...even sent a PM to a user from one domain and he got it in the other domain.

My BIG question now is SEO...how does the search engines see this setup? Having separate domains with different threads and posts come up really good in Google with searches often listing both sites one after the other if the search word is in both domains content. Will Google see the different domains? Will Google penalise you for duplicate content if you make some forums viewable in both domains?

These answers to these SEO questions will make or break this mod...I really hope that the answers are favourable :D

BirdOPrey5 11-28-2010 06:34 AM


Originally Posted by iBaker (Post 2126597)
These answers to these SEO questions will make or break this mod...I really hope that the answers are favourable :D

With all due respect SEO will NOT "make or break" this mod. This mod will make or break itself- it is one of the most requested mods by far and it doesn't need approval from Google to be told how great it is. SEO should never be put ABOVE the usability of your forums and your users... SEO is second to the user experience- a strong second but a definite second none the less.

iBaker 11-28-2010 07:01 AM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2126605)
With all due respect SEO will NOT "make or break" this mod. This mod will make or break itself- it is one of the most requested mods by far and it doesn't need approval from Google to be told how great it is. SEO should never be put ABOVE the usability of your forums and your users... SEO is second to the user experience- a strong second but a definite second none the less.

I beg to differ mate...you can sit there and look at really nice forums that no one knows exist OR you can create a forum that gets known and used.

I tried an experiment recently with 2 identical sites with different domain names...1 with no SEO optimisation and 1 with extensive SEO optimising...guess which one started getting used and which one still today only has just a handful of users and posts.

So, yes this mod is fantastic but if it comes at the cost of your site not getting used and known to its full potential or getting blackbanned by Google etc then it isn't good now is it?

As I said I really do hope that there are no SEO impacts as I very much want this mod to work and like many others are screaming for it but if it does come at an SEO cost then site owners, like me, need to know this to make up our own minds if we want a multi site as one to look at or separate sites that get used but with more work.

With this being an IB mod I guess asking if you are going to do an Xenforo version is out of the question? :D

sticky 11-28-2010 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2126605)
With all due respect SEO will NOT "make or break" this mod. This mod will make or break itself- it is one of the most requested mods by far and it doesn't need approval from Google to be told how great it is. SEO should never be put ABOVE the usability of your forums and your users... SEO is second to the user experience- a strong second but a definite second none the less.

Thank you sir for this post, I could not have said it any better, right on.

BirdOPrey5 11-28-2010 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by iBaker (Post 2126615)
I beg to differ mate...

Whatever... if you are that worried then don't share forums between domains- just keep all the forums unique per domain and there'd be nothing to worry about.

sticky 11-28-2010 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2126713)
Whatever... if you are that worried then don't share forums between domains- just keep all the forums unique per domain and there'd be nothing to worry about.

Exactly, don't like it, don't use it.

I don't understand how people can be so ungrateful, they have no idea what went into this or how long it has been in the works.

iBaker 11-29-2010 05:01 AM

Everyone has different needs and priorities so please don't try and enforce your needs on to others that have different ones.

Now, back to the original question...

Does anyone know if there are any adverse SEO impacts with using this mod...thanks

FReeSTER 11-29-2010 02:46 PM

In my case, all I want a way to have 3 forums in the same domain, like for sample, English forum, Spanish Forum and Portuguese Forum all in subdomains from the main one. like;

That will be the use I want from this Mod

Still waiting a good How To so I can make it work

BirdOPrey5 11-29-2010 03:15 PM

Just FYI, subdomains always go BEFORE the domain...
as in:


Hostboard 11-29-2010 04:23 PM

Installed on one of my 3.8 sites and was going to look at it/configure it latter but it seems to have broken my ability to login to the ACP :erm:

And from my reading it seems not to work on 3.x anyways :(

Oh well... Anyone have this for 3.8???

Lynne 11-29-2010 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by Hostboard (Post 2127220)
And from my reading it seems not to work on 3.x anyways :(

It is in the 4.0 Mods area. :)

BirdOPrey5 11-29-2010 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by Hostboard (Post 2127220)
Installed on one of my 3.8 sites and was going to look at it/configure it latter but it seems to have broken my ability to login to the ACP :erm:

And from my reading it seems not to work on 3.x anyways :(

Oh well... Anyone have this for 3.8???

The similar 3.8 mod is here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=251149

While I got the fatal error on the login page, the login itself actually worked so when I reloaded the original page I was already logged in and able to disable the mod.

It wouldn't hurt for the developer to put "4.0.0" as the minimum VB version needed so it won't accidentally be installed on a 3.8 board.

Hostboard 11-29-2010 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by Lynne (Post 2127222)
It is in the 4.0 Mods area. :)

I know it is 4.0 but this lead me to beleive it should work. Again should be coded for minumum version requirements as a safety net.


Originally Posted by ibautocommunity (Post 2126040)
It actually could work - we ported it from a 3.8 mod; added some new features (4.0 facebook / universal login) and tested on 4.0 environment. So, it could potentially work just fine on 3.8 as well.

BirdOPrey5 11-29-2010 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by Hostboard (Post 2127256)
I know it is 4.0 but this lead me to beleive it should work. Again should be coded for minumum version requirements as a safety net.

If you had kept reading I did mention the error encountered on 3.8:


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2126452)
FYI while it does install on 3.8 it causes a fatal error on the login/logout screen due to some 4.0 php code (VB Class?) so it will need SOME edit to work on 3.8.x.

Shogo 11-29-2010 07:43 PM

I'm unable to make it working with plesk, vb 4 and vbseo

In plesk I tried a subdomain and a Frame forwarding for an other domain.


KW802 11-29-2010 10:53 PM

I see "homeurl" is an available option but what about "hometitle" (so that the footer nav doesn't point to the 'real' hometitle in the ACP)? :)

KW802 11-30-2010 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by KW802 (Post 2127361)
I see "homeurl" is an available option but what about "hometitle" (so that the footer nav doesn't point to the 'real' hometitle in the ACP)? :)

For those interested, the fix would be to modify your "** Load Config **" plugin and look for...

case 'bbtitle':
    if($ib_in_matching_host) {
          $vbulletin->options['bbtitle'] = $ib_the_spec[1];

... and then below it add:

case 'hometitle':
    if($ib_in_matching_host) {
          $vbulletin->options['hometitle'] = $ib_the_spec[1];

Seeing now the relationship between the configuration options in the ACP and how easy it is to add new ones, now I'm wondering what other little tweaks could be done. :D

I have to see yet what I need to do to get my vBa CMPS modules to play nice with it.

sross 11-30-2010 03:07 AM

Ok, so it appears 2 diff domains can have unified logins and profiles. However can I move a forum thread from one domain to another domain via mod tools? Also, how would this mod affect things like vbgallery? Thanks!

sticky 11-30-2010 03:52 AM


Originally Posted by sross (Post 2127420)
Ok, so it appears 2 diff domains can have unified logins and profiles. However can I move a forum thread from one domain to another domain via mod tools? Also, how would this mod affect things like vbgallery? Thanks!

That is a great question about moving threads between the two.

It's all the same installation and some forums are shared so in theory it sounds like it would work... don't know though.

Michael Biddle 11-30-2010 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by sross (Post 2127420)
Ok, so it appears 2 diff domains can have unified logins and profiles. However can I move a forum thread from one domain to another domain via mod tools? Also, how would this mod affect things like vbgallery? Thanks!

You should be able to move a thread the same way you would before as it is all on the same database. If you move it to a forum that is under a different domain, then yes, it would go to a different domain name.

As for vbgallery, we have not tested it, although my initial guess is that there would be duplicates on each URL (No way to specify which sections go to which domain)

FReeSTER 11-30-2010 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by Michael Biddle (Post 2127580)
You should be able to move a thread the same way you would before as it is all on the same database. If you move it to a forum that is under a different domain, then yes, it would go to a different domain name.

As for vbgallery, we have not tested it, although my initial guess is that there would be duplicates on each URL (No way to specify which sections go to which domain)

So with this been said, you mean we will install a new vB using the same database ?
Damn i cant wait for a good how to on this mod. lol

Alfa1 11-30-2010 03:56 PM

Can someone think of a way/modification to use this mod to connect a 3.8 with a 4 forum?

BirdOPrey5 11-30-2010 04:01 PM

This mod uses a single database so it would never be part of solution to connect 3.8 with 4.0 forum.

There's a mod called vBnetwork that allows you to share forums across different forums on different servers and different versions... I'm using it now we share a forum with another 3.8 forum and a 4.0 forum.

Michael Biddle 11-30-2010 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by El Intocable (Post 2127584)
So with this been said, you mean we will install a new vB using the same database ?
Damn i cant wait for a good how to on this mod. lol

Yes. With this product they all use the same files and the same database, so for vBulletin upgrades, you would be upgrading all at once.

Nephalim 11-30-2010 05:54 PM

Wow, so I tried it again. But now domain 1 works with no errors. But, domain 2 gets a "page not redirecting properly error".
Anyone else get this? I copied and pasted exactly as per instructions

bbtitle=my site 1

bburl=mysite1.com/forum <---- I put the URL of the main forum because there is no forum at the mysite2.com. It is sharing mysite1.com forum!

FReeSTER 11-30-2010 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by Michael Biddle (Post 2127613)
Yes. With this product they all use the same files and the same database, so for vBulletin upgrades, you would be upgrading all at once.

ok thanks, I was trying to install a new license at www.subdomain.domain@.com but is not leting me do it, is asking me to Upgrade which I have already did. Any documents that tells me how to install a new license using an existing license
to a subdomain? thanks I really need this mod on my site.

Michael Biddle 11-30-2010 06:59 PM

I am not sure if you are following. If you were to upgrade you should do the following:

1. Backup - Best practice.
2. Upload the new files to your web directory.
3. Run upgrade.php on one of your URLs, should not matter which.
4. Update any custom templates you need to.
5 Enjoy.

This is assuming that you have it working initially.

Alfa1 11-30-2010 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2127595)
This mod uses a single database so it would never be part of solution to connect 3.8 with 4.0 forum.

There's a mod called vBnetwork that allows you to share forums across different forums on different servers and different versions... I'm using it now we share a forum with another 3.8 forum and a 4.0 forum.

Thanks for the headsup on that. I need to share forums, member base and who's online, between a very active vb 3.8 big board and a new vb4 suite.

Upgrading the 3.8 board is not possible, because we run various applications that are not available for vb4 and because I am not satisfied with vb4s bug count.

It seems to me that the best solution is to replace the vb4 forum with a 3.8 forum. And keep the vb4 CMS running asides the vb3.8 forum.

Does anyone have a better solution?

sticky 12-01-2010 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 2127691)

Does anyone have a better solution?

Yes, get whatever programs you need from VB3.8 ported to VB4.

There is nothing from VB3 I am missing except for live topic.

FReeSTER 12-01-2010 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by Michael Biddle (Post 2127658)
I am not sure if you are following. If you were to upgrade you should do the following:

1. Backup - Best practice.
2. Upload the new files to your web directory.
3. Run upgrade.php on one of your URLs, should not matter which.
4. Update any custom templates you need to.
5 Enjoy.

This is assuming that you have it working initially.

Sorry for the confusion, what i want is to install a fresh vB to a subdomain using the same database but when I try to install the new vB the instalation process tell me if i want to upgrade which Im not since Im already at 4.0.8pl2

I was wondering if there are any guides to follow so I can continue with this Mod.

amagab 12-01-2010 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by El Intocable (Post 2127978)
Sorry for the confusion, what i want is to install a fresh vB to a subdomain using the same database but when I try to install the new vB the instalation process tell me if i want to upgrade which Im not since Im already at 4.0.8pl2

I was wondering if there are any guides to follow so I can continue with this Mod.

As far as I understand it, you don't have to install another vB. You work off of the one you already have.

Michael Biddle 12-01-2010 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by El Intocable (Post 2127978)
Sorry for the confusion, what i want is to install a fresh vB to a subdomain using the same database but when I try to install the new vB the instalation process tell me if i want to upgrade which Im not since Im already at 4.0.8pl2

I was wondering if there are any guides to follow so I can continue with this Mod.

You should not be uploading the vBulletin files or doing anything with the database to adding a domain/subdomain into Cerberus.

Add the subdomain in your web control panel to point at the same location as your forum directory. You should be able to go to new-site.biddle.com and it should just show you your forum index. Add a few categories and forums and put them in the catids below. From there you need to configure it in the Cerberus settings like:


bbtitle=New Site

Alfa1 12-01-2010 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by sticky (Post 2127838)
Yes, get whatever programs you need from VB3.8 ported to VB4.

There is nothing from VB3 I am missing except for live topic.

22 addons I run are not available for vb4. The most important one being GARS, in which I have 11.000 reviews.

KW802 12-01-2010 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by El Intocable (Post 2127978)
Sorry for the confusion, what i want is to install a fresh vB to a subdomain using the same database but when I try to install the new vB the instalation process tell me if i want to upgrade which Im not since Im already at 4.0.8pl2

That is not really what this add-on does. With this add-on you would have one database and one copy of vBulletin that everything points to. Anything you do, like upgrading vBulletin or changing any settings, would be to that single database & single copy of vBulletin.

If you then used this add-on to have multiple sub-domains or domains pointing to the same database then you would not install additional copies of vBulletin since vBulletin is already installed. Instead your new sub-domains & new domains would be virtual instances since really behind the scenes they are being served from your existing single database & single copy of vBulletin.

FReeSTER 12-01-2010 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by Michael Biddle (Post 2127986)
You should not be uploading the vBulletin files or doing anything with the database to adding a domain/subdomain into Cerberus.

Add the subdomain in your web control panel to point at the same location as your forum directory. You should be able to go to new-site.biddle.com and it should just show you your forum index. Add a few categories and forums and put them in the catids below. From there you need to configure it in the Cerberus settings like:


bbtitle=New Site

Much easier thanks for explaining to me. Can anyone help me do this even If I have to donate for your work of if is a freeby even better. lol I will really need this most as any other mod out there.

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