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mokonzi 10-01-2010 06:37 PM

Spotted an issue with the widget in the CMS. Atm it ignores permissions... in the sense that if a usergroup is now allowed to see it, it displays the shell template empty. No content as per permissions, but the widget still exists... which looks messy.

betts02 10-01-2010 08:16 PM

Is it me ? Or does this not support this ?

I can not see a list of who has donated anywhere

Sicilian 10-02-2010 06:11 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Great donation system guys, well done!

Imported from VSA Paypal donate with no issues :)

One thing I'd like to do is centre the Donation bar title text, anyone able to point me in the right direction please? Sreenshot attached.

AWJunkies 10-02-2010 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by betts02 (Post 2105677)
Is it me ? Or does this not support this ?

I can not see a list of who has donated anywhere

Make sure you go through all settings and setup list permissions who can see list. Should have 0 issues once you go through everything and set it up.

AWJunkies 10-02-2010 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by Sicilian (Post 2105801)
Great donation system guys, well done!

Imported from VSA Paypal donate with no issues :)

One thing I'd like to do is centre the Donation bar title text, anyone able to point me in the right direction please? Sreenshot attached.

Looks like your on vb4 so go to template "awcl_dsl_bar_4" and add: align="center"

On the first line:
<div class="blockhead" style="height:16px;padding-{vb:stylevar right}:{vb:math {vb:stylevar padding}/2-1};font-weight:bold">

turns into

<div class="blockhead" align="center" style="height:16px;padding-{vb:stylevar right}:{vb:math {vb:stylevar padding}/2-1};font-weight:bold">

mokonzi 10-03-2010 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by mokonzi (Post 2105632)
Spotted an issue with the widget in the CMS. Atm it ignores permissions... in the sense that if a usergroup is now allowed to see it, it displays the shell template empty. No content as per permissions, but the widget still exists... which looks messy.

Don't forget this error above.

Also, had this error as well caused by adding the username accidentally in the id spot:


Database error in vBulletin 4.0.7:

Invalid SQL:

SELECT userid, username, email
FROM `vb3_user`
WHERE userid = Matt3;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'Matt3' in 'where clause'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Saturday, October 2nd 2010 @ 08:05:01 PM
Error Date : Saturday, October 2nd 2010 @ 08:05:01 PM
Script : http://www.mysite.com/admincp/awcl_a...ransadd_update
Referrer : http://www.mysite.com/admincp/awcl_a...ansadd&sid=dsl
IP Address : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Username : ~~~~~~~~
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.91-community

AWJunkies 10-03-2010 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by mokonzi (Post 2106355)
Don't forget this error above.

Also, had this error as well caused by adding the username accidentally in the id spot:

that error is human error and does no harm. You put wrong data in field which is all back end and no harm. I can add a hey put that in wrong field or auto detect if you did and switch it. PRO has that but LITE doesn't will think of adding it.

The CMS don't show I missed putting the $show if statement around it will add in next version if you want to know the code I can tell you to add it now if you like.

mokonzi 10-03-2010 06:05 PM

I always feel if you can keep the errors from appearing, the code feels stronger, and the product more stable, hence why I suggested it.

If you've got the code to add in the current version, I'd be pleased to grab it to throw in. Thanks for checking matey.

Sicilian 10-04-2010 05:36 AM


Originally Posted by AWJunkies (Post 2105940)
Looks like your on vb4 so go to template "awcl_dsl_bar_4" and add: align="center"

On the first line:
<div class="blockhead" style="height:16px;padding-{vb:stylevar right}:{vb:math {vb:stylevar padding}/2-1};font-weight:bold">

turns into

<div class="blockhead" align="center" style="height:16px;padding-{vb:stylevar right}:{vb:math {vb:stylevar padding}/2-1};font-weight:bold">

That sorted it, many thanks :)

danyol1706 10-05-2010 06:51 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I recently uploaded my site from my local machine to my host server, but now on the forum's page, the donation bar graphic no longer displays (see photo). Did I miss changing something in the settings after uploading to my host?

mokonzi 10-05-2010 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by danyol1706 (Post 2106954)
I recently uploaded my site from my local machine to my host server, but now on the forum's page, the donation bar graphic no longer displays (see photo). Did I miss changing something in the settings after uploading to my host?

Looks like the graphics aren't uploaded correctly. Where is the code looking for the graphic? Sometimes you can see by right clicking on the broken image to see it's location.

Guest191216 10-07-2010 05:04 AM

looks like this is what I need.
I there any chance to get wiretransfer as payment method integrated ?

AWJunkies 10-07-2010 05:10 AM


Originally Posted by ac427 (Post 2107609)
looks like this is what I need.
I there any chance to get wiretransfer as payment method integrated ?

That is coming soon in next update to PRO will come to LITE not sure when.

danyol1706 10-07-2010 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by mokonzi (Post 2107170)
Looks like the graphics aren't uploaded correctly. Where is the code looking for the graphic? Sometimes you can see by right clicking on the broken image to see it's location.

I tried to trace the source link of the image via right-click, but got this: http://www.mysite.comawcoding/images/misc/link2.gif

The link seems to be missing the backslash between ".com" and "awcoding". Could that be the issue? If so, how do I change that manually in the AW code or template?

danyol1706 10-07-2010 08:16 PM

When I try to access most of the Admin CP features under the AWCoding tab, I get the above message. My usergroup privileges are all set to allow for this module. Am I missing something?

zapiy 10-09-2010 09:50 PM

product-dsl_adv_cmps.xml this file appears to be missing from your files? Any ideas?


Pro-eSports.com 10-11-2010 10:39 PM

1. How can I get the dropdown arrow in the navtab black when hovering it?

2. Why is there no border at the bottom of the "Donate" tab? All other tabs have one too.

Guest191216 10-13-2010 07:19 PM

Installed the lite version it on 4.0.7.w/o problems so far.
before making it visible to users I'd like to update the donation status manually.
I.e. I received some donations this year already. Just a few one, but I don't want t o miss them.

Where can I add the donating folks' usernames and the amount they donated ?

Also I'd Like to add a special signature to their nicknames automatically, depending on the amount they donated. (e.g. bronce, silver, gold, platinum).
In the past I did this by using titles and levels, which is quite an effort.

I don't mind to go for th epro version if this helps.


AWJunkies 10-14-2010 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by danyol1706 (Post 2107843)
When I try to access most of the Admin CP features under the AWCoding tab, I get the above message. My usergroup privileges are all set to allow for this module. Am I missing something?

Seems you dont have LITE version please go to forumcoding.com for PRO support. That is a quick fix make sure you have correct URL in your download area with trailing slash. Contact me on FC for quick help in chatbox or any messanger.

AWJunkies 10-14-2010 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by zapiy (Post 2108523)
product-dsl_adv_cmps.xml this file appears to be missing from your files? Any ideas?


Sorry series 4 has new install/upgrade/uninstall system so basically just load the MAIN XML (product-dsl.xml) as override and it will auto detect the mod is installed and install the necessary stuff. Just make sure to drop the module files in the correct place and place the modules where you want to show them.

AWJunkies 10-14-2010 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by danyol1706 (Post 2107826)
I tried to trace the source link of the image via right-click, but got this: http://www.mysite.comawcoding/images/misc/link2.gif

The link seems to be missing the backslash between ".com" and "awcoding". Could that be the issue? If so, how do I change that manually in the AW code or template?

Go to your donation system LITE settings and make sure your HOME URL has a trailing slash.

awcl_home setting name it is in the MAIN section. Your just missing the / in that which needs to be there.

AWJunkies 10-14-2010 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by Pro-eSports.com (Post 2109260)
1. How can I get the dropdown arrow in the navtab black when hovering it?

2. Why is there no border at the bottom of the "Donate" tab? All other tabs have one too.

Can you send me a screen shot of what you mean? Is this default style or a custom? If it is custom you may have to edit the template to match style format. Should have 0 issues with default style.

AWJunkies 10-14-2010 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by ac427 (Post 2109854)
Installed the lite version it on 4.0.7.w/o problems so far.
before making it visible to users I'd like to update the donation status manually.
I.e. I received some donations this year already. Just a few one, but I don't want t o miss them.

Where can I add the donating folks' usernames and the amount they donated ?

Also I'd Like to add a special signature to their nicknames automatically, depending on the amount they donated. (e.g. bronce, silver, gold, platinum).
In the past I did this by using titles and levels, which is quite an effort.

I don't mind to go for th epro version if this helps.


Transactions section first page has a drop menu second option is ADD :)

Awards is in PRO. Hands out awards per level. Also subscription system may be more what you want which I have as well which will hand out gold, silver, platinum, sponsor, advertiser awards etc. Check FC for that and demo which will show you back-end admincp.

Jurg 10-17-2010 10:07 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Great job on the mod. Just a couple of bugs on the layout for Firefox 3.0.19. Firstly the dropmenu overlaps and interferes with the menubar below it (in my case makes it difficult to select the 'community' drop-down), and secondly the goal message does not wrap at all which cause some problems in some layouts.

Any ideas on how I can sort the dropmenu issue?

apokphp 10-19-2010 02:39 PM

Are donaters able to "opt out" of being listed as a donator? I have a few members who like to donate from time to time...but don't want the whole community to know how much and often they have contributed. How can I "hide" their donation activity, but leave it on for others?

Simon Lloyd 10-19-2010 05:02 PM

They should be able to select disclose amount or not when making a donation, they can also select anonymous donation (i have the pro version but i assume its there in lite too), however you can set who can see the amounts, who can see doantions, who can.....just about everything in your Admincp awcoding settings.

apokphp 10-19-2010 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by Simon Lloyd (Post 2111704)
however you can set who can see the amounts, who can see doantions, who can.....just about everything in your Admincp awcoding settings.

Yeah, but that is on a per usergroup basis. I'm looking for a per member option.

It may work out ok if the member can choose at the beginning of their donation.

Simon Lloyd 10-19-2010 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by Simon Lloyd (Post 2111704)
They should be able to select disclose amount or not when making a donation, they can also select anonymous donation .

Did you read this part?, have you tried the begining of the donation part yourself? does it have dropdowns for anonymous and disclose amount?, make sure that you have the settings in admincp>AWCoding Software>Donation Settings>Payment Settings>Pay Anonymous
This will allow your users to pay anonymously Yes No

ant131531 10-20-2010 04:58 PM

How can you make it so it is actually donations and not payments according to paypal? When people use the system, it comes as a payment, and I want it to come as a donation.

AWJunkies 10-20-2010 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by ant131531 (Post 2112080)
How can you make it so it is actually donations and not payments according to paypal? When people use the system, it comes as a payment, and I want it to come as a donation.

LITE doesn't have that feature but if you want to manually edit the file for your personal needs that is fine. Go to awcoding/clientscript/methods/paypal.js Edit the link near the bottom:

b = "https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_xclick";


b = "https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations";

AWJunkies 10-20-2010 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by apokphp (Post 2111717)
Yeah, but that is on a per usergroup basis. I'm looking for a per member option.

It may work out ok if the member can choose at the beginning of their donation.

As Simon stated turn on anonymous and disclose payment settings and users can select at donation page to be anonymous and to disclose the amount to the public or not.

TMH63 10-28-2010 01:47 PM

For the PRO version, is the $40 a yearly reoccurring thing to be able to receive code upgrades and to get support?

Thank you.

Simon Lloyd 10-28-2010 02:18 PM

It's discounted for subsequent years, i've had mine since 2008 here's my extension stats:
February 27th, 2010 paypal Completed Extend Donation System 20.00 USD

But as you are probably aware Adam's support...etc are second to none!

BTW, have you installed Pirate Poker? https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=250445

If you have did you vote https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/vborg_mis...=250445&type=1

You'll love the poker and so will your members :)

AWJunkies 10-28-2010 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by TMH63 (Post 2115246)
For the PRO version, is the $40 a yearly reoccurring thing to be able to receive code upgrades and to get support?

Thank you.

No PRO or paid software can be discussed here per vb rules so please contact me on FC. But what the last poster said is true.

TMH63 10-28-2010 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by AWJunkies (Post 2115306)
No PRO or paid software can be discussed here per vb rules so please contact me on FC. But what the last poster said is true.

My apologies....I wasn't aware of the rule.


Simon Lloyd 10-28-2010 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by AWJunkies (Post 2115306)
No PRO or paid software can be discussed here per vb rules so please contact me on FC. But what the last poster said is true.

Me too, i thought the rule about Pro, paid, premium or whatever where money changes hands couldn't be discussed by the coder/developer not us lowly users/purchasers :)

Simon Lloyd 10-28-2010 07:08 PM

In fact for clarification for folk, if you're using the free version here then great but your being short changed, i've got the Pro for not a lot of money and it gives me greater flexibility and choice over what i do with the product :)

Guest191216 10-29-2010 03:13 PM

Hi ,
As there is no banktransfer payment method (can we expect that some time ;o) ?) , I tried to add a transaction manually.

I filled all fields,
UseridOr username
UsernameOr userid
Processing Fee
Date and Time

When I click "add transaction" I get an error message

- You did not enter a correct userid, name or item pls. try again.-

any idea what could be wrong ?

Just read that no paid SW can be discussed here, I'll contact you on the FC forum.


cagbaazee 10-29-2010 05:12 PM

When I install the mod , al is fine but drop menu is not working , wheni click on donate menu.. nothing is happen. and other donate bar is working but i need to move above the nav bar.

Do the needful and solve it. Thanks

webmastersitesi 10-31-2010 04:13 PM

look very cool.

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