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sbsforum.us 08-30-2010 08:54 PM

Tagged for later use!! This looks very good. Will wait to see if you are able to create a .xml plugin

Blooded 08-31-2010 03:07 AM

got this error

sh: line 1: uptime: command not found


jskoh 08-31-2010 11:05 AM

hi, i have this error

"Unable to create the stats database."

Devanand 09-01-2010 03:30 AM

Installed and when I submit email and pass, I am getting message Unable to write stats. [path]/OpenInviter is not writable
It is 755 right now. If I change it to 777 I am getting Page not found

CMSTemplateZ 09-01-2010 06:30 AM

Hmm set to 755 on mine, this is all you need... you do need to make a directory OpenInviter/tmp/ <---- "TMP" needs to be 777 try that and see how you go

Devanand 09-01-2010 09:36 AM

I already have that but I still get that message.

onehost 09-02-2010 05:27 AM

Can someone please do a test. I have members saying they can not
see the page. I can see it just fine, and this shows up on who's online:

Unknown Location



I do not understand how i can see this and others get a blank page.

CMSTemplateZ 09-02-2010 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by onehost (Post 2092690)
Can someone please do a test. I have members saying they can not
see the page. I can see it just fine, and this shows up on who's online:

Unknown Location



I do not understand how i can see this and others get a blank page.

Working for me fine, emails received also

jskoh 09-03-2010 11:57 AM

hi. have this error

"Unable to create the stats database."

herkulest 09-03-2010 06:24 PM


I have tried with couple of accounts and this always shows:

Login failed. Please check the email and password you have provided and try again later !

but I am sure that email and password are correct

Alucard^ 09-07-2010 10:49 AM

I have this error in the installation of OpenInviter:


Checking write permisions... The /tmp folder is not writable. You will have to manually define a location for logs and temporary files in config.php
But i have the tmp folder with 777... Also tried with: /www/docs/myweb/public_html/tmp but same result.

Apart of that, the Open Inviter seems to work but, i have this problem too:


CMSTemplateZ 09-11-2010 08:51 AM


But i have the tmp folder with 777... Also tried with: /www/docs/myweb/public_html/tmp but same result.

Apart of that, the Open Inviter seems to work but, i have this problem too:
Hmmm i don't understand this, ive installed for several clients and on several of my own sites and it's working flawlessly as per the instructions provided in the opening post, wish i could be of more help for you.

Try installing from the start again, following the instructions as listed in the opening thread has worked on 10+ clients sites and several of my own.

Good luck

jskoh 09-13-2010 02:31 PM

seem like every of my question have been skip!!!

CMSTemplateZ 09-15-2010 11:52 AM


seem like every of my question have been skip!!!
Sorry i did overlook your question... I do try to offer the best support i can, i do have a life away from the PC so i can not be online 24/7 to serve others for free...

I have no idea why you have a database error ? considering this does not use a DB.. as for the stats these are hosted by OpenInviter.org i think you should read the official documentation regarding the stats as they need to be enabled in the config file and you must also enable them via the Official website.

Hope that helps

Alfa1 09-15-2010 01:10 PM


How well could this work on adult sites? I mean that on such sites not all contacts would be interested in receiving invites. It could actually cause quite a riot if an inviter would just invite all contacts over. Can members select who they invite and who they do not invite?

techdoctor 09-15-2010 08:40 PM


When the results show up my screen does not expand. Can you please help me solve this problem. Thanks,

Jabong82 09-16-2010 09:18 AM

Hello great mod installed and nominated!

I think I may have the same problem as techdoctor.

After I type in my login and password, the contacts are imported but then the window doesn't expand but rather I have to scroll within the frame. Thus as I scroll down I can no longer see the message I typed and only a handful of contacts at a time.

I noticed on your site that after I login when the results show there is minimal/no scrolling. Do you know how we can fix this? Thank you in advance for this great mod.

billrini 09-17-2010 10:23 AM


I'm having a problem I haven't seen here but I've seen in several threads on the OI website (with no response at all from anybody at OI or anybody who seems to have an answer).

I follow the instructions exactly as you've laid them out. The problem seems to be in the installation of OI. I run postinstall.php and it gets this far:


Checking username and private key... *OK*
Checking PHP version... *OK*
Checking DOMDocument support... *OK*
Checking transport method... libcurl is installed. Using cURL to handle requests
SQLite is installed. Stats enabled. Please define a stats username and password in config.php
Checking write permisions... /tmp is writable. Using /tmp to store cookie files and logs
And then it just stops. I put in my own debugging statements into the code and basically I can get as far as here:

PHP Code:


A debug statement following that appears.

But when it gets to the next line

PHP Code:

$inviter=new OpenInviter(); 

the debugging statement won't appear. That pretty much correlates with where the postinstall.php quits as well.

example.php is just a blank page. Likewise with continuing on with your mod. I get the image banner in the iframe but nothing under it.

I've downloaded the general version 1.9.3.

Any ideas? I know you can't really support their product but maybe you've seen something like this in your installs. Could it be the newer version has problems? Any way to get an earlier version?

billrini 09-17-2010 10:37 AM

Okay, figured it out.

If you follow the instructions as written in the OI installation guide it doesn't set the directory permissions correctly so you need to chmod everything. I had to turn php errors to on to see what the problem was because it wasn't writing them to the error file.

CMSTemplateZ 09-19-2010 02:48 PM



I'm having a problem I haven't seen here but I've seen in several threads on the OI website (with no response at all from anybody at OI or anybody who seems to have an answer).

I follow the instructions exactly as you've laid them out. The problem seems to be in the installation of OI. I run postinstall.php and it gets this far:
Basically all this "postinstall.php" script does is check to see what services will work on your server twitter, fb, gmail etc.. So if you want i can give you a DB dump of mine.. all but one service worked on my HostGator server..

Wish i could be more helpful.. but as i mentioned in the opening post.. the support on OI is shocking.. takes weeks to get a decent reply..

Also i don't think this is a version thing as i am running the latest version on several other sites.. I can't say ive seen the error you are experiencing so im not going to be much help sadly.. maybe run it by your hosting company as it seems very strange that even the postinstall.php script is timing out.. ive installed for several clients / friends sites and am yet to see a problem, this has been done on 5+ different web hosts and im still yet to see any issues.. so i am at a loss as to why so many people are having trouble with this.


Originally Posted by billrini (Post 2099554)
Okay, figured it out.

If you follow the instructions as written in the OI installation guide it doesn't set the directory permissions correctly so you need to chmod everything. I had to turn php errors to on to see what the problem was because it wasn't writing them to the error file.

This is incorrect !!

Following my instructions correctly will see this mod WORKING FINE !! ive installed on 20+ sites now using my own reference in the Opening post.

billrini 09-20-2010 01:24 AM

It is correct. But just because it works for you doesn't mean it will work for everyone else.

Your instructions say this:


Install open inviter to this path EXAMPLE.COM/OpenInviter/ <--- notice the caps !!, the folder in the download is already like this, just be sure to upload the folder to your domain root.
You don't mention removing postinstall.php which means that we somewhat have to rely on the OI installation instructions since the thing won't even function without removing that file. And if you simply download, unzip, and run (then delete) postinstall.php per the OI installation instructions you CAN still have problems.

In my particular case, the OpenInviter/conf folder was set to not allow read access to anyone but the directory owner. And since I didn't install it as user apache it couldn't read that folder. That was why it hung. As soon as I changed the directory perms everything worked just as you said they would.

Who knows . . . since each download is generated dynamically (your config file is already personalized to your OI account settings) perhaps they had some glitch in the file permissions or something. I'm just telling you what I experienced and what I did to correct it.

And as for Alucard^'s issue with the file-function-put-contents output, the problem is:

1. The text is white. There's actually warning messages on that page but since the text color is set to white you can't see it on a white background. Links obviously don't follow the same style which is why you see the links.

2. The warnings are from using the E_ALL settings in your php.ini configuration and setting output to display to the user.


display_errors = On
error_reporting = E_ALL

Setting display_errors to Off is recommended because the warnings and errors CAN contain information which hackers can use to exploit your system. What the On/Off toggles is whether or not it gets displayed to the user in the browser.

That can make debugging a bit of a pain but maybe you can set it On while developing and then turn it off when all the kinks have been worked out. <-- Remember you have to restart apache after making php.ini changes for them to take effect.

Also, E_ALL reports both serious errors as well as warnings about everything from poor coding practices to other fairly harmless warnings. It is probably better to set it to

error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE

Which means, E_ALL but minus the notices of things that aren't that serious.

Dr.osamA 10-02-2010 07:07 AM

1 Attachment(s)
not support Arabic ????

messege too coms like pic in attashment ...bad encloding

Any H E l P plzzzz

hosam119 10-18-2010 03:04 AM

i see
Unable to write stats. /home/sheltban/public_html/vb/OpenInviter is not writable


i try mack OpenInviter 777


i show page not found


help me

Powered by Version 4.0.7

hosam119 10-18-2010 08:51 AM

thanks i fix it

hosam119 10-22-2010 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by Dr.osamA (Post 2105818)
not support Arabic ????

messege too coms like pic in attashment ...bad encloding

Any H E l P plzzzz

نوع الترميز المستخدم

انا شغال معايا تمام


MrBig 10-23-2010 09:52 PM

ill tag this.. looks cool

MrBig 10-27-2010 02:07 AM

i tride this /OpenInviter/postinstall.php

and got this

Warning: file_put_contents(config.php) [function.file-put-contents]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/website/public_html/OpenInviter/postinstall.php on line 133
Checking for new versions of OpenInviter...

Fatal error: Call to undefined function curl_init() in /home/website/public_html/OpenInviter/plugins/_base.php on line 266

any help? :(

Kraxell 11-07-2010 09:40 AM

Which file must be translated?
If i change some words, the hole hack dont work....

Thug 11-10-2010 02:11 PM

any new updates coming for this?
:intergration into registration steps
:option to auto invite all instead of having the checkbox option

MelH 01-02-2011 06:21 AM

Last response from the developer was more than 3 months ago.

Can the developer please confirm that he is continuing to support this mod? It would be a shame if its no longer supported…

Is anyone using this successfully with the latest vBulletin (4.1.0)?

MelH 01-04-2011 04:17 AM

Works like a charm in vB4.1.0 PL1 with some minor tweeks.

Mind you I downloaded the latest Open Inviter (1.9.4) for vBulletin, not the General version recommended by the developer. I did need to use the files and templates provided by the developer in this thread.

I created a new image with Facebook, Gmail and Myspace etc buttons, put it in the OpenInviter/images folder and changed the link in 'inviter' template to point to the new image.

In the same template (inviter) I changed the Iframe instructions from scrolling=no to yes.

Then went to invite.php and changed the css in the first line so that the text showed on the page. (Changed #ffffff to #000000)

That's it. I tested in Gmail and Facebook and it works fine. At no time did I get any errors.

Blacura 01-12-2011 05:33 AM

Facebook does not work. Neither does Myspace. whats up with that?

MelH 01-12-2011 07:38 AM

I just upgraded my vB to vB4.1.0 PL2 and tried Facebook again and it worked ok. I'm no coder so I'm afraid I cant help you with this...

The_Big_K 01-17-2011 05:22 AM

Just wondering whether anyone's seen any improvement in forum traffic after installing this mod.

Popa Andrei 03-21-2011 11:46 AM

supports yahoo?

Wordplay 03-21-2011 09:50 PM

for me it says facebook and msn does not work, did you guys get the same errors? i get a lot more not working but those 2 gmail and myspace are the main reason i'm installing this.

if anybody knows how i can fix those 2 please let me know! otherwise there really isn't much of a point to installing this, rather than looking for another option.

QuickQuestion 03-22-2011 02:49 AM

I'm still a bit confused as to what exactly this mod does. Do you need some type of facebook add-on in order for it to work?


Wordplay 03-22-2011 07:09 AM

i wrote an email to the open inviter, apparently facebook does not work anymore with their software.

but basically this software allows users to import their contacts from their email services (if they are in their working list).

@cmstemplates, the tinypic image in your template is dead, would have been great if you had uploaded it here.

Wordplay 03-22-2011 07:59 AM

what makes it worse, is the emails land in the spam i tried importing yahoo and gmail email addresses, send them to 15 people in total and everything i could check landed in the spam.

i'm pretty disappointed with this, because it took me quite a bit to install (trying to get the template to look somewhat decent mostly), and then finding out that the mails land in the spam.

thanks a lot for creating this mod, and i am sure it is helpful to a lot of users, but i hope another friend inviter option will come some time soon.

marcolav 08-27-2011 10:53 AM

Does this work with 4.1.5 CMS?

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