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Saviour 04-03-2011 11:24 AM

Due to the overlapping of fields issue, I have used the code from this post in order to make it look cleaner...until the developer updates this mod: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=126

It's in the 3.8 version of this mod...but, the code was written for vB 4.x

reddyink 04-18-2011 10:50 PM

It's not working for me with Multiple-Selection Checkbox Fields. Please let me know if it works for you.

Originally Posted by MrKing (Post 2169799)
great mod :) - but can you tell me if this works with Multiple-Selection Checkbox fields?


Wired1 04-28-2011 06:12 PM

First off, I apologize for the delay. I never seem to get the frakking forum update notices. That and I've been working extremely long hours. First it was getting up to speed on a new job... and then my boss quit, so that just added onto the pile, and then learning that things were broken that no one knew about, ARG! Time's at a premium. Tempted to go open source with the mod.


Originally Posted by MrKing (Post 2169799)
great mod :) - but can you tell me if this works with Multiple-Selection Checkbox fields?


Originally Posted by reddyink (Post 2186128)
It's not working for me with Multiple-Selection Checkbox Fields. Please let me know if it works for you.

Guys, please read the thread as this was already covered. This has 100% to do with vB's implementation and NOTHING to do with the mod. It's NEVER worked for any profile field mod that sits in the postbit. Impossible to fix without them doing something, or rewriting the mod completely to use a separate table (which has been in the back of my mind for a while, but TBH I'm leery to add tables to someone's DB as some don't like it). It would also require a converter tool to go from profile fields to a new table as well.


Originally Posted by Dave-M (Post 2169619)
Found an odd issue. If I create a new user field, it only displays in the user profile and not in the extra options page.

Sounds like you're using the manual template and haven't updated it.


Shouldn't there be something in the dropdown on display on page page, to tell it where to show the new fields?


Originally Posted by Saviour (Post 2171163)
Anyhow, I think this individual took a different route with it...and it looked much better. However, Wired never responded to it.

Not sure what you're referring to.


Originally Posted by Saviour (Post 2180389)
Due to the overlapping of fields issue, I have used the code from this post in order to make it look cleaner...until the developer updates this mod: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=126

If it works for you guys I'll update the mod with it real quick (or of someone can update the product I'll update it and give them the credit for the fix).


Originally Posted by CvP (Post 2171694)
If you are referring to the "text overflows in next line causing table row mismatch", I think it is indeed fixed in my site.

That the same issue Saviour had?

Saviour 04-28-2011 06:35 PM


I used the code provided in my previous mentioned link.and it works a hoot...if you check it out on my forum. Whether, or not, you intend to use it...is entirely up to you. Just wanted you to know that it looks much better. I did, however, modify his code...just a tad...to suit my needs.

CvP 04-30-2011 03:27 AM

I'm not sure if it's the same one as Saviour, but I have edited it a bit (posted the code in a few posts back) and it doesn't look bad now.

Wired1 05-06-2011 08:31 PM

Ok. I'll check to see if I have my test bed running somewhere and check it out.

The Rocketeer 08-09-2011 10:50 PM

For anyone that is having overlapping issues like I am, open additional.css and add this code at the bottom


/* Profile Fields in a Postbit Dropdown Begin*/
.memberaction_body.popupbody.epfp_list li.right {
        background-color: {vb:stylevar formrow_background.backgroundColor};
        float: left;
        clear: none;
/* Profile Fields in a Postbit Dropdown End*/

gabrielt 11-23-2011 09:54 PM

Does it work with vB 3.8.7?


Wired1 11-23-2011 10:08 PM

This is the 4.x version. There is a 3.8.x version (check my profile).

gabrielt 11-23-2011 11:24 PM


gamersplatoon 12-24-2011 06:02 AM

Made it work on 4.1.8 with compatibility on Wired Extra Options Profile Fields

First Alignment issue can be fixed through this ,Thanks to him

Also to make it work for the users who choosed to allow it for themselves and not only by filling the first field [ALTERNATIVE TO THE DEFAULT OPTIONS IN THIS PLUGIN]
Add Single Text Box- menu

Title: System Specs
Description: Would you like to show other members your computer specs? Default is (NO) This will be displayed in your posts via a drop down menu for other members to view. Add your system specs in your usercp PC Spec options.
Set Default: Yes, but no first blank option.
Field Required: No, but display at registration
Field Editable To User: Yes
Display Page: Extra Options [<--- Make sure you have Extra Options plugin by wired installed also make sure you fix the display order after creating this to show up on the top of the page extra options page ]

in Dropdown Manual Information



== YES" after $post['fieldX']

<vb:if condition="$post['field36'] == YES">

Also do not use the Inches [ " ] use [ ' ] only for Monitors or you will get a written code after your monitor's size number

-- i would like to know how to increase the table's border,i've tried different methods.

The Rocketeer 12-24-2011 12:44 PM

Anybody notice ther used to be a down facing arrow V next to your username specs text,.

Strange, after upgrading to vbulletin version 4.1.8, our forum is now not showing that V?

Problem fixed after switching to post bit legacy style (left side)

Geoff_M 05-31-2012 12:27 AM

Working perfectly on vB 4.2.0 (few modifications to improve the look)

Easy to change colors around for dark/light themes with CSS...

Dark -> User System Specs(dark)
Light -> User System Specs(light)


The Rocketeer 06-01-2012 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by Geoff_M (Post 2334896)
Working perfectly on vB 4.2.0 (few modifications to improve the look)

Easy to change colors around for dark/light themes with CSS...

Dark -> User System Specs(dark)
Light -> User System Specs(light)


Looks wonderful, would you care to share the css and code with us ? :)

Geoff_M 06-04-2012 12:10 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Sure, here is the XML file...

You may need to change around the user fields to get everything working correctly.

Also note, I made a field for enabling the drop down:

<vb:if condition="$post['field6']=='Yes'">
It is just a yes/no single option box.

I did this so that the first field didn't have to be filled to show the drop down.

If you have any questions feel free to ask.

The Rocketeer 06-23-2012 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Geoff_M (Post 2336318)
Sure, here is the XML file...

You may need to change around the user fields to get everything working correctly.

Also note, I made a field for enabling the drop down:

<vb:if condition="$post['field6']=='Yes'">
It is just a yes/no single option box.

I did this so that the first field didn't have to be filled to show the drop down.

If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Are you sure this is the correct template? I copied the xml contents and replaced my Dropdown Information - Manual template with it and it broke the thread views? I am not sure but I think some parts maybe belong somewhere else? Maybe I am doing it wrong and I am supposed to import it as a product? could you give me a bit more detailed instructions of which part belongs where?

here's my template


<!-- post specs_menu -->
<vb:if condition="$post['field6'] OR $post['field21'] OR $post['field9'] OR $post['field11'] OR $post['field7'] OR $post['field8']">
<div id="specs_{vb:var post.postid}_main" class="thread_controls">
        <ul id="postlist_popups" class="postlist_popups popupgroup">                       
                <li class="popupmenu" id="specs_{vb:var post.postid}">
                        <a class="popupctrl" href="javascript://">{vb:var post.username}'s {vb:var vbphrase.dropdown_title}</a>
                        <ul class="popupbody memberaction_body epfp_list">
                                <vb:if condition="$post['field21']">
                                        <li class="left">Rig Name: </li>
                                        <li class="right">{vb:var post.field21}</li>
<vb:if condition="$post['field10']">
                                        <li class="left">Display(Primary): </li>
                                        <li class="right">{vb:var post.field10}</li>
<vb:if condition="$post['field24']">
                                        <li class="left">Display(Secondary): </li>
                                        <li class="right">{vb:var post.field24}</li>

                                <vb:if condition="$post['field6']">
                                        <li class="left">Processor: </li>
                                        <li class="right">{vb:var post.field6}</li>
<vb:if condition="$post['field26']">
                                        <li class="left">CPU Cooling: </li>
                                        <li class="right">{vb:var post.field26}</li>
<vb:if condition="$post['field7']">
                                        <li class="left">Motherboard: </li>
                                        <li class="right">{vb:var post.field7}</li>
                                <vb:if condition="$post['field8']">
                                        <li class="left">RAM: </li>
                                        <li class="right">{vb:var post.field8}</li>
<vb:if condition="$post['field9']">
                                        <li class="left">Graphics Card(s): </li>
                                        <li class="right">{vb:var post.field9}</li>
<vb:if condition="$post['field11']">
                                        <li class="left">Hard Drive: </li>
                                        <li class="right">{vb:var post.field11}</li>
<vb:if condition="$post['field17']">
                                        <li class="left">Optical Drive: </li>
                                        <li class="right">{vb:var post.field17}</li>
<vb:if condition="$post['field19']">
                                        <li class="left">Case: </li>
                                        <li class="right">{vb:var post.field19}</li>
<vb:if condition="$post['field16']">
                                        <li class="left">Power Supply(s): </li>
                                        <li class="right">{vb:var post.field16}</li>
<vb:if condition="$post['field12']">
                                        <li class="left">Sound Card: </li>
                                        <li class="right">{vb:var post.field12}</li>
<vb:if condition="$post['field13']">
                                        <li class="left">Speakers: </li>
                                        <li class="right">{vb:var post.field13}</li>
<vb:if condition="$post['field14']">
                                        <li class="left">Keyboard: </li>
                                        <li class="right">{vb:var post.field14}</li>
<vb:if condition="$post['field15']">
                                        <li class="left">Mouse: </li>
                                        <li class="right">{vb:var post.field15}</li>
<vb:if condition="$post['field18']">
                                        <li class="left">Operating System(s): </li>
                                        <li class="right">{vb:var post.field18}</li>
<vb:if condition="$post['field20']" >
                                        <li class="left"><url>Rig Build Topic (?): </url></li>
                                        <li class="right">{vb:var post.field20}</li>
<vb:if condition="$post['field23']">
                                        <li class="left">Benchmark Scores: </li>
                                        <li class="right">{vb:var post.field23}</li>
<vb:if condition="$post['field22']">
                                        <li class="left">Some Comments: </li>
                                        <li class="right">{vb:var post.field22}</li>
<!-- / post specs_menu -->

The Rocketeer 06-23-2012 11:01 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Okay, I imported and overwrote the original one with your product but mine end results looks very far from what you have here :(


It also interferes with the blog posts text, when it should after and below it?

Bruce1984 09-14-2012 02:00 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Great mod, marked as installed!

I do hope however there is still some support available; I haven't altered anything else besides the basic product installation yet, because it appears the mod is 'interfering' with the vBExperience mod. It's probably a very easy fix, but I'm not sure where to start and/or what to do exactly.

I guess images would explain the issue better, if the above doesn't make any sense to anyone. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: Just noticed the posts from another user and the responses, about a solution not being known. I'm hoping someone has come up with a solution in the meantime or does know how to fix it.

Wired1 09-27-2012 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Bruce1984 (Post 2365266)
Great mod, marked as installed!

I do hope however there is still some support available; I haven't altered anything else besides the basic product installation yet, because it appears the mod is 'interfering' with the vBExperience mod. It's probably a very easy fix, but I'm not sure where to start and/or what to do exactly.

I guess images would explain the issue better, if the above doesn't make any sense to anyone. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: Just noticed the posts from another user and the responses, about a solution not being known. I'm hoping someone has come up with a solution in the meantime or does know how to fix it.

No time to support anymore, but my guess is that the other mod uses some type of CSS or code or whatever to fix its position within the postbit. My code is pretty barebones, but I could certainly be wrong and it could be my code.

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