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FannBlade 06-15-2011 07:01 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Mine still works. But I had it modified to suit my needs. Hope that is OK?
I was hoping it would still work after the update.

Asterix_ita 06-15-2011 07:16 PM

congratulations, I never thought that location.

good job

the addon works fine on my forum link click on "Il mio pc"

FannBlade 06-15-2011 08:12 PM

Thanks I really like the location, kinda takes up the empty space.
I can't take credit for the mod conversion, I had the great team over at URLJet do it for me.

Thank You for taking the time to create these mods for us.

ryohnosuke 06-17-2011 04:12 AM


Originally Posted by Asterix_ita (Post 2208165)
Do not add any field, you may have misunderstand the addon

wow, my mistake, it works!

Thanks for your mod :D

Asterix_ita 07-10-2011 01:33 PM

Hi guys

in this new version beta (4.1.0) I changed the user profile association management field and field of infobox

everything is managed through the table, so there is no limit on the number of fields (previous versions 8 Fields)

Unfortunately since the change is necessary to remove the previous version before proceeding with the new installation, I recommend you perform a backup before uninstalling

active options in this version:

Automatic entry into the template
Show infobox button
Forums to be View
Automatic label
Column Show infobox
style options infobox: Border Width - Border color - Box color - Tex color

Add new field infobox (while inserting infobox field you can select the display column and also the order)
Manager Fields Box
Delete All infobox field

for Italian users there is this detailed data on the mod here

seen the use of tables await your feedback before making gold this version.


download file zip
extract file zip
upload all files found in upload folder to your site
import file xml
set options
set field infobox

some stamps






Other stamp here

danswano 07-10-2011 07:11 PM

Thanks for the awesome mod, can you give the conditional value so i can hide this box for guests?

tried this but didn't work

<vb:if condition="$show['member']">{vb:raw ctinfo.infobox}</vb:if>
also can you consider excluding usergroups from seeing it in next release? :)

Asterix_ita 07-10-2011 07:46 PM


<vb:if condition="$show['member']">{vb:raw ctinfo.infobox}</vb:if>
the code works fine, but you have set No this option Automatic entry into the template



danswano 07-10-2011 11:05 PM

I'm using postbit_legacy but i want to hide the whole box from guests for less query execution purpose. :)
Your code {vb:raw ctinfo.infobox} is working fine when i paste it in place but i want to hide it using the conditional variable from guests.

Suggestion: when some users fill only the B column fields only the box will leave the whole A column area empty, can you modify the code for next release so the column B area replaces column A area when fields of column A are empty.

MikeF 07-11-2011 10:36 PM

Love this. Sadly, before the beta was released, I created a modified XML file with 40 possible fillable fields and spent hours doing it. Now it looks like you have automated this task to have unlimited fields. Good work!

Taurus1 07-13-2011 04:41 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Thank you so much for this! I was looking very long for something similar.

I have one question though. Is it perhaps possible to move this part (See attached screenshot) to the bottom below the yahoo, etc icons?

Thanks again!!

Asterix_ita 07-13-2011 02:19 PM


This change should be sufficient

Go to admincp -> Plugin & Products -> Plugin Manager -> Product : CT Info box

Edit plugin Info Box


        if ($ctinfo['button'])
                                $templater = vB_Template::create('ct_info_button');
                                $templater->register('post', $post);
                                $templater->register('ctinfo', $ctinfo);
                                $template_hook['postbit_controls'] .= $templater->render();


                                        if ($ctinfo['button'])
                                $templater = vB_Template::create('ct_info_button');
                                $templater->register('post', $post);
                                $templater->register('ctinfo', $ctinfo);
                                $ctinfo['pbutton']= $templater->render();

add this variable {vb:raw ctinfo.pbutton} in the templates postbit or postbit_legacy to the desired position


reddyink 07-13-2011 03:47 PM

Looks like a good MOD but doesn't display Multi-select Checkbox information.

Here is the out put of multi-check box: 121379053 (instead of reading, writing, soccer etc).

Appreciate help!

Asterix_ita 07-13-2011 04:02 PM

Unfortunately, the multi-value fields is a limitation of this plugin



Taurus1 07-14-2011 03:14 AM


Originally Posted by Asterix_ita (Post 2220036)

This change should be sufficient

Go to admincp -> Plugin & Products -> Plugin Manager -> Product : CT Info box

Edit plugin Info Box


    if ($ctinfo['button'])
                $templater = vB_Template::create('ct_info_button');
                $templater->register('post', $post);
                $templater->register('ctinfo', $ctinfo);
                $template_hook['postbit_controls'] .= $templater->render();


                    if ($ctinfo['button'])
                $templater = vB_Template::create('ct_info_button');
                $templater->register('post', $post);
                $templater->register('ctinfo', $ctinfo);
                $ctinfo['pbutton']= $templater->render();

add this variable {vb:raw ctinfo.pbutton} in the templates postbit or postbit_legacy to the desired position


Thank you very much. However it does not work. Does not matter where I insert this:


{vb:raw ctinfo.pbutton}
It does not show up. :(

Asterix_ita 07-14-2011 11:16 AM

released version 4.1.1 beta

Add option show guest or only member
Add option move button infobox


Suggestion: when some users fill only the B column fields only the box will leave the whole A column area empty, can you modify the code for next release so the column B area replaces column A area when fields of column A are empty.



Taurus1 07-14-2011 12:14 PM

Thank you so much for the update. I can now insert the button anywhere, but if I insert it let's say to the left of the 'promote to article' link, then the text is there, but the button is missing. Why would that be?

Asterix_ita 07-14-2011 12:45 PM

problems with css, in your case you need to change the template ct_info_button


        <style type="text/css">
        <vb:if condition="$vboptions['ct_infobox_autobutton']">
        .postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a.post_info_button, .postbit .postfoot .textcontrols a.post_info_button  {
                background: url({vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/post_infobox.png) no-repeat transparent {vb:stylevar left};
                padding-{vb:stylevar left}: 20px;
        .postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a.post_info_button:hover, .postbit .postfoot .textcontrols a.post_info_button:hover  {
                background: url({vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/post_infobox-hover.png) no-repeat transparent {vb:stylevar left};
        <vb:else />
                background: url({vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/post_infobox.png) no-repeat transparent {vb:stylevar left};
                padding-{vb:stylevar left}: 20px;
        a.post_info_button:hover  {background: url({vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/post_infobox-hover.png) no-repeat transparent {vb:stylevar left};}



        <style type="text/css">

        .postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a.post_info_button, .postbit .postfoot .textcontrols a.post_info_button  {
                background: url({vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/post_infobox.png) no-repeat transparent {vb:stylevar left};
                padding-{vb:stylevar left}: 20px;
        .postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a.post_info_button:hover, .postbit .postfoot .textcontrols a.post_info_button:hover  {
                background: url({vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/post_infobox-hover.png) no-repeat transparent {vb:stylevar left};


danswano 07-14-2011 01:44 PM

Bugs discovered:
1. When "Show infobox button" set to no and guests set to no they can still see the box. (not the button only box)
2. When "Show infobox button" set to no and user have no input a little empty box appears under each post.
3. In case number 1 i mentioned above column B still in place while column A empty when user has no column A inputs (guest mode) but it's working fine for registered users mode.

Asterix_ita 07-14-2011 02:04 PM


Are you sure you have installed the 4.1.1?
as were the bugs 4.1.0, which is not reflected in 4.1.1 installed in the test


PS. on 4.1.1 I have this as the first instruction


if ($this->registry->options['ct_infobox_guest'] OR $show['member'])

then the other options are not analyzed, tonight at home control with more calm, thanks

Taurus1 07-14-2011 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by Asterix_ita (Post 2220422)
problems with css, in your case you need to change the template ct_info_button


    <style type="text/css">
    <vb:if condition="$vboptions['ct_infobox_autobutton']">
    .postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a.post_info_button, .postbit .postfoot .textcontrols a.post_info_button  {
        background: url({vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/post_infobox.png) no-repeat transparent {vb:stylevar left};
        padding-{vb:stylevar left}: 20px;
    .postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a.post_info_button:hover, .postbit .postfoot .textcontrols a.post_info_button:hover  {
        background: url({vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/post_infobox-hover.png) no-repeat transparent {vb:stylevar left};
    <vb:else />
        background: url({vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/post_infobox.png) no-repeat transparent {vb:stylevar left};
        padding-{vb:stylevar left}: 20px;
    a.post_info_button:hover  {background: url({vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/post_infobox-hover.png) no-repeat transparent {vb:stylevar left};}



    <style type="text/css">

    .postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a.post_info_button, .postbit .postfoot .textcontrols a.post_info_button  {
        background: url({vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/post_infobox.png) no-repeat transparent {vb:stylevar left};
        padding-{vb:stylevar left}: 20px;
    .postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a.post_info_button:hover, .postbit .postfoot .textcontrols a.post_info_button:hover  {
        background: url({vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/post_infobox-hover.png) no-repeat transparent {vb:stylevar left};


Thank you very very much! It now works and looks great!! :up:

danswano 07-14-2011 04:39 PM

Yes, i did imported the product with overwrite and uploaded all files again, where do i have to put this code?

if ($this->registry->options['ct_infobox_guest'] OR $show['member'])

Asterix_ita 07-14-2011 05:46 PM

the code is already in the plugins info box, and that's why what you described should not be.

which version of vbulletin used

FReeSTER 07-30-2011 12:50 AM

I been looking every where and I have no clue where is the options for the users to fill the options posted on Info Box.

also the button is not showing :confused::o

Asterix_ita 07-30-2011 04:39 AM

This addon associates the existing User Profile Fields, so you must first create

Admincp->User Profile Fields


the button is not showing
button appears only if you keep some options eg. forumids, one or more fieldx completed and more in options

FReeSTER 07-30-2011 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by Asterix_ita (Post 2226704)
This addon associates the existing User Profile Fields, so you must first create

Admincp->User Profile Fields

button appears only if you keep some options eg. forumids, one or more fieldx completed and more in options

thank you works great :):up:

Taurus1 08-04-2011 04:31 AM

After I upgraded to 4.1.5 if I have this: {vb:raw ctinfo.pbutton} in my postbit_legacy template (does not matter where) then my quick reply editor is just blank. It is completely gone. Now this only happens in Internet Explorer, and also only on the first page of a thread, if there are more than one page. On the last page it will show.

Please help! Thanks!

Asterix_ita 08-04-2011 04:51 AM

Thanks, just I can do upgrade my lab I check it

Asterix_ita 08-04-2011 04:56 PM


I have tested the addon 4.1.2 with windows 7 and ie 9, and everything is ok as you can see from the image


Do you tell me you entered the variable?



Taurus1 08-05-2011 02:59 AM

I am not sure what you mean by "entered the variable?"

But you can login to my forum, and check. I will send you details via PM. The only difference is that on the skins it does show the quick reply editor it has this: {vb:raw ctinfo.pbutton} in the postbit legacy. On my default skin that is the only thing I took out, and then the QR editor is showing.

Asterix_ita 08-06-2011 01:40 PM

vers. 4.1.3 rewritten code for button


FReeSTER 08-27-2011 12:47 PM

How can I move the box and use it as Signature?

Asterix_ita 08-27-2011 01:50 PM

You can:

set no to Automatic entry into template
set no to show infobox button
add the var {vb:raw ctinfo.infobox} on postbit or postbit_legacy first <div class="cleardiv"></div>
disable signature to user.

Crow 11-02-2011 10:44 PM

Any way we could get it so that members can add a link and it be linkable?
Meaning, if my member has a build thread, they could add the URL and it be linkable?

IceMatroX 11-16-2011 10:46 PM

is it possible to have 4 rows of info
so i could clone this:


iask 11-22-2011 04:09 PM

Work for 4.1.8 ;)

Asterix_ita 11-22-2011 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by IceMatroX (Post 2268705)
is it possible to have 4 rows of info

I need to check the code


IceMatroX 11-23-2011 07:40 PM

thanks. looking forward to it.

Asterix_ita 11-26-2011 12:28 PM

On 4.1.4 version add fourth column

My forum test is vbulletin suite 4.1.8


IceMatroX 12-07-2011 11:00 PM

i'm having a little trouble with the 4th column


see how the 4th column doesn't have any in the top right corner.

Asterix_ita 12-09-2011 09:51 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Do you have made ​​some changes to the template?

On my test forum don't have that problem

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