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docvader 06-12-2010 03:54 AM


Originally Posted by voglermc (Post 2051232)

Fatal error: Call to undefined function geoip_record_by_name() in /home/tarheel/public_html/usermap.php on line 97

OK, so much for me giving people advice....

I now have GEOIP installed in my apache and environment, and I get this above error. What am I missing????

ahmedipa 06-12-2010 04:06 AM

so nice thank you so much

mikey1991 06-12-2010 04:13 AM

Can you 'backport' this to 3.8 and release it? I have a client who would love something like this.

digitalpoint 06-12-2010 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by docvader (Post 2052358)
OK, so much for me giving people advice....

I now have GEOIP installed in my apache and environment, and I get this above error. What am I missing????

Does GeoIP show up in phpinfo() for you?

docvader 06-12-2010 04:58 AM

No, it shows up in Apache as a mod, and in the environment. They installed the Apache end of it, not the PHP end. According to Maxmind, it's another way of doing it, but, apparently, it doesn't work.

I've asked them to put the PHP extension in for geoip. we're using Linux. Finding the right directions for Linux was not clear; if you have a good link, I'd appreciate it.

Tryppnotic69 06-12-2010 05:03 AM


Originally Posted by docvader (Post 2052371)
No, it shows up in Apache as a mod, and in the environment. They installed the Apache end of it, not the PHP end. According to Maxmind, it's another way of doing it, but, apparently, it doesn't work.

I've asked them to put the PHP extension in for geoip. we're using Linux. Finding the right directions for Linux was not clear; if you have a good link, I'd appreciate it.

Softlayer just installed it on my Linux server using these instructions, and it worked great.


On step 3 (http://www.maxmind.com/app/api), they used Apache Module (mod_geoip) as the API. Everything works great at my forum.

LbR 06-12-2010 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by digitalpoint (Post 2050776)
Yeah, sorry... I knew that was going to be the biggest sticking point, but it *is* a fairly common PHP extension so some people hosting on managed servers might have some luck. For those that run their own servers, it's pretty easy to install from RPM or just compile it.

Sadly there isn't a way around needing some sort of geotargetting mechanism though. I thought about making it geotarget against my servers for people, but then people would complain about privacy and such with all the geotargetting requests going to a central server. Can't make everyone happy unfortunately. :)

will that work with a VPS?

TeknoSounds 06-12-2010 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by docvader (Post 2052371)
No, it shows up in Apache as a mod, and in the environment. They installed the Apache end of it, not the PHP end. According to Maxmind, it's another way of doing it, but, apparently, it doesn't work.

I've asked them to put the PHP extension in for geoip. we're using Linux. Finding the right directions for Linux was not clear; if you have a good link, I'd appreciate it.

I just installed the extension myself the other day on my Fedora box.

Just used YUM to grab the latest geoip packages (theres two you need), then just made sure the folder with the geoip.so was in my included path, restarted apache, and np :)

digitalpoint 06-12-2010 05:03 PM

Well, depending on the operating system you are running for your server, there probably is a pre-packaged RPM installer for it.

I just compiled mine from source...

Install the libraries by downloading and compiling as per the instructions here:

Then download and compile/install the PHP module for it:

For my installation, the GeoCity .dat files go into /usr/local/share/GeoIP/ (I think that's the default... don't think I would have changed the path for them).

You can download the .dat files from:

pete_brady 06-12-2010 06:01 PM

i had to manually compile from source as above but also rename GeoLiteCity.dat to GeoIPCity.dat & copy it to /var/lib/GeoIP

i was probably doing it wrong though

installed & working just fine now. thanks!

(& thanks also for your vb optimisation article at digitalpoint)

digitalpoint 06-12-2010 06:40 PM

Yeah... they changed the name of their .dat file they distribute a few months ago for some reason and they haven't updated the libraries to reflect that. Not sure why they changed the name of the file, but renaming it to the old name works fine (as you found).

docvader 06-12-2010 09:00 PM

thanks for all the extra info.
Got it working. Great job DP

Boko577 06-12-2010 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by CoZmicShReddeR (Post 2050871)
I added extension=php_geoip.dll and restarted apache server and when I click on the map link I get

Fatal error: Call to undefined function geoip_record_by_name() \usermap.php on line 100

I am using vB_Datastore_Filecache

Same problem??? Why won't it work?

TeknoSounds 06-12-2010 09:30 PM

pretty sure the windows version will need the .dat file too

MikeF 06-12-2010 10:15 PM

Is there any way to completely exclude guests from this mod? It eats up a huge amount of resources, but is of no relevance to our full time members.

docvader 06-12-2010 10:46 PM

Boko, that GeoLiteCity.dat file needs to be in usr/local/share/ directory, and it needs to be renamed to GeoIPCity.dat.

syrn 06-12-2010 10:49 PM

not working ......??

imranbaig 06-13-2010 01:07 AM

Hey, Thanks for sharing with us.

Megatr0n 06-13-2010 12:30 PM

Any chance this will be updated for 3.8?

digitalpoint 06-13-2010 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by MikeF (Post 2052687)
Is there any way to completely exclude guests from this mod? It eats up a huge amount of resources, but is of no relevance to our full time members.

What resources is it overloading on your server?

Originally Posted by Megatr0n (Post 2052932)
Any chance this will be updated for 3.8?

No, sorry... I don't run any 3.x forums, so...

Kaitou Ace 06-23-2010 07:11 PM

Would the map be able to show usernames and link to profile? Maybe for staff groups only, or all users, but a configurable option for that could be handy.

Gamershosting 06-25-2010 12:13 PM

Hi all great mod and like the idea of it. However I have an issue. IT won't show up. I tried using Firefox and IE8. The page will display but no map.

In IE8 there is an error icon in the bottom left stating Done but with errors. When clicked I get this error message:


Webpage error details

Message: Syntax error
Line: 369
Char: 41
Code: 0
URI: http://www.gamershosting.net/usermap.php
In my phpinfo.php it shows this:


geoip support enabled
geoip extension version 1.0.7
geoip library version 1004006

Directive Local Value Master Value
geoip.custom_directory no value no value
Your help would be greatly appreciated.


wcguy 06-29-2010 11:51 AM

Hi, nice ap too.

I am getting similar errors as above.

In IE8 a blank page, with these errors:


Webpage error details

User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; Trident/4.0; GTB6.5; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Alexa Toolbar; .NET4.0C)
Timestamp: Tue, 29 Jun 2010 12:49:40 UTC

Message: Syntax error
Line: 333
Char: 41
Code: 0
URI: http://www.XXXXX.com/usermap.php

Message: Object doesn't support this property or method
Line: 248
Char: 1
Code: 0
URI: http://www.XXXXX.com/usermap.php



PHP Code:

geoip support enabled 
geoip extension version  1.0.6  
geoip library version  1004006  

Directive Local Value Master Value 
.custom_directory no value no value 

Pashaali 07-01-2010 04:42 AM

install but it cant work http://www.desifunbox.com/usermap.php

just seen blank page . im use vbseo have to edit something ?

please help for it

digitalpoint 07-01-2010 05:19 PM

Did the USERMAP template not get installed somehow or something (the package installer should have done it automatically). Search your templates for a template named "USERMAP".

wcguy 07-02-2010 03:44 AM

I had an install error for the database.

all fixed now. Thanks!

Good app.

Pashaali 07-02-2010 02:34 PM

Fatal error: Call to undefined function geoip_record_by_name() in /------/desifunbox.com/usermap.php on line 100

digitalpoint 07-02-2010 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by Pashaali (Post 2063266)
Fatal error: Call to undefined function geoip_record_by_name() in /------/desifunbox.com/usermap.php on line 100

See first post/install instruction...

Originally Posted by digitalpoint (Post 2050698)
Important! - this uses the free GeoIP PHP extension, so you must have it installed on your server in order for it to work.

Xencored 07-03-2010 02:54 PM

Awesome installed Thanks its a ace touch :)

sinucello 07-05-2010 01:27 PM


thanks for sharing this. I really like that your are using GeoIP. Unfortunately this map won`t be very useful for my community members without showing the usernames in the bubbles. So I dare to ask if you could add this as an option in a future release.

thank you - all the best,

digitalpoint 07-05-2010 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by sinucello (Post 2064799)

thanks for sharing this. I really like that your are using GeoIP. Unfortunately this map won`t be very useful for my community members without showing the usernames in the bubbles. So I dare to ask if you could add this as an option in a future release.

thank you - all the best,

It intentionally doesn't show username. It's not a tool to track down/stalk users... and revealing a user's exact location with info that ties them to who they are specifically (username) just runs into all sorts of privacy issues.

sinucello 07-06-2010 06:41 AM


Originally Posted by digitalpoint (Post 2064880)
It intentionally doesn't show username. It's not a tool to track down/stalk users... and revealing a user's exact location with info that ties them to who they are specifically (username) just runs into all sorts of privacy issues.

I get your point and agree. The vBmembermap showed the names in the bubbles but it allowed the users to choose if and where their markers were set and I understand that this makes a big difference to the way your plugin is working. But yours the only one working for vB4 so I guess you`ll receive a couple more requests like mine ;-).

all the best,

digitalpoint 07-06-2010 08:07 AM


Originally Posted by sinucello (Post 2065143)
I get your point and agree. The vBmembermap showed the names in the bubbles but it allowed the users to choose if and where their markers were set and I understand that this makes a big difference to the way your plugin is working. But yours the only one working for vB4 so I guess you`ll receive a couple more requests like mine ;-).

all the best,

Yeah, this one is automatic and not an opt-in system where the user can choose to set their location arbitrarily. Instead it just does it and the user can't hide or lie about it to the public. So that's where the privacy issues can potentially come into play. Imagine if you could look at any Facebook profile and know exactly where they last logged in from. :)

Prox0001 07-10-2010 08:40 PM

Very nice, works great except that it only shows guests (yellow pins) and spiders (white pins). Even when I pick "show yourself" it shows the correct area but no pin whatsoever... any ideas?

digitalpoint 07-10-2010 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by Prox0001 (Post 2067378)
Very nice, works great except that it only shows guests (yellow pins) and spiders (white pins). Even when I pick "show yourself" it shows the correct area but no pin whatsoever... any ideas?

What's the URL where it's installed?

andyv72 08-08-2010 11:29 PM

How du install this ????

I dont have any idea....

pls help me

ubcforums 08-24-2010 08:54 AM

Thanks for sharing ..

Nomar86 08-25-2010 01:55 PM

very cool map. tagged this post for future download, thanks again

dd365media 08-26-2010 10:06 PM

Alright... I have error on line 100 too.

I have GeoIP.dat in /share/ directory. I uploaded it there manually.


I don't get why is there "GeoIP-133_20051201.tar.gz"

And I just figured out there's old installation which is in /usr/share and not /usr/local/share

KevinL 09-01-2010 03:22 PM

OK I am having an issue with this.

GeoIP is installed in PHPinfo I can see it. I installed this and I go to usermap and I see everything but the actual map. I changed the settings and everything but nothing. I am not even getting an error.

What did I do wrong? lol

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