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-   -   New Posting Features - [DBTech] Advanced User Tagging v3 (vB4) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=242733)

kersti 05-19-2010 06:53 AM

It's a great mod, but I've removed for now as my postbits are getting unweildy

Julie 05-20-2010 06:10 AM


Originally Posted by tafreeh (Post 2039552)
I want to show Tag user bar below quick reply box not on top.. How do i do that?

I too would like to move the tag user bar...

Works fine on 4.0.3 btw.

Just a small question, when I post @username; it changes the ; to a : . It still tags the user, but just wondering if it was a reason for that, or just a typo in the code :)

mobe00 05-20-2010 08:04 AM

installed it and can tag with @username; but it show in the post for example @agnes . is it supposed to show the @ sign ?

DragonByte Tech 05-20-2010 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by Julie (Post 2040368)
I too would like to move the tag user bar...

Works fine on 4.0.3 btw.

Just a small question, when I post @username; it changes the ; to a : . It still tags the user, but just wondering if it was a reason for that, or just a typo in the code :)

IIRC, this is to stop the username from being recalled (and possibly changing/breaking if people have changed their usernames etc) when a post is edited. Could be wrong though.


Originally Posted by mobe00
installed it and can tag with @username; but it show in the post for example @agnes . is it supposed to show the @ sign ?

Yeap, we're looking at different display options for the next version though :)


Originally Posted by kersti
It's a great mod, but I've removed for now as my postbits are getting unweildy

I'll try to squeeze postbit component being optional into the next version is possible.

Anyone who was missed, It's because Fillip will be better suited to answering your questions than me =P


iguano 05-20-2010 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2039258)
Can you share your phpinfo with me? You can PM me it. I'm not sure if anything in there will tell me anything useful, but I'm at a loss for what to do. Sorry that I can't be of more help :(


now works thanks and great mod ;-)

literatestylish 05-20-2010 04:32 PM

I'm getting this


Fatal error: Call to undefined method DBTech_Framework_Shoutbox::init_bbcode_permissions() in /nfs/c04/h03/mnt/65181/domains/buffalorange.com/html/dbtech/usertag/hooks/newpost_complete.php on line 46

tafreeh 05-20-2010 09:22 PM

hey, what about moving tag bar to below post?

DragonByte Tech 05-21-2010 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by kersti (Post 2039653)
It's a great mod, but I've removed for now as my postbits are getting unweildy

Postbit can be changed in the Pro version :)


Originally Posted by Julie (Post 2040368)
Just a small question, when I post @username; it changes the ; to a : . It still tags the user, but just wondering if it was a reason for that, or just a typo in the code :)

It's to prevent the mod trying to match the converted code to another username on post edit.


Originally Posted by mobe00 (Post 2040393)
installed it and can tag with @username; but it show in the post for example @agnes . is it supposed to show the @ sign ?

Yes, though we are making this optional in the Pro version v1.1 :)


Originally Posted by literatestylish (Post 2040635)
I'm getting this


Fatal error: Call to undefined method DBTech_Framework_Shoutbox::init_bbcode_permissions() in /nfs/c04/h03/mnt/65181/domains/buffalorange.com/html/dbtech/usertag/hooks/newpost_complete.php on line 46

vBShout v5.2.2 is required for this mod to work when vBShout is also installed.


literatestylish 05-21-2010 03:12 PM

Thank DB.

The tagging works now (shows up in the thread) but it's not notifying the person that they have been tagged. Any reason why?

DragonByte Tech 05-21-2010 03:28 PM

There shouldn't be a reason for that, no.

Later today we're gonna release v1.1, you can wait for that and see if the problem has been resolved.

literatestylish 05-21-2010 03:29 PM

Ok thanks. Also, when I click on User Tags from VBShout it says "Database error"

literatestylish 05-21-2010 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2041409)
There shouldn't be a reason for that, no.

Later today we're gonna release v1.1, you can wait for that and see if the problem has been resolved.

Dang. This is such a great idea but I really need people to be notified when they're tagged, otherwise its worthless. Are they supposed to get notified via PM?

Trek 05-21-2010 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by literatestylish (Post 2041413)
Dang. This is such a great idea but I really need people to be notified when they're tagged, otherwise its worthless. Are they supposed to get notified via PM?

People get notified through the notifications window. The same window that says you have X new PMs, X new reputation comments, etc.

So they don't get a PM, but they do get notified.

DragonByte Tech 05-21-2010 11:06 PM

DragonByte Technologies is proud to present version 1.1 of [DBTech] Advanced @User Tagging.
This version introduces several major new features that users have requested, and some others we were unable to fit in v1.0.

Statistics Page: Display which users are the most active, both at tagging and being tagged. Same with mentions. This is a great way to encourage your members to utilise the feature and increase activity!

Post Previews: See the context of the post you were mentioned in! (Hard limit of 20 characters either way in Lite version)

BBCode Integration: A button for mentioning has been added to the BBCode toolbar – Users no longer need to remember the @; command.

Change look of Mentioned usernames: Allows you to use BBCode to make mentioned usernames stand out. Only underline is available in Lite.

Per Forum Settings: Allows you to turn tagging on/off per forum (disables the tag cloud) and mentioning per forum (Disables mention notifications from that forum)

We hope you enjoy this new version :)

tafreeh 05-22-2010 12:33 AM

you ignored me twice. anyways, how to disable bbcode?

DragonByte Tech 05-22-2010 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by tafreeh (Post 2041690)
you ignored me twice. anyways, how to disable bbcode?

Because your question was asked by others, and by answering the others' question, I automatically answered yours :)

The new MENTION BBCode can be disabled in the BBCode Manager (the one you add / edit custom BBCode in) :)

tafreeh 05-22-2010 03:15 AM

lol, really ? I have read all the post here but didn't really find out any instructions on how to move that tag bar.. :strange:

Julie 05-22-2010 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2041662)
Statistics Page: Display which users are the most active, both at tagging and being tagged. Same with mentions. This is a great way to encourage your members to utilise the feature and increase activity!

Great updates, but there do I find the statistics page?

DragonByte Tech 05-22-2010 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by tafreeh (Post 2041734)
lol, really ? I have read all the post here but didn't really find out any instructions on how to move that tag bar.. :strange:

Moving the bar is now a Pro feature :) It can be moved to below the Active Users list :)

The only other way of doing it would be to edit the code, which isn't something we can support, unfortunately :(


Originally Posted by Julie (Post 2041829)
Great updates, but there do I find the statistics page?

It should be in the Community menu :)


xStat 05-22-2010 12:29 PM

Cant find the stats page neither. Have looked in community menu and it isnt there.

DragonByte Tech 05-22-2010 01:25 PM

You might have a conflicting mod then, you can manually insert the entry by adding
HTML Code:

<li><a href="misc.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=dbtech_usertag_statistics">{vb:rawphrase dbtech_usertag_user_tagging_statistics}</a></li>
HTML Code:

<vb:if condition="$show['memberslist']">
                                                                <li><a href="memberlist.php{vb:raw session.sessionurl_q}">{vb:rawphrase members_list}</a></li>

in the navbar template

If you have further problems, please register on our website and post them there, so we can help you quicker :)

Julie 05-23-2010 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2041859)
You might have a conflicting mod then, you can manually insert the entry by adding
HTML Code:

<li><a href="misc.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=dbtech_usertag_statistics">{vb:rawphrase dbtech_usertag_user_tagging_statistics}</a></li>
HTML Code:

<vb:if condition="$show['memberslist']">
                                <li><a href="memberlist.php{vb:raw session.sessionurl_q}">{vb:rawphrase members_list}</a></li>

in the navbar template

If you have further problems, please register on our website and post them there, so we can help you quicker :)

That did the trick for me, thanks :)

iguano 05-24-2010 12:30 PM

when this mod is active the moderators have great problems to modify threads, when i turnoff all return good

DragonByte Tech 05-24-2010 12:42 PM

You'll need to give me more details if I'm to do anything about it :)

iguano 05-24-2010 01:15 PM

if i want do to modify a message or a title, when i click Save the page don't reload or come out "internal server error", when i turn off your mod the moderation works fine.
( sorry about my poor poor english :( )

DragonByte Tech 05-24-2010 02:25 PM

Hmm, sounds like it could be a mod conflict somewhere. I've had no problems modifying messages or titles.
Not entirely sure what I can do about it tbh :(

iguano 05-25-2010 05:22 AM

Only me with this problem? :-(

Julie 06-03-2010 07:18 AM

I'm getting this error message when trying to approve moderated posts in the admin panel (it comes after I click on save)

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /*/*/public_html/forums/dbtech/usertag/hooks/postdata_presave.php on line 54

And the posts that I've set to approve, stay moderated, because of the above error. Any ideas?

(When I disable the mod, the approval goes through properly)

Edit: This also applies for when I try to move a thread. I get the same error messages.

DragonByte Tech 06-03-2010 12:15 PM

Can you please re-download the files and re-upload them - I believe I fixed this but it may have been after 1.1 was released.

H?per det hjelper :)

Julie 06-06-2010 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2047600)
Can you please re-download the files and re-upload them - I believe I fixed this but it may have been after 1.1 was released.

H?per det hjelper :)

Seems like that did the trick, no error messages so far :)

Tusen takk ;)

BrightStar 06-09-2010 01:39 PM


I've installed this mod, works okay. Got a question though.

When I type @username; to tag a user in a post, then it is shown as @username: in the post. I thought it shouldnt have shown @ and : in the final post but those were just to tag the users? Is that's how it works? Sorry there are no clear instructions in the readme file.


DragonByte Tech 06-09-2010 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Mike007 (Post 2051001)

I've installed this mod, works okay. Got a question though.

When I type @username; to tag a user in a post, then it is shown as @username: in the post. I thought it shouldnt have shown @ and : in the final post but those were just to tag the users? Is that's how it works? Sorry there are no clear instructions in the readme file.


It is indeed correct that it shows @ and :, because on most forums (and indeed also twitter), the @ char is used as a substitute for the [quote] tag.

In the Pro version, you can disable the @, though.


BrightStar 06-09-2010 01:57 PM

Oh then that's how it works. Thanks for clarifying.

Michlerish 06-10-2010 01:08 AM

You really need to implement some measures for forum permissions. I have private forums, and when a user without access to those forums is tagged, they still receive a notification.

I see that when a user is mentioned in a private forum that they do not have access to, they will receive notice saying "1 Notification" but when they click on it, the list shows up empty.

(edited because I figured out how to turn off the thread tagging altogether!)

Thanks so much for this mod, I have been looking for something like this forever. Even without the permission settings, it's fantastic for the public forum.

DragonByte Tech 06-10-2010 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by Michlerish (Post 2051297)
You really need to implement some measures for forum permissions. I have private forums, and when a user without access to those forums is tagged, they still receive a notification.

I see that when a user is mentioned in a private forum that they do not have access to, they will receive notice saying "1 Notification" but when they click on it, the list shows up empty.

It's performance intensive to check forum permissions before inserting the notification, that's why that choice was made as a lesser evil.


Michlerish 06-10-2010 02:28 AM

Good to know, thanks for the response :)

Zombo 06-12-2010 05:09 AM


I have weird problem with shoutbox integration.

I chose to disable the integration, but when I make mentions it still shouts it. The weird thing is that the shout notices don't appear until I make a shout myself, then they disappear after a refresh.

DragonByte Tech 06-12-2010 12:37 PM

I've raised the broken SB integration switch as an issue at DBT forums' Project Tools, I'll fix it for the next version.


Zombo 06-12-2010 01:50 PM

thx, for now I've just commented the code in newpost_complete.php :)

BrightStar 06-19-2010 06:59 PM

Tagging, it doesnt work under social groups or any other site like pictures etc?

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