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jimmy_bod 12-08-2010 09:56 AM

I have installed VigLink on my 4.02 (Problem?) forum, now.
So far, if I post a public 'normal' link to a merchant, the target link will be not converted if I click on it. Do I have to wait some time to bring this system to work?


DrivingRevenue 12-08-2010 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by LordMike (Post 2120985)
Awesome program, I was editing all my Amazon links so they add my affiliate but with this I can just keep adding links !

And I can see you added the DrivingRevenue which I wanted to apply for first; again; Awesome !

LOL I was checking to see if the links actually get affiliated and I was looking for my personal Amazon affiliate link and after a while I understood you guys are using your own links and giving me a share of the profit LMAO

One question though;

www.wisehyip.com when you look at the bottom right I've added the Links monetized by VigLink like I'm supposed to do, but when I mouseover the link it just says: http://www.viglink.com/corp/ftc?vgtag=badge shouldn't it be saying http://www.viglink.com/?vgref=9350 like I see in my account ?

Or does it happen one some other way?

I took a look at your site and could not find the badge. However the vgref and affiliation takes place at click time, so until the link is click, you wouldn't see the vgref


Originally Posted by speedracer68 (Post 2123732)
I have been a member of Driving Revenue for some time. I just heard about this and I am trying to install this. In my account page there is no number next to where I believe my API key should be.

It says "Your API key:" and then nothing to the right.

How do I obtain my number?

The API Key should be in the account page once you login to VigLink.com If you are still having issues, please contact us at support@viglink.com

DrivingRevenue 12-08-2010 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by mavherzog (Post 2127139)
Any former Driving Revenue users notice that payments continue to slip from month-to-month since the acquisition by Viglink? I used to get payments every month on the 20th. That continues to slip...last month it was the 26th...this month, I have yet to receive my payment (and it is the 29th).

Our payment terms state the following:


When do I get paid?
Payments are made on or after the 25th of each month. You are paid for the previous month's Net 30 amount and the two month prior Net 60 amount. For example, the payment made October 25th includes the Net 30 amount from September and the Net 60 amount from August. These amounts can be seen on the calendar report page.
We haven't sent out payments on the 20th since eBay changed their payout date to the 25th, which was in April of 2009.

November's payment was after the 25th because of our Thanksgiving break.

DrivingRevenue 12-08-2010 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by jimmy_bod (Post 2130783)
I have installed VigLink on my 4.02 (Problem?) forum, now.
So far, if I post a public 'normal' link to a merchant, the target link will be not converted if I click on it. Do I have to wait some time to bring this system to work?


The links are converted into affiliate links once the link is clicked.

lycheepassion 12-13-2010 04:13 AM

this doesn't take adsense revenue from the owner does it?

oldford 12-13-2010 04:23 AM

It's not related to Adsense, so no it won't affect your Adsense earnings.

DrivingRevenue 12-15-2010 03:27 PM

Oldford is exactly right. This has no impact on adsense of other forms of advertising

Brandon Sheley 12-15-2010 03:59 PM

what's the benefits over just adding the DR code in our footer like we've been doing for years?

DrivingRevenue 12-15-2010 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Brandon Sheley (Post 2134308)
what's the benefits over just adding the DR code in our footer like we've been doing for years?

primary benefit is the ease of install, specifically, with this mod there is no need to edit footer templates in multiple styles. Also, there is no need to add the tag to the footer every time a new style is added.

Brandon Sheley 12-15-2010 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by DrivingRevenue (Post 2134337)
primary benefit is the ease of install, specifically, with this mod there is no need to edit footer templates in multiple styles. Also, there is no need to add the tag to the footer every time a new style is added.

I use master styles, I only add it once :)

thanks for clearing things up :up:

Marv 12-15-2010 09:43 PM

What about VL and vbSEO? Anything we have to take care of? And may be I?m blind - but wth can I add my paypal-adress and billing informations? All I can see in my account settings is my email-adress.. How do you plan to pay me ;)?

DrivingRevenue 12-16-2010 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Marv (Post 2134481)
What about VL and vbSEO? Anything we have to take care of? And may be I?m blind - but wth can I add my paypal-adress and billing informations? All I can see in my account settings is my email-adress.. How do you plan to pay me ;)?

VL and vbSEO work fine together.

As far as payment methods for VigLink (DrivingRevenue is a little different), a PayPal payment will be sent to the email address you registered with. If that email address is not associated with a PayPal account, Paypal provides a simple way to associate it with your existing PayPal account.

cagbaazee 01-09-2011 04:50 AM


The links won't show as affiliated when you hover over them, but they are getting converted.
show us the proof...we want to see it.

Digital Jedi 01-09-2011 05:40 AM


Originally Posted by cagbaazee (Post 2146295)

The links won't show as affiliated when you hover over them, but they are getting converted.
show us the proof...we want to see it.

According to previous posts, you get the proof when you click the link.

DrivingRevenue 01-09-2011 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by cagbaazee (Post 2146295)

The links won't show as affiliated when you hover over them, but they are getting converted.
show us the proof...we want to see it.


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 2146307)
According to previous posts, you get the proof when you click the link.

There are a few FireFox plugins that will let you see what's going on when you click the link.

Use https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/6647/
or http://www.getfirebug.com

JeffreyC 01-10-2011 06:26 PM

Is Ray on here?

DrivingRevenue 01-10-2011 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by JeffreyC (Post 2147151)
Is Ray on here?

He's currently in Vegas at Affiliate Summit. PM me if there's something I can help with.


Digital Jedi 01-11-2011 03:38 AM

Alright then, I'll try it. Wasn't real happy with previous affiliate programs I tried. But this is easy enough to implement.

Digital Jedi 01-11-2011 04:41 AM

Note that when you test a link, because JavaScript doesn't run from inside AJAX posts, you wouldn't get an affiliated link when you click through unless you refreshed the page. Other users, would generate the referral link normally, though, on page load.

captainslater 01-21-2011 10:07 AM

Do you support some german affiliate programs like Amazon.de or affili.net?

What's the difference between DrivingRevenue and VigLink? Is VigLink just the newest version/add-on?

DrivingRevenue 01-21-2011 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by captainslater (Post 2152319)
Do you support some german affiliate programs like Amazon.de or affili.net?

Yes, we have both programs in our system.


Originally Posted by captainslater (Post 2152319)
What's the difference between DrivingRevenue and VigLink? Is VigLink just the newest version/add-on?

VigLink is a Google backed company that acquired Driving Revenue on August 1st, 2010. For details about the acquisition, Click Here

mavherzog 01-24-2011 03:53 AM

I am a legacy DrivingRevenue customer who is now with VigLink. I make good money every month with this program. Absolutely LOVE IT! No ads to annoy my users and no work required on my part.

As long as your site contains links that can be affliated, you can benefit!

Hawkmaster 02-01-2011 06:22 PM

Installed and look forward to seeing the benefits:)

scottct1 02-02-2011 06:45 PM

I am on Driving Revenue now and doing ok with it... should I switch over to Viglink or can I run them both?

wraggster 02-03-2011 01:27 AM

i went direct to the vigilink site and got the website code from there, ive installed it into a Global ad space on my forum, will that be good enough or do i need to import a plugin etc

also do you have a massive list of what merchants you cover, i see the obviuos ones like Amazon but who else ?

Booyakan 02-05-2011 07:55 PM

If I am buying from these merchants myself, is it ok to set up links on my site, and click through and buy them with viglink?

Because we are not supposed to buy through our own links for most merchants...But they are actually turned into YOUR links correct?

SamirDarji 02-07-2011 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by scottct1 (Post 2157901)
I am on Driving Revenue now and doing ok with it... should I switch over to Viglink or can I run them both?

I initially signed up with DR, and I haven't changed the code as far as I can remember and now everthing is with VL. Your DR revenue login will work on the VL site.

Originally Posted by Booyakan (Post 2159153)
If I am buying from these merchants myself, is it ok to set up links on my site, and click through and buy them with viglink?

Because we are not supposed to buy through our own links for most merchants...But they are actually turned into YOUR links correct?

This is a very good point. Although you have to realize that VL will be getting the bulk of that commission and you'll be paid for a normal link. I think that's the whole way they're able to make money.

Booyakan 02-08-2011 12:46 AM


This is a very good point. Although you have to realize that VL will be getting the bulk of that commission and you'll be paid for a normal link. I think that's the whole way they're able to make money.
I do realize they would get the bulk, but at least I would still get something back, instead of nothing... Just waiting on their answer I guess..

DrivingRevenue 02-08-2011 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by scottct1 (Post 2157901)
I am on Driving Revenue now and doing ok with it... should I switch over to Viglink or can I run them both?

I'd recommend leaving it as is, we're migrating Driving Revenue publishers in batches. Once it's your turn, you'll be notified via email. There's isn't anything you'll need to do, we handle the entire migration on our side.


Originally Posted by wraggster (Post 2158063)
i went direct to the vigilink site and got the website code from there, ive installed it into a Global ad space on my forum, will that be good enough or do i need to import a plugin etc

I'm not familiar with the Global ad space, but the code needs to be in the footer before the closing </body> tag. PM me a link to your site and I can verify that it's working correctly.


Originally Posted by wraggster (Post 2158063)
also do you have a massive list of what merchants you cover, i see the obviuos ones like Amazon but who else ?

Log into your VigLink account, click Tools and then Merchant Coverage.

DrivingRevenue 02-08-2011 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by Booyakan (Post 2159153)
If I am buying from these merchants myself, is it ok to set up links on my site, and click through and buy them with viglink?

Because we are not supposed to buy through our own links for most merchants...But they are actually turned into YOUR links correct?

It is against the merchant Terms of Service to knowingly make purchases yourself for the benefit of a discount.


Originally Posted by SamirDarji (Post 2159668)
This is a very good point. Although you have to realize that VL will be getting the bulk of that commission and you'll be paid for a normal link. I think that's the whole way they're able to make money.

Not really sure what you're trying to say, or what "VL will be getting the bulk of that commission and you'll be paid for a normal link." means.

As standard practice, we pay out 75% of the revenue and keep 25%

Breakpoint 02-10-2011 02:07 AM

I don't see a button to re-link all old links, will it do this automatically or what?

SamirDarji 02-10-2011 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by Breakpoint (Post 2160836)
I don't see a button to re-link all old links, will it do this automatically or what?

It does everything transparently and on-the-fly. So all your old links are automatically converted when they're clicked. Pretty slick actually.

DrivingRevenue 02-10-2011 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by SamirDarji (Post 2160861)
It does everything transparently and on-the-fly. So all your old links are automatically converted when they're clicked. Pretty slick actually.

You're exactly right

Brandon Sheley 02-17-2011 07:36 PM

I have no API key here...

I've had a DR account for years

DrivingRevenue 02-18-2011 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by Brandon Sheley (Post 2163695)
I have no API key here...

I've had a DR account for years

Hi Brandon, I've responded on http://getsatisfaction.com/viglink/topics/no_api_key

Dez_U 02-25-2011 09:06 PM

does this plug in work with the latest VB? 4.1.1 (well that mine )

Jampal 02-28-2011 06:27 PM

I am in he Edit options of the Viglink product in my Cpanel yet can find no where at all to "Enter the API key". No idea where, how or when I "add this" or to what?

If anyone could help I would be most grateful.


Jampal 02-28-2011 06:55 PM

For anyone that struggles to find this, you enter the API key down the VBulletin, Options menu and NOT in the product menu.


DrivingRevenue 03-01-2011 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by Dez_U (Post 2166920)
does this plug in work with the latest VB? 4.1.1 (well that mine )

Yes it does

karlm 03-11-2011 10:18 AM

I just signed up, though I don't expect to make much from it (my site doesn't link much material goods).

I will say though, I used the code given from sign-up page initially and placed it at the bottom (above </body>) of my SHOWTHREAD template. I used the url-checker and it said there was nothing there... I tried several URL's (each one being a thread).

Now I've installed the plugin instead, found the API and pasted it in - all works well.

As I said, I don't expect to make much due to the lack of purchasable content on my site, but if it adds a few quid a year it's better than nothing.

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