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-   -   If a coder has seemingly abandoned their plugin, and I've fixed it for 4.0 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=239162)

Zachery 03-29-2010 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by TalkVirginia (Post 2012422)
If someone is going to write a mod or addon, I would expect them to support it until such a time they can't. There have been quite a few mods that I've used in the past that I've really enjoyed and the author has abandoned them over time. Seems like there should be some type of clause that states if an addon or mod is not updated or supported for a period of time it automatically becomes re-usable code, or rendered obsolete and taken off the site. Just my $0.02 cents worth..

You have also never written an addon or provided support for it have you? The only person who can put that clause in is the author and only if they want to.

Lets say you build a house, and don't actually move in for a few years for whatever reason. But a hobo has now moved in, you seemed to have abandoned the house, now he wants to live there and he says its his. You seemingly abandoned the house, its the same idea.

Link14716 03-29-2010 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by TalkVirginia (Post 2012422)
If someone is going to write a mod or addon, I would expect them to support it until such a time they can't. There have been quite a few mods that I've used in the past that I've really enjoyed and the author has abandoned them over time. Seems like there should be some type of clause that states if an addon or mod is not updated or supported for a period of time it automatically becomes re-usable code, or rendered obsolete and taken off the site. Just my $0.02 cents worth..

If there were any such clauses, I would simply not bother releasing my code here to be honest. My code is my code. You can't go and release my code as your own without my permission, period. Either write your own, fix it for yourself and don't release it, or get my permission.

TalkVirginia 03-29-2010 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by Zachery (Post 2012447)
You have also never written an addon or provided support for it have you?

Actually, I have.. See the link in my sig. The previous author(s) of the "Email Reminders for Inactive Users" mod were kind enough to put up the mod up as "Re-usable Code" and hasn't updated or supported the mod, so I rewrote it. Matter of fact, I'm in the process of re-writing it again.

TNCclubman 03-29-2010 07:51 PM

what about just posting under the original authors thread and say, 'here it is with the bug fixed."

Happens all the time, and fixing it to work for vB4.0 is like fixing a bug.

Mike Anime 03-29-2010 09:44 PM

why not add another feature to the script or code it in a different language.

doing that should NOT be copywrite infringment

theque 03-29-2010 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by TNCclubman (Post 2012459)
what about just posting under the original authors thread and say, 'here it is with the bug fixed."

Happens all the time, and fixing it to work for vB4.0 is like fixing a bug.

This is a good idea or how about showing us a tutorial of how to fix this mod for vb4 "just for educational purposes only of course"


abqtj 03-30-2010 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by TNCclubman (Post 2012459)
what about just posting under the original authors thread and say, 'here it is with the bug fixed."

Happens all the time, and fixing it to work for vB4.0 is like fixing a bug.

Except why would anyone look in the 3.x mods section for 4.x mods?

War.Frog 03-30-2010 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by Zachery (Post 2012406)
So now were punishing people for having things to do outside of their hobby, seems unfair. You haven't ever released a single addon have you?

Supported means different things to different users, Geeky Designs supports its modifications by fixing bugs, we don't currently go out of our way to support everything every user asks.

One last thing to add: People here write addons because they wanted to, wrote it for themselfs, wrote it for a client who wanted to release it. Releasing an addon here doesn't pay our bills, or tuck us in bed at night. There are 168 hours in the week, 64 of these are likely consumed by sleep. This now leaves us with 104 workable hours for the week. Assuming we work a normal 9-5 job, or at the very least 40 hours a week we're down to 64 hours. How much time do you propose an author spends on vBulletin.org suppoorting their modifications that they are not paid to support? This 64 hours that are left assumes no commute time, no family time, no time to cook food or take showers, or do daily chores.

You know, fair enough actually. I think the idea was backwards. What WOULD be ideal would be to reward developers who support their modifications with a points-style system similar to eBay. That way it's still a "buyer beware" but developers who decide to go the extra mile and offer basic / good / excellent support are duly rewarded and recognized for their efforts.

nnStaff 03-30-2010 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by abqtj (Post 2012579)
Except why would anyone look in the 3.x mods section for 4.x mods?

my goal here isn't to skirt laws, or take credit for other people's work. I just want to share my fixes for people who are patiently waiting. If it means just posting the fix under the 3.x link to get it out there, that's fine with me

ragtek 03-30-2010 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by Videx (Post 2010887)
Every country on the planet recognizes that people die and when they do we give away their stuff to others. But not here! If you publish a single line of code, say "Hello World!" on vb.org, you then own it for eternity. Absurd, but apparently just never actually thought through by anyone except really paranoid coders (that were still alive).

That's not true!
If you die, you still have the copyright for 20-70 years after your dead (depents on what (music, text, etc...)

Videx 03-30-2010 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by ragtek (Post 2012847)
That's not true!
If you die, you still have the copyright for 20-70 years after your dead (depents on what (music, text, etc...)

Yes, thanks primarily to the Disney Corporation and Sonny Bono. Presumably when their copyrights are due to expire next they'll find more legislators willing to push the date back even more. As if Walt Disney or anyone related to him are being harmed by expiring copyrights. Total sham.

Anyway, none of this has anything to do with software patents. Or "modification copyrights", which don't actually exist (no matter how many times some people say they do).

TheLastSuperman 03-30-2010 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by Mike Anime (Post 2012509)
why not add another feature to the script or code it in a different language.

doing that should NOT be copywrite infringment

Coders have that option when posting a mod, "Allow Translation" otherwise if they simply redo it and post well they never received permission.


Originally Posted by Videx (Post 2012972)
Yes, thanks primarily to the Disney Corporation and Sonny Bono. Presumably when their copyrights are due to expire next they'll find more legislators willing to push the date back even more. As if Walt Disney or anyone related to him are being harmed by expiring copyrights. Total sham.

Anyway, none of this has anything to do with software patents. Or "modification copyrights", which don't actually exist (no matter how many times some people say they do).

Your missing the key arguments by others here and I'm sticking with them as they have been around longer, been around here longer too and have had more time than you to encounter and handle situations like this.

You can google it, yahoo it, bing it even but long story short unless you or I are lawyers then why argue with each other. I do know the rules here and I will stick to them and if I release a work I consider valued to me enough to sue over then I will if it's ever misused or re-released without permission as I have went through the trouble of becoming an LLC, I have hired an accountant, a lawyer and the whole nine so as the old saying goes... you need to have money to make money and anyone taking away from me (in essence my family, married with three children) will be treated as a thief plain and simple, no excuses, no "I didn't know or realize" if your grown enough to register on these forums then you were grown and responsible enough to own up to the fact you should have read all the rules and other information before posting or assuming anything, terms of service and rules are there for a reason.

All of this boils down to right and wrong and giving credit where it is due, simply asking beforehand will only result in a yes or no and if you can't live with either response then don't bother to ask and don't bother to assume you can simply take what you want and run, in some countries they have been known to chop off hands and here we arguing over this.

Mike Anime 03-30-2010 11:32 PM

even though coders might not come back here for time on end for whatever reason you can click their name and choose to send them an email through the forums and as long as the email account is active they will get that email.

a rule of thumb here would be unless they say you can redo their code DON'T

Videx 03-31-2010 12:46 AM

You guys really aren't paying attention. We aren't talking about emailing a coder and asking permission; we're talking about coders that completely disappear. Dead, perhaps, or changed emails and no longer care a whit about vbulletin or mods they wrote here.

As for who's been around longer, again you've missed out on reality. Perhaps someone on the vb.org staff has been around computers and copyright law as long as I have, but how can you tell?

Zachery 03-31-2010 02:42 AM


You guys really aren't paying attention. We aren't talking about emailing a coder and asking permission; we're talking about coders that completely disappear. Dead, perhaps, or changed emails and no longer care a whit about vbulletin or mods they wrote here.
Its their code, doesn't matter if they're dead or abandoned the site, its their code. Without their permission you cannot relrelease their workd, period, end of story.

War.Frog 03-31-2010 02:51 AM

Really? Sorry, too easy. vb.org has one of two choices here:
  1. throw its hands up in the air and say "oh well too bad so sad"
  2. get proactive and community-focused and address something that is obviously a serious issue here

The issue of copyright and code stealing is a red herring and makes for a way-too-convenient dismissal of the problem. I quite frankly respect a coder's right to his/her own intellectual property and vb.org can't possibly be expected to muck around in that quagmire. So THAT I agree with.

However, there are things that can be done to benefit the entire community here. Without even breaking a sweat here are just some of many ideas that could be considered:

  • establish expiries on "Supported" tags
  • a scoring model that publicly rewards active coders (why shouldn't they get recognized?)
  • this scoring should appeal-able (similar to eBay model)
  • automatic stale-mod indicator (after x-days coder not active)
  • automatic notification to mod authors when their mods go stale
  • indicator when creating mod that allows author to check "please mark as free-to-use if I stop supporting"
  • automatic change of "Developer" image and text tag to "Developer - Inactive"

Come on, I'm sure there are ten billion other things that the community could come up with to help discourage the walkaways we see here all too often. Simply dismissing the issue with the wave of the hand demonstrates a shocking lack of vision and community mindedness.

Zachery 03-31-2010 05:32 AM

If you want to make suggestions I would advise posting in the suggestions forums.

But to your point, what does it matter of the developer is inactive but the addon is good? For Myself and my friend we do releases under a single name, we rarely login to the account unless to release/update a mod.
Why should a mod go stale just because the author isn't around, does it mean the modification isn't usable? You're only going to confuse things. Some addons are timeless and live though upgrades (rpg stats for one...).
Authors can release the code under more or less any copyright (not GPL, its just wont work with the vB license agreement) and release it here.

New Joe 03-31-2010 05:41 AM

All i can say is that it is great that some people are helping to get some of the old mods working for vB4 and are willing to share what work they've done.
Wouldn't it be ok just to add to the actual Mod that this works for vB4 and attach the files to the post in the Mod Thread.
I always read the Threads no matter which version they are for just in case someone has added anything to get it working for the version I'm using.

Fungsten 03-31-2010 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by New Joe (Post 2013277)
Wouldn't it be ok just to add to the actual Mod that this works for vB4 and attach the files to the post in the Mod Thread.
I always read the Threads no matter which version they are for just in case someone has added anything to get it working for the version I'm using.

I agree. Would that be a solution?

Lynne 03-31-2010 07:09 PM

You may not go and attach a new version of the product into the thread. And most 'fixes' that are posted in threads a little two-liner bits of code that need fixing. The rules state you may not post more than 10 lines of copyrighted code.

Some coders don't even like fixes posted in their threads. I know I have tried to always send a PM to the developer asking if they mind if I post a bit of code to fix or change something. Some of them like to 'approve' fixes first.

You need to watch how you treat developers. Other developers will notice how respectful we are towards them and may choose to not deal with it and not release their stuff to the public if they don't like the attitude. A gimme attitude will not win any points.

TheLastSuperman 04-01-2010 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by Videx (Post 2013176)

As for who's been around longer, again you've missed out on reality. Perhaps someone on the vb.org staff has been around computers and copyright law as long as I have, but how can you tell?

Actually I reiterated "Reality" in terms I hoped you would grasp and to answer the latter, your title says "member" not "coder" or "designer" yet you will argue how do I know your not a coder or designer well I do not see anything being contributed and thus another assumption is made but tbo would it not be safer to go along with the conclusions of valued members and staff here or go along with a plain jane "member" that has 1,119 post vs mine when I joined over a year later? Most will go with the opinions of the people that others have trusted and listened to for years would you not do the same? Again all that is based on a number of conditionals, factors, whatever you want to call and and however you want to explain it but again long story short I'm not your daddy, anyone can break a rule or law so if you can live with it then go for it otherwise join the club, the right one because currently your in "Self-Justified Anonymous" and that club is the worst just ask around ;).

Fungsten 04-02-2010 01:28 AM

Anyways, can the OP put the "update" in the VB 3 forum?

TheLastSuperman 04-03-2010 02:02 AM


Originally Posted by Lynne (Post 2013631)
You may not go and attach a new version of the product into the thread. And most 'fixes' that are posted in threads a little two-liner bits of code that need fixing. The rules state you may not post more than 10 lines of copyrighted code.

Some coders don't even like fixes posted in their threads. I know I have tried to always send a PM to the developer asking if they mind if I post a bit of code to fix or change something. Some of them like to 'approve' fixes first.

You need to watch how you treat developers. Other developers will notice how respectful we are towards them and may choose to not deal with it and not release their stuff to the public if they don't like the attitude. A gimme attitude will not win any points.


Originally Posted by Fungsten (Post 2014377)
Anyways, can the OP put the "update" in the VB 3 forum?

I think the answer is right above your quote, it was also the post just before mine that was just before yours too :p

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