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ShadyUS 03-27-2010 09:12 PM

I keep getting this when i trying to click the Competetions on the navbar.

Warning: require_once([path]/includes/functions_tal.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]/competitions.php on line 137

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/content/s/h/a/shadybtd/html/forums/includes/functions_tal.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5/lib/php') in /home/content/s/h/a/shadybtd/html/forums/competitions.php on line 137


bananalive 03-27-2010 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by ShadyUS (Post 2011274)
I keep getting this when i trying to click the Competetions on the navbar.

Warning: require_once([path]/includes/functions_tal.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]/competitions.php on line 137

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/content/s/h/a/shadybtd/html/forums/includes/functions_tal.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5/lib/php') in /home/content/s/h/a/shadybtd/html/forums/competitions.php on line 137


Have you uploaded functions_tal.php to /includes/ folder?

ShadyUS 03-27-2010 09:31 PM

Yea it works now, i had changed the modification name in the admin cp so im guessing you would have to change the document to it too. But theres no Tournament drop down when i click new ladder, theres like nothing where i can create tournaments.

bananalive 03-27-2010 09:57 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by ShadyUS (Post 2011281)
Yea it works now, i had changed the modification name in the admin cp so im guessing you would have to change the document to it too. But theres no Tournament drop down when i click new ladder, theres like nothing where i can create tournaments.

On the far right of the Competitions navbar, there should be a 'New' dropdown

Check your Usergroup Permissions, there will be two seperate permission blocks, one for tournament permissions and one for ladder permissions

ShadyUS 03-27-2010 10:10 PM

Oh alright, i didnt see the tournament permissions. My bad, thanks!

PjDaBadMan 03-28-2010 12:36 AM

Thanks banana, cant wait for monday or tuesday for the Non Beta

ProFifaLeagues 03-28-2010 06:37 AM


Originally Posted by PjDaBadMan (Post 2011338)
Thanks banana, cant wait for monday or tuesday for the Non Beta

Yeah me too,we used this mod loads on 3.8.4 and my users wil be happy to see it back again!

dany_danay 03-28-2010 12:07 PM

I dont understand this. Whit wich games this tournaments run?

niko236 03-28-2010 12:46 PM

Nice mod, but teamlogo doesn't work, also with CHMOD on the directory.

bananalive 03-28-2010 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by dany_danay (Post 2011555)
I dont understand this. Whit wich games this tournaments run?

It is a modification for displaying the results and managing tournaments/ ladders. So you can use it for any games you want.

bananalive 03-28-2010 02:13 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by niko236 (Post 2011579)
Nice mod, but teamlogo doesn't work, also with CHMOD on the directory.

Fixed in attached product file

niko236 03-28-2010 02:25 PM

Thanks it's working.

Is it normal that PNG is not transparent? (There is a back background)

Another issue, Top Button doesn't work and when i try to delete a tournament, i have exactly this notice:


Are you sure you want to delete ''
Is it a bug?

Thanks, sorry :)

bananalive 03-28-2010 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by niko236 (Post 2011636)
Thanks it's working.

Is it normal that PNG is not transparent? (There is a back background)

Another issue, Top Button doesn't work and when i try to delete a tournament, i have exactly this notice:

Is it a bug?

Thanks, sorry :)

Yes, when team logos are uploaded, they will lose their transparency.

Where is the top link?

Fixed tournament delete error for next version.

IR15H 03-28-2010 09:43 PM

Another mod I'm glad to see make it across to vB4 :D.

A few minor things that I'm not sure count as bugs or requests, none the less;
  • If when creating a ladder/tournament you don't enter a title and/or description then you get an error message (as expected), however there is no "back" button for the user to navigate away. This also happens in a ladder if you try to set a challenger to challenge themselves.
  • Editing an announcement/rules automatically adds "edited by", even if the user has "Show edited by note on edited messages?" set to no in their user group options.
  • The rules page doesn't take up the full width available and has a weird line beneath it.
  • You can admin-add users to tournaments but you can't to ladders.
  • "Team Gamertag" doesn't appear to do anything (superseded by "Team Tags"?)
  • The tournament filters don't search within a category, subsequently if there are relevant tournaments within a category then you can't access them as the link for the category is simply tournaments.php?c=X (ie. without the relevant filter).

I think that's all for now, keep up the good work :).

niko236 03-28-2010 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 2011705)
Yes, when team logos are uploaded, they will lose their transparency.

Where is the top link?

Fixed tournament delete error for next version.

This top link:

dippetas 03-29-2010 10:35 AM

is there a way to change the border color of the tournament result's? i have dark background and the borders are black.
thanks in advance

bananalive 03-29-2010 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by dippetas (Post 2012168)
is there a way to change the border color of the tournament result's? i have dark background and the borders are black.
thanks in advance

vBulletin Options -> Tournament and Lader Options -> Bracket Colors

bananalive 03-29-2010 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by niko236 (Post 2011930)

Ahh, fixed in next version :up:

bananalive 03-29-2010 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by IR15H (Post 2011904)
Another mod I'm glad to see make it across to vB4 :D.

A few minor things that I'm not sure count as bugs or requests, none the less;
  1. If when creating a ladder/tournament you don't enter a title and/or description then you get an error message (as expected), however there is no "back" button for the user to navigate away. This also happens in a ladder if you try to set a challenger to challenge themselves.
  2. Editing an announcement/rules automatically adds "edited by", even if the user has "Show edited by note on edited messages?" set to no in their user group options.
  3. The rules page doesn't take up the full width available and has a weird line beneath it.
  4. You can admin-add users to tournaments but you can't to ladders.
  5. "Team Gamertag" doesn't appear to do anything (superseded by "Team Tags"?)
  6. The tournament filters don't search within a category, subsequently if there are relevant tournaments within a category then you can't access them as the link for the category is simply tournaments.php?c=X (ie. without the relevant filter).
I think that's all for now, keep up the good work :).

  1. added back link
  2. implemented in next version
  3. fixed in next version
  4. i'll add that in another version
  5. someone feature requested it, i think they wanted to use it as a field for xbox gamertags or something
  6. fixed in next version

Shadawg 03-29-2010 07:03 PM

So hows it looking, anymore bugs been found?

dippetas 03-29-2010 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 2012253)
vBulletin Options -> Tournament and Lader Options -> Bracket Colors

Bummer i didn't know it was that easy :s i thought it would be something from the css.
Thanx for your quick reply. :D

PjDaBadMan 03-29-2010 09:02 PM

Thank you very much... installed

Shadawg 03-29-2010 09:03 PM

Problem when editing the and saving the text, you cannot usebbcode

IR15H 03-30-2010 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 2012264)
  1. added back link
  2. implemented in next version
  3. fixed in next version
  4. i'll add that in another version
  5. someone feature requested it, i think they wanted to use it as a field for xbox gamertags or something
  6. fixed in next version

Thanks for the quick reply and update :).

A few more minor things;
  1. If you try to set a challenger to challenge themselves in a ladder there's an error message without a 'back' button.
  2. Expanding 'Tournament List' breaks the table layout.
  3. When creating a PM via the 'PM All Competitors' button, the post icon variable doesn't work which causes a broken image after the message title.
  4. When viewing a tournament, the collapsible image is collapse_blocksubhead.gif which I think should be collapse_40b.png?
  5. I have 'Stats in Profile' enabled in the settings but can't see any difference to a user's profile.

dippetas 03-30-2010 09:26 PM

is there a way to implement a league option?

Jamie G 03-30-2010 09:51 PM

Would like to see a Double Elimination and League option added.

I have a custom worked on version with Pay to play built in as well. Any chance we can see this happening for vB4 Bananna? I'd be willing to donate to see this happen.

WNxWakko 04-01-2010 04:17 AM

Is this version backwards compatable to v3.8?

kasht 04-02-2010 12:02 PM

I am with Jamie G. I'm installing this regardless, but a Double Elimination mode will bring this Mod to a whole different level, and a lot more useful for gaming communities out there that want to run online tournaments the way it is done at a competitive level. I'm willing to assist in any beta testing for this to happen.

As for Pay to Play, I like the concept, not the name lol. But adding the option to make the tournament a Paid or Free tournament is a great addon, as part of the incentive for tournaments is usually prize money, which can easily be obtained via Paypal or similar method.

Just my 2 cents! ;)


bananalive 04-02-2010 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by WNxWakko (Post 2013842)
Is this version backwards compatable to v3.8?


bananalive 04-02-2010 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by dippetas (Post 2013110)
is there a way to implement a league option?

Not at the moment.

bananalive 04-02-2010 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by IR15H (Post 2012788)
Thanks for the quick reply and update :).

A few more minor things;
  1. If you try to set a challenger to challenge themselves in a ladder there's an error message without a 'back' button.
  2. Expanding 'Tournament List' breaks the table layout.
  3. When creating a PM via the 'PM All Competitors' button, the post icon variable doesn't work which causes a broken image after the message title.
  4. When viewing a tournament, the collapsible image is collapse_blocksubhead.gif which I think should be collapse_40b.png?
  5. I have 'Stats in Profile' enabled in the settings but can't see any difference to a user's profile.

  1. added link
  2. not sure what you mean
  3. I've redone this template for next version, but it should just have default icon?
  4. fixed
  5. Should be appearing for you, check you have the template hook profile_stats_pregeneral in your templates memberinfo_block_statistics and memberinfo_block_aboutme

bananalive 04-02-2010 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by Shadawg (Post 2012490)
Problem when editing the and saving the text, you cannot use [LIST][/LIST] bbcode

Fixed for next version

IR15H 04-02-2010 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 2014703)
  1. added link
  2. not sure what you mean
  3. I've redone this template for next version, but it should just have default icon?
  4. fixed
  5. Should be appearing for you, check you have the template hook profile_stats_pregeneral in your templates memberinfo_block_statistics and memberinfo_block_aboutme

Thanks again for the prompt reply and update :).
  1. I've found another few;
    • when you try to add another team (competitions.php?do=addteam) and you've already reached the maximum you're allowed
    • when challenging someone who can't recievie PMs (ladders.php?do=insertchal).
    • if you attempt to challenge the same team/user twice in a row (ie when a challenge is still pending)
  2. This;
  3. If there's no easy way to get the post icons to work then yeah that'd be fine.
  4. Thanks.
  5. Apologies, I was expecting it to be an additional tab like "Friends" "Blogs" etc. but I had a look again and just noticed it near the bottom on the "About Me" tab :).

I also found a few more issues;
  1. When a user requests to join a team they should get a pop up/notification to say that it first needs to be approved by a leader because currently it *appears* to the end user that it hasn't work.
  2. On a ladder list, the option to remove another user gets truncated rather than wrapped;
  3. http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/6905/69984718.png
  4. When submitting scores, there's a box for uploading screenshots but no way to upload any (I tried entering a url of an image but didn't see it appear anyway on the results screen). this box does not appear if you are doing a team ladder.
  5. If you create a team ladder, clicking on the team name on the ranking tab takes you to (/competitions.php?do=viewteam) rather than bring up the pop up containing the option to challenge.
  6. A user is able to report a challenge, before any scores are submitted, but this doesn't get put through to the "reported matches" section. I can't think of a reason why someone would report a challenge before any scores have been submitted (as they could just reject the challenge) so maybe it'd be simpler to just remove the report link until after a user has entered scores?
  7. If you admin insert a ladder challenge then on ladders.php?do=challenges it pulls two seemingly random team members to display under "match" rather than team names.
  8. When viewing "Your challenges" on a ladder, the column titles are centred but the contents are aligned left which, without column borders, makes it a bit confusing to look at.
  9. The 'user can't receive PMs' error message seems to also be based off whether they are able to track PMs (Can Use Message Tracking) rather than just the "Maximum Stored Messages" usergroup setting.

  • Send the team owner/leader(s) a notification when someone has requested to join their team.
  • If a user doesn't have permission to view tournaments or ladders then the "Competitions" tab in the navbar should be hidden from them.
  • As a team owner, if you promote another member to co or full leader then still be able to demote them (to co-leader or regular member).
  • Disallow HTML to be entered into category names as on competitions.php?do=categories, you can enter (and display) an image as a title.
  • Add a "My Ladders" filter, which would display all ladders a user had entered (either as an individual or as part of a team).
  • A notification when a user has accepted/rejected your challenge.

Thanks again for all your hard work on this mod :).

COL NIL SATIS 04-03-2010 11:26 AM

Is this mod now out of Beta stage pal???

Shadawg 04-03-2010 06:50 PM

Yeh its outta the beta stage.....

Jamie G 04-03-2010 09:36 PM


As already stated I'm loving the mod.

I'm looking for some help getting it to work properly with my custom set-up.

http://consolefrag.com - at the moment, I have all sorts of bugs which are being worked on. Frontpage slideshow hates IE, need to get the menu made priority over it etc. But you can't actually change any of the settings for tournaments and ladders as I don't have the standard navbar.

Can you contact me as per the PM to see if you can get this sorted for me.

Obviously I'll pay / donate for your time.



kasht 04-05-2010 01:23 AM

@bananalive: Any plans for Double Elimination as a new tournament mode for a future release?

*Subscribes to Mod*

MotMann 04-05-2010 06:00 AM


Originally Posted by Bouncer222 (Post 2009130)

If you post a link, please without registration ;)

Bouncer222 04-06-2010 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by MotMann (Post 2016003)
If you post a link, please without registration ;)

What do you mean without registration?

And can someone here please explain the difference between the different types of competitions that this mod offers? I am a bit confused on what to use for what type of competition.

Single Elimination
And any others?


EDIT: It's just that there is WAYY too much options in this mod from the viewer side (not admincp) and it gets really confusing on what you gotta do. Maybe a written manual would be nice? some screenshots etc? Like describing what you should do for what type of competition.

EDIT AGAIN: Could you also put a feature in, so that if a team doesn't get any new members within x days, the team is deleted and the team leader is sent a PM with a warning x days BEFORE the scheduled deletion that his team could be deleted?
This is because I want to give permission to anyone on my site to create a team.

Thanks once again.

PcGamer 04-06-2010 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by Bouncer222 (Post 2016803)
What do you mean without registration?

Meaning that we can't see your ladders/Tournaments without having to register to your forums.

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