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-   -   Mini Mods - SEOforums.org Advanced SEO META Tags for vBulletin (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=237500)

MOGmartin 03-09-2010 01:58 PM

sorry - Im on 2.6 beta 1

but mine works fine....

MOGmartin 03-10-2010 07:16 PM

New version released people, please download and overwrite.

a few bug fixes, including improved compatibility with other peoples scripts.



mitbar 03-11-2010 05:19 AM

Where do i go to find the headerincludes file to edit? sorry for the newb question.

KissOfDeath 03-11-2010 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by mitbar (Post 2001356)
Where do i go to find the headerincludes file to edit? sorry for the newb question.

AdminCP>Styles & Semplates>Style Manager
CLick edit templates on the dropdown menue of which ever style you are using
, scroll down to headerincludes

MOGmartin 03-11-2010 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by KissOfDeath (Post 2001412)
AdminCP>Styles & Semplates>Style Manager
CLick edit templates on the dropdown menue of which ever style you are using
, scroll down to headerincludes

thanks for chipping in with that kissofdeath, much appreciated,

to the OP, what he said!!



Majora 03-13-2010 12:43 PM

I have added the $globaltemplates = $phrasegroups = $specialtemplates = array(); to vbseo_sitemap/index.php but it doens't work!

Warnung: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 is not an array in [path]/global.php(29) : eval()'d code (Zeile 39)

Warnung: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [path]/includes/class_core.php:4482) in [path]/vbseo_sitemap/index.php (Zeile 41)

When i disable "Stats to vars" it works!

vbulletin 4.0.2 + vbseo Sitemap 2.6 beta 1

KissOfDeath 03-13-2010 03:19 PM

Yes i get the same error on my sitemap reports page, but it does no seem to be affecting anything, the sitemap still generate fine and the reports all look normal

I didn't edit any other templates except the header include one

mitbar 03-13-2010 05:10 PM

How do we know this is working after install?

MOGmartin 03-13-2010 10:16 PM

by viewing the source code of your homepage.

you have remembered to update your meta description right?

KissOfDeath 03-14-2010 09:10 AM

Just noticed that site maps reports can not be viewed any more

I have 2.6 beta installed

dosadno 03-16-2010 07:23 PM

How do I uninstall this hack?

MOGmartin 04-04-2010 12:19 PM

same way as you uninstall any hack... this one is no different!

anthony parsons 04-23-2010 04:52 AM

Hi MogMartin,

Considering I have been around online marketing since 95, and I have reviewed your plugins, some of which are really outstanding to be blunt, I would actually have to advise people that this is more destructive than helpful to a websites SEO factor, especially the homepage, which is what you have designed this for.

Meta keywords is a totally useless tag which you should just remove out of the head section, however; the description tag actually still has bearing from Google for semantic connectivity purposes... simply put, it actually does affect your ranked position if it matches your title, page and link factors semantically. Using this mod vs. manually writing your homepage title and description, is really destructive.

If its all just about COOL, I get that... it does do that. But from what you seem to selling, being the SEO direction, then this is destructive by taking up the very limited characters in which Google will use to assist ranking. It doesn't do a great deal, but it can mean the difference between position 5 and position 1 if all elements are in sync.

Just my two cents on this specific mod of yours, and to provide those not in the know about online marketing a further perspective. Again, some really excellent plugins from you, and this is great if COOL is what you want, but then SEO should not be used in conjunction with it IMHO, as this will do more damage to a homepage's overall SEO strategy than good.

Da-Vinci 04-23-2010 05:13 AM

I'm no SEO expert and my forum is currently growing quite rapidly after being online for less than 4 months it is experiencing around 20 + registrations per day (The most in one day being 47), all I will say is that my site seems to getting more and more pages listed in the first of Google daily, now I don't know whether this is down to this plugin or whether it's simply a fluke but I would like to know either way.

I'm not asking for any sort of refund as I have no complaints, but if by removing this, my forum could possibly experience even better listings, and growth than it is currently, then I'm all for it.

I'd just like some clarity, could MOGmartin & anthony parsins please explain the argumnets for and against?

anthony parsons 04-24-2010 03:51 AM

Hi Da-Vinci, you are talking about a new forum, so it is impossible to measure anything with accuracy in a new forum. I doubt that this plugin has much to do with your current growth, and I believe even the developer should tell you this. Now if you said you added the developers long tail traffic plugin, that would be a different story. Long tail traffic is the only thing VB out of the box is really missing nowadays. A meta tag plugin really has nothing to do with your daily registrations. VB4 out of the box already is dynamically adding the first posts content into the meta description, which even that, is still not necessary, as Google WILL use the most relevant snippet from page information over the meta description. Google will use the meta description for listings IF a more precise snippet cannot be formed.

This plugin does produce a pretty description meta tag, that's all it does. It will not affect major placement of page rankings, if that is what you are thinking. It will literally only ever mean the difference between 1,2 maybe 3 positions, if that, and only ever under very specific circumstances. There is no debate on what the meta description does nowadays, just read any industry experts blog, website, ask them, etc. Go ask Aaron Wall on his forum, as Aaron is pretty much the global industry leader now for everything online marketing related. Pretty, yes... rankings, no.

Sworm 04-28-2010 11:36 AM

Is it vbseo compatible?

cvn 04-28-2010 07:03 PM

Both the number of posts and number of members generated for the meta description are higher than those indicated in the forums WGO. Please let me know how to fix that!

More importantly, I use CMS as my homepage, so I badly need this mod to work with CMS. At this moment, the figures don't appear, only the text does, in the search results. (of course I still can see those figures when view the code of my FORUM HOME).

Thanks so much!

MOGmartin 05-04-2010 07:56 AM

firstly - sorry for the late reply to your message anthony, only just seen it crop up in a google news alert...


Originally Posted by anthony parsons (Post 2025761)
Hi MogMartin,

Considering I have been around online marketing since 95, and I have reviewed your plugins, some of which are really outstanding to be blunt, I would actually have to advise people that this is more destructive than helpful to a websites SEO factor, especially the homepage, which is what you have designed this for.

Meta keywords is a totally useless tag which you should just remove out of the head section, however; the description tag actually still has bearing from Google for semantic connectivity purposes... simply put, it actually does affect your ranked position if it matches your title, page and link factors semantically. Using this mod vs. manually writing your homepage title and description, is really destructive.

Im not suggesting that you change your meta description to a bunch of numbers, Im purely suggesting that by having frequently updating value's google is spidering the page more often, I have tested this on several dozen websites using both wordpress and vbulletin, and that behaviour has been replicated on every test. There is no need to NOT include relevant text, but with this plugin you can additionally have values WITHIN the text that are updated frequently, hence increasing spider activity.

Originally Posted by anthony parsons (Post 2025761)
If its all just about COOL, I get that... it does do that. But from what you seem to selling, being the SEO direction, then this is destructive by taking up the very limited characters in which Google will use to assist ranking. It doesn't do a great deal, but it can mean the difference between position 5 and position 1 if all elements are in sync.

Just my two cents on this specific mod of yours, and to provide those not in the know about online marketing a further perspective. Again, some really excellent plugins from you, and this is great if COOL is what you want, but then SEO should not be used in conjunction with it IMHO, as this will do more damage to a homepage's overall SEO strategy than good.

I agree that it does take up some valuable space in the meta description tag, BUT sacrificing say 6 or 10 characters to increase spider activity is to me at least, an acceptable loss.



MOGmartin 05-04-2010 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by Sworm (Post 2028510)
Is it vbseo compatible?

yes. totally.


MOGmartin 05-04-2010 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by cvn (Post 2028696)
Both the number of posts and number of members generated for the meta description are higher than those indicated in the forums WGO. Please let me know how to fix that!

More importantly, I use CMS as my homepage, so I badly need this mod to work with CMS. At this moment, the figures don't appear, only the text does, in the search results. (of course I still can see those figures when view the code of my FORUM HOME).

Thanks so much!

the field it is using includes both moderated posts, threads and users (and banned ones) that dont appear in the WGO box.

as for the CMS issue, Im not currently using it, as I built a wp skin instead that mimics my forum skin, as I found wp to be far more flexible for my needs.

I will do a test install and get it working on the CMS pages as well though, and get that version out in the next week or two.



cvn 05-05-2010 01:58 AM

MOG, thank you very much! We're waiting for your good news!

D19RNY 08-15-2010 02:52 AM

I've just purchased the gold and was wondering if i needed todo the whole header include thing, because i cant see the product in settings

Manoel J?nior 08-15-2010 04:38 PM

Not working 4.0.6

BBF 08-24-2010 05:51 AM


Originally Posted by Manoel J?nior (Post 2084326)
Not working 4.0.6

and 4.0.5 too

Nomar86 08-25-2010 01:58 PM

very cool, reserving

XiTCLUB 10-05-2010 06:49 PM

i got MySql Database error on my forum

Cybeth 11-02-2010 06:08 PM

do not buy http://seoforums.org. The money is gone.

8thos 11-02-2010 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by Cybeth (Post 2117211)
do not buy http://seoforums.org. The money is gone.


luan7749 11-04-2010 05:53 AM


Originally Posted by Cybeth (Post 2117211)
do not buy http://seoforums.org. The money is gone.

Why did you say that ? Show me ? I think this forum is good about SEO.

Cybeth 11-04-2010 06:37 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I have a branding free by PayPal bought and received only a beta.

MOGmartin should be off here.

The people fooled and ripped off through PayPal.

luan7749 11-04-2010 09:05 AM

INSTALLED ! Working good for 4.0.7 and Sitemap 2.6 Beta :D
Thank bro.

luan7749 11-04-2010 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by Cybeth (Post 2117777)
I have a branding free by PayPal bought and received only a beta.

MOGmartin should be off here.

The people fooled and ripped off through PayPal.

I think He's making Final version :D. Let's try beta version while waiting.

onehost 12-14-2010 03:08 AM

no updates?

move to graveyard....

pacman24 03-24-2011 12:27 PM

database error 4.1.2

Database error in vBulletin 4.1.2:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT title from template WHERE title IN ('ad_showthread_firstpost_start','ad_showthread_fi rstpost_sig','ad_thread_first_post_content','ad_th read_last_post_content','forumdisplay_loggedinuser ','forumrules','im_aim','im_icq','im_msn','im_yaho o','im_skype','postbit','postbit_wrapper','postbit _attachment','postbit_attachmentimage','postbit_at tachmentthumbnail','postbit_attachmentmoderated',' postbit_deleted','postbit_ignore','postbit_ignore_ global','postbit_ip','postbit_onlinestatus','postb it_reputation','bbcode_code','bbcode_html','bbcode _php','bbcode_quote','bbcode_video','SHOWTHREAD',' showthread_list','showthread_similarthreadbit','sh owthread_similarthreads','showthread_quickreply',' showthread_bookmarksite','tagbit','tagbit_wrapper' ,'polloptions_table','polloption','polloption_mult iple','pollresults_table','pollresult','threadadmi n_imod_menu_post','editor_clientscript','editor_js options_font','editor_jsoptions_size','editor_tool bar_colors','editor_toolbar_fontname','editor_tool bar_fontsize','facebook_publishcheckbox','facebook _likebutton','f_seo_plugin_home','f_seo_plugin_for umdisplay','f_seo_plugin_thread','headinclude');

MySQL Error : Table 'pacman24_cvpiorgforum.template' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Thursday, March 24th 2011 @ 08:20:40 AM
Error Date : Thursday, March 24th 2011 @ 08:20:40 AM
Script : http://www.cvpi.org/forums/showthrea...eatures&p=1187
Referrer : http://www.cvpi.org/forums/newthread...newthread&f=11
IP Address :
Username : Starsky
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.1.52

pacman24 03-24-2011 02:18 PM

i managed to make it work.... i duplicated the template table in phpMyAdmin and changed the name of the copy from "forum_template" to "forum.template"

fabiocesar 05-17-2011 04:55 PM

download error from gold version on seoforums.org

dang3rzon3 05-20-2011 09:35 AM

gold version doesn't work

strudinox 06-09-2011 05:33 PM

I'm running this on VB 4.1.3. There seems to be an issue with this mod that affects the Vbulletin Mobile Suite. Once I enabled the plugin, when the mobile application is accessed the connection times out, and you get a connection error. When I disable this mod, the mobile applications work again.

How would this mod interfere with the the ability for the mobile application to connect?

princesspepper 06-21-2011 03:41 PM

Your plugin store is not working on your website :)

PSimmo 07-23-2011 11:47 AM

I have this plugin installed but had to disable it due to it causing the following error.

Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in [path]/global.php(29) : eval()'d code on line 39

Once it was disabled the error went away

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