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-   -   Integration with vBulletin - [obsolete!] vbMediaWiki 4.0.2 RC 3 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=235342)

Mondi 02-09-2010 07:23 PM

I am probably experiencing a very blonde or 'senior' moment here but - for the life of me, I cannot find 'LocalSettings.php'?

Where is this file located? I run a search at both the original and server files but to no avail.

Anyone prepared to answer this juvenile question?


CoryHawk 02-09-2010 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by Mondi (Post 1978555)
I am probably experiencing a very blonde or 'senior' moment here but - for the life of me, I cannot find 'LocalSettings.php'?

it is in the root directory of your mediawiki install. If you have just installed mediawiki and configured it using the script..you will need to move it from mediawikiroot/config to the root of the wiki dir.

bepe 02-09-2010 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by Stubbed (Post 1978500)

That has nothing to do with this mod. If you want paypal donations get the appropriate modification for vB.

Don?t worry, he wanted to send me a donation for my work :) ... and I had no link in the mod post


Originally Posted by Stubbed (Post 1978500)
bepe - I'm watching this with great interest as well. Along with the CMS in vB4 this would go a long way to helping my community.

Yes, think so too... forum and a wiki are two things that belong together. I want to make a forum for smartphones, produced by HTC, running Windows Mobile or Android ... that is my real playground there :) ... it's really fun, HTC releases a new device, then we need to hack the protection (on iPhone that is called jail break I think)... after that we can start cooking roms for that device, change languages and more... as I said, my playground :)
Anyway, now I need a forum, and wiki is really essential, because it's all about getting information about the devices, about different hacks, and so on...


Originally Posted by Stubbed (Post 1978500)
Regarding the gibberish above, that looks like binary output (ie, a jpg is being generated or something). What headers are being sent to the browser?

yes, thought so too... but it is not... now I?m almost sure, that it is an charset problem

starman? 02-09-2010 07:49 PM

Brilliant piece of work. Thank you very much.

A couple of issues though;

1) My wiki image files in articles have disappeared. Re-uploading them seems to be the only answer. e.g I have a wiki article on golf with an image of a golf course. The image isn't displaying (though it is in the file list) and therefore I've had to re-upload it. Perhaps there is a path problem somewhere?

2) Removing both instances of $wgContLang->ucfirst( $name ) from the user.php file causes blank wiki pages. I re-inserted them and all is okay. Are your instructions clear on this issue?

Once again thank you for an awesome product. Can't wait for the Gold version but will help you in reporting any other issues I come across.

Mondi 02-09-2010 07:50 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Thanks for your amazingly quick response CoreyHawk.

Just checking:


Install Instructions:
STEP 1: Upload the contents of the "wiki_upload" directory into your wiki root directory.
Done that. I uploaded the contents of the file 'wiki_upload' to the root of my installation. See attachment to view the files I planted into the root, except, of course, the product and the readme file.

I did NOT place the file wholly into my root; there's currently no file called 'wiki_upload' in my root present.


Add this line to the very end of your LocalSettings.php:

define( VB_INSTALL_PATH, '/var/www/html/forum' );
require_once( "$IP/includes/AuthPlugin_vbMediaWiki.php" );

VB_INSTALL_PATH should be the full filesystem path to your vBulletin installation. Ensure you do not add a trailing slash!
This is where I am getting stuck.

I haven't proceeded yet - the product itself has not been installed therefore.

Appreciate your assistance and wisdom mate!

bepe 02-09-2010 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by starman? (Post 1978585)
Brilliant piece of work. Thank you very much.

A couple of issues though;

1) My wiki image files in articles have disappeared. Re-uploading them seems to be the only answer. e.g I have a wiki article on golf with an image of a golf course. The image isn't displaying (though it is in the file list) and therefore I've had to re-upload it. Perhaps there is a path problem somewhere?

2) Removing both instances of $wgContLang->ucfirst( $name ) from the user.php file causes blank wiki pages. I re-inserted them and all is okay. Are your instructions clear on this issue?

Once again thank you for an awesome product. Can't wait for the Gold version but will help you in reporting any other issues I come across.

1) 1) ... ow... I don't even have an idea what that could be relegated to... I don?t change anything related to images, except of the css, but that should not be the problem...
... if you select the monoblock skin, are the images back?

2) hm... no, not just delete the lines, do it like this:
PHP Code:

        if ( $name == ''
|| User::isIP$name )
strpos$name'/' ) !== false
|| strlen$name ) > $wgMaxNameChars
|| $name != $wgContLang->ucfirst$name ) ) {
wfDebugLog'username'__METHOD__ .
": '$name' invalid due to empty, IP, slash, length, or lowercase" );

change to:
PHP Code:

        if ( $name == ''
|| User::isIP$name )
strpos$name'/' ) !== false
|| strlen$name ) > $wgMaxNameChars ) {
wfDebugLog'username'__METHOD__ .
": '$name' invalid due to empty, IP, slash, length, or lowercase" );

and this:
PHP Code:

        # Force usernames to capital
global $wgContLang;
$name $wgContLang->ucfirst$name );

# Reject names containing '#'; these will be cleaned up
        # with title normalisation, but then it's too late to
        # check elsewhere
if( strpos$name'#' ) !== false )

change to:
PHP Code:

        # Force usernames to capital
global $wgContLang;

# Reject names containing '#'; these will be cleaned up
        # with title normalisation, but then it's too late to
        # check elsewhere
if( strpos$name'#' ) !== false )

bepe 02-09-2010 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by Mondi (Post 1978586)
Thanks for your amazingly quick response CoreyHawk.

Just checking:

Done that. I uploaded the contents of the file 'wiki_upload' to the root of my installation. See attachment to view the files I planted into the root, except, of course, the product and the readme file.

I did NOT place the file wholly into my root; there's currently no file called 'wiki_upload' in my root present.


This is where I am getting stuck.

I haven't proceeded yet - the product itself has not been installed therefore.

Appreciate your assistance and wisdom mate!

What is the domain for your forum and what for your wiki?
Like: www.myforum.com and www.myforum.com/wiki

bepe 02-09-2010 09:09 PM

I think I did it!!! :)

The charset problems should be gone as of beta 2 ... I've learned much this day :)
Please report if all is working now...
I've already tested espaniol wiki and it is working fine with forum set to "ISO-8859-1"


I'm converting the wiki content to the forum charset now.
... sure it is better not to convert it, so if possible set the forum to UTF-8

murekhalir 02-09-2010 09:47 PM

This is going to be one sexy mod.

Rene Kriest 02-09-2010 10:09 PM

This will gonna be a killer application! WORD!

Trana 02-09-2010 10:15 PM

Available for 3.8.x?

CoryHawk 02-09-2010 10:45 PM

Still getting the Gibberish charsets after the upgrade.

Mondi 02-09-2010 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by bepe (Post 1978611)
What is the domain for your forum and what for your wiki?
Like: www.myforum.com and www.myforum.com/wiki

Bepe, it's www.gblcg.com and www.gblcg.com/wiki

Is that what you wanted to know?

xenaxial 02-09-2010 11:18 PM

I can confirm the Gibberish charsets are gone with the new beta you posted, fantastic work.

For those still having this issue, get it to work I only needed to reupload the wiki_upload content of this beta2.


CoryHawk 02-09-2010 11:32 PM

Uninstalled.. deleted... Re-uploaded and reinstalled...

Same thing.


Snug 02-09-2010 11:47 PM

awesome :)

ndahiya 02-09-2010 11:51 PM

awesome. this is a great hack!! replaces 3 hacks i have to use right now... will migrate to this once a couple of more revs are out (if i can wait that long).

btw, looks like you are hardcoding the path to the wiki for the navbar template? i use a different path, so just checking.
from the xml file:

        <a class="navtab" href="../wiki">Wiki</a>

xenaxial 02-09-2010 11:58 PM

Just to update, strangely I have a few people checking this and while checking the wiki using this mod on the same subnet see the wiki fine. However externally I've confirmed random gibberish still appears :( looking into it

Dr. Bantham 02-10-2010 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by bepe (Post 1978658)
I think I did it!!! :)

The charset problems should be gone as of beta 2 ... I've learned much this day :)
Please report if all is working now...
I've already tested espaniol wiki and it is working fine with forum set to "ISO-8859-1"


I'm converting the wiki content to the forum charset now.
... sure it is better not to convert it, so if possible set the forum to UTF-8

I installed BETA 2 and I am getting gibberish. I had not previously installed other versions.

Snug 02-10-2010 12:08 AM

gahh... where are localsettings.php?


CoryHawk 02-10-2010 01:13 AM


Originally Posted by Snug (Post 1978743)
gahh... where are localsettings.php?


Read the whole thread maybe?

Snug 02-10-2010 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by CoryHawk (Post 1978777)
Read the whole thread maybe?

i read, i still cant find it :o

xenaxial 02-10-2010 02:09 AM

LocalSettings.php is located in your wiki root directory, if you've setup mediawiki before you'll remember its the config file holding database info etc that you're required to move from /config to / in your wiki directory after installing...

Mondi 02-10-2010 02:40 AM

Same as Snug.

For clarity: I am NOT upgrading but installing 'fresh.'

I am looking for LocalSettings.php within the mod's unzipped pack AND looked for it within my current file structure on the server.

If the file is supposed to be included in the download pack; it's not there.

Maybe I am still a bit too backward for this after five years working with vB.

Appreciate your assistance though.

thincom2000 02-10-2010 04:28 AM

For those with problems finding LocalSettings.php, keep in mind that you already need MediaWiki installed before installing this.

bepe 02-10-2010 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by Trana (Post 1978687)
Available for 3.8.x?

No, sorry... I'm only working with v4

bepe 02-10-2010 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by Mondi (Post 1978719)
Bepe, it's www.gblcg.com and www.gblcg.com/wiki

Is that what you wanted to know?

yes, it is

admin panel set for wiki path: ./wiki

and then set this inside LocalSettings.php:
define( VB_INSTALL_PATH, '..' );

bepe 02-10-2010 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by CoryHawk (Post 1978726)
Uninstalled.. deleted... Re-uploaded and reinstalled...

Same thing.


Too bad :(

but THANK YOU VERRY MUCH! ... for the link, now I'm able to see it :)
I downloaded the content and opened it with a hexeditor:
1F 8B 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF D5 ....

"1F 8B" is the start of a gzip compressed file! ... so the problem is related to compression
... try to disable it on the server somehow... I know that is no solution... but would be interesting to know if that would fix it

... then I can look into it, it is strange that it is only happening with the integrated skin... so it must be my fault :$

bepe 02-10-2010 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by ndahiya (Post 1978731)
awesome. this is a great hack!! replaces 3 hacks i have to use right now... will migrate to this once a couple of more revs are out (if i can wait that long).

btw, looks like you are hardcoding the path to the wiki for the navbar template? i use a different path, so just checking.
from the xml file:

        <a class="navtab" href="../wiki">Wiki</a>

Thank you! ... was a mistake, fixed it for the next version

(Link was the one for the selected version of the wiki tab... so if you click on wiki tab two times it would link always to ./wiki)

Arcade Fire 02-10-2010 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by bepe (Post 1978658)
I think I did it!!! :)

The charset problems should be gone as of beta 2 ... I've learned much this day :)
Please report if all is working now...
I've already tested espaniol wiki and it is working fine with forum set to "ISO-8859-1"


I'm converting the wiki content to the forum charset now.
... sure it is better not to convert it, so if possible set the forum to UTF-8

:up: Thanks bepe, grat Job, but....

Only two little problems:


bepe 02-10-2010 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by Arcade Fire (Post 1978955)
:up: Thanks bepe, grat Job, but....

Only two little problems:

ARRGG! ... sorry, forgot to convert that string :$
will be fixed for the next version

simunaqv 02-10-2010 08:29 AM

Hi bepe, One question: would it be possible to make the single-sign-on work across domains i.e with the forum and the wiki on separate domains? It is probably difficult but shouldn't be impossible.

thunder28 02-10-2010 09:55 AM


I have this mistakes, after i take the

define( VB_INSTALL_PATH, 'http://xxx.xxxx.de/' );
in the localsetting


Warning: chdir() [function.chdir]: No such file or directory (errno 2) in /is/htdocs/XXXXXXX/testforum/wiki/includes/AuthPlugin_vbMediaWiki.php  on line 34

Warning: require_once(./forum.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /is/htdocs/XXXXXXXXX/testforum/wiki/includes/AuthPlugin_vbMediaWiki.php on line 35

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required './forum.php' (include_path='/is/htdocs/XXXXXXXX/testforum/wiki:/is/htdocs/XXXXXXX/testforum/wiki/includes:/is/htdocs/XXXXXXXXN/testforum/wiki/languages:.:/usr/share/pear/php5') in /is/htdocs/XXXXXXXX/testforum/wiki/includes/AuthPlugin_vbMediaWiki.php on line 35

my wiki is in the same diretory where the forum is.
vb: http://xxxxxx.xxxxxx.de
wiki: http://xxxxxx.xxxxxx.de/wiki

plz help


Desiderius 02-10-2010 10:54 AM

I have also problem with charset. I see only ?? signs. My charset in vb is iso-8859-1.
What can I do? I make an fresh install of beta2 and mediawiki!

jo8jo 02-10-2010 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Desiderius (Post 1979013)
I have also problem with charset. I see only ?? signs. My charset in vb is iso-8859-1.
What can I do? I make an fresh install of beta2 and mediawiki!

Getting the same Errors ..
Forum Language: German


Desiderius 02-10-2010 11:28 AM

ok, i had gzip active and so it doesnt work. If I deactivate it, than it works better but not fine!

bepe 02-10-2010 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by simunaqv (Post 1978966)
Hi bepe, One question: would it be possible to make the single-sign-on work across domains i.e with the forum and the wiki on separate domains? It is probably difficult but shouldn't be impossible.

Different domains should be possible, but different servers would be a problem
... I will try to install it on diff domains as soon that I fixed this charset and gzip problems

bepe 02-10-2010 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by thunder28 (Post 1978989)

I have this mistakes, after i take the

define( VB_INSTALL_PATH, 'http://xxx.xxxx.de/' );
in the localsetting


Warning: chdir() [function.chdir]: No such file or directory (errno 2) in /is/htdocs/XXXXXXX/testforum/wiki/includes/AuthPlugin_vbMediaWiki.php  on line 34

Warning: require_once(./forum.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /is/htdocs/XXXXXXXXX/testforum/wiki/includes/AuthPlugin_vbMediaWiki.php on line 35

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required './forum.php' (include_path='/is/htdocs/XXXXXXXX/testforum/wiki:/is/htdocs/XXXXXXX/testforum/wiki/includes:/is/htdocs/XXXXXXXXN/testforum/wiki/languages:.:/usr/share/pear/php5') in /is/htdocs/XXXXXXXX/testforum/wiki/includes/AuthPlugin_vbMediaWiki.php on line 35

my wiki is in the same diretory where the forum is.
vb: http://xxxxxx.xxxxxx.de
wiki: http://xxxxxx.xxxxxx.de/wiki

plz help


try define( VB_INSTALL_PATH, '..' );
for the php file

and set the wiki path to:

bepe 02-10-2010 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by Desiderius (Post 1979013)
I have also problem with charset. I see only ?? signs. My charset in vb is iso-8859-1.
What can I do? I make an fresh install of beta2 and mediawiki!


Originally Posted by jo8jo (Post 1979021)
Getting the same Errors ..
Forum Language: German


does someone have it public somewhere? ... I need to take a look on it
... PM with the link if it can't be public here

bepe 02-10-2010 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by Desiderius (Post 1979023)
ok, i had gzip active and so it doesnt work. If I deactivate it, than it works better but not fine!

how you mean but not fine?
... perhaps you need to press CTRL+F5 to reload the pages

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