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Datenpapst 01-25-2010 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by Datenpapst (Post 1954598)
Looks great :)

Possible to integrate it on forumhome and forumdisplay?

still no possibility for that? :(

Grim77 01-26-2010 04:03 AM


I responded to this a couple weeks ago: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....0&postcount=15

Please let me know if this did not adequately answer your question.

Datenpapst 01-26-2010 07:20 AM

hmm maybe not ;)

looking for the possibility to have the chat above the forum overview, and inside the forums above all threads.

like here:

CLUB AMPLE 01-26-2010 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by fayax (Post 1962423)
Too costly. One time charge would've been nice but perpetual yearly fee for anything but the free version is too pricey.

The Free version has very little administrative controls.

I recently moved over from flashchat.. and now use the professional PLUS version of addonchat. This is one of the best moves i have made since starting my forum site.

the flashchat product.. while a very affordable $5 is hosted on your own server and requires a database hit each and every message... which was making my entire site drag.
add on chat however is hosted by addonchat and the chat room almost never lags unless people are posting a lot of images... ive had as many as 65 people in one room chatting up a storm and zero lag....

flashchat.. anything more than 25-30 people and it would just about shut my entire site down... 15-20 seconds to load the home page! (maybe there are some methods of speeding up flashchat that im unaware of). but my site flies since the change

the addonchat $125 per year is cheaper than purchasing an additional server just to host the flashchat.... addonchat also offers more definitive banning and is more easily customizable. yes it cost more... a lot more... but you get a lot more.
im sure the flashchat works for a lot of people especially the cost factor...heck i used it for over a year. i just think my site suffered because of it.

wanted to share my thoughts on this and thank the coders for this integration mod!

Grim77 01-28-2010 04:49 AM


Thank you I'm glad the mod is working well for you. If you have any suggestions, please let me know :)


This isn't really recommended. AddonChat is real-time chat system, and it is not a "shout box" or a simple HTTP/MySQL based interface. The popup method is the preferred way to go (which is an included feature) allowing users to continue browsing your forum while they chat in a separate window. Any secure, real-time based chat system will use a virtual machine of some sort (be it Flash, Java, etc..) and placing such applets on every page throughout your site (e.g., in a header) can be detrimental to the end-user experience. Another nice advantage of using the popup link method is that you can frequently retain visitors in your chat room even after they've navigated away from your site.

CLUB AMPLE 01-28-2010 07:34 AM

[quote=Grim77;1968657]@CLUB AMPLE,

Thank you I'm glad the mod is working well for you. If you have any suggestions, please let me know :)

i do actually (although most of my suggestions would be for the addonchat software itself... its just missing a couple items that could make user experience that much better..... anyway...

the height and width of the chat room seems to be an issue... i have had a heck of a time getting it to auto expand with browser size, i had to remove the reference to the option in the template and put the 100% value directly on the template.

i had a couple users who still have 800x600 resolution monitors lol i know ... when you pick yourself up off the floor from laughing so hard...
they had bottom portions of the room cut off even when i had it set to 100% on height.. so i settled with 100% width.. and 525 fixed height

and yeah this mod rocks...floating window option and whos chatting is the %$#$

rbc 01-28-2010 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by Cort (Post 1962931)
I agree - why a yearly charge for a chat room? I would be happy to pay a one time extra charge for a really good chat room with a small upgrade fee - but shoveling out $125 a year for a good chat room is a bit much. Do that and over two years you've just paid for a VBulletin Forum and a CMS system.

absolutly agree :(

denman75 01-28-2010 12:56 PM

i think the photos are taken from the Professional, Professional PLUS or Enterprise AddonChat
and not the free version ,but i can be wrong ,but 125 per year is way to much for a chat application imho
2 bad

CLUB AMPLE 01-30-2010 08:49 AM

2 other requests...

the option to put a separate background image for the popup chat window... differing from the main sites background....maybe just the option to type in the url.. and have it be placed in the popup template automatically..?? seem possible?

the other question is can we rename the url to something other than


a good % of my users can no longer sign on from work.. due to addonchat being blocked by workplace firewalls... so im wondering if we can fool them a bit by changing the url name..

and call it www.mysite.com/whatever.php?do=popup

ps im actually still using the 3.7 version of vbul and this mod.. so the questions apply to that version.. i can post this on that thread if you wish

blackxero 02-05-2010 06:12 PM

now perhaps it is a stupid question but how to unban a user??
I had banned (IPban + cookie) one user for some test reason!
now I am not able to unban him :|

jkcerda 02-05-2010 09:18 PM


Moondust 02-06-2010 10:16 AM

Addon is working.

but Addonchat has no webcam Module :-(

What can i do that the Who is online show in the Navbar or Sitebar ?

Sorry for my bad english

THE_TECH 02-06-2010 03:47 PM

I'm stuck on the intallation and not sure where I've gone wrong. I have the files on the server in their respective spots and have setup my account at addonchat. When I try to do the automatic lookup I get the error stating that I have either used an incorrect username, password or authentication URL. What am I doing wrong?


Grim77 02-12-2010 06:04 PM

Hi folks,

Sorry for the late response; I've been out ill for the last couple weeks. Any critical issues (well, any questions at all!) can always be addressed to support@addonchat.com for a faster response.

@Club Ample:
It's getting harder and harder to support people using antique computers; especially when it comes to screen resolution :) A fixed height is often the suggested way to go. Depending on which version of HTML is in use, a 100% height may not work at all. The popup template included uses an HTML version that does support 100% height tables, divs and applets. It should work, but some browsers like to do things their own way.
With respect to the URL name, it can be changed, but isn't that easy to do without a lot of edits. We decided against going with something like "chat" to reduce the possibility of software conflicts. Regardless, the firewall issue is probably not related to the file name in the URL, but the applet domain name. Some work environments have very strict firewalls which ban popular application service providers by host name and IP address. Besides the use of a proxy (which are probably banned as well) the best course of action is talk to the company IT manager.

IP Bans can be edited and deleted from your control panel at addonchat.com. From your account control panel, click over to Users -> IP Bans. This will allow you to remove a banned IP address. As for cookie bans, these are intended to be a bit more permanent. You'll have to instruct the user who was banned to remove any cookies in the addonchat.com domain.

The most common issue here is that you entered your customer account number (beginning with RC) instead of the AddonChat account number (beginning with SC), the second most common issue is that automatic lookup may have failed because CURL is not installed on your server. Automatic lookup isn't necessary to set up the software, but it does make it slightly more convenient. Either way, we'll be more than happy to help. Simply e-mail support@addonchat.com to open a support ticket. Please provide us with your account number and access to your vBulletin ACP and we'll be happy to set up everything for you, including remote authentication :)

voter 02-12-2010 08:12 PM

New Avatars, New smilies, new server.
The only thing I see here as "integration" is a "Remote authentication" using vbulletin username into a JAVA based chat, a solution which is more bad than a flash based chats....

Kat00 02-13-2010 02:28 AM

Looking at the second attachment it appears intergrated completely with VB4.

What version do you need to purchase to make it look as if the chat window is intergrated as it appears in the second attachment?

Grim77 02-13-2010 03:16 AM


You're correct, the chat software does embed on its own vBulletin page as an option. Any edition, including the free edition, will permit this. A number of features are missing from the free edition and a product logo is shown, but the free edition still provides basic, real-time chat service and permits unlimited concurrent users.

Kat00 02-13-2010 04:59 AM

So what am I doing wrong, this is what I am seeing with no obvious option to get it to look like your example in the second attachment.


Jabong82 02-13-2010 06:45 AM

I have tried to upload the free version to test on my forum, however after I import the XML file in my Admin CP, I can't go on to the next step because no "Addon Chat Menu" appears for me in my panel so I can't "expand" it to enter an account number or password.

It shows that I have uploaded it in my Manage Products section, but I don't have the menu in the sidebar.

Any idea why this could be?

Thanks in advance.

nekiw 02-13-2010 01:22 PM

how many users can attend the chat with free version ?

Grim77 02-16-2010 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by Kat00 (Post 1981190)
So what am I doing wrong, this is what I am seeing with no obvious option to get it to look like your example in the second attachment.


It looks like you've opted for the popup link instead of the embedded link. While this the default and recommended option, you can change the link to point to the embedded page from the AddonChat menu in your vBulletin ACP. :) If you'd like further help with this, please let me know or feel free to email support@addonchat.com

Grim77 02-16-2010 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by Jabong82 (Post 1981221)
I have tried to upload the free version to test on my forum, however after I import the XML file in my Admin CP, I can't go on to the next step because no "Addon Chat Menu" appears for me in my panel so I can't "expand" it to enter an account number or password.

It shows that I have uploaded it in my Manage Products section, but I don't have the menu in the sidebar.

Any idea why this could be?

Thanks in advance.

Silly question, but in your products menu, is the product enabled? If not, make sure you enable it. It should be enabled by default.

The other more likely possibility is that all of the included files weren't uploaded, or were not uploaded to the correct location. Please double check that all of the files in the included upload/ folder are in their correct (corresponding) place; especially the upload/admincp/addonchat.php file and the includes/xml/cpnav_addonchat.xml file.

If you'd like assistance with installation, please e-mail support@addonchat.com and we'll be happy to help.

Grim77 02-16-2010 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by nekiw (Post 1981371)
how many users can attend the chat with free version ?

There is currently no limit to the amount of concurrent users with the free edition. :)

CLUB AMPLE 02-19-2010 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by Grim77 (Post 1980939)
Hi folks,

Sorry for the late response; I've been out ill for the last couple weeks. Any critical issues (well, any questions at all!) can always be addressed to support@addonchat.com for a faster response.

@Club Ample:
It's getting harder and harder to support people using antique computers; especially when it comes to screen resolution :) A fixed height is often the suggested way to go. Depending on which version of HTML is in use, a 100% height may not work at all. The popup template included uses an HTML version that does support 100% height tables, divs and applets. It should work, but some browsers like to do things their own way.
With respect to the URL name, it can be changed, but isn't that easy to do without a lot of edits. We decided against going with something like "chat" to reduce the possibility of software conflicts. Regardless, the firewall issue is probably not related to the file name in the URL, but the applet domain name. Some work environments have very strict firewalls which ban popular application service providers by host name and IP address. Besides the use of a proxy (which are probably banned as well) the best course of action is talk to the company IT manager.

No problem grim.. thanks for the full explanation on everything..... that is what i figured with respect to the firewall.. common chat programs are probably all blocked.... one of the other reasons i wanted to change it was for branding purposes... id rather have it say amplechat.. than addonchat

I have been checking out another 3rd party chat called 123flashchat
any chance you could make this setup work with that chat room?

CLUB AMPLE 02-19-2010 11:42 PM

oh also...got an email for a paypal donation?

worried 02-20-2010 04:43 AM

Can anyone confirm AddonChat works with vB 4.0.2?

Chrissy_Ratbag 02-20-2010 06:04 AM

Sorted, thank you

Grim77 02-24-2010 05:21 PM

@CLUB AMPLE: AddonChat's remote authentication and integration features are much different than that of others so this script really couldn't be just modified to work with another application unfortunately. :(

No need for a donation :)

NUTNDUN 02-24-2010 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by worried (Post 1987060)
Can anyone confirm AddonChat works with vB 4.0.2?

Addonchat works great with 4.02 so far. I have a minor issue which I am about to ask about but otherwise it works perfect.

NUTNDUN 02-24-2010 05:49 PM

Hi Chris,
I signed up for the pro plus and everything works great. I do however have one issue and one question. I have a couple of users that can get in to the chat just fine as long as they enter from the forum home page, if they click on one of the forums and then try to go in they are getting a blank page and the chat never loads. I was wondering if you know what might be causing this?

The other question I have is I am looking to seo the site a little better, is there a way I can hide the navbar and quick links from unregistered users?

Grim77 02-24-2010 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by worried (Post 1987060)
Can anyone confirm AddonChat works with vB 4.0.2?

Tested and working fine :)

Grim77 02-24-2010 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by NUTNDUN (Post 1990582)
Hi Chris,
I signed up for the pro plus and everything works great. I do however have one issue and one question. I have a couple of users that can get in to the chat just fine as long as they enter from the forum home page, if they click on one of the forums and then try to go in they are getting a blank page and the chat never loads. I was wondering if you know what might be causing this?

The other question I have is I am looking to seo the site a little better, is there a way I can hide the navbar and quick links from unregistered users?

Are you using the embedded version? If you're using the popup version, does a blank popup appear, or..? The links should be identical unless you've customized them. Either way I'd like to take a closer look. If you could e-mail support@addonchat.com attn:Chris and provide a test user account it would allow us to track down and correct any problems quickly.

Regarding your SEO question, we've already have a couple requests for this and it will be implemented in the next minor update. We have one other integration script in front of us before we start adding the latest customer requests and issue another update :)

NUTNDUN 02-26-2010 10:09 AM

Do you mind if I post my template edit to hide the navbar tab and quick links to unregistered users and it displays a register link instead as well as it validates with w3c also?

Grim77 02-27-2010 01:22 AM

Not at all :) We may integrated it into the next update - with your permission, of-course :)

NUTNDUN 02-27-2010 01:54 AM

I don't mind if ya add it. I will see if I can do this right.

This isn't much of a mod but it will hide the chat room link in the navbar and navmenu for unregistered users and puts Register links in there place which is actually pretty handy since some don't seem to ever see the default register link in the top right of the header. It also changes the onClick to onclick to help with validating with W3C.

It is only two template changes.

First you want to go to Admincp -> Styles & Templates -> Style Manager -> and then choose edit templates from the drop down of your style you want to change.

Double click on the AddonChat Templates >>

The first template you want to edit is addonchat_nav_link

Replace all of what is in the template with this:


<!-- remove chat link for guests -->
<vb:if condition="$show['member']">

<!-- AddonChat Nav Link -->
<vb:if condition="$addonchat['link_enable_tab'] == 1">
  <vb:if condition="$addonchat['enabled'] == 1"> 
      <vb:if condition="$addonchat['vb_enable_popup']">
        <li><a class="navtab"
                href="addonchat.php{vb:raw session.sessionurl_q}"
                onclick="window.open('addonchat.php?do=popup&{vb:raw session.sessionurl_q}', 'addonchat',
                    'width={vb:raw addonchat.width_float},height={vb:raw addonchat.height_float},statusbar=no,scrollbars=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes');
                    return false">{vb:rawphrase addonchat_nav_link_title} {vb:raw addonchat.user_count_bracket}</a></li>
      <vb:else />
        <vb:if condition="$vboptions['selectednavtab'] == 'addonchat'">
            <li class="selected"><a class="navtab" href="addonchat.php{vb:raw session.sessionurl_q}">{vb:rawphrase addonchat_nav_link_title} {vb:raw addonchat.user_count_bracket}</a></li>
        <vb:else />
            <li><a class="navtab" href="addonchat.php{vb:raw session.sessionurl_q}">{vb:rawphrase addonchat_nav_link_title} {vb:raw addonchat.user_count_bracket}</a></li>
<!-- /AddonChat Nav Link -->

<!-- display register link in place of chat, helps validate -->
<vb:else />
    <li><a class="navtab" href="http://www.gttalk.com/register.php">Register</a></li>

The other template you want to edit is addonchat_nav_menu_link

Replace all of what is in the template with this:


<!-- remove chat link for guests -->
<vb:if condition="$show['member']">

<!-- AddonChat Interior Nav Link -->
<vb:if condition="$addonchat['enabled'] == 1"> 
  <vb:if condition="$addonchat['vb_enable_popup']">
      <li><a href="addonchat.php{vb:raw session.sessionurl_q}"
            onclick="window.open('addonchat.php?do=popup&{vb:raw session.sessionurl_q}', 'addonchat',
                  'width={vb:raw addonchat.width_float},height={vb:raw addonchat.height_float},statusbar=no,scrollbars=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes');
                  return false">{vb:rawphrase addonchat_nav_link_title} {vb:raw addonchat.user_count_bracket}</a></li>
  <vb:else />
      <vb:if condition="$vboptions['selectednavtab'] == 'addonchat'">
        <li><a href="addonchat.php{vb:raw session.sessionurl_q}">{vb:rawphrase addonchat_nav_link_title} {vb:raw addonchat.user_count_bracket}</a></li>
      <vb:else />
        <li><a href="addonchat.php{vb:raw session.sessionurl_q}">{vb:rawphrase addonchat_nav_link_title} {vb:raw addonchat.user_count_bracket}</a></li>
<!-- /AddonChat Interior Nav Link -->

<!-- display register link in place of chat, also helps validate -->
<vb:else />
    <li><a href="http://www.gttalk.com/register.php">Register</a></li>

TroyTrojansFan 03-19-2010 01:41 AM

Anyone having issues with a Java update not installing properly and causing the chat room to not work?

I got the plugin graphic and click it to install the latest version of Java, but the process didn't work or so it said it didn't work. I did a manual install and now the chatroom works, but it pops up a screen saying it wants to use an older version of Java. Anyone else have this problem? I'm trying to figure out what to tell people on the forum that are having problems connecting to chat. :confused:

Grim77 03-19-2010 04:39 AM

Hi Troy,

I have seen this happen before when upgrading very old versions of Java. AddonChat requires Java 1.5 (or Java 5 as it is more commonly referred) which is now fairly old technology actually - about 5 years I think.

An offline (manual) installation is usually the way to go; making sure that all browser windows are closed before a user begins the offline installation. In the rare cases that this does not work we usually advise users to uninstall any version of Java they may have installed. Usually this can be done (in Windows) via the control panel add/remove programs utility.

People using virtually antique machines - I.e., Windows 95 running IE 4 or something may have an older Microsoft Virtual Machine (MVM) installed which can be disabled from their Advanced browser settings. We don't see much of this anymore though ;)

wolfyman 03-20-2010 10:48 AM

I get a LOT of errors on this mod:

"Invalid password"

I have to click in and out a few times before getting in.

smartkidbk5 03-22-2010 03:01 AM

Great mod, but you have to get the PLUS version to be able to use all the features. Which is stupid cuz its like $125, lol.

Crow 03-29-2010 05:33 AM

Bug found?
I'm using the .httaccess file on my forums and if I'm on any other page then the index.php page I get a page not found screen in the pop-up window for the chat room as its trying to pull the url.

Meaning, if I'm viewing a thread its trying to open:

If I click on the link while on a post page I get:

etc, etc.

This also happens with the other links for the chatroom... :(

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