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-   -   Suite Style - BP-Brown [Bluepearl-Skins.com] (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=231600)

c0rpz0r 01-03-2010 09:14 AM

hmmz just installed the update..
The replyboxes are alright now but theres still one input box that has black text!
And thats the login at the top/right...

Sean James 01-03-2010 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by c0rpz0r (Post 1945775)
hmmz just installed the update..
The replyboxes are alright now but theres still one input box that has black text!
And thats the login at the top/right...

Hey mate can u send me a link to your site

c0rpz0r 01-03-2010 03:32 PM


Sure the forum of the customer is: http://www.hbpbunkerforum.nl
Tried it with and without the modified header..


Sean James 01-03-2010 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by c0rpz0r (Post 1946057)

Sure the forum of the customer is: http://www.hbpbunkerforum.nl
Tried it with and without the modified header..


Are you sure you applied the update?

The source shows the old code


(this.value == 'Gebruikersnaam'){this.value=''; this.style.color='black';}"
Should be

(this.value == 'Gebruikersnaam'){this.value=''; this.style.color='white';}"

c0rpz0r 01-04-2010 10:09 AM

Yeah i updated it, the inputbox on the replyboxes are okay..

In what template is that? header? ill change it manually then..

Sean James 01-04-2010 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by c0rpz0r (Post 1946760)
Yeah i updated it, the inputbox on the replyboxes are okay..

In what template is that? header? ill change it manually then..

New update has the color changed, you site shows the old code which means u have 6.0

In the header template u can change this

abqtj 01-04-2010 03:18 PM

I'm loving this one! THANKS!

stlracing 01-04-2010 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by Mases (Post 1945726)

on Brown I'm getting...
Firefox - Black Text on Brown (Not Good... but passable for now)
IE - Black Text on White Background (Good)

I'm seeing this exact issue and I just downloaded the latest version and installed it.

Sean James 01-04-2010 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by stlracing (Post 1947234)
I'm seeing this exact issue and I just downloaded the latest version and installed it.

edit your vbulletin.css file in 'edit templates'

and add this code


.wysiwyg {
  background-color: #000;
  color: #fff;

Does this fix your problem? If it does i think i may have finally found a solution.

Mases 01-04-2010 11:35 PM

I can confirm that it is inf act the WYSIWYG settings that are screwing up the colors.

I've gone into my admin control panel and went to...
Settings > Options > Message Posting Interface Options

Changed the first three options to 'Enable Standard Controls'

This fixes it for all users on all browsers, but just that there are no WYSIWYG settings.

Sean James 01-05-2010 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by Mases (Post 1947366)
I can confirm that it is inf act the WYSIWYG settings that are screwing up the colors.

I've gone into my admin control panel and went to...
Settings > Options > Message Posting Interface Options

Changed the first three options to 'Enable Standard Controls'

This fixes it for all users on all browsers, but just that there are no WYSIWYG settings.

Let me know if this fixes the problem --> https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....5&postcount=49

stlracing 01-05-2010 01:13 AM

That did fix the issue for me

Originally Posted by Griffin80 (Post 1947389)
Let me know if this fixes the problem --> https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....5&postcount=49

Sean James 01-05-2010 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by stlracing (Post 1947446)
That did fix the issue for me

Has also fixed the issue for me and a few others, thank god hehe

I will update the package asap.

derfelix 01-14-2010 05:18 AM

stupid question:
by disabling the wysiwyg option the issue is fixed...
can the issue be fixed if you enable wysiwyg option?

twiztidnati 01-14-2010 07:15 PM

Instead of the WYSIWYG editor problem where they are getting black text on black box, on my forum my new thread/post title is messed up. It's white background but then when you click on it the background turns black and the text is black. Not only are the titles messed up on that section, contact us, registration and everything else that has an input bar, all the same, white background until you click in it to type, then it turns back with black text, no way to see whats going on. Any help is appreciated. Thanks, Richie
Example of my problem can be found in my forums at: http://www.mmomadeeasy.com/forums

twiztidnati 01-14-2010 07:41 PM

Ok, I added this code in:
.wysiwyg {
background-color: #000;
color: #fff;
It makes the "wysiwyg editor" in the post section good for the first post, black background white text. However, after you go to post again, it turn the text black also, bug? Not only that, now I deleted that code to try to make it normal again, because my forum was ok before, I just wanted black background white text, now it doesn't work at all. Everything is black on black typeing.

Additional information update:
Ok, it looks look the code edit up there is valid for admin only, when I add that code when I post as an admin it's black background is black text is white, but reguardless with our without that code, non-admin users get black background with black text. I am not sure if it was like this before I added and removed the code listed, I didn't try to post as a non-admin before that. Where can I edit these codes?
Another update:
I found it in the style variables editor, made it so that it works for everyone. I still am having trouble getting my titles back to normal. I don't know where this information would be found in variables, it was a lucky guess to get the texteditor right.

Whtetrashwarrio 01-15-2010 05:48 AM

this is such a noob question but im new to all of this. How do I get rid of the grey gradient as shown here.
Frustrating how i cant see links. Please someone help i want the CODE area to be all one color

Sean James 01-16-2010 01:35 PM

BP-Brown Version 3.2 released
-Updated to work with vBulletin 4.0.1
-Fixed background input/form problems
-Added hover effect to threads

This version should hopefully fix all major problems with input/text boxes.

There is a few small stylevar problems that i am aware which i will fix with next release, didnt have time to address them all this weekend sorry.

derfelix 01-16-2010 02:44 PM

Just updated... works great !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Originally Posted by Griffin80 (Post 1957348)

There is a few small stylevar problems that i am aware which i will fix with next release, didnt have time to address them all this weekend sorry.

I didnt see one of them... it works like a charm..

csharrow 01-16-2010 05:27 PM

Looks great, but for some reason it will not display the template on the 'home' page, only the default template. Any suggestions?


Sean James 01-16-2010 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by derfelix (Post 1957383)
Just updated... works great !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I didnt see one of them... it works like a charm..

Thanks glad it is now working ;)

The other bugs are mostly on the usergroups page, i think 2 bugs.


Originally Posted by csharrow (Post 1957519)
Looks great, but for some reason it will not display the template on the 'home' page, only the default template. Any suggestions?


Try setting this template as the default template for your board, or editing the style of the CMS manually. This is a bug in vB4

csharrow 01-16-2010 08:25 PM

Thanks, that seems to have work. Now the only other thing I have noticed is that user log in box in the upper right hand corner. It shows in the text box 'user name' in white text, but when you go to actually type something in the text goes black. All other text boxes appear to be showing up correctly.

Sean James 01-17-2010 07:33 AM

This bug has been fixed, have u refreshed

csharrow 01-17-2010 01:24 PM

I have refreshed/cleared browsing data, and even tried it on another computer. After checking some more it only appears to be doing it on the 'home' page.

derfelix 01-17-2010 04:25 PM

1 Attachment(s)
found 1 teeny one.. on bpbrown there is 1 dark image missing in profile..
best seen with IE, as FF hides missing image..

But visibly it has HOMEPAGE as alt text....
As it is difficult to describe, better show with screenshots:
No profile hacks installed...
1. IE8 default style:

2. same Page.. just switched style to BPBrown:

Ah yes.. I never entered a homepage...
[edit]... That seems to be a vbbug.. the alttext is homepage in defaultstyle also, but the image is definitevely missing[/edit]
Thats the only thing I found...

PS: one little request for next version...
The inlinemod highlight color... it is pretty close to the comment or forum background color..
so admin has to look twice to see which post is selected... (its ok.. but a bit more different would be better)

thx again for your great work!


Originally Posted by csharrow (Post 1958156)
I have refreshed/cleared browsing data, and even tried it on another computer. After checking some more it only appears to be doing it on the 'home' page.

I cannot reproduce... works fine for me on HOME (Forum home AND CMS home)

derfelix 01-17-2010 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by csharrow (Post 1958156)
I have refreshed/cleared browsing data, and even tried it on another computer. After checking some more it only appears to be doing it on the 'home' page.

I had a similar error.. the template was suddenly displaying RTL instead LTR..
the welcome, Felix far right.. and the logout 1st on the left... the rest of the page was fine..(very strange)

When updating to 4.01 it told me to revert a 14 templates...
I didnt do that.. as I had no custom template edits.. so what I did:
1. uninstalled BP-Brown style...
Reloaded forum home..
2. Installed BP-Brown again...
And it was fixed...

twiztidnati 01-17-2010 08:26 PM

All the problem I previous mentioned went away when I reinstalled this template. Now the last two problems I can see with this style is.. when you go to login to the site, the login background is black and the text is black, you can't see yourself typing in the account name and password.

Another problem, not really a problem, but a problem with me. The settings tab, when you click on this, the left-hand menu is totally different from the entire rest of the template. It's bright white and light brown writing, really hard to read. How can I fix these two things?

derfelix 01-18-2010 05:40 AM

The language chooser and style chooser templates have white background on settings, PM etc... page...
This is a vbulletin bug!!!
Just posted a bugreport at vb.com

If lots of people support it.. they will fix it sooner...

Quick fix:
open USERCP_SHELL template find </head>
above add: {vb:raw headinclude_bottom}

[UPDATE] Vbulletin says: affected version:4.01 .. fixed in next version....[/UPDATE]

another teeny weeny problem...
in memberlist.php?do=search
the fieldset legend text color is black.. making it hard to read...
(had a similar problem in an addon i wrote)
thats because in reset-fonts.css legend and/or fieldset color is hardcoded to #000....

Mases 01-19-2010 06:33 PM

Hi Griffen, thanks for the update,

One thing I've noticed... and I'm not sure if this is just my vbulletin install or if this is a problem with the theme... But the login at the top-right corner. It does not have a small square box where you can check "Remember Me". It's a minor issue but I did like seeing that there.

(Disregard this post. The issue has been resolved.)

tonymarek 01-21-2010 11:24 AM

Thanks for a great style and I can appreciate the time and effort you all put into it. I did want to point out a very small issue in 3.2 though. There are a few missing icons in the package resulting in little white boxes with red "X's"

  • ignore.png

  • wol_error.gif
  • wol_lockout.gif
  • wol_nopermission.gif

I will contact you shortly about customizing it for my site. Thanks!

Tony :)

Thoman 01-31-2010 03:25 PM

when the errors be corrected ?

barnes5150 02-05-2010 01:11 AM

Installed - modified logo, background, icons, etc...

Still a work in progress...


Popa Andrei 02-17-2010 10:06 AM

update for vb 4.0.2 please.

csharrow 02-17-2010 03:35 PM

Love the theme, would love an update!

pozo 02-17-2010 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by stormzone (Post 1984453)
update for vb 4.0.2 please.

I'm waiting for the update, too :D

manofphat 02-17-2010 07:29 PM

Considering how this style is just CSS customizations and no template edits is it safe to assume that it's already functional on 4.0.2? If not, waiting for update :)

pozo 02-17-2010 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by manofphat (Post 1984917)
Considering how this style is just CSS customizations and no template edits is it safe to assume that it's already functional on 4.0.2? If not, waiting for update :)

The style does NOT work with vB 4.0.2 (like most of the other custom styles, too)

manofphat 02-17-2010 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by pozo (Post 1984922)
The style does NOT work with vB 4.0.2 (like most of the other custom styles, too)

Thanks for the quick reply pozo :up:

Popa Andrei 02-18-2010 10:34 AM

y confir wath ponzo said

Sean James 02-22-2010 11:24 AM

BP-Brown Version 3.3 released
-Updated to work with vBulletin 4.0.2
-Fixed known bugs

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