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Ophelia 12-29-2009 11:37 PM

Ignore this one.

skylab 12-30-2009 12:21 AM

Any way to change from DownloadsII to this while keeping all the files?

AndrewD 12-30-2009 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by Ophelia (Post 1941979)
Error on upgrade.. I did this "Run the Product Management System (VB admincp: Plugin System/Manage Products) and upload /release/product_eirma_ldm.xml"

And the following error came up:

Checking environment...

Warning open_basedir is set to in your PHP installation
Refer to documentation for information on this setting

This isn't an error - it's a warning. When your server has a php configuration file that sets a value for <em>open_basedir</em>, this restricts the parts of the filesystem that *any* script can access. It is quite possible to set <em>open_basedir</em> and LDM's settings such as <em>file_root_prefix</em> to be incompatible, hence the warning.


Originally Posted by Ophelia (Post 1941989)
Under settings...

On my live site the teamuploads and thumbs is under /forum/teamuploads and /forum/thumbs

I changed this in the upgrade so it should be looking at /dev_forum/teamuploads and /dev_forum/thumbs, but it doesn't appear to be updating. I have none of the files in teamuploads and only 1/4 of the thumbs but when I go to the download manager, all the thumbs are there and I can download the zip files.

The LDM code does not currently update its database records to change all the pointers for existing uploads and thumbs from the previous directory to the new directory. I can probably send you a straighforward bit of sql to use with, e.g., phpmyadmin, to make the update, and will add this problem to the 'to do' list.


Originally Posted by Ophelia (Post 1942000)
The comments sections is drastically different.


It expands the comments below everything, and shows 4 comments. This takes up a lot of space. Can you set it so that it doesn't expand like this?

There are now (actually for some time in vb 3 also) two ways of accessing the comments system, one using the 'dropdown' method that you are probably used to, and the second using an extended 'inline' feature that you are observing. You can choose which you want on the admin/settings page. I think you've enabled them both to show simultaneously.


Originally Posted by Ophelia (Post 1942003)
In the admin area, you have bullet points for each category

File management
Mirror Sites
Media Players


I'm old. Trying to get the mouse directly over those small bullet points isn't as easy for me anymore ;) Can the link be extended out to the word too?

Probably, you ask so nicely :):)


The time for the local_links.php is a lot longer than the time for the forum/blog or cms to load. Anyone else seeing that too?
This is a matter of caching certain bits of the display in order to gain speed. It is one of those things which gets tuned as one goes along, and was not a priority for this beta release. There is however a 'display bit caching' setting on the admin/settings page which is already partially functional.

michael24179 12-30-2009 06:52 AM

not set
not set
not set
not set
not set

Is this normal ?????? All information has been submitted

AndrewD 12-30-2009 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by michael24179 (Post 1942245)
not set
not set
not set
not set
not set

Is this normal ?????? All information has been submitted

Edited: I didn't look carefully enough...

There's a bug in the 3.0.0 code which prevents some items being displayed properly. Sorry for jumting to conclusions too quickly. Fixed in 3.0.1

Ophelia 12-30-2009 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1942097)
This isn't an error - it's a warning. When your server has a php configuration file that sets a value for <em>open_basedir</em>, this restricts the parts of the filesystem that *any* script can access. It is quite possible to set <em>open_basedir</em> and LDM's settings such as <em>file_root_prefix</em> to be incompatible, hence the warning.

I'm not overly experienced with the server side of things; but if we have had LDM running okay in the past, is this something that I need to worry about?


The LDM code does not currently update its database records to change all the pointers for existing uploads and thumbs from the previous directory to the new directory. I can probably send you a straighforward bit of sql to use with, e.g., phpmyadmin, to make the update, and will add this problem to the 'to do' list.
No worries on sending the code. I just wanted to make sure that it wasn't a bug. Once we go live everything will be where it's suppose to be :)


There are now (actually for some time in vb 3 also) two ways of accessing the comments system, one using the 'dropdown' method that you are probably used to, and the second using an extended 'inline' feature that you are observing. You can choose which you want on the admin/settings page. I think you've enabled them both to show simultaneously.
There we go! All fixed :)


Probably, you ask so nicely :):)
Thank you :)


This is a matter of caching certain bits of the display in order to gain speed. It is one of those things which gets tuned as one goes along, and was not a priority for this beta release. There is however a 'display bit caching' setting on the admin/settings page which is already partially functional.
I turned on the "bit_cache_active" and it did seem to load faster. Not sure if it's my imagination or not ;)

I'll be doing more testing... we won't be going live until they get the CMS functioning better, but we are very excited about all the changes :)

ryacine 12-30-2009 03:44 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hello mates,
Thank you for this wonderful mod, one of the most important mods actually. I tried to install it on my test board, but it doesn't seem to complete the installation. It shows a message as shown in the image, but nothing happens, no matter how much I wait. But when I enter the "Addon manager", it's there, but when i try to login as admin : mysite/local_links_admin.php , nothing happens, only a white page. I don't what the problem is. Thank you.

JWL 12-30-2009 06:14 PM

Can someone link a working site with this please?

I am interested in this and would like to see how it works.

Thank you

linuxututs 12-30-2009 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by JWL (Post 1942755)
Can someone link a working site with this please?

I am interested in this and would like to see how it works.

Thank you

I'm waiting for the next update myself. ( Scared to screw up my new site )
But one thing is for sure, this is a GREAT Mod, had it installed on my 3.8.4 site a week or so before I upgraded. It is/was SUPER !

Thanks for the great Mod.


AndrewD 12-31-2009 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by ryacine (Post 1942606)
Hello mates,
Thank you for this wonderful mod, one of the most important mods actually. I tried to install it on my test board, but it doesn't seem to complete the installation. It shows a message as shown in the image, but nothing happens, no matter how much I wait. But when I enter the "Addon manager", it's there, but when i try to login as admin : mysite/local_links_admin.php , nothing happens, only a white page. I don't what the problem is. Thank you.

May be a problem with the time taken to upload the xml product file.

Try uploading the product file (product-eirma_ldm.xml) into your includes/xml directory, then tell vb to install that file, instead of doing the upload.

ryacine 12-31-2009 09:13 AM


May be a problem with the time taken to upload the xml product file.
Try uploading the product file (product-eirma_ldm.xml) into your includes/xml directory, then tell vb to install that file, instead of doing the upload.
Thank you AdrewD for the answer. And most important, thank you so much for the mod.
It worked. Yeaaah. Awesome work, superb mod. Installed and nominated. Good luck.

Deviant K1 01-01-2010 05:28 AM

Heyas Andrew!

Great Job as always on this mod. INSTALLED!!!

Quick question, I updated to this version from v2.3.0 on my vB3.8.4 board. I noticed that it created a navbar tab link "Links/Downloads". I was wondering is there a setting I over look that will allow me to remove the tab at least for now? If not in the settings of LDM, do you think you can advise me on another suggestion as to removing the tab? I only need to remove it for a bit since the wife and I are still working on the skin and setting up a better listing of our tab links.

Thanks!!! :D

Deviant K1 01-01-2010 05:28 AM


If you can wait maybe within the next day or two, I'll have my site re-opened and leave you the link so you can see the LDM. I've been using this mod since I found it for vB 3.7. The mod is great and I really can't see my site not having it.

AndrewD 01-01-2010 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by Deviant K1 (Post 1943762)
Heyas Andrew!

Great Job as always on this mod. INSTALLED!!!

Quick question, I updated to this version from v2.3.0 on my vB3.8.4 board. I noticed that it created a navbar tab link "Links/Downloads". I was wondering is there a setting I over look that will allow me to remove the tab at least for now? If not in the settings of LDM, do you think you can advise me on another suggestion as to removing the tab? I only need to remove it for a bit since the wife and I are still working on the skin and setting up a better listing of our tab links.

Thanks!!! :D

Sure - go to vb/admin/products and plugins/plugin manager and disable the plugin Links and Downloads Manager - Add LDM to main vBulletin menu. That will hide the tab except when you are already inside LDM.

linuxututs 01-01-2010 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by JWL (Post 1942755)
Can someone link a working site with this please?

I am interested in this and would like to see how it works.

Thank you

Here you go Mysite.

Went ahead and backed up everything and installed with no issues to speak of yet.
Super Mod!


Deviant K1 01-01-2010 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1943811)
Sure - go to vb/admin/products and plugins/plugin manager and disable the plugin Links and Downloads Manager - Add LDM to main vBulletin menu. That will hide the tab except when you are already inside LDM.

Thanks buddy!

I actually found that out 20 minutes after I posted this... :D.

So far so good, no bugs found! :up:

Deviant K1 01-02-2010 05:37 AM


Originally Posted by JWL (Post 1942755)
Can someone link a working site with this please?

I am interested in this and would like to see how it works.

Thank you

I have re-opened my site if you still want to check out the LDM. --> LINK
Just click on the "Video Gallery" tab on the navbar.

I did notice one syntax error that only pop up when I first visit my LDM but it goes by so quickly that I don't get a chance to see the full error message. My guess it's one of the extras acting weird. It only happens if I clear out my cookies in my browser (Firefox), and re-visit my LDM page. I'll try to get a screenshot of it and post it.

Asides from that it works great. Just as it did on my vB 3.8.4 board :).

AndrewD 01-02-2010 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by Deviant K1 (Post 1944687)

I did notice one syntax error that only pop up when I first visit my LDM but it goes by so quickly that I don't get a chance to see the full error message. My guess it's one of the extras acting weird. It only happens if I clear out my cookies in my browser (Firefox), and re-visit my LDM page. I'll try to get a screenshot of it and post it.

I think the error is in the block_context_menu plugin. It can be fixed by editing the plugin Links and Downloads Manager - Block right mouse button context menu attached to the hook ldm_maindisplay_begin and adding a line at the end containing just the character } (closing brace)

SemperFideles 01-02-2010 10:44 AM


Thanks for all of your hard work. I don't mean to complain but we have noticed that, with certain custom themes, the LDM becomes unreadable. Is there a way to fix this? It doesn't seem like LDM is inheriting the site theme.

AndrewD 01-02-2010 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by SemperFideles (Post 1944839)

Thanks for all of your hard work. I don't mean to complain but we have noticed that, with certain custom themes, the LDM becomes unreadable. Is there a way to fix this? It doesn't seem like LDM is inheriting the site theme.

You're correct - the 3.0.0 beta release is not yet integrated with the new vb styling features. I am working through the problems - if you can point me at pages that don't look right (e.g. by PM), I'll give this attention.

Deviant K1 01-02-2010 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1944702)
I think the error is in the block_context_menu plugin. It can be fixed by editing the plugin Links and Downloads Manager - Block right mouse button context menu attached to the hook ldm_maindisplay_begin and adding a line at the end containing just the character } (closing brace)

Thanks AndrewD,

I'll give it a try and let you know what I come up with with :)

Deviant K1 01-02-2010 11:06 PM

Well wouldn't you know it... (like I didn't think it would)

It work like a charm!

Thanks AndrewD!!! :D

michael24179 01-03-2010 10:29 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I am still working on my database to integrade it complete in LDM.
Like I said that before I want to erase my old database and run only LDM.
My files don´t need to be link, the links has to be loaded to the files in LDM directly, so that there will be no connection to my old database.
I have done this….

Upload_dir:/uploads “directory created and writable”
Local_file_root: “is on yes”
Local_file_root_prefix: /var/customers/webs/DEB/vb4/LDM “directory created and writable”
After activating local_file_root I get a note when I want to create a download(see attachment)
Local_file_root_prefix: {vb:raw links_defaults.local_file_root_prefix
Local_file_root -> file system
Do I have to format the link especially to load the file in LDM or does this message means I have done something wrong?

__________________________________________________ ______________________________ ________________

Ich bin derzeit immer noch dabei, meine Datenbase komplett in LDM zu integrieren. Wie schon zuvor geschrieben, möchte ich die alte Datenbase später komplett löschen und nur noch LDM laufen lassen. Daher müssen meine Files nicht verlinkt werden, sondern mit den Link zum File in den LDM geladen werden so dass keine Verbindung mehr zur alten Datenbase mehr besteht.

Ich habe nun folgendes gemacht.
upload_dir: /uploads/ "Verzeichnis wurde erstellt und ist beschreibbar"
local_file_root: ist auf Yes gestellt
local_file_root_prefix: /var/kunden/webs/DEB/vb4/DLM/ "Verzeichnis wurde erstellt und ist beschreibbar"

Nachdem ich nun Local_file_root aktiviert habe, bekomme ich beim erstellen eine Download diesen Hinweis gezeigt (siehe auch anhang).

local_file_root_prefix: {vb:raw links_defaults.local_file_root_prefix
local_file_root -> file system
Muss ich den Link hier speziell Formatieren, damit das File in LDM geladen wird oder zeigt mir diese Meldung, das ich etwas falsch gemacht habe.

AndrewD 01-03-2010 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by michael24179 (Post 1945816)
I am still working on my database to integrade it complete in LDM.
Like I said that before I want to erase my old database and run only LDM.
My files don?t need to be link, the links has to be loaded to the files in LDM directly, so that there will be no connection to my old database.
I have done this?.

Upload_dir:/uploads ?directory created and writable?
Local_file_root: ?is on yes?
Local_file_root_prefix: /var/customers/webs/DEB/vb4/LDM ?directory created and writable?
After activating local_file_root I get a note when I want to create a download(see attachment)
Local_file_root_prefix: {vb:raw links_defaults.local_file_root_prefix
Local_file_root -> file system
Do I have to format the link especially to load the file in LDM or does this message means I have done something wrong?

That mesage is my mistake. It should be giving you the name of the root prefix directory. I've missed a character out of one of the templates. Thanks for letting me know.

michael24179 01-03-2010 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1945830)
That mesage is my mistake. It should be giving you the name of the root prefix directory. I've missed a character out of one of the templates. Thanks for letting me know.

Can i fix this problem by myself or will be a patch available??

AndrewD 01-03-2010 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by michael24179 (Post 1945986)
Can i fix this problem by myself or will be a patch available??

release 3.0.1 is coming in a day or so, and will fix the problem. You can just ignore the text - it's just an informative message and it shouldn't stop anything working.

michael24179 01-03-2010 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1946080)
it's just an informative message and it shouldn't stop anything working.

ok.....if it is just an informative message the downloads to the new database are still not working, or maybe it is the bug.....or another bug.......or just my mistake....lol

E.T. 01-03-2010 08:21 PM

1 Attachment(s)
This mod is great, thanks AndrewD !!

I'm using a dark style designed by Cableguy69 and the catagories in the download section are a bit light, but I'm sure this can be fixed somehow.

I think an image can say more the words, so a screenshot has been attached.

Thanks again AndrewD, my forum users are very happy with this mod.

AndrewD 01-04-2010 12:47 AM


Originally Posted by E.T. (Post 1946346)
This mod is great, thanks AndrewD !!

I'm using a dark style designed by Cableguy69 and the catagories in the download section are a bit light, but I'm sure this can be fixed somehow.

I think an image can say more the words, so a screenshot has been attached.

Thanks again AndrewD, my forum users are very happy with this mod.


Version 3.0.1 will :) fix problems with styling, I hope, by integrating quite tightly with the new style vars. Expect it sometime this week.

AndrewD 01-04-2010 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by michael24179 (Post 1946117)
ok.....if it is just an informative message the downloads to the new database are still not working, or maybe it is the bug.....or another bug.......or just my mistake....lol

Taking another look at your screenshot, I realise that what you are trying to do is move vbulletin 'attachments' into LDM. This is not a feature that is currently available. I think you will have to manually download the files from vb/forums, then re-uplod them into LDM.

It could be a good feature, but there has not been any particular demand for it so far.

obmob 01-04-2010 05:34 PM

Nice! ^_^

Thank you Andrew, will test upgrading my test site.

Leo Brazil 01-04-2010 06:33 PM

This is a great news for me. Just couldn't even think go to 4.0 without LDM first.

obmob 01-04-2010 10:08 PM

1 Attachment(s)
So far it works, will have to redo my templates changes :S

Here is a spanish translation for LDM 3.0 :3

AndrewD 01-05-2010 02:09 PM

I've added release 3.0.1 plus translations (full Spanish, almost full German, Chinese, French, Dutch) to the header post.

This aims to fix the reported problems, including substantial improvements to the integration with the new vBulletin styling system, and some work on speed/efficiency of page generation.

As usual, will appreciate your reports on its usability/any problems.

abdelghani68 01-05-2010 02:40 PM

thanks. I can't import, "phrases_fr" there is an error, and with the product "product-eirma_ldm_fr" I have problems with the caracters "é, è.." it's write for exemple "téléchargements" and the right is "téléchargements"

linuxututs 01-05-2010 06:58 PM

Update went fine for me.

Sooo Glad you have it looking like the old 3.8.x's version again. ( Love the drop down description ! )

I had noticed this yesterday or the day before, but the RSS link is wrong.
it's showing
PHP Code:


Darn, this editor isn't letting me paste the correct link here at vb.org....( /{vb:raw LDM_catinfo.rss_feed] ) There that's it..... :)

Thanks for the help and again for a super Mod.



Ok, I tried overwritting the rss2 plugin and then I get this error when trying to visit Links/Download page.


Fatal error: [] operator not supported for strings in /var/www/vhosts/linuxtuts.net/httpdocs/includes/local_links_main_links.php(668) : eval()'d code on line 196
"Fatal error: [] operator not supported for strings in /var/www/vhosts/mydomain.com/httpdocs/includes/local_links_main_links.php(668) : eval()'d code on line 196"

Already tried deleting it, and that brought back everything, but when I uploaded the plugin, it did the same thing.

Thanks Andrew,

Deviant K1 01-05-2010 09:18 PM

<font size="3">Hi Andrew. I discovered a small problem and wanted to let you know. There are no pagination links available if there more than 10 files in the category. I went to the Entry Display category in the LDM settings page and made sure that the entry in links per page was set to 0. Is there something else that I am missing?</font>

E.T. 01-05-2010 09:28 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi there,

Upgrade went well, and for a darker style it looks much better now.

Discover 2 things sofar...

Cannot see how the download in a section (missing an icon )
Alignment is not correct for catagories without sub catagories

Did I miss something perhaps ?

See screenshots

AndrewD 01-06-2010 02:45 AM


Originally Posted by Deviant K1 (Post 1948235)
Hi Andrew. I discovered a small problem and wanted to let you know. There are no pagination links available if there more than 10 files in the category. I went to the Entry Display category in the LDM settings page and made sure that the entry in links per page was set to 0. Is there something else that I am missing?


There is a key piece of code at the very centre of LDM, which builds the main entry displays. It has become horribly complex and I made a change ;) Sorry - will have it fixed today, I hope.

AndrewD 01-06-2010 03:14 AM


Originally Posted by linuxututs (Post 1948120)
Update went fine for me.

Sooo Glad you have it looking like the old 3.8.x's version again. ( Love the drop down description ! )

I had noticed this yesterday or the day before, but the RSS link is wrong.
it's showing
PHP Code:


Darn, this editor isn't letting me paste the correct link here at vb.org....( /{vb:raw LDM_catinfo.rss_feed] ) There that's it..... :)

Thanks for the help and again for a super Mod.



Ok, I tried overwritting the rss2 plugin and then I get this error when trying to visit Links/Download page.


Fatal error: [] operator not supported for strings in /var/www/vhosts/linuxtuts.net/httpdocs/includes/local_links_main_links.php(668) : eval()'d code on line 196
"Fatal error: [] operator not supported for strings in /var/www/vhosts/mydomain.com/httpdocs/includes/local_links_main_links.php(668) : eval()'d code on line 196"

Already tried deleting it, and that brought back everything, but when I uploaded the plugin, it did the same thing.

Thanks Andrew,

Confirmed, will be fixed later today.

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