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grandeur_69 01-05-2010 02:35 PM

did you install the latest update? there was an update last week that fixed that.

LadyBeth 01-11-2010 11:02 AM

Will this be available for and work in 4.0 and is it ready now? If not, when? We LOVE this mod and so do our users.

grandeur_69 01-11-2010 12:58 PM

yes, if no one beats me to it, than yes. As for a timeline, not sure. There are so many mods that we use on all of our forums that still don't work, so we won't be upgrading anytime soon. Until that becomes a pressing matter for us, I won't be taking a hard look at the requirements to upgrade Commbull .... however, my guess is it won't take much, when the time comes because it is pretty independent from vB

LadyBeth 01-11-2010 01:15 PM

Pretty please???? We have THOUSANDS of users, and many of them have come to expect our weekly bulletin, and that is when they click the links and login. It's part of their daily routine as small business owners. Pretty pretty pretty please?????

grandeur_69 01-11-2010 02:58 PM

:) I understand your need. We have a few hundred thousand users, so trust me, I will get to this sooner rather than later, but we have some higher priorities at this point.

Eric 01-12-2010 07:06 AM

I'm trying to get it to vB4, no promises though, of course. grandeur_69 will very likely beat me to it ;P

toolblast 01-12-2010 05:49 PM

Great product and thanks for making it free. I'm having a problem getting the 'Show info starting from this date' option to work. I set it for Jan 1st 2010 and choose 'yes' for the option below to activate it, yet when I generate my newsletter under 'most replied' threads it shows threads from way back in 2008 which are old but have lots of replies.

Is there a bug?

cnczone 01-13-2010 04:13 AM


Originally Posted by EagleNick (Post 1941710)
I'm really confused as to why the HTML version of the e-mail includes images such as /images/commbull/arrow_forum.gif when no such image is even included in the download...?

Anyone have a fix for this???

grandeur_69 01-13-2010 08:18 AM

so as not to continue to repeat myself, please read all posts. These images are included in it's own zip file as not everyone wants to use this

Dabbi 01-13-2010 09:12 AM

This is very nice! and with the graphics folder installed it looks pretty good too. Thank you so much for releasing it. :)

Just one question:
Is there anyway to tweak the basic template permanently though? We'd really prefer to have the unsubscribe link under "Forget Your Password?"

Also... something to consider for any future dev.... It's great that we can write up a basic blurb to send to members and I suppose I can tinker with that area and make it look sort of like what I have in mind but it would be really handy if we could also have a separate area or two for newsletter specific articles to keep it more interesting for the regular members. :cool:

Thanks in advance for any help. :)

grandeur_69 01-13-2010 03:30 PM

yea, you can modify the ./admincp/commbull_*_template* files. Unfortunately, to be able to put together so much information from various sources, I have not found a simple way to do the templates. Make sure you backup the template files before making any changes.

Taurus1 01-13-2010 04:30 PM

It keeps telling me it is in debug mode, not sending any emails. What am I not doing??


Dabbi 01-13-2010 04:47 PM

Thank you for your reply, I truly appreciate your time :)

Unfortunately when I open the template files that come in the download I'm fairly lost as to what to do to simply move the unsubscribe from where it is to where we want it. I can find "unsubscribe" easily enough and have been able to move it when tinkering with it while in the Combull area of my boards AdminCP but only temporarily. When I looked at the templates in the download it seems is a bit different and more confusing for me though.

I'm sorry to be a bother... I can just keep changing it before sending. I was just hoping there was an easy fix so I could save myself a bit of work over the long run by making the change permanent. :)

Thanks again! :)

grandeur_69 01-13-2010 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by Taurus1 (Post 1954607)
It keeps telling me it is in debug mode, not sending any emails. What am I not doing??


debug mode is set when vbulletin is put in debug mode in your vbulleting config file (./includes/config.php)

grandeur_69 01-13-2010 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by Dabbi (Post 1954628)
Thank you for your reply, I truly appreciate your time :)

Unfortunately when I open the template files that come in the download I'm fairly lost as to what to do to simply move the unsubscribe from where it is to where we want it. I can find "unsubscribe" easily enough and have been able to move it when tinkering with it while in the Combull area of my boards AdminCP but only temporarily. When I looked at the templates in the download it seems is a bit different and more confusing for me though.

I'm sorry to be a bother... I can just keep changing it before sending. I was just hoping there was an easy fix so I could save myself a bit of work over the long run by making the change permanent. :)

Thanks again! :)

i can definitely understand how this seems daunting. As each section of HTML code gets handled differently, I'm not even sure about how it will work moving the unsubscribe link to other HTML sections. If you search for

<a target="_blank" href="{\$dollarchar}commbull_unsubscribe">\$vbphrase[tounsubscribe]</a>
in commbull_template_htmlnew.php and then for "forgotten_your_password", you should find where to move the code pieces ... again, i'm not even sure that this will work, so test it first.

Dabbi 01-13-2010 06:57 PM

Thank you so much. That really helped clear things up for me. Sometimes it's really hard to know where to start and stop a cut, paste, etc.

Anyway, it looks like that worked. The link is where we want it and it looks like it goes to the correct path: /forum/admincp/$commbull_unsubscribe. :cool:

Thanks again!

Taurus1 01-14-2010 01:42 AM


Originally Posted by grandeur_69 (Post 1954657)
debug mode is set when vbulletin is put in debug mode in your vbulleting config file (./includes/config.php)

How can I get it out of debug mode? Thanks for the help!

grandeur_69 01-14-2010 01:52 AM

in your ./includes/config.php file, you will have something that says $vbulletin->debug = 1; (or something like that). you can just delete the entire line.

Taurus1 01-14-2010 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by grandeur_69 (Post 1955057)
in your ./includes/config.php file, you will have something that says $vbulletin->debug = 1; (or something like that). you can just delete the entire line.

Thank you very much. Looking at that now.

Taurus1 01-14-2010 02:07 AM

I can't find anything like that in my config.php file! Damn!

MjrNuT 01-14-2010 09:22 PM

Could someone explain the following line in the Settings page and an example?


This string will be added to the end of each link, for referals or other tracking purposes
Thanks very much!!

Additionally, I think this only sends to accounts Primary Usergroup, not secondary. Can anyone confirm this?

grandeur_69 01-16-2010 04:15 PM

that setting means that you can add something like &affilid=35 to all URL's or Google Analytics stuff for newsletter link tracking.

yes, i can confirm that it does NOT send to secondary user groups. It has never been in there, from the earliest versions, so I never thought to put it in in later versions. I've never actually used secondary user groups in my forums

grandeur_69 01-16-2010 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by Taurus1 (Post 1955067)
I can't find anything like that in my config.php file! Damn!

i wish i knew why yours is in debug mode. that is awfully strange. Can you quote the exact line about being in debug mode? All the lines about being in debug, that I could find easily, are like this

if ($vbulletin->debug) { echo '<b style="color:red;">CURRENTLY IN DEBUG MODE.  Emails will NOT be sent</b><br />'; }
, which means that all of vbulletin is set in debug, not just Commbull

Eric 01-16-2010 11:41 PM

I believe to be set in debug, the config file would need:
PHP Code:

$config['Misc']['debug'] = true

grandeur_69 01-17-2010 07:26 PM

ah yes. that sounds more familiar

Dabbi 01-17-2010 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by grandeur_69 (Post 1957461)
that setting means that you can add something like &affilid=35 to all URL's or Google Analytics stuff for newsletter link tracking.

This sounds very handy. I have a Google Analytics account but what exactly would I add there to get it to track the action on the links?

Thanks in advance! :)

grandeur_69 01-17-2010 08:25 PM

<a href="https://www.google.com/support/analytics/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=55518" target="_blank">http://www.google.com/support/analyt...n&answer=55518</a>

Dabbi 01-17-2010 09:12 PM

Thank you again for helping me. I truly appreciate your taking the time. :cool:

I used Google's tool.. hopefully it works okay. It's a url and quite a bit longer then that little snippet (&affilid=35) you mentioned. :)

3DUInc 01-21-2010 09:18 AM

Hope to see this for vb4. Looks outstanding and is supported very well :)

conspirator 01-21-2010 02:09 PM

hey...great addon...anyway to link this to the advanced forum statistics addon?


make it put in the stats from the last 30 days (e.g most replied thread in the last 30days, most viewed thread in the last 30 days, etc)? the "Show info starting from this date" feature doesnt seem to be working for thread statistics.

diola 01-21-2010 08:38 PM

Hi, the version 5.1a work fine with vbulletin 4.0.1 ?



djbaxter 01-21-2010 10:19 PM

I have the previous version, 4.5f, which does run successfully via a cron job, running on 4.01. It required some modification of the installation instructions but it does work. I expect you should be able to get this version running as well, although as the coder noted the cron capability doesn't work.

1. Edit product-Commbull.xml and find the following line:

PHP Code:

        <dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="3.6.0" maxversion="3.8.99" /> 

Change to:

PHP Code:

        <dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="3.6.0" maxversion="4.99" /> 

2. Upload the files and import the product.

3. Now you need to do the template edits so that members can opt-in or opt-out of your newsletter. The current instructions are as follows:


4. Template modifications

Template: "Modify User Option" -> "modifyoptions"


PHP Code:

td><label for="cb_adminemail"><input type="checkbox" name="options[adminemail]" value="1" id="cb_adminemail" $checked[adminemail] />$vbphrase[receive_email_from_bulletin_board_staff]</label><input type="hidden" name="set_options[adminemail]" value="1" /></td>


PHP Code:

td><label for="commbull"><input type="checkbox" name="commbull" value="1" id="commbull" $checked[receivebulletin] />$vbphrase[receive_email_from_commbull]</label><input type="hidden" name="set_options[receivebulletin]" value="1" /></td>
td><br />$vbphrase[newsletterformat]<br /><label for="commbull_type"><input type="checkbox" name="commbull_type" value="1" id="commbull_type" $checked[receivebulletin_type] />$vbphrase[type_email_from_commbull]</label>
input type="hidden" name="set_options[receivebulletin_type]" value="1" /></td>

Now, obviously this won't work in 4.x. These need to be modified as follows:

1. Edit Template: "Modify User Option" -> "modifyoptions"


PHP Code:

<vb:if condition="$show['friend_email_request']">
label for="cb_receivefriendemailrequest"><input type="checkbox" name="options[receivefriendemailrequest]" value="1" id="cb_receivefriendemailrequest" tabindex="1" {vb:raw checked.receivefriendemailrequest} /> {vb:rawphrase receive_friendship_req_email}</label>
input type="hidden" name="set_options[receivefriendemailrequest]" value="1" />


PHP Code:

<vb:if condition="$show['receiveemail']">
label for="commbull"><input type="checkbox" name="commbull" value="1" id="commbull" tabindex="1" {vb:raw checked.receivebulletin} />{vb:rawphrase receive_email_from_commbull}</label>
input type="hidden" name="set_options[receivebulletin]" value="1" />

That first part (above) is the option to receive or not receive the newsletters.

Next would be the option for HTML or plain text emails, which should be:

PHP Code:

<vb:if condition="$show['receiveemail']">
label for="commbull_type"><input type="checkbox" name="commbull_type" value="1" id="commbull_type" tabindex="1" (vb:raw checked.receivebulletin_type} />{vb:rawphrase type_email_from_commbull}</label>
input type="hidden" name="set_options[receivebulletin_type]" value="1" />

However, I was unable to get that second option to stick, for reasons which escape me. I could check the box to specify HTML, which is far superior, but the next time I enterd my settings page, it was always unchecked again.

What I did instead was omit that second entry entirely. That means that everyone who gets the newsletter will receive the HTML version (the default option), but frankly on my forum it was extremely rare that anyone did not opt for HTML, since it has live links.

grandeur_69 01-21-2010 10:40 PM

thx djbaxter. I hope to look at updated 5.1 to work with vbulletin next week. What you have provided should help that greatly.

djbaxter 01-21-2010 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by grandeur_69
thx djbaxter. I hope to look at updated 5.1 to work with vbulletin next week. What you have provided should help that greatly.

Oh, Sean - I sent you an email or PM about this.

I am aware that you've been busy and wasn't expecting you to be able to develop this any further. I therefore took the liberty of posting this for the attention of other vBulletin 4.x owners at https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?p=1962857 - my earlier message to you was to bring this to your attention.

I'm happy to withdraw that thread if you are in fact going to be working on further development. Let me know.

grandeur_69 01-21-2010 11:05 PM

i am not actively able to keep users happy with constant updates and fixes, so it is not fair to continue to charge people for this mod. However, there are things that I will need accomplished for my forums, so will still be required to do work here and there, but if someone beats me to fixes / additions, then who am I to not accept it

cnczone 01-26-2010 01:06 PM

this version does not work, sends blank emails how can I go back to the last version that worked????

grandeur_69 01-26-2010 03:29 PM

i'm guessing all versions will produce the same results, as there are 85 that have "click-installed" plus 200 that had paid for it prior to be released openly and no one has had this problem.

jeremyalyea 01-28-2010 01:36 AM

Are all of the images folders in the "html_newsletter_images.zip" folder supposed to be empty?

Dabbi 01-28-2010 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by jeremyalyea (Post 1968543)
Are all of the images folders in the "html_newsletter_images.zip" folder supposed to be empty?

FWIW... not all are in the one I DLd. The "Commbull" one seems to have all the images that are needed for the newsletter. I don't know why the others are there if they're all empty but I'm not a developer so I just uploaded the whole kit-n-kaboodle as instructed. :)

I've now customized it a bit so it better reflects my board and am rather pleased with not only how it works and but now how it looks. :cool:

grandeur_69 01-28-2010 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by jeremyalyea (Post 1968543)
Are all of the images folders in the "html_newsletter_images.zip" folder supposed to be empty?

hmm. that's interesting. when i look at the zip file, i only see images/commbull ... i never noticed all the other folders until i extracted it. i actually thought you were a bit crazy :)

i've fixed it to only have the relevant folders

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