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KiLLAxMAHN 02-28-2010 03:46 PM

not working for me???


<img style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border=0 width=0 height=0 src="http://counters.gigya.com/wildfire/IMP/CXNID=2000002.0NXC/bT*xJmx*PTEyNjczNzg5ODQzNzMmcHQ9MTI2NzM3ODk4OTUwMiZwPTY5NDMwMSZkPSZnPTEmbz1kNTBkYWEyYWE*NGU*NWVmYTQy/YTkxYWNiMmViNjk3OSZvZj*w.gif" /><div style="text-align: center; margin-left: auto; visibility:visible; margin-right: auto; width:450px;"> <object width="435" height="270"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.musiclist.us/mc/mp3player_new.swf"></param> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="never"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <param name="flashvars" value="config=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.indimusic.us%2Fext%2Fpc%2Fconfig_black.xml&amp;mywidth=435&amp;myheight=270&amp;playlist_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.musiclist.us%2Fpl.php%3Fplaylist%3D75563825%26t%3D1267378990&amp;wid=os"></param> <embed style="width:435px; visibility:visible; height:270px;" allowScriptAccess="never" src="http://www.musiclist.us/mc/mp3player_new.swf" flashvars="config=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.indimusic.us%2Fext%2Fpc%2Fconfig_black.xml&amp;mywidth=435&amp;myheight=270&amp;playlist_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.musiclist.us%2Fpl.php%3Fplaylist%3D75563825%26t%3D1267378990&amp;wid=os" width="435" height="270" name="mp3player" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" border="0"/> </object> <br/> <a href="http://www.musiclist.us"><img src="http://www.musiclist.us/mc/images/create_black.jpg" border="0" alt="Get a playlist!"/></a> <a href="http://www.musiclist.us/playlist/19344339211/standalone" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.musiclist.us/mc/images/launch_black.jpg" border="0" alt="Standalone player"/></a> <a href="http://www.musiclist.us/playlist/19344339211/download"><img src="http://www.musiclist.us/mc/images/get_black.jpg" border="0" alt="Get Ringtones"/></a> </div>
I tried using 19344339211... just says "This playlist doesn't exist." any help?

Jabong82 02-28-2010 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by KiLLAxMAHN (Post 1993795)
not working for me???


<img style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border=0 width=0 height=0 src="http://counters.gigya.com/wildfire/IMP/CXNID=2000002.0NXC/bT*xJmx*PTEyNjczNzg5ODQzNzMmcHQ9MTI2NzM3ODk4OTUwMiZwPTY5NDMwMSZkPSZnPTEmbz1kNTBkYWEyYWE*NGU*NWVmYTQy/YTkxYWNiMmViNjk3OSZvZj*w.gif" /><div style="text-align: center; margin-left: auto; visibility:visible; margin-right: auto; width:450px;"> <object width="435" height="270"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.musiclist.us/mc/mp3player_new.swf"></param> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="never"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <param name="flashvars" value="config=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.indimusic.us%2Fext%2Fpc%2Fconfig_black.xml&amp;mywidth=435&amp;myheight=270&amp;playlist_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.musiclist.us%2Fpl.php%3Fplaylist%3D75563825%26t%3D1267378990&amp;wid=os"></param> <embed style="width:435px; visibility:visible; height:270px;" allowScriptAccess="never" src="http://www.musiclist.us/mc/mp3player_new.swf" flashvars="config=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.indimusic.us%2Fext%2Fpc%2Fconfig_black.xml&amp;mywidth=435&amp;myheight=270&amp;playlist_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.musiclist.us%2Fpl.php%3Fplaylist%3D75563825%26t%3D1267378990&amp;wid=os" width="435" height="270" name="mp3player" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" border="0"/> </object> <br/> <a href="http://www.musiclist.us"><img src="http://www.musiclist.us/mc/images/create_black.jpg" border="0" alt="Get a playlist!"/></a> <a href="http://www.musiclist.us/playlist/19344339211/standalone" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.musiclist.us/mc/images/launch_black.jpg" border="0" alt="Standalone player"/></a> <a href="http://www.musiclist.us/playlist/19344339211/download"><img src="http://www.musiclist.us/mc/images/get_black.jpg" border="0" alt="Get Ringtones"/></a> </div>
I tried using 19344339211... just says "This playlist doesn't exist." any help?

I am in the same boat. Player uploaded fine to the profile area, but my playlist doesn't exist. I saw in a previous post that you click "generate code" and find the number, but where is that option on Playlist.com?

I see that you can generate code by clicking "share", but the code is the same as the playlist ID of the URL when you click your player.

Does this work for already existing playlists? Or do we have to generate new ones. Thank you.

KiLLAxMAHN 02-28-2010 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by Jabong82 (Post 1993906)
I am in the same boat. Player uploaded fine to the profile area, but my playlist doesn't exist. I saw in a previous post that you click "generate code" and find the number, but where is that option on Playlist.com?

I see that you can generate code by clicking "share", but the code is the same as the playlist ID of the URL when you click your player.

Does this work for already existing playlists? Or do we have to generate new ones. Thank you.

Thats the same thing happening to me also.

Kyoshokid 02-28-2010 11:42 PM

I tried doing this a while back on 3.8 back in January and could not get it to work.

Play list updated and now this mod no longer works or the older versions.

I tried to extents end to get it to work and no luck.

I released a mod on here for 3.8 with a new music site that works just like play list but the old way when we could put it in our profiles.

At the time i was on a older account for another license and site.

Look for luggz, there's the new mp3 player profile mod but its only for 3.8.

I'm working on converting it over to vb4 and will have a release soon.

BBR-APBT 02-28-2010 11:58 PM

Those that are having a problem entering the wrong playlist id. I posted in this thread once


Originally Posted by BBR-APBT (Post 1924163)
thats not the correct code.

When you hit generate code on playlist.com look through the code you give you for this line
<a href="http://www.pplaylist.com/standalone/61907829" target="_blank">

The numbers at the end is what you want to use. So you would enter 61907829 for the Playlist ID.


Originally Posted by Kyoshokid (Post 1994131)
I tried doing this a while back on 3.8 back in January and could not get it to work.

Play list updated and now this mod no longer works or the older versions.

I tried to extents end to get it to work and no luck.

I released a mod on here for 3.8 with a new music site that works just like play list but the old way when we could put it in our profiles.

At the time i was on a older account for another license and site.

Look for luggz, there's the new mp3 player profile mod but its only for 3.8.

I'm working on converting it over to vb4 and will have a release soon.

Please discuss your mod in your own thread. It makes this thread a clutter for me to support people needing help with this mod.

Jabong82 03-01-2010 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by BBR-APBT (Post 1994137)
Those that are having a problem entering the wrong playlist id. I posted in this thread once

Hi BBR I saw that post but I do not see the "stand alone code". Where do I find this on the playlist.com page?

BBR-APBT 03-01-2010 03:54 AM


Originally Posted by Jabong82 (Post 1994186)
Hi BBR I saw that post but I do not see the "stand alone code". Where do I find this on the playlist.com page?

Well it has changed a little which makes it a little bit harder to get your correct play list id.
When you log in to your account click share my playlist.

At the bottom of all the sites you can post it too. There is a embed code.

Look for

The numbers in bold after the %3D and before the other %. That is the numbers you want.

It seems they changed it and made it that much harder to get your playlist code.

Blah this is pretty much useless for every day users. I will have to look and find something else to replace playlist.com

Jabong82 03-01-2010 04:05 AM

Hey BBR yah that did it! May be a little tough for some users, though I think it is still useful. Thanks again!

Jabong82 03-01-2010 04:07 AM

Oh by the way is there any way to make the Player not auto start? Thanks.

KiLLAxMAHN 03-01-2010 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by Jabong82 (Post 1993906)
I am in the same boat. Player uploaded fine to the profile area, but my playlist doesn't exist. I saw in a previous post that you click "generate code" and find the number, but where is that option on Playlist.com?

I see that you can generate code by clicking "share", but the code is the same as the playlist ID of the URL when you click your player.

Does this work for already existing playlists? Or do we have to generate new ones. Thank you.


Originally Posted by BBR-APBT (Post 1994229)
Well it has changed a little which makes it a little bit harder to get your correct play list id.
When you log in to your account click share my playlist.

At the bottom of all the sites you can post it too. There is a embed code.

Look for

The numbers in bold after the %3D and before the other %. That is the numbers you want.

It seems they changed it and made it that much harder to get your playlist code.

Blah this is pretty much useless for every day users. I will have to look and find something else to replace playlist.com

Thanks this has helped me. :)

rockintoon 03-05-2010 06:37 AM

I am having issues figuring out how to get the drop down options to change. I have the drop down menus but it just stays blue and autostart won't work. Any ideas on how I can get it to correspond with the drop down options?

COL NIL SATIS 03-07-2010 12:40 PM

i have done everything correct..my playlist shows..it just wont play??? any ideas??? installed and it looks great..it just wont play the songs

COL NIL SATIS 03-07-2010 01:25 PM

looks like playlist.com is banned in the uk....Due to licensing restrictions, some or all tracks may be unavailable for playback in your country...?? gahhhh this looked great too

pjcnlv 03-08-2010 01:54 AM

This would be extremely cool if the users could post this in a forum message via bbcode.

GAMENAO 03-13-2010 02:25 AM

I have it working, easy to install, great mod.

Is there anyway to make this viewable by all usergroups, but only have certain usergroups able to use?

MagicThemeParks 05-03-2010 03:04 AM


Originally Posted by pjcnlv (Post 1999544)
This would be extremely cool if the users could post this in a forum message via bbcode.

Yes, this would be great! There was a 3.8x version working, but it's now outdated with the changes that Playlist.com has made in recent months.

Can anyone take a look and give us an idea on how to use this via BBcode?

mimi123 07-02-2010 07:57 AM

i put in the code but when i view my profile it says playlist does not exist...please help

mimi123 07-02-2010 11:28 PM

i've done alll instructions. the playlist workand is viewable by admin when viewing a members profile but when a member is viewing another memebers profile they do not see the playlist.(only admin can see it) i have enable everything. please tell me what to do

dezzy94 07-03-2010 01:15 AM

i got it working on my Social phobia planet site but my playlist says .. "Due to licensing restrictions, some or all tracks may be unavailable for playback in your country" blah blah

so looks like Playlist.com is banned in Austraila too :( ... nice Add on tho

mimi123 07-03-2010 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by mimi123 (Post 2063494)
i've done alll instructions. the playlist workand is viewable by admin when viewing a members profile but when a member is viewing another memebers profile they do not see the playlist.(only admin can see it) i have enable everything. please tell me what to do

the profile field is correct and the playlist setting in admin cp option is correct

members cannot see the playlist in other members profile only admins and mods are able to see the playlist in a members profile.

I need you to tell me what to do please because from my part there is nothing wrong
maybe something is wrong with your addon you created ?

COL NIL SATIS 07-03-2010 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by dezzy94 (Post 2063538)
i got it working on my Social phobia planet site but my playlist says .. "Due to licensing restrictions, some or all tracks may be unavailable for playback in your country" blah blah

so looks like Playlist.com is banned in Austraila too :( ... nice Add on tho

playlist.com is banned from 90% of the worlds countries it seems lol .....top product too ...shame really :mad:

MagicThemeParks 07-04-2010 01:55 PM

Author should change this from "supported" to "not supported" since the mod is no longer working properly and there is no assistance being granted by the author. Last post/support was offered over 4 months ago.

VonDoom 08-14-2010 10:24 PM

Is anybody else having problems with this playing two songs at one time?? One song i can pause, the other just keeps on going with no way to stop it.. Probably will wind up uninstalling this as its pretty clunky anyhow.

Shadawg 08-17-2010 04:45 PM

I will be releasing a MIXPOD playlist Mod, ive had it for a while now, I just feel like sharing, should be up somtime today.

Shadawg 08-17-2010 05:05 PM

Okay thread can be found here.


8thos 11-18-2010 02:08 PM

Installed it, its working but I need to disable autoplay. That should be an option.

SMOKIN HEMI 01-21-2011 06:03 PM

I did everything and now when I go to my profile this is what I am getting

Fatal error: Class 'vB_Template' not found in /home/bigb/public_html/member.php(463) : eval()'d code on line 10

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