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J.G. 11-20-2009 10:25 PM

Thx everyone:up:

Floris 11-21-2009 10:19 AM

Could the password option in the ezirc plugin have in the description text that one could set a channel as +s or +p (secret or private) and which one prevents the channel from showing in /list on the network. :)

wtsnake 11-21-2009 02:01 PM

I'm having problems even getting started on this one. I download the zip file. Then I went to my host to upload it in the file manager, but I dont know what to do next.

taffy056 11-21-2009 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by wtsnake (Post 1918327)
I'm having problems even getting started on this one. I download the zip file. Then I went to my host to upload it in the file manager, but I dont know what to do next.

Have you uploaded this : product-ezircvb4.xml in the manage products in the admin panel?

wtsnake 11-21-2009 04:54 PM

that would have been the smart thing to do

Bounce 11-21-2009 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by wtsnake (Post 1918414)
that would have been the smart thing to do

I've done that before https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2009/11/12.gif

taffy056 11-21-2009 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by wtsnake (Post 1918414)
that would have been the smart thing to do

Yep me too :)

Floris 11-21-2009 06:48 PM

this weekend the vbirc.com/vbulletin page will be updated to cover a few things:

a) basic information links at the top, so people can info such as introduction to irc, basic commands, channel management.

b) a link back to this thread for ezirc-FAQ questions, so we will be updating some posts here

c) introduction to ezirc, pjirc, mibbit and vbulletin.

d) some documentation about stand alone vs vbulletin integration

e) resources such as vborg plugins that point to irc.vbirc.com, such as ezirc for v3 and v4 of vbulletin.

The #ezirc channel on vbirc network will have a service bot with access to this information, so our opers and SSN can quickly inform those who have questions.

And mibbit has been contacted to include vbirc.com/vbulletin into their modules documentation section, so other vb site owners finding mibbit can find the documentation and resources a bit easier.

We have received a lot of great suggestions, and have more to come. SSN is working hard on version 2.0.1 which should be out soon, read first post to see what's upcoming.

And I believe a unified release is pending so the version for v3 is equal to v4, covering both pjirc and mibbit, including nickname cleanup and auto-integration, channel keys support, and hopefully if there is time, usergroups-channels support (but thats not a promise at this point).

I have always believed that teamwork with users on vborg will result in the best addons, and together with user contributions, vbirc + ezirc working together, and everybody helping out, this is a good solution that benefits us all. Through our network this plugin gets more attention. Thanks to this plugin our network gets more attention. And thanks to the network and the plugin, users who want to add chat, can add chat to their site at no cost.

So thanks everybody, and thanks mibbit, pjirc, and of course ssn. :) Have a great weekend.

Floris 11-21-2009 06:53 PM


regarding mode #chan +k some_key to add a pass to a channel.
without testing, try this

in your irc channel, type: /mode #chanName +k some_key

in ezirc admincp where you add the channel name, add a space and then some_key behind the name

so where it says: channel name #: poseidon
replace with channel name #: poseidon some_key

maybe we get lucky and this works :)

crazyace 11-21-2009 07:44 PM

So with this client for IRC we don't have a way to add in a chime for when someone chats? I have it installed and I love it. But that would be awesome to have :-)

Floris 11-21-2009 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by crazyace (Post 1918515)
So with this client for IRC we don't have a way to add in a chime for when someone chats? I have it installed and I love it. But that would be awesome to have :-)

It would have to be selected as preference for his widget code I think, but yes?

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/ mibbit does support sound notifications.

crazyace 11-22-2009 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by Floris (Post 1918567)
It would have to be selected as preference for his widget code I think, but yes?

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/693961/Scree...13.58%20AM.png mibbit does support sound notifications.

How do I get to the options you have listed?

Mrquarter2 11-22-2009 02:36 AM

Very nice. Installed :)

HansMuenchen 11-22-2009 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by toonysnn (Post 1916969)
How to Install
To install, you simply upload the contents of 'upload' to your forum directory. Once you've done so, go to the product manager and upload the product file included.

You can configure the modification (for the moment) at vBulletin Options > EzIRC for vBulletin 4
Also, it's been asked if I will be porting this back to 3.8 once completed. There is a strong possibility I will do that and treat the two versions as the same product (as it'd be near same source)


thank you for the nice work and also to port it back to 3.8. Are there now also a replacemet included for umlaute or signs like !,. etc.?

For example if there will be a nick like !Ghost! the the ! will be replaced for example with '_' ?

Thank you for the Answer.

Also have some suggestions:

Option for the Language
Option to enable the chat for guests

Maybe also a field for Nickserv identify. (But not so important)

I must say that I don't install now because I'm waiting for the Gold Release of VB4.
Only now installed V1.0.6 and that are things I and our member miss.


Floris 11-22-2009 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by crazyace (Post 1918639)
How do I get to the options you have listed?

That's from the mibbit.com widget page, so when author of this plugin ezirc makes a second widget code perhaps he could include a switch. Something that he has to want to do and test for a future 2.1 or 3.0 release.

Bounce 11-22-2009 01:58 PM

Is there a facility to provide a "Who is in Chat? on the vb page somewhere (maybe what's going on) or is that asking too much :)

Floris 11-22-2009 02:13 PM

vbirc is trying to develop a script for one of our bot services to populate a database or xml file and a plugin that works with ezirc, to list users chatting in a channel on the forum's what's going on.

no guarantee since im horrible coder, but we will see how it goes.

[edit] here's a live preview of the R&D pre-alpha script spitting out the results; http://online.vbirc.com/ - live result: http://vbfans.com (whats going on box) , I consider this a proof of concept.

toonysnn 11-22-2009 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by Floris (Post 1918894)
vbirc is trying to develop a script for one of our bot services to populate a database or xml file and a plugin that works with ezirc, to list users chatting in a channel on the forum's what's going on.

no guarantee since im horrible coder, but we will see how it goes.

Floris, I could look into that. I know a few people whom have done this on their own website and I could contact them for help with that.

crazyace 11-22-2009 02:40 PM


Would you be so kind as to add sounds :-) My users are screaming for that option lol :-)

toonysnn 11-22-2009 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by crazyace (Post 1918909)

Would you be so kind as to add sounds :-) My users are screaming for that option lol :-)

I'll look into it and see what options are available. I didn't know such options were available, to be honest.

steve1966 11-22-2009 03:48 PM

thank you for this addon

Floris 11-22-2009 04:52 PM

I sort of have it working.

If anybody on vbirc network has a channel and wants to beta test this, contact me and I will set up a bot for your room and give you the product with your channel name.

1- eggdrop that sits in your room, with a .tcl script that populates a mysql database with the usernames, and updates it upon join/part/quit/leave

2- a web site with .php script that spits out the results from the database.

3- a product for vbulletin that has a plugin that remote gets the content of that php file and puts it into $vbirc_users

4- edit the forumhome template to your liking to echo out <div>$vbirc_users</div>

That's what I have done so far, hibees and my own site are using this, to beta test.

I could add more users - all you have to do is update your template with the var, after importing the .xml product. The php/tcl/eggdrop is done on our end.

crazyace 11-22-2009 05:14 PM

When you do an update for this mod, do you need to copy over the old php file or do you just need to load the plugin file?

Bounce 11-22-2009 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by crazyace (Post 1919024)
When you do an update for this mod, do you need to copy over the old php file or do you just need to load the plugin file?

I deleted the old file and uploaded the new one

Bounce 11-22-2009 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by Floris (Post 1919006)

4- edit the forumhome template to your liking to echo out <div>$vbirc_users</div>

This does not work on vb4 beta4 :(

crazyace 11-22-2009 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by hIBEES (Post 1919041)
I deleted the old file and uploaded the new one

Well right now I'm at work and don't have access to my FTP. So I was hoping I could just update the XML file :-)

toonysnn 11-22-2009 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by crazyace (Post 1919048)
Well right now I'm at work and don't have access to my FTP. So I was hoping I could just update the XML file :-)

There are several edits to the PHP file. The results are unknown when uploading only the product.

toonysnn 11-22-2009 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by hIBEES (Post 1919043)
This does not work on vb4 beta4 :(

It's not default in EzIRC, but I can make it default and working in Beta 4. I'm setting up a new board for testing / all my modifications.

Bounce 11-22-2009 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by toonysnn (Post 1919052)
It's not default in EzIRC, but I can make it default and working in Beta 4. I'm setting up a new board for testing / all my modifications.

Please do, it works a treat on vb3 :D

Althou just looked and its duplicating the users in chat floris LOL:erm:

Floris 11-22-2009 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by toonysnn (Post 1919052)
It's not default in EzIRC, but I can make it default and working in Beta 4. I'm setting up a new board for testing / all my modifications.

the url is http://online.vbirc.com/index.php?ch...rc_set_channel
They must have a bot set by me to have any output. As it's the bot that puts the usernames into the vbirc database at online.vbirc.com.

Bounce 11-22-2009 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by Floris (Post 1919058)
the url is http://online.vbirc.com/index.php?ch...rc_set_channel
They must have a bot set by me to have any output. As it's the bot that puts the usernames into the vbirc database at online.vbirc.com.

Have a look at http://online.vbirc.com/index.php?channel=hibeesbounce mate, you'll see what I mean :eek:

AdamFL 11-22-2009 06:56 PM

This doesn't work with photopost, is there any solution to have them both work?
Thank you

toonysnn 11-22-2009 06:58 PM

PhotoPost has a version for vB4?

AdamFL 11-22-2009 07:00 PM

well, I do not have vb4 (not upgraded yet) I was wondering why ezirc is making photoshop not to work.. sorry for the confusion.

toonysnn 11-22-2009 07:01 PM

This is a vB4 modification. It is not compatible with vB3, at all.

Floris 11-22-2009 07:39 PM

Yes, it seems it sometimes was unable to quickly enough delete the content so there are duplicates, but there's a timer in the script running, so it auto updates itself. But of course, I will look into it and see if I can fix that little small issue.

Shai Gar 11-23-2009 01:33 PM

i'm hoping you can get the who's in chat bit working ok, i've being using this eggdrop irc manager

works great on 3.8.4 a little eggdrop bot sits in the channel on my server, but doesn't work on vb 4 :(

Bounce 11-23-2009 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Floris (Post 1919119)
Yes, it seems it sometimes was unable to quickly enough delete the content so there are duplicates, but there's a timer in the script running, so it auto updates itself. But of course, I will look into it and see if I can fix that little small issue.

thanks, least the room is popular lol

There are 57 Users online on irc.vbirc.com in the channel #hibeesbounce right now:
Operator, Floris, Floris, bees, bees, Operator, Operator, Floris, bees, Operator, Floris, bees, Operator, Floris, Floris, bees, bees, Operator, Operator, Floris, bees, Floris, Operator, bees, Floris, Operator, bees, Floris, Floris, Operator, bees, bees, Floris, Operator, Operator, bees, Operator, Floris, Floris, Operator, bees, bees, Operator, Operator, Floris, bees, bees, Floris, Operator, Floris, bees, bees, Floris, Operator, bees, Floris, Operator, :eek::D

Floris 11-23-2009 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by hIBEES (Post 1919508)
thanks, least the room is popular lol

There are 57 Users online on irc.vbirc.com in the channel #hibeesbounce right now:
Operator, Floris, Floris, bees, bees, Operator, Operator, Floris, bees, Operator, Floris, bees, Operator, Floris, Floris, bees, bees, Operator, Operator, Floris, bees, Floris, Operator, bees, Floris, Operator, bees, Floris, Floris, Operator, bees, bees, Floris, Operator, Operator, bees, Operator, Floris, Floris, Operator, bees, bees, Operator, Operator, Floris, bees, bees, Floris, Operator, Floris, bees, bees, Floris, Operator, bees, Floris, Operator, :eek::D

I already commented on this that this is a known bug, but it auto corrects itself. We're looking into fixing this bug.

Bounce 11-23-2009 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by Floris (Post 1919568)
We're looking into fixing this bug.

thanks :up:

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